

An Empirical Study on the Influence of Network on Enterprise Growth

【作者】 冯文娜

【导师】 杨蕙馨;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代末以来,随着虚拟企业、企业集团、企业集群、战略联盟和特许经营等新兴经济组织的发展,越来越多的企业通过采用外部网络化的方式获得成长,外部网络成为企业寻求合作、获取资源的主要途径之一。在这一背景下,分析网络对企业成长的影响就成为具有战略性和前瞻性的重要理论问题和现实问题。本文以济南中小软件业企业为样本,以网络结构特征、网络关系特征、网络类型为解释变量,以企业成为快速成长企业的可能性为被解释变量,从网络特征和网络类型两方面就个体中心网络对企业成长的影响进行了分析。这一选题对于完善和发展企业成长理论、企业网络理论具有重要意义,同时也顺应了推动经济更好更快发展、提高企业和产业竞争力的时代发展要求。研究所使用的数据来源于对济南市114家中小软件业企业的问卷调查,数据处理则采用社会统计分析软件SPSS12.0来完成。除社会调查方法外,本文还采用社会网络分析方法进行规范研究,并运用社会网络分析法所提供的各项指标对网络结构、网络关系进行测量。此外,在对网络类型演化的研究中,研究使用了嵌入性多案例研究方法,就网络类型演化与企业成长阶段的对应关系进行了分析。研究主要解决了三个问题:第一,构建统领全文的分析框架,指出从网络结构特征、网络关系特征以及网络类型入手研究网络对企业成长影响的原因。第二,分析企业间网络以及企业与非企业组织间网络的结构特征、关系特征对企业快速成长可能性的影响;第三,探讨不同类型的网络对企业成长的贡献程度以及网络类型演化与企业成长阶段的对应关系。研究得到的主要结论包括:第一,网络层面因素和企业层面因素同时作用于网络对软件企业成长的影响过程。网络从网络结构特征、网络关系特征以及网络类型三个方面影响着企业从网络中获得资源的类型和数量,进而对企业成长产生影响。在这一过程中,企业自身网络能力的大小影响了网络对企业成长的作用程度。第二,不同网络特征对软件企业成长的影响存在差异。在网络结构特征方面,网络规模、网络中心度、网络密度、网络中客户的异质性以及网络中互补企业的异质性与企业成为快速成长企业的可能性显著正相关。在网络关系特征方面,企业与非企业组织间网络关系类型的数量,企业与客户、互补企业、竞争企业、政府、中介机构之间的网络关系强度以及企业与客户、政府的网络关系持久度与企业成为快速成长企业的可能性显著正相关。另外,研究还证明,与传统制造业相比,本地网络对软件企业的贡献不显著。第三,不同网络类型对软件企业成长的影响存在差异。在各网络对企业成长的联合影响下,社会关系网络的知识流动性、社会关系网络的稳定性、知识技术创新网络的客户接近性、声誉网络的稳定性、声誉网络的规模、分工合作网络的异质性以及市场网络的规模对企业成长的贡献最为显著,各变量均与企业成长显著正相关。在单独考虑各网络对企业成长的独立影响时,研究提出的多数假设得到证实,但是研究并没有发现高校、科研院所在知识、技术、信息提供方面对企业成长的显著影响,社会关系网络的规模与企业成长的关系则被证明为显著负相关。第四,网络特征、网络类型对软件企业成长的作用受企业网络能力差异的影响。网络规模、网络中心度、网络密度均与强网络能力企业快速成长的可能性在0.01的水平上显著正相关,但是,对于弱网络能力的企业而言,只有互补者的异质性与企业快速成长的可能性在0.01水平上显著正相关。与弱网络能力企业相比,与竞争企业的网络关系强度以及与政府的网络关系持久度对强网络能力企业成为快速成长企业可能性的影响更显著。同时,社会关系网络的知识流动性以及声誉网络的稳定性对强网络能力企业成长的影响更显著。另外,研究还证明,与其他网络类型相比,市场网络对强网络能力企业成长的贡献最低,而弱网络能力企业则是声誉网络对其成长的贡献最低。第五,与软件企业成长阶段相对应的三阶段网络演化规律。在企业初创期,社会关系网络和市场网络对企业创业成功的影响更显著。在企业快速发展期,声誉网络的关系数量大幅增加,市场网络和分工合作网络在与声誉网络的交互作用下,呈现出快速发展的趋势。在企业稳定发展期,扩大市场网络规模成为企业获取更多利润的主要策略选择,知识、技术、创新网络逐渐演变为弱关系为主的网络。

【Abstract】 Since the late of 1980s, with the development of virtual enterprises, enterprise groups, enterprise clusters, strategic alliances and franchise organizations, a growing number of enterprises use external network access to enterprise growth, and the external network has became the primary means of Enterprises seek cooperation and access to resources. In this context, the study of the influence of network on enterprise growth became an important issue. In this paper, samples are the small and medium-sized software enterprises in Jinan; the dependent variables are network structure, network relation and network type; and the independent variable is the possibility of enterprise fast-growing. The research purpose is to analyses the influence of the eco-network on enterprise growth from the perspectives of network characteristics and network types.The data came from the survey to 114 small and medium-sized software enterprises in Jinan. The research used SPSS12.0 of the statistical analysis software to do data processing. Besides social investigation method, the study used indicators provided by social network analysis method to measure the network structure and network relation. Using multiple-case embedded design method to study the evolution of the network types.The research resolved three major issues. The first, building the theoretic framework to guide the research, pointing out the reasons that researching the influence of network on enterprise growth from network structure, network relation and network type. The second, analyzing the influence of network structure and network relation on the possibility of enterprise fast-growing from the perspectives of inter-firm network and the network between firm and non-business organization. The third, studying on the contributions of different network types to enterprise growth and the evolution of network types in the enterprise growth procession.The research drew five main conclusions. First, factors both network-level and enterprise-level affect the influence of network on software enterprise growth in the same time. Network structure, network relation and network types decide the types and quantities of the resources that the firm obtains from the network. In this process, the firm’s own networking capacity determines the degree of the effects.Secondly, different characteristics of the software enterprises network have differences influence on the enterprise growth. In the area of network structure, network size, network-centric, network density, and the heterogeneity of the customers in the network, as well as the heterogeneity of complementary enterprises in the network have a significant positive correlation with the the possibility of enterprises fast-growing. In the area of network relation, the intensity of relation between enterprise and customers, complementaries, competitors, as well as the durability of relation between enterprise and customers have significant positive correlation with the possibility of enterprise fast-growing;the number of the type of relation between enterprise and non-enterprise, and the intensity of relation between enterprise and government, intermediary, as well as the durability of relation between enterprise and government have significant positive correlation with the possibility of enterprise fast-growing; the positive effects of the intensity of relation between enterprise and competitors,as well as the durability of relation between enterprise and government on the possibility of enterprises fast-growing are not significant.Thirdly, different network types impact on the software enterprises growth differently. Under the condition of the joint influence of different network types, the knowledge flows of social network, stability of social network, closeness of knowledge and technology innovation network to customers, stability of reputation network, size of reputation network, heterogeneity of division network, as well as size of marketing network have significant contributions to the enterprise growth, all variables have significantly positive correlation with enterprise growth. The study also shows that, under the condition of independent influence of network types on enterprise growth, size of social network has significant negative correlation with enterprise growth.Fourth, the influences of network characteristics and network type on enterprise growth have been affected by the enterprise networking ability. To the strong networking ability enterprises, network size, network-centric, network density have significantly correlation with the possibility of enterprises fast-growing of powerful networking capabilities at the 0.01 level. To the weak networking ability enterprises, only the heterogeneity of complementary has positive correlation with the possibility of enterprise fast-growing at the 0.01 level. Compared with the weak networking ability enterprises, the influences of intensity of relation between trim and competitors and the duration of relation between firm and government on the possibility of strong networking ability enterprise fast-growing are more significantly. In addition, the influences of knowledge flows of social network and stability of reputation network on strong networking ability enterprise growth are significant. The marketing network contribute to the enterprises growth is lower than other networks in strong networking ability firms; the reputation network contribute to enterprise growth is lower than other networks in the weak networking ability firms.Fifth, there is a three-phased network evolution rule in the software enterprise growth cycle. In the embryonic phase, social network and marketing network affect firm success visibly. In the rapid development phase, the number of relation of reputation network increases rapidly. With the interaction of marketing network, division network and reputation network, the marketing network and division network show the trend of rapid development. In the stable development phase, scale expanding of market network becomes a major strategic method to obtain more profits; knowledge, technology, innovation network has turned to a network consists of weak relations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期