

The Study of the Privileged Bureaucrat Stratum in the USSR

【作者】 赵鹤梅

【导师】 孔令栋;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 科社与国际共运, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 关于社会主义国家的官僚特权阶层问题并不是一个新问题,而是在社会主义理论和实践的历史上一再被提出的一个重大问题,它曾引发世界上不同立场、不同派别和各方学者尖锐的意见分歧和激烈的思想斗争。早在十九世纪,截至苏联解体,不断有人探讨这一问题,其代表人物如:马克思、恩格斯、列宁、托洛茨基、吉拉斯、曼德尔、奥塔·希克、米哈伊尔·瓦斯连斯基等,他们都对这一问题进行了认真思考,他们的观点对我们今天认识苏联官僚特权阶层问题仍有很大的启发。这些代表人物对官僚特权阶层的研究角度不一,认识程度有别,结论也有分歧,关于官僚特权阶层的实质是一个阶级还是一个阶层,他们存在着不同看法,以致用各种不同的名称来称呼它,如:官僚集团、特殊阶层、官僚阶层、“新阶级”、特权阶层、“花名册”干部,等等。尽管存在上述不同,但可以发现:他们描述的是同一客体——按照等级制度建立起来的社会主义国家的党官僚或者政治官僚。他们提出的解决问题的途径有所不同,有的推崇巴黎公社原则,有的赞同多党制,有的主张“委员制”,有的要求苏维埃民主制,等等。20世纪80年代末90年代初,世界共产主义运动发生了时代性的变化:东欧各社会主义国家和苏联先后发生剧变,这些变化是否使关于苏联官僚特权阶层的研究变得不像苏联作为一个超级大国时那么重要了呢?很显然,答案是否定的。深入研究苏联官僚特权阶层,有助于弄清苏联剧变的真正原因,有助于总结社会主义革命和建设的经验教训,有助于社会主义国家杜绝官僚化问题。另外,中国的现代史与苏联的发展进程极为相似,中国要避免苏联亡党亡国的灾难,就不能不研究苏联官僚特权阶层在苏联剧变中到底起到了哪些作用。由此可见:进一步研究苏联官僚特权阶层具有重大的理论意义与现实意义。近年来,我国学术界对苏联官僚特权阶层这一问题十分关注,一些论文纷纷发表,这些成果使有关这一问题的研究被不断深化,研究领域被大大拓宽,很多见解发人深省。然而研究中也存在一些问题,如发表较多的是一些专题文章,或者是一些其他专题的文章,其个别段落或章节涉及到了苏联官僚特权阶层,而全面、系统地评介苏联官僚特权阶层的专著并不多见,并且在一些具体问题上学者们尚有分歧,如:苏联官僚特权阶层形成的时间、其人员构成及具体数量、其实质是一个阶层还是一个阶级、其产生的社会原因、其概念的科学界定,等等。因此,很有必要对苏联官僚特权阶层进行深入的研究与探讨,对其做出客观的评介,并从理论高度上总结出社会主义革命与建设的经验教训。鉴于此,在导师的指导下,结合个人的外语特长和兴趣,笔者选择《苏联官僚特权阶层研究》作为自己博士学位论文的题目。本论文的撰写力图达到以下目标:遵循实事求是、辩证分析的研究原则,运用实证分析和历史的方法,依据前人的研究成果以及最新的第一手材料,力图对苏联官僚特权阶层进行较为全面的分析,尝试对其进行科学界定,并对下列问题做出回答:苏联官僚特权阶层的形成过程如何,其社会属性是什么,产生的根源有哪些,其实质是什么,如何对其进行历史评价,其产生与演变的教训带给社会主义国家及其执政党哪些反思。苏联官僚特权阶层问题是苏联政治和历史研究中的一个重要问题,然而,大多数人不一定了解:在俄语中并没有与中国学者所称的“官僚特权阶层”对应的一个专有名词,在苏联解体后,俄罗斯学者通常用“номенклатура”一词作为官僚特权阶层的代名词。“номенклатура”一词在俄语中的原意是表示名册、名称汇录,其现在所包含的政治含义是逐渐演化而来的。苏维埃政权建立以后,最初这一术语被苏共用来表示不同领导机关的职能分类,但这一意义渐渐地丧失了,被其他意义所取代。由于进行职能分类时,这些领导机关指定了一些高级职务,这些职务须由上述机关任命,于是“номенклатура”一词演变成了一个新的政治术语,新获得的含义有两个方面:一是指由上级机关任命的领导职务名录,二是指担任这些领导职务的人员及其后备人员名单。这就是后来人称的“花名册”。笔者认为:正是由苏联各级党委会任命的“花名册”干部构成了苏联官僚特权阶层。本论文认为识别苏联官僚特权阶层有三个标准:一是有国家的直接任命;二是有权力支配国家资源;三是按照官位等级享有国家规定的合法特权。根据这三个标准,本论文对苏联官僚特权阶层界定如下:苏联官僚特权阶层是在苏联的社会政治经济结构中占据一定地位、履行一定的管理职能、并根据官位等级的高低享受大小不等的合法特权的人的总和,它是苏联特定历史条件下的必然产物,是苏联社会真正的统治者。除导言外,本论文共分为四章和结束语。第一章介绍苏联官僚特权阶层的形成过程。笔者认为,苏联官僚特权阶层是在缺乏民主、高度中央集权的斯大林模式下产生和发展起来的,其形成的过程分为三个时期:一是萌生时期,自“职业革命家组织”的诞生到列宁去世。“职业革命家组织”产生于旧俄国,作为布尔什维克党的领导核心,十月革命后它掌握了政权,领导布尔什维克党进行了创立无产阶级专政体系的探索,建立起苏俄政权体制的基本框架。由于俄国政治经济文化落后的国情、当时国内外严峻的环境,特别是“职业革命家组织”高度集中和绝对服从的组织形式及组织原则的影响,布尔什维克党及其建立的政权体制均表现出权力集中的特点。经过三年国内战争后,俄共(布)成为执政党,苏维埃政权得到巩固和发展,随着党政机构的迅速扩大,在国家机关和布尔什维克党内官僚主义逐渐产生并蔓延开来,官僚特权阶层也悄悄萌生。二是初步形成时期,自列宁去世到1929年,标志是斯大林及其机关创立了“花名册”制度。随着“花名册”干部的产生,党内出现了两个执政阶层:高层是由职业革命家组成的“列宁近卫军”,处于它之下的是斯大林提拔的“花名册”干部,“花名册”干部通过消灭党内竞争对手争夺最高权力。三是最终形成时期,是在20世纪30年代,标志是斯大林及其机关建立起高度集权的政治体制,并从精神上和肉体上消灭了“列宁近卫军”,“花名册”干部牢牢地掌握了控制社会的所有权力,由此他们最终形成了苏联官僚特权阶层。第二章阐明苏联官僚特权阶层的社会属性。首先介绍官僚特权阶层干部的类别和数量分布,进而阐述其功能,然后总结其特点。苏联官僚特权阶层精心地掩盖自身的存在,然而,由于“花名册”干部构成官僚特权阶层,透过“花名册”还是不难发现这一阶层的构成界限,并由此可以估算出其人数在70万~75万左右。他们的功能是控制决策体系、垄断经济资源和操纵对社会的控制,其特点是具有整体性、政治性、等级性、身份固定性和特殊性。第三章探讨苏联官僚特权阶层产生的根源。任何一个重大的社会历史现象,都是各种历史因素合力的产物,即都是在一定的主、客观条件的共同作用下促成的。同样,苏联官僚特权阶层也是许多因素的综合产物,它的产生既有历史原因,也有制度性因素的影响。第四章对苏联官僚特权阶层做出历史评价。基于不同的观点、政治态度和利益,甚至随着共产主义运动的涨落,不同国家、不同阶级、不同党派、不同政治信仰的人对苏联官僚特权阶层的评价是不同的,甚至是对立的。而在苏联发生剧变之后,则有越来越多的人认为苏联官僚特权阶层对“亡党亡国”负有不可推卸的责任,因而全盘否定苏联官僚特权阶层的观点一度十分流行。笔者认为,全盘肯定或全盘否定苏联官僚特权阶层的观点都是错误的,只有首先弄清苏联官僚特权阶层的实质,并把它放到具体的历史条件和背景下进行一分为二的历史分析,才能全面和科学地评价它。结束语对苏联官僚特权阶层与苏联演变的关系进行剖析,认为苏联官僚特权阶层是诱发苏联演变的一个重要因素,进而对苏联官僚特权阶层产生及其演变的历史教训进行总结,指出社会主义国家及其执政党要杜绝官僚化问题必须做到:在执政体制方面,要实行党政分开;在决策体制方面,要坚持和完善民主集中制原则;在干部制度方面,要建立合理选拔、配备、培养干部的机制,以选举制代替任命制;在权力制约方面,要建立行之有效的监督机制。最后需要指出的是:由于在苏联时期与官僚特权阶层有关的一切都是保密的,不仅对苏联人民保密,也对国外保密,尽管苏联解体后一些相关的新材料相继问世,但绝大部分有关材料仍未解密,这无形中增添了对苏联官僚特权阶层问题的研究难度,更何况它还是社会主义理论和实践历史上的一个老、大、难问题,加之笔者能力有限,论文存在不足之处在所难免,敬请专家学者批评指正。

【Abstract】 The issue of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the socialist countries is not a new one but has been put forward over and over again in the history of socialism whether theoretically or practically. It has aroused a lot of thoughts and controversies among scholars of different schools who hold different positions in the world. From the early period of the nineteenth century to the disaggregation of the USSR, many people probed into the issue, among whom are the following representatives: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Trotski Lev Davidovich, Milovan Djilas, Mikhail Vaslensky, and etc. Their careful reflections of the issue provide much help for us to understand the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR.However, these representatives attacked the problem from different perspectives, thus achieving different understanding levels and conflicting conclusions. They have different ideas concerning the matter whether the nature of the privileged bureaucrat stratum is a social class or just a stratum. They even used different names / terms for it, such as bureaucrat group, special stratum, bureaucrat stratum, "new class", privileged stratum, the "muster roll" officials and etc. Despite these differences, we can still find something in common that is they all described the same object—the party bureaucracy or political bureaucracy in the socialist countries constructed in accordance with hierarchy, although the approaches to the problem suggested by them vary a lot such as the Principles of the Paris Commune, the multiparty system, the commissioner system, the soviet democracy, and etc.In the late 80s and the early 90s of the 20th century, the world’s communism movement brought drastic changes of the era: there were upheavals in most socialist countries in the Eastern Europe and the USSR early or late. One may wonder whether the study on the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR would not be as important as it was when the USSR was a superpower. Obviously, it is not necessary to worry about that. The careful study of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR can help us to find the real reason for the disaggregation of the USSR, learn the lessons in the cause of socialist revolution and development, and even contribute to the eliminating of the problem of bureaucracy. Besides, the contemporary history of China bears a lot of similarities with the development of the former USSR. In order to prevent the disaster of the party and the country, China needs to analyze the roles played by the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR during the disaggregation of the USSR. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical significance to study the subject.In recent years the scholars in China have concerned themselves about the issue of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR, producing a variety of papers that deepen the study itself and develop the research scope. Most of their views set people thinking while there are still some aspects to be improved, which can be seen as follows. One is that most of the articles produced tend to be on a special topic; another is that some of them are even on other subjects with only some paragraphs or sections concerning the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. It is rare to find some monographs with a comprehensive and systematic review of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. Scholars even have disagreements concerning the specific problems such as the time, the members, the numbers, the nature (whether it is a stratum or a class), the social factors, the scientific definition, and etc. Therefore, it is of great necessity to make a deep study and discussion about the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR so that we can have objective observations about it and at a theoretical level learn lessons from the cause of the socialist revolution and construction.This is why I choose the study of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR as the subject of my dissertation under the instruction of my supervisor, based on my interest and language advantage. This dissertation tries to achieve the following goals: one is to make a full analysis of the concerned issue and give a scientific definition. With the method of exemplification and historical analysis, it will be practical and realistic, dialectic and analytical based on the former studies and the latest first-hand data. Another goal is to provide answers to the following questions: how did the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR come into being? What are the social aspects of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR? What is the origin? What is the nature? How to give it a historical review? What lessons does its development bring to the socialist countries and their party in power?The issue of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR has been a significant subject in the study of USSR’s politics and history. However, it is kept from the majority that Russian has not a proper noun corresponding to the term "the privileged bureaucrat stratum" referred to by Chinese scholars. Since the disaggregation of the USSR, scholars in Russia normally have used the word "номенклатура" to mean the idea. The original meaning of the word "номенклатура" was "beadroll", "name lists". The political meanings were derived during the development later. The Soviet communists first used it to describe the different functions of the governments at separate levels after the establishment of the Soviet government. Later, this meaning gradually disappeared and was replaced by others. In classifying the functions, some of the higher positions were designated and the persons holding the positions should be appointed by the governments. Thus the word "номенклатура" became a new political term with the following two new meanings. One is about the name lists of the positions designated by the higher governments; the other is about the name lists of the appointed members and the members in support. It had another well-known name—the so-called "muster roll". This dissertation holds that it was the officials on the "muster roll" who were appointed by the USSR’s Committees of Party Members at all levels that led to the development of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR.This dissertation argues there are three criteria to identify the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. Namely, they are the direct appointment from the country, the power to control the national resources, and the legitimate privileges entitled according to the official hierarchy in the country. The definition of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR in this dissertation is like the following: the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR refers to the whole group of people who have a certain position in the country’s political and economic society, perform the function of regulation or management and are entitled to certain big or small privileges in accordance with their positions in the official hierarchy. Its appearance is the inevitable result of the given historical situations of the USSR. This stratum is the real ruler of the Soviet society.The dissertation consists of four chapters and the conclusion part besides the introduction. Chapter One introduces the development of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. It is proposed that privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR was produced and later developed itself under the Stalin’s pattern of ruling that was lack of democracy and highly centralized. The process may fall into three stages: First, the germination stage, from the birth of "The organization of professional revolutionists" to the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. "The organization of professional revolutionists" originated in old Russia. After the October Revolution, as the core leader of the Bolsheviki Party, it came in power to lead the Party to conduct the explorations of proletariate dictatorship and construct the framework of the Soviet government system. Due to the backward Russian politics, economy, culture, the severe home and abroad circumstances, and especially the influence of the highly centralized and absolutely obedient organization forms and principles, the Bolsheviki Party and its government system featured the centralized power. After three years of the civil war, the Russian Communist Party became the Party in power, thus the Soviet government got more stability and development. With the expansion of the party organizations and governments, bureaucratism began its appearance in the governments and the Bolsheviki Party and soon spread widely. Here came the germination of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. Second, the early development stage from the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin to 1929. The symbol is the "muster roll" system created by Stalin and his government. With the appearance of the "muster roll" officials, two strata in power came into being: the higher was the "Lenin’s guardsmen" formed by the professional revolutionists; the lower was the "muster roll" officials elevated by Stalin, who fought for their reigning power by eliminating the rivals in the Party. Finally, the shaping of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR stage, it appeared in the 1930s. The symbol was the highly centralized political system created by Stalin and his government, which put an end to the "Lenin’s guardsmen" physically and mentally. The "muster roll" officials grasped all the power firmly to control the society, in consequence the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR came into history.Chapter Two is about the social aspects of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. It gives an introduction of its kinds, quantity and distribution. In addition, it discusses the functions and the features. Although the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR tried to conceal their presence with a lot of pains, we can easily find the construction of the stratum with the "muster roll" since the "muster roll" officials compromised the privileged bureaucrat stratum, and we can also estimate that the numbers ranged from 700,000 to 750,000. Their functions include controlling the system of decision-making, monopolizing the economic resources and manipulating the society. They were integrated, political, and hierarchical with relatively stable status and certain particularities.Chapter Three explores the origin of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. Any significant social phenomenon in history is the product of all kinds of historical factors. It is usually caused by the combination influence of certain subjective or objective conditions. In this sense, the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR is also the product of the comprehensive factors. Its development may be due to both the historical reasons and the system factors.Chapter Four is the historical review of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. With the ups and downs of the Communism Movement, different countries, classes, parties, and people with different beliefs have distinct, even contrasting views concerning the issue due to their different opinions, political attitudes and interests. After the disaggregation of the USSR, more and more people think the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR should take the responsibility for the disaster of the Party and the country. Once the opinion that totally denied the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR was prevalent. However, it is argued in this dissertation that it is mistaken to totally accept or totally deny the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. Only after we understand the nature of it and analyze it from both aspects in the given historical backgrounds can we achieve a comprehensive and scientific review of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR.The conclusion part probes into the relationship between the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR and the disaggregation of the USSR. It concludes that the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR is one of the important factors that trigger the disaggregation. This part also summarizes the historical lessons from the germination and development of the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR. It points that the following measures should be taken by the socialist countries and their party in power to avoid bureaucratism: separating the party from the government in terms of reigning; maintaining and perfecting the principle of democratic dictatorship in terms of decision-making; constructing a sound system of selecting, preparing, training officials in terms of official system, for instance, replacing appointment with election; establishing a practical system of supervision in terms of power restriction.What should be mentioned here is that the study of the subject has a certain degree of difficulty. One is all the information about the privileged bureaucrat stratum in the USSR at that time was confidential to the Soviet people and the other countries during the Soviet time. After the disaggregation, some new related data became public one after the other. Yet, most of them are still kept confidential, which make the study somewhat difficult. In addition, it has always been a big and difficult problem.There must be certain aspects that need to be improved owing to my limited knowledge. Any suggestion and criticism is welcome and appreciated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期