

Study on the Chinese Verbs That Indicate the Motion of Hands Based on Corpus

【作者】 吕艳辉

【导师】 盛玉麒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 手部动词是动词从意义角度划分出的一个重要小类。从语法学角度看,它是动词中的典型代表。从词汇学上讲,它是构词能力很强的基本词汇中的一部分。从对应的概念上来说,“手的动作”是人类共同的、重要的改造自然和社会的工具;是人与人之间进行交流的方法和途径之一。因此,本文遵循词汇学、语法学的理论,结合手部动词所表达的概念和意义,对手部动词进行细致的和全面的研究,以期为手部动词在中文信息处理领域中的应用提供可靠的数据支持及有效的分析方法。全文共包括六章:第一章导言;第二章手部动词的静态分析;第三章手部动词的计量分析;第四章手部动词的词素类聚分析;第五章手部动词的搭配分析;第六章手部动词的应用研究。第一章导言部分首先说明手部动词的研究是理论研究及应用研究的需要,其次简要介绍了学术界在动词研究方面与手部动词有关的研究历史及现状,最后提出了本文的指导理论及研究方法。第二章首先对研究对象“现代汉语手部动词”的定义、分类及性质进行了分析说明。其次对手部动词的义项数量及其义项性质的分布情况进行了统计分析,并结合多义手部动词义项之间的引申关系探讨了手部动词词义的抽象化。最后对手部动词在词典中的静态存在形式——手部动词的释义语言进行了研究,总结分析出手部动词的释义方式,并从释义词语的词性及频率方面考察了《现代汉语动词大词典》与《汉语大词典》中手部动词释义语言的差别,同时指出了手部动词词典释义中存在的问题。第三章简述了建立分词标注语料库的目的、抽样原则、语料的结构与类型、自动分词与标注的基本情况等。通过对语料库的统计分析,得出了手部动词在总体频度及不同语体中的分布特点及规律。第四章采用定量和定性相结合的方法,考察手部动词词素类聚的数量构成、分布特点及结构特点,总结概括出手部动词词素在构成合成词过程中的意义抽象化和特指化规律。并且对手部动词词素类聚在语料库中的总体频度、语体频度及动态搭配情况进行了分析。第五章手部动词的搭配分析,首先从手部动词“阶”搭配的角度出发探讨了手部动词的最近后续搭配词语的数量及性质分布特点,即手部动词与名词、趋向动词及介词的搭配具有高相关性。其次重点研究了手部动词的动宾搭配,总结出实际语料中手部动词动作义用法与非动作义用法所搭配的宾语的不同语义路径,并对如何将这些结论应用到手部动词的义项自动判别中进行了分析与说明。再次,关于手部动词的介词词组搭配问题,主要从概率统计的角度考察了手部动词与介词词组搭配时的意义倾向,总结出不同手部动词的高相关性介词词组搭配在使用中的特点及整体规律。最后结合手部动词结构的表达功能、手部动词结构与上下文的关系分析了手部动词出现的几种不同语境。第六章手部动词的应用研究,重点论述了手部动词研究在中文信息处理领域及对外汉语教学领域中的应用。阐述了通过对手部动词的研究,可以为手部动词及其相关结构的自动分词及标注、机器翻译及自动文本校对提供哪些有效的帮助和有用的方法。对外汉语教学领域主要探讨了实用原则、层级原则及对比原则在手部动词教学中的体现方式,并结合本研究的统计分析,对手部动词及手部动词词素类聚在《汉语水平词汇等级大纲》中的分布提出了一些改进意见。本文基本的研究方法是基于大规模真实文本语料库的定量统计与定性分析相结合的方法,“定量”包括对手部动词静态存在形式的定量分析、手部动词动态使用情况的计量分析等等;“定性”包括对手部动词不同类别的区分、手部动词动作义与非动作义的区分、手部动词的搭配分析等等。同时“描写”是定量的基础、“分析”是定性的必由之路,必须通过内省的方法来弥补语料库统计中的不足。本研究的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面:第一,从研究对象上看,以手部动词为专门的研究对象丰富了现代汉语动词研究的类型,从意义角度确定研究对象有一定难度,但语义的理解对中文信息处理非常重要。从意义角度出发,根据中文信息处理的实际需要对某一类词语进行专门化研究,是本研究的一个创新之处。第二,在研究方法上,本研究将语料库的方法与基于规则的方法相结合,充分发挥两者的优势,如语料库能够真实地反映手部动词的功能、作用及语体分布特点,而对于手部动词在语料库中反映出的特点必须用理论分析的方法对其加以概括和总结。语料库应用的具体方法上,本研究尝试使用了语体分布及相关性搭配等较为细致的分析。第三,以词汇学、语法学理论为指导,对手部动词及手部动词词素类聚的总体特点、内部构成、结构特点等进行了定量基础上的定性分析,并且对手部动词词义引申、手部动词作词素构词过程中、手部动词在动态搭配上的意义抽象化情况进行了分析,总结出手部动词的高相关性宾语及手部动词与高相关性宾语构成的动宾结构的语义特点等等,具有一定的理论性。本课题的研究意义在于明确了手部动词的分类、理清了手部动词在词典中的静态分布特点及构词情况、手部动词在语料库中的动态分布及搭配功能。同时总结了手部动词的词素搭配规律、词组搭配规律及其意义抽象化的途径,为手部动词在中文信息处理领域的应用提供了详尽的材料、数据及某些具体问题的解决方法。

【Abstract】 The verbs that indicate the motion of hands (for short, we used VIMH) are a part of verb, and they are classified according to their meaning. They are a typical kind of verbs on the fields of grammar. They belong to basic vocabulary in the sight of lexicology. The motion of hands is a way to change nature and to reform the society of human beings, at the same time it is a way for people to communicate with each other. So this dissertation focuses on a full-scale and thorough research of VIMH following the theory of grammar and lexicology, in order to supply the solid data and effective analysis method of VIMH for Chinese information processing.The dissertation falls into six chapters. Chapter one: introduction; chapter two: the static analysis of VIMH; chapter three: the quantitative analysis of VIMH; chapter four: the analysis of the compound words by the morpheme of VIMH; chapter five: the collocation of VIMH; chapter six: the application of the research on VIMH.In chapter one, firstly we show that this research is necessary to the theory of linguistics and the applied fields; then we introduce the history and situation of the research on the verbs and VIMH; at last we account for the guiding theories and research methods of this dissertation.In chapter two, we define the terms of the verbs that indicate the motion of hands and explain the classification and character of them, and count for the number and the distribution of the sememes of VIMH. Then we discuss the abstract meaning of VIMH according to the extension relationship between the sememes of VIMH. Finally we study on the defining vocabulary of VIMH and the defining way to VIMH. We find out the difference between the defining vocabulary of Hanyu Da Cidian and Xiandai Hanyu Dongci Da Cidian, meanwhile we point out the problems of the definition of VIMH in dictionary.In chapter three, we introduce the intention, principle, type and distribution of the annotated corpus, developing procedure of the annotated corpus which are expounded. From the statistical data, we show that VIMH are used with high frequency. The different frequency and distribution exist in different styles.In chapter four, we combine the quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis, and observe the frequency, the distribution and the structure feature of the compound words that are compounded by VIMH. Then we summarize the abstraction and specialization of meaning during the process of morpheme’s composing. Discussion of the general frequency, style frequency and dynamic collocation of compound words by VIMH morpheme are following.Chapter five is about the collocation of VIMH. Firstly, we study on the feature of the amount and property of following collocation of VIMH, which shows the high relativity between VIMH and noun and between directional verbs and prepositions. Secondly, we mainly discuss VIMH’s collocation of verbs and objects, and put forward the different semantic-path applied in the collocation of usage of action sememes and non-action sememes of VIMH. We analyze and illuminate how to adopt the conclusion to the auto-distinguish of VIMH’s sememes. Thirdly, we review the meaning tendency in the collocation of VIMH and preposition phrase from the aspect of statistics. Fourthly, we summarize the character and general rule in the usage of preposition phrase collocation highly relating to the different VIMH. Lastly, we analyze the feature of different speech environment in which VIMH occur by analyzing the expression function of VIMH structure.Chapter six is about the application research of VIMH, mainly including the application of VIMH in the field of Chinese information processing and teaching Chinese as foreign language. By VIMH reaesrch, we can offer kinds of effective help to auto-dividing and marking, machine translation, and text collating of VIMH and its correlative structure. In the field of teaching Chinese as foreign language, we emphasize particularly on the embodiment manners of the principles—practicality, hierarchy and contrast. With the statistic analysis, we put forward some opinions on how to improve the distributing of VIMH and its compound words by morpheme in the Vocabulary for HSK.The researching method of this dissertation is the combination of quantitative statistics and qualitative analysis based on the huge corpus with real text. The quantitative analysis includes the statistics of the static state and dynamic state of VIMH, while the qualitative analysis includes the difference between the different classificatory of VIMH, the difference between the action sememes and non-action sememes of VIMH and the analysis of collocation of VIMH. The depiction is the basis of quantitative analysis, while the analysis is important to the qualitative research. And we compensate the insufficiency in the statistics of corpus by the method of introspection.The innovations in this dissertation mainly embody in several aspects as follows:First, taking VIMH as researching object enriches the types of researching on modern Chinese verbs. There are certain difficulties to define the researching object from meaning, but the comprehension to meaning is very important to Chinese information processing. So to make special research on certain kind of words by the actual needs of Chinese information processing is one of the dissertation’s innovations.Second, this dissertation combines the method of corpus with rules, and adequately develops their advantages. For example, the corpus can not be replaced in reflecting the function, meaning and style distribution of VIMH. Therefore, the feature of VIMH reflected in corpus must be summarized and concluded with theoretic analysis. In details, this dissertation attempts to analyze the style distribution and relative collocation in the method of application of VIMH.Third, this dissertation makes qualitative analysis on feature, inner constitutes and structure of VIMH and its compound words by the morpheme of VIMH based on the quantitative analysis and under the direction of theory of lexis and syntax. This dissertation also analyzes the abstraction of VIMH itself, in the process of VIMH acting as morpheme and dynamic collocation of VIMH, and summarizes the the high relativity object of VIMH and construes its feature and meanings of the structure by the VIMH and their highly relative object. All of these have certain innovation in theoretic research.To sum up, the meaning of this dissertation lies on making sure of the classification of VIMH, the static distribution and compound words of VIMH in dictionary and the function of VIMH’s dynamic collocation in corpus. This dissertation leads to the conclusions of collocation roles and semantic abstraction of VIMH. Also, this dissertation shows elaborate material, data and proposes solutions to certain problems of VIMH’s application in field of Chinese information processing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期