Explanation of the Chu Bamboo Slips Manuscript
【作者】 张崇礼;
【导师】 徐超;
【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士
【摘要】 郭店、上博等楚簡公佈後,迅速成為古文字學界、學術界和國際漢學界的研究熱點。經過大批學者的辛勤努力,在竹簡的编連、識字、句讀、訓釋等方面,都取得了豐碩的成果。但由於文本復原牽扯到多方面的因素,困難很多,現有楚簡中需要進一步探討的問題也很多。本文就是在諸位專家學者研究的基礎上,對郭店、上博楚簡的某些字詞或文句,從文字的考訂、詞義的訓釋等方面,談了一些自己的看法,希望能夠對通讀簡文,理解其内涵,有所幫助。全文主要内容如下:第一章:1、把“(?)”隸定為“(?)。,分析為从艸从刀,苜聲。認為“(?)”本義是蒲蒻做的席,在簡文中當讀為“篾”,是劈成條狀的竹皮。2、認為“(?)”當分析為从廾,止聲,釋為“等”,義為竹簡。3、“仁篾而(丙口攴)”應讀為“仁篾而更”。“篾”當訓為“細小“,“(丙口攴)”就是“更”字,應訓為“續”。4、“更之為言也,猶更更也。”“更更”讀為“庚庚”,意思是把眾多小的東西聚集在一起。“更”的這種意義應是由它的“續”義引申而來。5、“小而(?)多也。”“(?)”,當釋為“寮”,同“軫”,義為盛多湊集貌。6、“豫”字不必改讀,應訓為“樂”。“志”,訓為情志。第二章:1、“(力攴)”、“勑”都來源於甲骨文、金文的“(未攵厂)”,應訓為“理”、“治理”。2、甲金文“(未攵厂)”字的結構,應是从木从反人从攴會意,後“木”訛變為“來”以表聲。“(未攵厂)”字的本義,應與“治木”有關,可訓為“治”或“理”。第三章:1、“一家事,乃有(?)”,“(?)”讀為“度”,是指一家人居家過日子,應當有個算計。2、“三雄一雌”是以陰陽為喻,三雄一雌,突出“陰”的可貴,也就是“謀為可貴”。3、“三(缶夸)一(?)”說的是多個“(缶夸)”共用一個底座“(?)”。作者用一系列日常生活的事例作比喻,都是說明“謀”的重要性。第四章:1、(?)即“(臼土)”字,義為“詆毀”。2、“(忄立口)”應訓為“怒”。3、(?)當釋為“豜”,讀為“姦”4、“楥”應讀為“宣”,訓為“驕”。“籲”與“訏”通。在簡文中即吹噓、說大話的意思。5、“及”讀為“汲”,義為“急切追求”。(?)當釋為“僕”,訓為“附”。6、“監”字有“借鑒”、“參考”義。“望”有“榜樣”義。7、“已”當訓為“止”。“謀,已道者也。”與《論語》“君子謀道不謀食”義近。8、(?)應該是“卜”字。“凡卜,有不行者也。”義即蔔筮的辦法並不十分可靠。9、“懙”應訓為“舒”。10、“賊”在簡文中當釋為“讒毀”,“自悬”就是“自我誇飾”。11、“由”字不必改讀,應訓為輔佐、匡正。簡文蕴涵的意思是說,能否達到目標,關鍵遗是要看自身的努力。第五章:1、把第一簡原釋為“擊”的字改釋為“動”。2、根據第九簡“原”字的寫法,認定尚秉和先生釋“原筮”為“野筮”是正確的。3、把第十二簡原讀為“終”的字,改釋為“忡”。第六章:1、“(?)”,從(?)得聲,應讀為“禪”,義為單衣。2、“介趨”連言,當為套馬駕車之意。“介”或許由“給馬披甲”而引申出一般的“套馬”之義。3、“寅”當指五刑之一的“髕”刑,“頸”是指五刑之中的“殺”,即砍頭。“寅頸之罪”應是泛指重大的罪行。4、(?),當釋為“裎”,“裎袍”對襟長袍。5、(?),當釋為“羅”,為“至”、“到”。第七章:1、“(?)”,可隸定為“浞”,“死浞之滹”指處死寒浞的河邊。2、“(井田刃)(夂二小)”當讀為“荊齋”,是指按照楚地儀式進行沐浴更衣等。3、“曼”應訓為“突”。4、(?),或可釋為禰,指父廟。5、(?),當釋為“敷”。訓為“陳”,意思是向君上報告。6、“俑”當讀為讀為“墉”,釋為“牆”。第八章:1、“芥儀愈(辶夭)”與歷史上記載的折竹占卜的方法比較相符,義為加快了折竹占卜的速度。2、“(疒喿)”,應是指由於乾燥而引起的疾病。“麎”即“褫”字,應讀為“褫”,訓為“福也”。3、“侯”當如字讀,本義是“射侯”,即箭靶,在簡文中喻指“目標”。4、我們對簡文故事情節的理解:從一開始就是寫簡王在攘除旱災,簡文中自始至終所進行的,郡是“郊祭”,釐尹與簡王矛盾分歧的焦點,在於是郊祭上天還是望祭山川。第九章:1、“敷情而不偷”義為向君上報告寅情而不敢不循禮法。2、“偶言”義同於“偶語”,是指私下相聚議論。3、“裚蔑耑折”說的是折竹占卜。4、“外=”應看作“外卜”的合文。“卜”通“僕”。“外僕”,古代掌管國君和大臣臨時止宿、停留處所等事務的官員。5、“聖人”,品德智慧最高的人,代表著“文治”;“武夫”,勇武的軍人,代表著“武功”。晏子這裹是批評景公文治武功皆不修。6、“播”與“藏”相對,可訓為“顯露”;“盈”與“篤”相對,可訓為驕橫,自滿。晏子這是批評景公做人驕橫自滿,不能敦厚篤實。7、(?),从肉古聲,應是“(月古)”字,意思是骨肉乾枯,用來指人,是說人瘦得皮包骨頭。(?),可隸定為“(疒勺)”,從勺得聲,也應該可讀為“弱”。“約弱”應大致等於“貧弱”。第十章:(?),應該是“榜”字,“榜專”與“普施”、“博施”義同。郭店楚簡《性自命出》第四十八簡的(?),也應該讀為“旁”,訓爲“廣”。第十一章:l、“忠疐(質)以反俞”就是順應自然之道,不刻意有為,只有這樣,才能達到内心的從容安定。2、“精法以巽(順)勢”應與《慎子》的“守成理,因自然”意義大致相同。3、“任德以埃”,是說君子處無為之道,順物之當然而待,是虛靜以自守的意思。第十二章:1、“果”亦當訓為“成”,表示事與預期相合。2、簡文中的“(?)”字,應依沈培先生釋為“戴”,讀為“得”,訓為“抓獲、捕獲”。3、(?),應是“辱”字的誤寫為。“辱”的常用義有“汙”、“辱沒”等,在簡文中用為表謙敬的副詞。4、“敢”當如字讀,釋為“侵犯”、“冒犯”。第十三章:(?)應釋爲“友”,是成公之名。2、(?)應分析為从坐从山,即“(山坐)”字,應讀為“坐”。3、簡文中的“(?)”,就是釀醋的必備容器“甕”,“菜”應該就是釀醋的原料,“酪菜不爨”指的是薰制法,“甕不蓋”指的是發酵法。“酪菜不爨”,即發酵的醋糟沒有在火竃旁熏烤,也就是沒有使用燻制法,那麽使用發酵法釀醋,要注意“甕常以綿幕之,不得蓋”。第十四章:1、“刑”既要符合“情”,又要受“物”的約束。“幾殺而邦正”應該是說謹慎地使用刑罰,國家才能得到治理。2、“信文得事,信武得田”的意思是說:信用文官,可以使國家得到治理;信用武官,可以開拓疆土。“根之以玉鬥,仇讎殘亡”的意思是說如果能夠依北斗星的指示進行征伐。仇人就會滅亡。“洛尹行身和二:一喜一怒”的意思是說洛尹立身處世的方法是合喜怒為一身。這是舉用神話傳說,來闡明陰陽、文武兩者都不可偏廢,要和而用之。3、“興”有“振作”之義,不必改讀。“行以興”,就是走路要有精神。量,當訓為標準、規格。恒,當訓為長久、固定,目恒,指天子的目光要在士身上停留的時間長一些。
【Abstract】 After the Chu bamboo slips manuscript being published in Guodian、Shanghai Museum and other related books,Chu bamboo slips make its promot hot point in the field of ancient character,academic and international Chinese reseach.With the efforts of numbers of scholors,we have achived a greet success in many aspects of Chu bamboo slips,such as encoding & linking,literating,sentence reading and adomishing & interpting.However,there are many sides need to conside and many probelomes will come out,if we want restoring the original text,as well as many probelomes needed to further disguss in Chu bamboo slips.The text is about show my own views on some words or literal sentences on respect of examing & revising and admonishing & interpreting,which is on the basement of many scholars’ reseach.I hope it’ll be helpful to read over and compreherd to the meaning.Main Contents:Chapter one:1.We prescribe(?) as(?),which is about grass and sword.The original meaning of(?)is a mat made by club grass.It’s read mie"篾" in bamboo slip,with the meaning of bamboo clappers divided in the shape of a long narrow place.2.We think having relationship with,which can be explained as"and so on".3."仁篾而(?)"should be read as ren mie er geng"仁篾而更".The meaning of mie"篾"is"tiny"."(?)"is word of geng"更",which should be admonished as "continuation".4."更之為言也。猶更更也" we read genggeng"更更" as genggeng "庚庚",which should be come out of its meaning of continuation.5."小而(?)多也。""(?)"is liao"尞",which explains as zhen"軫"The meaning of "尞"is tiny and quantity.6.We needn’t to charge the reading of yu"豫",which means "happy". Zhi"志"means emotion.Chapter two:1.Li"(?)",lai"(?) are both come from Oracle and Jinwen,can be interpreted as "management’or "administration"2.The structure of li"(?)",constitutes of mu"木"、reverse ren"人" and pu"攴".The original meaning of li"(?)" should have relationship with curing the symptoms and the diseases,which means "administration" or "management"Chapter three:1."一家事,乃有(?)","(?)"is read as du "度",which means one should have a plan of living a thrifty life.2.San xiong yi ci"三雄一雌"is explained by yinyang"陰陽",which means the stratagem is valuable.3."三(?)一(?)" means more than one hu"(?)"having the same foundation of di"(?)", in order to emphasize the important of stratagem.Chapter four:1."(?)"is the word of nie "(?)",which means slander.2."(?)" should be explained as angery.3."(?)"is the word of jian "豜".It should be explained as evil.4.The funations of xuan "楥"and xuan"宣" are similar,which means pride.We can excharge between them.In the concise edition,their meaning is boasting.5.Ji"及"is read as ji"汲",which means eager pursuit."(?)" is the word of pu"僕",,It should be explained as attach to.6.Jian"監"has the meaning of using the reference.The word of wang"望" has the meaning of model.7.Yi"已"should be admonished as "stop".Mou,yi dao zhe ye"謀,已道著也" has the similar meaning of junzi moudao bu moushi"君子謀道不謀食" of confusion.8."(?)"should be the word of bu"卜".Fan bu,you buxing zhe"凡卜。有不行 者",which means the unreliable of prediction.9.Yu"懙"should be admonished as "confortable"10.In the concise edition,"賊" should be explained as "bespatter".Ziyan"自(?)" means "speaking highly of oneself.11.The reading of you"由" needn’t to change,which means assisting a ruler in governing a country or correcting.In the concise edition,it means that one’s success relies on the degree of exerting oneself.Chapter five:1.The character copied on the first bamboo slip is interpreted as dong"動",which was originally as ji"擊".2.According the writing of yuan"原"in the nineth bamboo slip,we think Mr.ShangBinghe is right to explain yunashi"原筮"as yeshi"野筮".3.The original reading of zhong"終"in the twenth bamboo slip should change its explaination to chong"忡".Chapter six:1."(?)",getting the sound from,should be read as dan "襌",which means unlined garment.2.If we put jiequ"介趨"together,which should be regarded as harness a draught horse to a cart.Jie""has the meaning of lassoing a horse may come from taoma"套馬".3.Yin"寅"is the bin"髕",one of the five penalties in the ancient time. Jing"頸"means killing of the five penalties,in other words,it means decapitating. Yinjing zhizui"寅頸之罪"should be important crime.4."(?)"should be explained as cheng"裎".Chengpao"裎袍"means robe weared in the ancient time.5."(?)"should be explained as luo"羅",which means "to" or "arrive"Chapter seven:1.We can stimulate "(?)"as zhuo"浞".Sizuozhihu"死浞之滹"means the river bank where hanzhuo"寒浞" was killed.2.We should read "(?)"as Jingzhai"荊齋",which means having a bath or charging one’s clothes,by the ceremony of Chu.3.Man"曼"should he interpreted as tu"突".4."(?)"can be explained as"禰",which stands ancestral temple.5."(?)"should be explained as fu"敷",then interpreted as chen"陳",which means reporting to king.6.The word of yong"俑"should be read as yong"墉",which means "wall".Chapter eight:1."(?)儀愈(?)"has the extremely method of pralting divination by breaking bamboo,which keeps a record in history.However,it speeds up the development of pratising divination by breaking bamboo.2."(?)"means a kind of disease,which is caused by drying."麎"is the word of chi"褫",which should be read as chi"禠" and be interpreted as blessing.3.Hou"侯"’s natural meaning is shehou "射侯".In other words,aim is the matephor meaning of it in the concise edition.4.Our understanding of concise edition is come from the rooting out drought at the beginning,and all the passage is about the offering sacrifices to gods or mountains and rivers.Chpter nineth:1.Fuqing er butou"敷情而不偷"means reporting to the monarch under rite way.2.Ouyan"偶言"as familiar meaning of ouyu"偶語",which means the private discuss together.3."裚蔑耑折"means practicing dilination by breaking bamboo.4."外="should be regarded as waibu"外蔔"combination,bu"蔔"to pu"僕". Waipu"外僕",the official to master monarch and minister’s temporary lodge.5."Sage",the highest morals and wit,represents wenzi "文治";"武夫",brave armyman,represents "military allomplishment".Yanzi criticizes Jing Wengong’s fail of civil and military government.6.Bo"播"is opposite to cang"藏",interpreting as "disinter";ying"盈"to du"篤", as arrogant and imperious complacent statement.Yanzi criticizes JingWengong’s arrogant and imperious character.7.(?)should be "(?)",which means poor flesh and blood,it means one person is very slim with poor flesh and blood.(?),can be scripted as "(?)",which makes its sound from shao"勺’,it can also be read as ruo"弱".Yueruo"約弱"should have the similar pinruo "貧弱"Chapter ten:"(?)"should be bang"榜".Bangfu"榜尃"has the same meaning as pushi"普施"boshi"博施"."(?)"on the 48th bamboo slip of xingzimingchu《性自命出》in Guodian should also be read as pang"旁",interpreted as "extended".Chapter eleven:1."忠疐(質)以反俞"is to comply with the nature,but not artificial,only do this, we can achieve the tolerance in the inner heart.2."精法以巽(順)勢"should have the familiar meaning generally,with"守成理,因自然" from《Shenzi》3."任德以竢" is talking about the gentleman’s inactional behavior,conforming to the nature with the present statement,its meaning is tranquility for self-contained.Chapter twelve:1.Guo"果"should be interpreted as cheng"成",which means the combination of matter with anticipation.2."(?)"is the charater dai"戴",read as de"得",interpretated as "capture".3."(?)"should be the miswritten of ru"辱",ru辱"’s common meaning is "defile"、"stoop"ect.It is used as adv to show reverence.4.Gan"敢"should be interpreted as "infringe" or "insult". Chapter thirteen:1."(?)"is the charater you "友".Ganyou"幹友"is the name of chenggong"成公"2."(?)"should be analyzed as "(?)",read as zuo"坐".3.Weng"(?)" is the necessary container for brewing vinegar,and cai"菜"should be the making of vinegar brew."酪菜不爨"is regarded as fermental vinegar container without fumigation at the fire stove,i.e.without using fumigation.We should attach the importance to "urn is usually curtained by cotton,not to cover."Chapter fourteen:1.Xing"刑" should conform to qing"情",and also be restrained by wu"物"."幾殺而邦正"is talking about that if one country want to be in order,it should use the punishment cautiously.2.信文得事,信物得田"’s meaning is:believing in civil official can help a country to be governed;believing in military officer can help a country to develop territory."根之以玉門,仇讎殘亡"is talking about that enemy can be destroyed if we conquer relying on the in struction of the Big Dipper."洛尹行身和二:一喜一怒" means that luoyin"洛尹"makes a living with delight and anger.This is the myth to clarify both yin and yang and civil and military official should not be neglected. Theyshould be utilized in harmony.3.Xing"興"has the meaning of "bestiy",unnecessary to read others."行以興" means that waking should be with spirit.Liang"量"should be interpreted as standard or regulation.Heng"恒" as permanenty,fix,stare constartly,which means that emperor’s sight should be last for a longer time or scholar or gentleman.Chapter fifteen:Chapter fifteen organizes the 18th,17th and 7th number into groups,and interprets their contents fully.
【Key words】 Chu bamboo slips manuscript; charater; explain;