

Investigation on Facility Layout Design Based on Manufacturing System Functionality

【作者】 锁小红

【导师】 刘战强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 设施布局设计是制造系统设计的重要组成部分,满足制造系统功能要求的布局设计将成为现代工厂设计的重要发展方向,具有广阔的市场应用前景。本文以建立基于制造系统功能的设施布局形式为研究目标,通过客户需求与制造系统功能的关系研究,将满足客户需求转化为实现制造系统功能,研究基于制造系统功能的设施布局拓扑结构形式,并对设施布局形式进行仿真与评价研究,为制造企业设计、选择合适的布局形式提供重要的理论依据和技术支撑。构建制造系统设施布局设计的框架体系,建立设施布局设计的研究层次。根据生产系统、制造系统与设施三者的关系,以制造系统设施布局设计为研究对象,将设施布局问题分为布局问题类型研究、布局形式研究和设备具体位置研究三个内容。建立并研究静态设施布局、动态设施布局和鲁棒性设施布局三类布局问题类型之间的相互转化关系。结合设施布局设计和可重构制造系统设计的相似之处,提出将设施布局问题分为新建厂房布局与现有车间布局两个研究层次,引入设备可重组性并对相应层次的布局方法进行研究。分析布局问题的研究范围,依据制造系统设施布局设计的研究对象,确定制造系统设施布局设计在设施设计理论体系中的位置。提出基于制造系统功能的设施布局设计方法。建立客户需求与制造系统功能、制造系统结构、设施布局设计之间的联系,将满足客户需求的制造系统设计问题转化为基于制造系统功能的设施布局设计问题。以制造系统功能的分类为依据,研究制造过程所体现的制造系统功能——功能质量、制造成本和按期交货。利用公理设计理论指导基于制造系统功能的设施布局设计过程,研究基于制造系统功能设施布局设计的用户需求、功能要求,分析两项功能要求——制造成本和按期交货的构成,提出基于制造系统功能设施布局的设计参数与工艺变量。研究公理设计理论和多目标优化理论,指出两者之间的从属关系,建议将两者用于设计过程的不同阶段。结果表明,公理设计理论可用于指导基于制造系统功能的设施布局设计过程,多目标优化设计理论可用于评价基于制造系统功能的设施布局问题。提出物理模型、数学分析模型和仿真模型相结合的模型结构,建立基于制造系统功能设施布局设计的数学分析模型。对制造系统设施布局设计的优化目标与约束条件进行研究,确定适合生产线的典型块状布局模型。在设施布局优化目标与数学分析模型映射关系的基础上,建立基于制造系统功能——制造成本和按期交货的设施布局数学分析模型。研究结果表明,基于制造成本的设施布局数学分析模型包括最小化物料传输费用模型、最大化面积利用率模型、最大化设备利用率模型和最大化工人工时利用率模型,基于按期交货的设施布局数学分析模型为最小化物料传输时间模型。研究设施布局形式的拓扑结构。针对不同的分类标准,研究设施布局形式的适应范围、优缺点。借鉴计算机网络拓扑结构与制造系统的物料流动形式,预测制造系统设施布局的可能存在形式。利用拓扑学中图形的拓扑性质,用图形的同胚性证明两种布局形式的拓扑性质相同,用拓扑不变量证明两种布局形式是不同胚的,从图形的同胚性与拓扑不变量两方面对预测的设施布局形式进行修正,建立制造系统设施布局的拓扑结构形式。研究结果表明,制造系统设施布局的拓扑结构形式包括总线型(单行与双行)、网型、环型、星型与树型。对基于制造系统功能的设施布局设计进行应用研究,建立活塞117生产线的仿真模型,对仿真结果进行评价。以活塞117生产线布局形式拓扑结构的物理模型为基础,结合基于制造系统功能的设施布局设计数学分析模型,在Deneb/QUEST软件平台上建立其仿真模型,仿真研究基于制造系统功能的设施布局形式。建立基于制造系统功能的布局形式两层评价指标体系,利用熵值法确定各层评价指标的权重。得到如下研究结果:为使活塞117生产线实现较低制造成本,选用环型布局形式;为实现较短交货期,选用半圆形布局形式;为实现较优的综合效益,则选用环型布局形式。本课题得到教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金“快速可重构活塞自动生产线的虚拟设计(20040422023)”和山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金“面向对象的虚拟可重构多生产线规划设计与仿真的研究(2005BS05001)”的资助。

【Abstract】 Facility layout is an important part of manufacturing system design. Facility layout meeting the demands of manufacturing system functionality will become the important trend of modern factory design, and has wide application prospects. This dissertation focuses on the types of facility layout bases on manufacturing system functionality. Through the relationship research of customer needs and manufacturing system functionality, topological structures facility layout are proposed. Simulation and evaluation of facility layout are presented, which will provide theoretical basis and technical support for factory design.The theoretical framework of facility layout in manufacturing system is developed, and research levels of it are established. Based on the relationships among production system, manufacturing system and facilty, the research objects of facility layout in manufacturing system are described. The research contents of facility layout problem are divided into three parts: types of facility layout problem, types of facility layout and location of facility. The transform relationships among static facility layout problem, dynamic facility layout problem and robust facility layout problem are studied. Through comparing the facility layout design with reconfigurable manufacturing system design, facility layout is separated into two research levels: layouts for new factories and for existing ones. Introducing the reconfigurability of facilty, the methodology of facility layout for different research levels is presented. The position of manufacturing system facility layout in the theory of facilty design is established according to research object.The method of facility layout design is proposed based on manufacturing system functionality. According to the relationships among customer need, manufacturing system functionality, structure and facility layout, the problem of manufacturing system design is transformed into the problem of facilty layout design. According to the kinds of manufacturing system functionality, quality, manufacturing cost, and lead time embodied in manufacturing process are studied. With the guidance of axiomatic design, the facility layout design process based on manufacturing system functionality is discussed. The customer needs, function requirements, design parameters, and process variables are analyzed in facility layout based on manufacturing system functionality. Subordination relation between axiomatic design and multi-objective optimization theory is proposed. The research results prove that axiomatic design can guide the facility layout design process and multi-objective optimization theory can evaluate solutions of facility layout.Modeling structure of facility layout is given, which includes physical model, mathematical analysis model and simulation model. Mathematical analysis models of facility layout based on manufacturing system functionality are established. On the basis of classified optimization objectives and constraints, block model of facility layout suited to production line is analysed. On the foundation of mapping relationship between optimization objectives and mathematical analysis models, mathematical analysis models based on manufacturing cost are setup, which consist of material handling cost model, area utilization model, equipment utilization model and working time utilization of labor model. Material handling time model is setup, which is mapping to lead time.Topological structure of facility layout is constructed. Application scope, advantages and disadvantages of types of facility layout are compared with different classification standard. Reference on network topological structures and material flow modes, types of facility layout are predicted, and these types of facility layout are modified with graphical topology properties. The research results show that the types of facility layout in manufacturing system include bus-type, network-type, loop-type, star-type and tree-type.Simulation model of piston 117 production line layout is established and the simulation results are evaluated by entropy method. On the basis of topological structure physical model and mathematical analysis models of facility layout, piston 117 production line with types of facility layout is simulated with deneb/QUEST software. Evaluation index system with two levels based on manufacturing system functionality is proposed. Index weights are calculated by entropy method. The calculation results reveal that loop-type of facility layout is chosen to get the lowest manufacturing cost, semi-circle type of facility layout is chosen to get the shortest lead time, and loop-type of facility layout is chosen to get the best comprehensive effectiveness comparing with other types of layout.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期