

On the Soul of Translation of China

【作者】 吴钧

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 尽管鲁迅文学研究的论著已经是汗牛充栋,但把鲁迅作为翻译家的研究至今仍然是鲁研界的“冰山一角”,在这个领域的研究仍然亟待开拓,由此,鲁迅翻译文学的研究就是一个值得一作的有意义的研究课题。尤其是对于鲁迅“翻译家”的定位,学术界至今仍然存在着不同的看法和争议。本论文在归纳总结以往学者研究成果的基础上进一步探究,力求从鲁迅翻译理论和实践两个方面入手,深入研究鲁迅翻译文学的价值和意义以及对新世纪跨文化传播与翻译的启示和教益。本论文从鲁迅翻译家的主体身份出发,对其进行深入探讨和研究。全论文分为导言、正文七章、结语几部分进行论述。导言部分首先讨论了鲁迅翻译文学研究的必要性和研究价值,并从中国翻译文学的产生和发展与本土文学创作的密切关系入手导入正文。导言强调指出中国的近现代翻译文学对中国现代文学的发生和发展的重大影响作用,正是在翻译文学的启迪下,中国现代文学得到了极大的拓展。论文把鲁迅置于翻译主体的位置进行系统化研究,从这种新的角度出发来对鲁迅进行研究,是理解、走近鲁迅的另一条新途径。第一章总论翻译家鲁迅。论文从鲁迅500多万字的翻译著作、鲁迅对自己翻译家的定位、鲁迅翻译在前创作在后以及他的翻译文学的价值和影响三方面进行论述,并由此证实鲁迅的文学翻译对他的文学创作的重要启迪和影响作用,确定鲁迅的文学生涯首先是从成为翻译家开始的合理结论。论文论证鲁迅一生的文学道路是从翻译开始的,也是以翻译结束的,鲁迅的文学翻译和文学创作始终是紧密联系在一起的一个整体的两个方面。在鲁迅的文学生涯中,译介外国文学占有十分重要的地位。据统计数字显示,在鲁迅的一生中,他一共翻译介绍了14国200多种外国作家作品,总字数达500多万字,鲁迅的翻译作品数量与他一生中的创作数量大致相等,可见要理解鲁迅的文学创作及其对中国现代文学的影响,就不可不研究鲁迅的文学翻译,不可不研究这两者之间存在着的密切的相互关联和相互影响。鲁迅的一生为翻译投入了巨大的时间和精力,他对自己的翻译看得比创作还要重要。特别是鲁迅通过他的翻译,向中国读者介绍了世界上“被侮辱压迫”民族的进步作家和作品,这是因为鲁迅希望借鉴别国的经验来唤醒中国的民众。鲁迅还就翻译的语言技术层面发表过许多自己独特的见解,尤其是他要通过“直译”的翻译方法,引进别国新的思想和表达法,“别求新声于异邦”,“复活”那些已经“失声的民族”的文学。可见鲁迅的翻译,是出自民族救亡的立场,从别国“盗取”振兴民族的“火种”来点燃新的希望,他这种崇高的翻译目的正像为人类盗取火种的普罗米修斯一样悲壮和伟大。鲁迅还主张通过翻译把西方鲜活的文体词汇引入,以促进和创造出中国自己的新词汇来改进中文的语言和结构,来更新中国人的思维方式。鲁迅有关翻译的论说,几乎涵盖涉及到翻译的各个重要方面,鲁迅对翻译的独到见解和深刻分析至今对我们的文学翻译仍然具有十分重要的指导作用,它是中国现代翻译史上一笔宝贵的财富。第二章论述了鲁迅的翻译文学理论。“翻译即人生。”鲁迅把他的翻译人生看作是“别求新声于异邦”的“中间物”的桥梁,故本章将鲁迅的“中间物”生命哲学作为其翻译理论依据来进行研究论述。本章首先论述了鲁迅独特的翻译理论的历史哲学基础,探求鲁迅“中间物”人生哲学思想的中国传统文化渊源,以及与西方先哲的影响关系,其中重点探讨了鲁迅对周易贵“中”思想的继承和演化,鲁迅“中间物”思想与儒家“中庸”的异同,以及鲁迅对尼采的“超人”理论的有选择的接受。此外,论文还探究了鲁迅“中间物”翻译思想形成的历史原因,对比了鲁迅“异化”翻译策略与美国当代翻译理论家韦努蒂的“异化”翻译理论的异同,由此入手论说鲁迅“异化”翻译策略的非凡远见与独特价值。本章还将鲁迅以“中间物”的翻译为桥梁,在中西交流创新的边缘世界里的特殊贡献概括为三个方面进行论述。即:1)鲁迅翻译从文言文到白话文再到现代文的过渡;2)鲁迅翻译策略从“归化”翻译到“异化”翻译再到“优化”中文的过程,以及3)鲁迅从启蒙“末人”到“超人”的理想再到“世界人”的理想追求。由此论证鲁迅将生命化做“中间物”的翻译桥梁的伟大意义和重要作用,本章强调指出:鲁迅不仅将人生看作“中间物”,更是把翻译当作沟通中外文化的“中间物”,他要借“中间物”的翻译“桥梁”为国人打开走向世界、自立于民族之林的通路。正是他的“中间物”的哲学理念使得他可以理性面对东西方两种文化、不盲目陷于和偏执于其中任何一种文化。他站在两种文化“中间”的超越位置,对其进行深刻的观察反省与批判选择以全面认识整个世界的本质。正是出于“中间物”的立场,鲁迅才能够使自己的思想超越同时代的人,他不仅关注中国人的现实生存境遇与出路,而且深切关注着整个人类与生命个体的存在和发展。他把自己置于时代“中间物”的边缘与前沿位置,激扬文字,为建构中国走向世界的新文化与新文学而呐喊。第三章论述鲁迅从1903年到1936年33年翻译生涯的历史分期。本章按照鲁迅翻译思想和翻译方法的不同将其翻译大致分为三个时期。即:早期(1903~1908)、中期(1909~1926)、晚期(1927~1936)。鲁迅在不同的历史时期的翻译思想及翻译手法、翻译兴趣和关注点都有其特点与不同。鲁迅在早期的翻译活动中倡导科学救国,他的翻译介绍以科普编译、科学小说为主。这一时期他的翻译手法主要是模仿林纾的意译,译文也基本上是从古奥的文言文向浅显的文言文、乃至白话文的过渡。鲁迅中期的翻译首开先河,大力提倡直译,更多地采用白话文翻译。在翻译文本的选材上既有世界弱小民族的文学,也有苏俄小说和论文。晚期的鲁迅翻译则是以苏联文学以及文艺理论的翻译为主,在翻译手法上更加强调直译。进行这种按历史分期的鲁迅翻译文学研究,可以比较出在不同的历史时期鲁迅不同的翻译思想和实践,这将有助于我们正确地认识和评价鲁迅的翻译思想的发生发展以及对其文学创作的重大影响。第四章进行了鲁迅翻译文学的文本分析。本章按照鲁迅翻译的三个历史分期,选择了各个时期翻译的代表作进行了翻译文本译例的几种翻译版本和语言的比较分析。对鲁迅早期翻译文本例句的对比分析采用了他翻译的法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳的科学小说《地底旅行》,中期的翻译文本分析选择了他翻译的荷兰作家望·蔼覃的童话作品《小约翰》,以及德国尼采的《察拉图斯忒拉的序言》;晚期翻译文本例句的对比分析是从他翻译的俄国作家果戈理的长篇巨作《死魂灵》中选择的。用来对比的翻译语言为鲁迅翻译时所参照的德语、日语、英语和汉语,所选几个翻译作品的原文也一并找来作为必要的参照。通过这种对鲁迅翻译文本的比较分析,为第五章的鲁迅翻译文学分类和翻译方法艺术总结奠定了基础。通过鲁迅翻译文本的实例分析,一切对鲁迅翻译的诬蔑和偏见也就不攻自破了。第五章论述了鲁迅翻译的种类和方法艺术。按照“翻译适应选择论”的观点,任何理论的价值都在于它解释和指导实践的程度。不同的翻译理论指导下的翻译方法自然不同。反过来说,不同的翻译方法也能从一定程度上反映出译者不同的翻译理念和思想。据此,本章通过对鲁迅不同历史时期的翻译方法的比较和分类,研究鲁迅在不同的历史时期、根据不同的文本、所采用的不同类型的翻译艺术手法和所具有的翻译思想理论。本章首先就鲁迅的翻译种类进行了归纳,鲁迅的翻译涉及的种类非常广泛,其中包括小说、杂文、戏剧、诗歌、童话、文艺理论等多个方面。从鲁迅1903年22岁时翻译法国作家雨果的《哀尘》开始,到1936年10月19日逝世的前三天还在翻译的俄国作家果戈理的《死魂灵》结束,在长达33年的翻译生涯中,他的译作就内容来分可以大致分为以下几种:1.科普编译文章、科学小说翻译;2.爱国主义启蒙类译介;3儿童文学的翻译;4.世界弱小民族文学翻译;5.英美德法作品的翻译;6.日本文学的翻译;7.苏俄文学与文艺理论的翻译等。本章对以上7个方面的鲁迅翻译进行了分别的论述,并分析了鲁迅不同类型翻译的特点和翻译方法,在此分析的基础上进一步对其不同时期的翻译艺术进行综合概述总结。鲁迅的翻译方法可以总结归纳为编译、意译、直译、意直结合译、音译、省略译、改译等多种方法。鲁迅翻译的生动例句证明了他的翻译并不是像有的人攻击的那样只是“死译”。进行这种不同历史时期的翻译译例分析,还可以使我们从鲁迅的翻译文本中反观鲁迅的翻译思想和翻译理论,发现和证实鲁迅翻译的艺术特点和规律,同时也证实了“翻译适应选择论”对翻译实践的价值意义。第六章为鲁迅翻译文学传播影响论的分析论述。本章从鲁迅翻译文学所产生的国内、国际影响以及鲁迅翻译文学的跨文化传播三方面进行了传播学理论的分析论述,以归纳总结鲁迅翻译文学的巨大影响力和伟大传播意义。本章不仅通过分析鲁迅翻译文学的影响来认识新世纪翻译文学的传播学意义,还论述了在世界进入全球化时代的二十一世纪,跨文化传播将进一步渗透在人类生活的方方面面,从不同角度影响我们的思维和行为方式,而翻译作为中西文化交流与沟通的桥梁,应该是一个双向式的交流传播渠道。翻译涉及到人类生活和文化的各个方面,甚至文化传播的符号方式都被包括在翻译之中。然而长期以来,在中西文化的交流与传播过程中,中国主要是“拿来”的翻译传播,中国文化走出国门、“送出”的翻译传播处于缺失的尴尬状况,这与中国厚重的文明古国身份是极不相符的。在今天跨文化传播日益频繁的新时代,中国文化在世界文化之林是否能重新获得本应具有的崇高地位和荣耀,发挥本应具有的世界作用,翻译无疑是一个重要的因素。而鲁迅文学的对外翻译传播有力地说明了传播的双向性和中国文化走向世界的可能性,并为新世纪的跨文化交际提供了有益的经验。本章最后从鲁迅翻译文学世界传播的过去、现在、将来三个阶段分别进行了论述总结,认为在新世纪汉语走向世界的今天,鲁迅的文学创作及其精神思想必将在全世界得到更广泛的传播。与此同时,鲁迅翻译文学在新世纪跨文化传播中的重要借鉴意义与作用也将会被世界越来越清楚地认识。第七章为鲁迅翻译文学的当代启示。论文指出鲁迅精神集中体现在他的民族忧患意识上,进而指出鲁迅忧患意识的中国传统文化原点,并从对鲁迅的生命哲学“中间物”论入手探究归纳它与鲁迅翻译人生的关系,还对鲁迅“中间物”论的传统文化原点及西方影响来源进行了概括总结。由此进一步从全球视野出发,概括鲁迅作为中国译介之魂的不朽功绩,总结鲁迅翻译文学世界传播的有益经验和当代启示。鲁迅的翻译人生证明:翻译是交流沟通的桥梁;翻译是价值判断的标尺;翻译是铺路承重的沙石;翻译是创新开拓的异化。不朽的鲁迅译介之魂跨越时空,为我们新世纪的跨文化交际指明前进的方向并提供了借鉴的有益经验。本章还从“真善美”这个人类永恒的价值标准出发总结鲁迅翻译文学的不朽价值。鲁迅翻译文学的“真”表现在他对人类真理的不懈追求和对翻译作品本真直译的风格上。正是因为鲁迅对人类高贵情操和真理的执著追求,他才能独具慧眼地挑选有益国民的翻译文本,并采用本真直译的方法来传播世界先进思想文化使国人真正获益。鲁迅翻译文学的“善”表现在他至善大爱的“冷眼热泪”中。鲁迅是“以巨大的爱,为被侮辱的和被损害者‘悲哀、叫喊和战斗的艺术家’”。鲁迅用他那支本真直译的笔连接了世界与中国,书写了他一颗赤子之心的热烈、愤慨、激昂,表达了最深沉的对劳苦大众的同情心。而鲁迅的直译理论和实践是有其深刻的改革创新用意的,鲁迅翻译文学的“美”就充分体现在他的创新精神和开拓勇气中。鲁迅“取今复古,别立新宗”,以“拿来主义”的胸怀和眼光,广泛吸裙沤裰型庖磺腥死嗟奈难б帐跤?他通过翻译借鉴西方小说的表现手法,并与中国小说的优秀传统相融合,在此基础上创新发展,形成独具特色的现实主义小说艺术,开创了中国现代小说的新模式。鲁迅的文学创作的民族性和独创性,以及他的小说艺术形象的典型性和个性化是他的创作成功地走向世界的根本原因,他的小说艺术创作是属于全人类的美不胜收的艺术瑰宝。结语部分归纳概括鲁迅的翻译人生。论文指出通过鲁迅翻译文学的研究,我们能够更深刻地理解鲁迅及其文学创作的价值。鲁译之桥是启迪中国人自立自强、走向“世界人”理想彼岸的彩虹桥。在21世纪跨文化交流的新时期,鲁迅的译介之魂和翻译人生仍然给我们以极大的鼓舞和深刻的启示。而今,对于作为“地球村”的居民和“世界人”的炎黄子孙来说,什么才是我们在21世纪真正的生命意义和目的呢?从鲁迅的翻译人生,我们可以找到一种实现中国梦乃至整个人类梦想的回答。本论文的研究目的和意义在于通过探讨鲁迅的翻译文学,强化鲁迅学研究的薄弱点,归纳总结鲁迅翻译文学对中国现代文学的影响和作用,为新世纪的跨文化对话和翻译文学的发展提供有益的借鉴和经验。本论文的主要创新点为:1.在归纳总结以往学者研究成果的基础上进一步深入探究,提出并论证“鲁迅是首先成为翻译家,后来才成为文学家的”。这一提法既不同于以往长期以来完全忽略否认鲁迅翻译文学功绩的观点,也不同于近年来“鲁迅首先是翻译家”的新提法。本论文充分肯定鲁迅翻译文学的伟大功绩和鲁迅大翻译家的新定位,但认为一些学者的“鲁迅首先是翻译家”的提法尽管是一种新颖的视角和提法,但全面的看问题,鲁迅最伟大的功绩和突出的贡献应该说还是在于他的通过翻译与借鉴西方,根植于本民族传统文化土壤中的文学创作、特别是他的小说创作上。2.以鲁迅“一切都是中间物”的生命哲学观为主线,论述鲁迅翻译的“中间物”桥梁作用,总结鲁迅从翻译起步的文学生涯的有益经验,探究鲁迅“中间物”人生哲学思想的中西文化渊源,特别是与中国传统文化不可割裂的血脉联系。论文论述鲁迅是对中国传统文化的扬弃吸收和演化发展的集大成者,是“取今复古,别立新宗”的一代新文学的创新开拓者,论文尝试对长期以来形成的鲁迅“反传统”的简单偏激概念进行正本清源的探究。3.论文选取鲁迅在三个历史时期有代表性的翻译作品进行了汉、英、德、日几种鲁迅所使用的翻译语言文本的比较分析,由此反观鲁迅的翻译思想和总结鲁迅的翻译艺术,并得出鲁迅首先成为翻译家,后来才成为文学家的有说服力的证据。鲁迅翻译文本的对比分析在鲁迅研究领域几乎还是空白。4.论文将鲁迅的直译理论与西方当代著名翻译理论家韦努蒂(Venuti)的异化翻译理论进行比较研究。这种将鲁迅的直译理论与西方翻译大家的异化翻译理论的对比分析是一种全新的分析角度。本论文还尝试用传播学理论分析鲁迅的翻译文学的影响与传播,并由此为新的起点来进一步思考在新世纪翻译文学传播所面临的新问题。

【Abstract】 Although research works on Lu Xu have been innumerable, those on translator Lu Xun are still very few and it is in need of urgent exploration, thus it is a worthwhile subject to study. Furthermore, for the new proposition of Lu Xun as a translator, there are still many different opinions and disagreements. This thesis aims at further study on the basis of the previous Lu Xun Studies, striving to demonstrate a new proposition and explore the value and significance of Lu Xun’s translated literature, as well as the revelation of his literary translations to the new century.This thesis starts from the translator identity of Lu Xun to make an in-depth discussion and research. The thesis consists of seven chapters plus an introduction and a conclusion.The Introduction discusses the necessity and value of the research on Lu Xun’s translated literature. The thesis ushers in the main part from the close relationship between the formation and development of translated literature and the native literary creation in China. The thesis particularly emphasizes the great influence of China’s modern translated literature upon the formation and development of its own modern literary creation: it was because of the enlightenment of translated literature that the native modern literature of China gained the opportunity for immense development. The thesis gives a systematic analysis to translator Lu Xun, and this perspective of research of Lu Xun is a new approach to understand him.The first chapter is a general discussion of translator Lu Xun. It explores the fact that Lu Xun’s literary career began from translation. There are three aspects for the demonstration: his translated works of more than 5 million words, his self-definition as a translator and the value and influence of his translated literature. The thesis argues that the literary career of Lu Xun both begins and ends with translation, and there is always a close relationship between his translations and creations. The translation and introduction of foreign literature occupies a prominent position in the literary career of Lu Xun. Statistics show that Lu Xun’s translations involved more than 200 foreign writers’ works from 14 different countries with total words of more than 5 million and the amount of his translated works is approximately equal to that of his creations. Therefore, it is impossible to study Lu Xun’s literary creation and its influence upon Chinese modern literature without studying his translated literature and the interrelation and interaction between the two. Lu Xun devoted enormous time and energy into translation and he considered his translations much more important than his creations. In particular, Lu Xun introduced those writers from "the oppressed and humiliated nations" and their works with the intention of using their experiences for reference to awaken the Chinese people. Lu Xun put forward his unique insight in respect of language techniques, especially his efforts to use literal translation as the main method of translation to introduce into China the new ideas and expressions of foreign countries and to revive the literature of those "silenced nations". It is obviously seen that the intention of Lu Xun’s translation is to save his nation and the people of his country, and to "steal" from other countries the "fire" and lighten the new hope of prosperity for his own nation. His intention of translation is noble-minded and shares the equal greatness with the fire-stealing Prometheus. In addition, through the translations he introduces the fresh and lively style and vocabulary of western languages. Lu Xun attempts to produce some new words and improve the linguistic structure of the Chinese language and even to renewal the thinking pattern of the Chinese people. Lu Xun’s ideas on translation cover almost all aspects of translation and his unique insight and in-depth analyses of translation are precious treasures in the history of translation of modern China which can still guide our literary translations today.Chapter Two discusses Lu Xun’s theory of translated literature. To Lu Xun, "translation is life", He took his translation as the bridge of intermediate to "seek new voices from foreign countries", and therefore, this thesis takes the philosophical concept of "intermediate" as the basis of his translation theory. This chapter traces the origin of Chinese traditional culture of the concept of "intermediate" from Zhou Yi, which forms the basis of Lu Xun’s unique translation theory. This chapter also discusses the interrelation between the concept of "intermediate" and the classical concepts of Confucius, as well as western philosophy, especially Lu Xun’s partial acceptance of Nietzsche’s theory of superman. In addition, this chapter explores into the historical background upon which the concept of "intermediate" developed, and makes a comparison between the foreignizing translation technique of Lu Xun and the foreignizing translation theory of Venuti, the modern American translation theorist, to demonstrate the extraordinary foresight and unique value of Lu Xun’s technique of translation. This Chapter also expounds the bridging function of "intermediate" as an outstanding contribution in the transitive period in three aspects: 1) The transition of the language of Lu Xun from ancient Chinese to plain literary Chinese and then to modern Chinese; 2) The evolving process of Lu Xun’s translation techniques from "domestication" to "foreignization" and then to "optimization"of Chinese ; 3) The aspiration of enlightening the "last men" to become the "supermen" and then to the "universal men". Through the above analyses, the conclusion can be drawn that it is of great significance that Lu Xun devoted his whole life to build the "intermediate" bridge of translation. The thesis lays its emphasis upon the argument that Lu Xun not only took his life as an "intermediate", but also took translation as an "intermediate" to bridge the gap of misunderstanding between Chinese culture and the western cultures, and his intention was to use such "intermediate" to open a door to the world and find a way to the nation’s prosperity. It is due to his philosophical concept of "intermediate" that he can treat Chinese and western culture rationally, without the prejudice of blindly advocating any one of them. Standing in the middle of the two cultures yet above them both, Lu Xun could observe and meditate and criticize the faults of them to understand profoundly the essence of the whole universe. Lu Xun was not only concerned about the living conditions of the Chinese people, but also the existence and development of human beings as a whole. It is because of his stance of "intermediate" that his thought could surpass his contemporaries. Lu Xun put himself as the "intermediate" at the foreland of times, writing passionately and shouting out for the birth of new culture and literature for his nation.Chapter Three discusses the historical phases of Lu Xun’s translation career from 1903 to 1936. According to the differences in his concepts and methods of translation, it can be roughly divided into three stages: the early stage (1903-1908), the middle stage (1909-1926) and the final stage (1927-1936). His interest and focuses of attention, as well as his concepts and methods of translations vary in different historical periods. The early stage of Lu Xun’s translations focused on the concept of saving the nation through science, so the translated works in this period were mainly scientific essays and science-fictions. The art of translation in this period was largely an imitation of that of Lin Shu and the translation language was apparently a transition process from the ancient Chinese to plain modern Chinese. Lu Xun advocated the method of literal translation and made more use of colloquial Chinese in the medium stage of his translation career. Literature of the oppressed nations and a large number of novels and treatise of Russia are also included in this stage. The final stage of Lu Xun’s translation laid more emphasis upon the method of literal translation and the translation mainly for the literature of Russia and the literary theories. The comparison of Lu Xun’s translation among different stages indicates his different concepts and activities of translation in each period which would be of great help to the proper understanding and evaluation of the formation and development of Lu Xun’s concepts of translation as well as their vital importance to his literary creations.Chapter Four offers textual analyses of Lu Xun’s translated literature. According to the three stages of Lu Xun’s translations, this chapter chooses representative translated works in each stage and makes textual analyses among different versions and different languages of translation. This chapter chooses Journey to the Center of the Earth as the sample text in his early stage of translation, Little Johannes and Thus Spake Zarathustra the medium stage, and Dead Souls the final stage. The languages used for comparison include German, Japanese, English and Chinese which were the referencial languages used by Lu Xun for his translations. The original texts of these chosen works are also used as references. These analyses pave the road for the discussion of the classification and techniques of Lu Xun’s translated literature in the next chapter. Through the textual analyses, all kinds of slanders and bias against Lu Xun’s translations will collapse themselves.Chapter Five expounds the classification and techniques of Lu Xun’s translations. According to the idea of " Translation as Adaptation and Selection", the value of any type of theory lies in the extent to which it can explain and guide practice. Different theories of translation produce different methods of translation; similarly, different methods of translation can reflect the different concepts and ideas of the translator. Thus, this chapter gives a comparison among the translated works of Lu Xun in different periods to demonstrate that Lu Xun used different methods of translation to carry out translation activities of different types and exhibited different concepts and theories of translation as the time and texts were different. This chapter first makes a summary of the categories of Lu Xun’s translations. Lu Xun’s translations covers extensive genres, including novels, essays, plays, poems, fairy tales and literary theories. From the translation of Victor Hugo’s Origine de Fantine in 1903 when Lu Xun was 22 to the translation of Gogol’s Dead Souls three days before his death in 1936, Lu Xun’s translated works can be classified into the following categories: 1. Popular science essays and science- fictions; 2. Works of Patriotism; 3.Children’s literature; 4.Literature of the oppressed nations; 5.Works of the writers from America,England, Germany, and France; 6.Japanese literature; 7. Literature and literary theories of Russia . This chapter first gives analyses to each category to make clear the characteristics and different methods of translation, then makes a comparative textual analysis of the representative translated works of Lu Xun in each period. A summary of the art of translation in different periods is made based on the above analyses, such as the techniques of adaptation, free translation, literal translation, combination of free and literal translation, transliteration, ellipsis and transformation etc.. The analyses here give evident examples of Lu Xun’s translations and make a good counterattack against those who accused Lu Xun’s translations as only "dead translations". Such analyses also offer us chances to examine the ideas and theories of Lu Xun’s translations, to confirm the artistic features and rules of it through his texts of translations. In addition, these analyses serve as proofs of the value of the idea "Translation as Adaptation and Selection" to translation activities.Chapter Six is a discussion of the influence of Lu Xun’s translated literature. By analyzing the internal and international influences as well as the functions of cross-cultural communication of Lu Xun’s translated literature from the perspective of communication theory, this chapter summarizes its immense influence and communicative significance and further explores the communicative significance of translated literature in the new century. This chapter indicates that as the whole world enters into the 21st century which features in globalization, cross-cultural communication will penetrate into all fields of human life thus influencing our modes of thinking and behavior from different aspects. Translation as the bridge for communication between Chinese and western peoples, should be a bi-directional communicative channel. It touches upon every aspect of human life and culture, and even the symbols of cultural communication are involved in the activities of translation. However, in the long period of the cultural communications between China and western countries, ours was primarily the "import" of translation communication, and the "export" of translation communication was in an embarrassing situation of rarity which did not match the identity of China as an ancient nation with brilliant civilization. In this new age when cross-cultural communication is becoming more and more frequent, whether or not the Chinese culture can resume its eminent status and glory and exert its worldwide effect, depends to a great extent upon translation activities. The translations of Lu Xun’s literature provides beneficial experiences for the new-age’s cross-cultural communication, and offers a proof to the bidirectional nature of communication and the possibility of Chinese culture’s worldwide spread. After analyzing the worldwide spread of Lu Xun’s translated literature in the past and at present, this chapter foretells the future, and concludes that as Chinese language is spreading and accepted all around the world, so will Lu Xun’s literary creation and his spirit and ideas. Meanwhile, the referential significance and effect of Lu Xun’s translated literature in new-age’s cross-cultural communication will be identified more and more clearly by the whole world.Chapter Seven is a discussion of the contemporary revelation of Lu Xun’s translated literature. It summarizes the contemporary revelation and monumental value of Lu Xun’s translated literature. The center of Lu Xun’s spirits lies in his consciousness of suffering for his nation, and this consciousness derives from the Chinese traditional culture. From the summary of the relationship between Lu Xun’s career of translation and the theory of "intermediate", his life philosophy, the chapter generalizes the origin of the traditional culture of this theory and the western influence upon it. From a global view, this chapter also generalizes the immortal achievements of Lu Xun as the soul of translation in China, the beneficial experiences of the worldwide spread of his translated literature and its contemporary revelation. Lu Xun’s career of translation demonstrates that translation is the bridge of communication, the criterion of value, the sand and stone that pave the roads and bear the weight, and the changes for innovation and pioneering. The immortal translation spirit of Lu Xun goes beyond space and time, offering invaluable experiences and indicating the way to progress. This chapter then summarizes the value of Lu Xun’s translated literature by the eternal standards of human beings: truthfulness, goodness and beauty. The truthfulness of Lu Xun’s translation lies in his persistent pursuit of truth and his literal translation style. It is his pursuit of nobility and truth that guides him to choose those texts which are beneficial to the Chinese people. The goodness of Lu Xun’s translation lies in his generous kindness and deep sympathy for the poor. Lu Xun is a writer "with his boundless love for the weak and poor, shouts and fights for the suppressed and insulted ". He connected China and the world with his pen and his literal translation, expressed his indignation, enthusiasm and his profound sympathy for the mass of laborers. The beauty of Lu Xun’s translation lies in his spirit of innovation and courage of pioneering. He "learnt from the contemporary and maintained the excellence of the ancient thus created the new model". Lu Xun learnt from all kinds of achievements in literature and art, ancient and modern, home and abroad with a unique generosity and foresight. Particularly, he used the techniques of western novels as reference and combined them with the traditions of Chinese classic novels and thus developed and established a new mode for contemporary novel in China. Nationality and originality are the fundamental elements for the success of Lu Xun’s literary creation, and the typicality and individuality of his characters explain the reasons why his creation could become known worldwide. Lu Xun’s creations on novels are invaluable treasures that belong to human beings as a whole.The Conclusion sums up the value and significance of Lu Xun’s translated literature. Lu Xun’s translation is the bridge leading to the Chinese people’s dream of becoming the self-reliant "universal men". In this new era of cross-cultural communication, the spirit and life of Lu Xun’s translations is still inspiring and giving us profound revelation. Today, to our Chinese people who are becoming "universal men", what are the real meanings and purposes of our life? From Lu Xun’s translation life, we can find a way to realize our Chinese dream and further more the dream of the entire human race.The intention and the significance of this dissertation is to make up for the weak points in the study on Lu Xun, to generalize the influence of Lu Xun’s translated literature upon the modern literature in China and to get some beneficial references and experiences for the development of translated literature and cross-cultural communication in the new age through the discussion of Lu Xun’s translated literature.The originalities of this thesis lie in the following aspects: 1. On the base of the previous study go on for the further research, this dissertation puts forward and proves the idea"Lu Xun became a translator first, and then became a writer".This idea is neither in agreenment with the old viewpoint of denying of Lu Xun’s achievement in translation nor in agreenment with the extreme new idea that "Lu Xun is above all a translator". This dissertation fully affirms the great achievements of Lu Xun’s translation and recognizes Lu Xun as a great translator. But to take an all-sided observation,Lu Xun’s greatest achievement and contribution lie in his literature creation ,especially his short novels which are the fruits of his combination of the western new enlightenment and the ancient Chinese traditional culture. 2. Starting from his philosophical concept of "intermediate" to analyze the function of the "intermediate" bridge of Lu Xun’s translation, and to study translator Lu Xun. 3 Selecting representative translated works of Lu Xun in his different stages of translation to give textual analyses, using those languages that Lu Xun made use of, such as Chinese, English, German and Japanese. Based on those textual analyses, Lu Xun’s translation ideas and techniques are generalized. This kind of comparative textual analyses has seldom been done before. 4. Conducting a comparison between the translation theories of Lu Xun with Venuti’s. It is a new perspective to make such comparisons. This dissertation also attempts to analyze the influence and the spread of Lu Xun’s translated literature ,using communication theory, and making it a new starting point for the further study in the field of the communications of translated literature in this new age.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】I210.9;I046
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2993
  • 攻读期成果