

The Economic Approach to the Brand

【作者】 刘华军

【导师】 孙曰瑶;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国民经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文利用经济学的分析方法和分析工具对品牌进行经济分析,通过选择成本(Choice Cost)将品牌这个要素纳入到经济学的分析框架当中,构建出一般性的品牌经济学理论框架。一切生产都是为了最终满足消费者的需求(凯恩斯,1936)。随着生产力的不断提高,经济从短缺逐步走向过剩或相对过剩,消费者的选择和购买决定了“惊险的跳跃”即商品价值的最终实现,这对于负责生产的企业来说是至关重要的,因为“这个跳跃如果不成功,摔坏的不是商品,但一定是商品所有者(马克思,1867)”。通过详细考察消费者选择和决策过程,我们发现,影响和制约消费者选择行为的“局限条件”(Constraints),除了消费者支付的货币价格(MoneyPrice)之外,还必须花费一定的成本进行最优化,最优化过程中的成本就是“选择成本”(Choice Cost)。选择成本不同于科斯意义上的交易费用(transactionCost),前者是最优化阶段的成本,后者是为了进行最优化而进行信息搜寻、建立信息集的成本。选择成本决定了消费者的选择效率(Choice Efficiency),进而决定了企业的生产效率。品牌的经济学本质就是作为排他性的品类符号来有效降低消费者选择成本。这是本文研究的核心,本文的一切研究皆是利用和围绕选择成本这一品牌经济学的核心范畴而展开的。本文从品牌的经济分析,即对影响和制约消费者品牌选择行为局限条件的考察入手,利用品牌经济学的“选择成本分析范式”(Choice Cost Paradigm),通过研究品牌与需求之间的关系,将品牌引入到需求定律当中,从而精确地刻画出品牌与人类选择行为之间的关系,换言之,本文把“选择成本”看作是影响一切人类品牌选择行为的局限条件。同时将引入品牌的需求曲线及其经济学分析,作为整个品牌经济分析的理论基础,依次将品牌这个要素,并且以品牌为核心要素,通过选择成本引入到消费者选择理论、厂商理论、经济增长理论当中,刻画出品牌与消费者选择行为、厂商行为和建立在消费者选择行为和企业行为的微观行为基础之上的宏观经济增长的本质,构建出品牌经济学的一般理论框架。第一,通过详细考察消费者选择过程,提出了“选择成本”的概念并研究了它与交易费用的区别。同时,从分析的基本单位、分析范式的核心范畴、时代背景和理论背景、人类选择行为的局限条件、基本定理及应用等七个方面对品牌经济学与新制度经济学的研究范式进行了比较研究。第二,品牌与消费者选择行为的经济分析。主要包括:首先借助选择成本,建立了一个比较静态经济学模型,导出了消费者及厂商均衡的条件;其次通过选择成本将品牌引入到需求曲线当中并对其进行经济分析,初步建立起品牌经济学的理论基础;最后,在前面论述的基础上,重构了消费者选择理论,即同时考虑品牌选择与数量选择。第三,品牌与厂商行为的经济分析。针对理论界和实践界关注的热点问题研究了以下七个方面的问题,主要包括:1、建立企业动态增长或持久增长的品牌模型,同时应用该模型对企业增长现象和问题进行了解释;2、提出了品牌拉力的概念,并通过构建供应链博弈模型分析了品牌拉力对厂商的影响;3、利用选择成本分析范式,在品牌经济学的框架下重新解释了品牌之死,提出了品牌之死的三种形式,并提出了延长品牌寿命的品牌策略;4、利用选择成本分析范式,在品牌经济学的框架下解释了品牌进入次序优势,并得出几个有意的推论;5、利用选择成本分析范式,在品牌经济学的框架下重新解释了厂商的品牌延伸行为,提出了成功的品牌延伸的标准和途径;6、针对品牌陷入“泥泞的中间地带”这一现象,利用品牌经济学理论对其进行了解释,并指出了成功的品牌策略不是“模仿跟随”而是“对立共生”,同时建立起品牌“对立共生”策略框架,为我国企业的品牌建设提出政策建议;7、从刻画消费者选择行为本质即影响和制约消费者选择的局限条件入手,建立起引入品类需求强度系数、货币价格、选择成本的需求函数,并以此模型解释了厂商市场份额的决定是通过价格机制与品牌机制共同作用而实现的。在理论分析的基础上,对大量的现实进行了解释和预测。同时,提出了同时提高厂商市场份额与定价权的“品类需求强度—品牌信用度”二维模型,并分别从开发具有较高品类需求强度的品类市场和提高品牌信用度的品牌建设给现实中厂商的提供了相应策略。第四,品牌与经济增长的经济分析。研究了品牌对经济增长的影响,提出了一个现代经济增长的综合分析框架,即分工—制度—品牌模型。分工带来专业化程度的提高和生产迂回程度的增加促进经济增长,但同时带来了交易费用的上升,因此制度经济学的制度变迁理论认为制度安排通过降低交易费用,提高经济组织的效率从而促进经济增长。分工带来的产量增加和产品多样化却会导致消费者的选择成本上升,从而降低消费者的选择效率从而降低资源配置效率,使生产和消费不能保持均衡发展,妨碍了经济增长。而品牌和品牌品类化则是产品多样化时代能有效降低消费者选择成本的工具和手段。因此分工及专业化与制度及其变迁从生产或供给角度解释了生产效率对经济增长的决定作用,而品牌从需求方面解释了消费者的选择效率对经济增长的促进和拉动作用。分工—制度—品牌模型可以成为当代解释经济增长的综合分析框架。因此在过剩经济条件下,分工和制度可以提高生产效率,而品牌可以提高选择效率,进而三者的有机结合可以解释经济增长。综观本文,其实是价格理论的拓展与应用,为由孙曰瑶等开创的“选择成本分析范式”(Choice Cost Paradigm),是整个品牌经济学(Brand Economics)的范畴,这也是本文最大的创新之处。总之,本文是在经济学的概念箱子中加进“选择成本”这个新的理念、范畴,建构出一个新的概念箱子,从这个意义上说,本文的研究能够为经济学研究尤其是品牌经济学的研究开拓出一个新境界。

【Abstract】 This dissertation provides the economic approaches to the brand by using the analytical methods and tools of economics and introduces the brand into the analytical framework of economics. The research is a new application of economics theory or a research of introducing a new element into economics theory.Every production is ultimately to meet consumer demand (Keynes, 1936). With the continuous improvement of productivity, the economy gradually goes to excess or relative excess from shortage. The choice and purchase of consumers decide the achievement of commodity value that is "a thrill jump". This is so important for the firms because "if the thrill jump is not successful, it is not the commodity to be broken but the owner of the commodity (Marx, 1867)". I find that the consumers must spend a certain cost in the process of optimizing or making best decision in addition to the money price which are both the constraints that influence and restrict the consumer choice behavior. The cost expended in the process of optimization is choice cost that is different from transaction cost of Coase (1936). The former is the cost in the stage of optimization and the latter is the cost to search information and set up information sets in order to optimize. Choice cost decides the choice efficiency of the consumers, thereby determines the production efficiency of the firms. Brand is a category symbol to effectively reduce choice cost. This is the core of the dissertation and all of my researches are to use choice cost that is the core of brand economics.The dissertation introduces the brand into the demand law to accurately depict the relationship between brand and human behavior by choice cost paradigm. The dissertation considers choice cost as the constraint influencing and restricting human brand choice. Meanwhile the demand curve with the brand introduces and its economic analysis is considered as the theoretical foundation of the economic approach to the brand and introduces the brand as the core element into choice theory, the firm theory and economic growth theory to depict the nature of the consumer choice behavior, the firm behavior and economic growth on the basis of micro-behavior of the consumer choice behavior and the firm behavior and set up a general theoretical framework of economic approach to the brand.Ⅰ. The choice cost paradigm. In this part, I advance the concept of choice cost and differentiate it from transaction cost. Meanwhile I compare the analysis paradigms of brand economics and new institutional economics from seven points that are the basic analysis unit, the core of the paradigm, times background and theoretical background, the constraints of human behavior, basic theorem and application.Ⅱ. The economic approach to the brand and human choice behavior. In this part, firstly I establish a comparative economic model with choice cost and derive the conditions of the equilibrium of the consumer and the firm. Secondly, I establish the theoretical foundation through the demand curve with the brand introduced and its analysis. Thirdly, I take into account brand choice and quantity choice to reconstruct the consumer choice theory.Ⅲ. The economic approach to the brand and the firm behavior. In the part I research seven hot issues theoretical and practical fields concerned about. Firstly, a dynamic growth model of the firm is established that is applied to explain the growth of the firm. Secondly, I advance the concept of brand pull power and analyze the influence of brand pull power on the firm by supply chain game analysis. Thirdly, I use choice cost paradigm to explain the death of the brand and advance three kinds of the death of the brand and brand strategies to extend the life of the brand. Fourthly, I use choice cost paradigm to explain the sequential entry advantages of the brand. Fifthly, I explain brand extension in the framework of brand economics by choice cost paradigm. Sixthly, I explain the phenomenon of the brands’ getting stuck in the muddy middle zone by choice cost paradigm of brand economics. On the basis of the economic analysis I put forward the practical brand strategy is not imitation & following but opposition & symbiotic growth that enables the brand to avoid getting stuck in the muddy middle zone. Meanwhile I establish a strategy framework of opposition & symbiotic growth. Seventhly, I establish a demand function model with category demand intensity coefficient, money price and choice cost introduced to research the mechanism of decision of the firm’s share and apply the model to explain and predict a lot of reality.Ⅳ. The economic approach to the brand and economic growth. In this part I advance a model of division of labor, institution and branding that is a comprehensive analytical framework of modern economic growth on the basis of the research of the relationship between the brand and economic growth. Since Adam Smith advanced the theory of economic growth depending on division of labor, division of labor has become the main factor to interpret economic growth. Division of labor can advance economic growth through it increase specialization and roundabout methods of production. However division of labor will increase transaction costs when it increases specialization. So new institutional economics considers that institution and institutional change can advance economic growth through reducing transaction cost and increase the efficiency of economic organizations. However increasing supply and product diversity will increase the costs of choice to reduce choice efficiency of consumers and resource distribution that leads to the unequilibrium development of production and consumption and hinder economic growth. Fortunately branding and categorilization of brand can reduce the costs of choice effectively. So division of labor and specialization, institution and institutional change decide economic growth on the side of supply and production efficiency and branding and categorilization of brand decide economic growth on the other side of demand and choice efficiency. The model of division of labor, institution and branding is a comprehensive analytical framework of the modern economic growth.General speaking, my research is actually the extension and application of price theory, choice cost paradigm advanced by Sun Yueyao etc. that is the most important contribution to economics. In a word, my dissertation adds a new concept of choice cost to the concept box of economics to establish a new concept box so that the research of the dissertation can create a new realm for economics and brand economics especially.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】2867
  • 攻读期成果