

The Literary Theory Speakers’ Identity of China in the New Era

【作者】 李旭

【导师】 谭好哲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 如果对中国的文学理论话语进行细心的爬梳与考察,便不难发现这样一个现象:它们从来都与言说者的身份认同密切相关,而不仅仅是纯粹知识话语层面的问题。那么,新时期文学理论的言说者是谁,他们以何种方式在言说,他们为什么要这样言说?他们的言说是自觉自愿自律的,还是被权力、资本、媒介等所操控?本文尝试从政治、经济、媒介、文化四个维度对中国新时期文学理论言说者的身份认同问题进行多元阐释。全文共分六章。绪论部分首先对选题的由来及意义进行了说明,然后对本选题的相关研究现状进行了综述与评析,最后对本文的基本思路做了陈述。在绪论中从四个维度对身份认同关键词进行了解读,同时指出,无论是个人还是群体的身份认同,都是一个多元化的建构过程,从身份认同的角度来对新时期文论言说者进行阐释,可以为文学理论研究提供一种新的入思视角,提升和拓宽对文学理论研究的深度及广度,促进文艺学学科的发展。第一章论述了新时期文论言说者的身份内涵及其建构历程。新时期文论言说者的主体是人文知识分子,就其基本内涵而言,知识分子是具有社会责任意识和社会批判精神的人,而人文知识分子更富有人文精神,更注重人文价值的实现,强调以人文关怀的方式介入现实社会。从其演变的角度来看,新时期文论言说者的身份认同发展经历了三个阶段:20世纪80年代新启蒙主体的觉醒阶段、90年代走向边缘和分化的精英主体消解阶段和21世纪走向公民主体的新建构阶段。80年代的启蒙知识分子,延续了中国传统知识分子“立法者”与“启蒙者”的认同模式,为国家的改革实践提供了意识形态的基础,同时他们也对中国现代化道路的复杂性缺乏必要的心理准备,所以,随着90年代中国社会的全面转型,科技知识分子开始取代人文知识分子成为社会的中心,世俗化浪潮的涌起使人文知识分子的话语权旁落,其启蒙者身份遭到放逐,精英主体意识开始消解,人文知识分子开始急剧的分化和边缘化。经过80年代和90年代的大起大落,文论言说者们开始改变启蒙精英式的身份认同,从立法者走向阐释者,从精英主体走向公民主体。第二章论述了政治语境下新时期文论言说者的身份认同。改革开放初期,启蒙知识分子以代言者和立言者的身份,为新时期初的改革开放扫清了思想上的障碍和余毒,为主流意识形态话语营造了一个良好的政治氛围,体现出启蒙知识分子与政治权力合作和合谋的一面。新启蒙文论话语中关于人性、人道主义、异化问题的讨论,既有反对和批判文革极“左”政治思想,与改革开放主流意识形态相吻合的一面,也有与主流意识形态产生龃龉,被权威政治话语拒斥的一面,表现出文论家与政治权力话语的复杂关系。但是从总体上看,新启蒙文论言说者代言与立言式的身份在很大程度上不是他们自己所决定的,而是当时特殊的政治历史条件所赋予的。与此同时,新时期文论的“主体性文论”热、“审美反映论”热,文学研究向内转等一系列事件,也正是言说者力图与政治文论分道扬镳,确立文学研究的自主性,重建学术话语权,从而确立自主身份而做的一种煞费苦心的努力。其实,文学与政治之间本身就有无法摆脱的紧密关联,二者之间保持适当的张力有助于文学与政治的和谐发展,所以,文论言说者既要避免“政治狂热症”,也要防止“政治冷淡症”,应该以知识公民的姿态和理性的方式介入和审视政治,使文学与政治共同发展。第三章论述了市场经济语境下新时期文论言说者的身份认同。随着90年代中国社会的全面转型,市场经济和消费社会的到来成为不可改变的事实,在此境况下,文学空间既有发展也有变异,大众文化兴起,精英文化衰落,人文知识分子开始世俗化转向,文化资本的变迁使话语权逐渐旁落到科技知识分子手上。市场经济语境下文论言说者的价值认同主要有两种倾向:自由主义倾向者注重个人权力与自由,新左派倾向者关注平等与公正。文论家对消费社会的来临也反应不一:有的以批判者的身份,对消费社会所具有的商业化、媚俗化、欲望化等现象进行批判,有的学者还对西方消费文化暗含的文化侵略倾向表示了担忧,也有学者以阐释者的身份对消费社会和消费文化的到来给予了肯定。无论采取何种立场,文论言说者在消费时代的身份建构,都需有语境意识和人文价值取向。与西方发达国家物质极端丰裕的消费社会不同,中国消费社会呈现出前现代、现代、后现代杂糅混合的复杂状态,资源短缺和贫富分化的加剧也进一步提醒文学理论家们在构建自己的身份立场时要有足够的理性和社会责任感。市场经济和消费时代的来临使文论言说者逐渐边缘化,他们正在打破传统的精英认同模式,走向多元化的身份认同。市场经济不是完美无缺的制度,社会发展的路径也不仅仅由经济生活决定,文论言说者应该以富有人文关怀的价值取向,利用自己的知识,用独立和批判的眼光来关心社会的各种矛盾和问题,这或许是文论言说者实现自我价值和社会价值,获得社会和民众关注的一条可行之途。第四章论述了媒介语境下新时期文论言说者的身份认同。本章首先对几种具有代表性的媒介理论进行了解读,在当今这个媒介时代,文学话语的图像转向是时代发展的必然趋势,同时也促成了文学场的裂变,重建媒介时代的文学场,应该将文学场视为一个以媒介为中心的开放场域,文学研究向媒介倾斜,不是要将文学研究化解在媒介研究之中,而是要研究媒介发展和变化对文学造成的影响和后果,以便更好的为文学发展服务。媒介在现代社会中已经成为强势话语并构成了“话语霸权”,媒介异化的现象时有出现。媒介知识分子是媒介时代知识分子适应时代、主动同媒介相结合的产物,他们积极介入传媒,拓宽了自己的活动空间,获得了更大的自由,但是媒介拥有的“话语霸权”极有可能将知识分子最宝贵的批判精神和独立意识侵吞掉,所以,文论言说者在建构自己的身份认同时,一方面不应该拒斥媒介,要从媒介的角度来对自己的身份建构作一番清理和反思,力争用好媒介这个平台让自己的真知灼见为社会服务;另一方面又要谨防被媒介所操控,不要丧失自己理性、独立的思考和批判。第五章论述了新时期文论言说者的文化认同危机及其解决策略。新时期以来,中国文化场域中一元化的意识形态话语开始破裂,大众文化、精英文化、主流文化构成文化的主体,这三种文化虽然各有其存在的合法性,但是也面临着身份危机:大众文化有数量缺质量,精英文化和主流文化在大众的接受和认可度上都比较欠缺。随着全球化浪潮席卷世界,不同文化之间的冲突和碰撞也随之不断产生,文化认同危机凸显。一方面,全球化和现代信息革命的快速发展切实推动了文化认同的同质化,美国因为强大的国力优势而拥有文化霸权,对其他国家——民族的文化进行“文化侵略”和“文化殖民”;另一方面,全球化也促进了文化的多元化和异质化,不同文化之间的冲突和融合使文化的民族性和本土性非但没有消失,反而得到加强,产生了文化认同中同质化与异质化的悖论。文化认同危机也引发了文学理论言说者的文化身份焦虑,其中比较突出的表现是中国文论“失语”说和后殖民主义文论的盛行,在全球化进程日益加快的今天,每个文学理论研究者都面临着如何建构自己文化身份的问题,文论言说者可以在中国文化与西方文化、传统文化与现代文化之间相互对话、沟通、融合,以一种和而不同的方式建构多元的文化认同,同时也要警惕“文化政治化”和原教旨主义的极端文化。结论部分从言说者的多元身份认同出发对新时期文论的发展方向进行了总结,认为新时期文学理论发展机遇与挑战并存,从事文学理论研究也并非没有出路。一方面,随着中国社会发展重心的转移和政治生活由斗争向民主转移,文学理论已经被边缘化,文论言说者传统的立法者和启蒙者的身份认同遭到严峻挑战,与民众脱离的精英情结也使文学理论言说者陷入困境,同时文学理论与实践相脱离,这些都使中国当代文论发展陷入到困境之中。但是另一方面,全球化和现代化为中国文学和文化的发展提供了契机,中国社会的巨大进步和发展也为文论言说者提供了更加自由和广阔的发展空间,这实际上是中国文学理论发展的一个大好时机。多元化的社会决定了人文知识分子多元化的身份认同,文论言说者改变依附性的传统身份认同,弱化与民众脱离的精英情结,扎根中国的现实,一切从实际出发,以开放、包容、独立、对话、批判的姿态不断反思和进取,这或许才是文学理论言说者比较现实可行的身份建构之途,文学理论也才能真正获得发展的动力和源泉。本文主要运用了语境分析,关键词解析和历史研究这三种研究方法,通过语境分析,力图勾勒出在政治、经济、媒介、文化等不同语境中文论言说者身份认同的不同面貌;通过关键词解析,对本文所涉及的关键概念如身份认同、知识分子、人文知识分子、媒介权力、文化资本等作了解读;通过历史研究的方法,本文不仅力求结合新时期以来人文知识分子所置身的具体语境,对新时期文论言说者的身份认同发生变化的历史合理性进行说明,而且试图以当代视野和社会语境为参照,对言说者面对的机遇和挑战作出详尽的分析和阐释。

【Abstract】 If we inspect the literary theory of China carefully, we can discover this kind of phenomenon easily: they are always relatde to the speakers’ identity, but is not belong to the pure knowledge discourse question. Then, who are speakers of the literary theory of the new era, how they speaking and why speak so? Their speaking is voluntary and autonomy, or contrlled by the authority, the capital, the medium and so on? The paper explain literary theory speakers’ identity of the new era from the four aspects of the political, the economical, the medium and the cultural .The paper is divided into six chapters .The introduction part make an explanation to the significance and origin of the paper, then summary the general research situation , at last, introduce the basic train of thinking and the research means of the paper. The topic is a quite novel question, is also a real existence question. the paper may provide a new angle of view to study the literary theory of the new era, widen the research depth and the breadth , promote the literary theory discipline development.The first chapter discusses the literary theory speakers’ identity connotation and their construction course of the new era. The main part is the humanities intellectual of the literary theory speakers’ identity of the new era . From the aespect of the common tense, the intellectual has the community responsibility consciousness and the society critical spirit, and the humanities intellectual has more humanism spirit, think highly of realization of the humanities value, and like paying great attention to realistic society by the way of humane concern. From the aespect of the process, the literary theory speakers’ identity of the new era go through three stages : the enlightenmenter’s awaking stage in the 80s, the elite’s resolution stage in the 80s, and toward the citizen in the 21st. In the 80s , the enlightenment intellectuals continued the the Chinese tradition intellectual’s identity model :"the legislator" and "the enlightenmenter" , provided the ideology foundation for the national reform practice. But they also lackde the essential psychology preparation for the Chinese modernization path’s complexity. Therefore, when the society begin to comprehensive reforming in the 90s, the science and technology intellectuals began to substitute for the humanities intellectuals and occupied the social center place. Because the secularization tide’s surging and the humanities intellectuals’ charm eliminating, the humanities intellectuals’ discourse power lost. The enlightenmenter ’s identity to be sent into exile, the elite consciousness starts to dissapear, and the humanities intellectuals begin to differentiation and the marginalization suddenly. After experiencing the rises and falls suddenly in the 80s and the 90s, the literary theory speakers begin to change the identity of enlightment elite . They incline to become the interpreter and the citizen from the legislator and the elite.The second chapter discusses the literary theory speakers ’political identity of the new era . In the early days of the reform and open of china, the enlightenment intellectuals swept off the barrier and the surplus poison as representative of the reform and open policy of china and created a good political atmosphere for the mainstream ideology discourse. The behavior manifested the relation of cooperation between of the enlightenment intellectuals and the political power. On the one hand, the discussion about human nature, humanitarianism and the disassimilation question of discourse opposes and criticizes the ultra-left political thinking of the Great Cultural Revolution and adapt the discourse to the mainstream ideology of the reform and open policy; on the other hand ,they also have contradictory with the the mainstream ideology and repelled by the authoritative political discourse. The condition displays the complex relations between of literature theoretician and the political power discourse. Generally speaking, however, the new enlightenment literary theory speakers’ political identity of representative of the reform and open policy of china decided by political record condition at that time and not by themselves to a great extent. Meanwhile, a series of events such as "subjectivity literary theory ", "esthetic reflection theory" and literature research’s turning toward internal and so on are the literary theory speakers’ effort which takes great pains for establishes their independent identity. They also try to separate from politicization literature theory ,establish literature research ’s independency and reconstruction academic discourse power. Actually, there is close connection between of the literature and the politics. Both of them will harmonious developmen if they keep the suitable tension between of them. Therefore, on the one hand, literature theoretician should avoid "the symptoms of political crazy", on the other hand, they must prevent "the symptoms of political indifference". The literary theory speakers should take part in and examine carefully politics by the way of rationality as the knowledge citizen. Then literary theory obtain the intrinsic power of development, and the literary theory speakers also get a feasible means to join the center society by the way of standing in the edge standpoint.The third chapter discusses the literary theory speakers ’identity of the new era under the market economy context. when the society begin to comprehensive reforming in the 90s, the market economy and the consumption society’s arrival become unmodifiable fact, under this condition, under this condition, the literature space not noly has the development but also has the variation. The mass culture emerges, the elite culture declines, the humanities intellectual begin to secularization turning, cultural capital’s vicissitude causes the science and technology intellectuals obstain the discourse power. The literary theory speakers ’identity in the market economy comtext has mainly two kinds of tendency: the liberalism tendency pays great attention individual authority and the freedom, the new left tendency care of equal and is fair. Literature theoreticians have different opinions to the consumption society’s arrival, some scholars critique the phenomenas such as the commercialization, curries favor with the world as the critic, the desire and so on, some scholars worry about the cultural aggression tendency in the Western consumption culture, some scholars approve the consumption society and consumption culture’s arrival as the interpreter. No matter what standpoint they keep, the literary theory speakers should have the context consciousness and the humanities value’s idea when they construct their identity in the consumption society. Different from the consumption society in the Western developed country, consumption society in China present a mixture and complex condition of pre-modern, modern and postmodern. The aggravating that the shortage of resources and the differentiation between of the rich and the poor reminds that the literature theoreticians should have the enough rationality and the social responsibilities when they construct own identity. The arrival of the market economy and the consumption time causes the literary theory speakers marginalization gradually, they are also breaking free from the tradition model of the elite identity, move toward the multiplex identity. The market economy is not the perfect system, the social’s development also not only decided by the economic. The literary researcher should think highly of the humanities concern, pay attention to all kinds of contradiction and the question in our society with critique and rational judgment, and it is a feasible access that the literary theory speakers obtain social and populace’s attention and can enter into the social center by the way of standing in the edge standpoint.The forth chapter discusses the literary theory speakers’ identity under the medium context. This chapter explain several kinds of representative medium identity theory firstly. In today’s medium time, the literature discourse’ image transformation is inevitable tendency. Meanwhile, the transformation also facilitate the fission in the literature field. If we reconstruction literature field in the medium time, we should regarded the literature field as a open field. The literature research inclines to the medium, it is not replace the literature research with the medium research, but study the influence and the consequence created by the development and the change of the medium research so that the literary theory serves for the literary development. The medium already became the authority discourse in the modern society and constituted "the discourse hegemony", the medium disassimilation’s phenomenon occurs now and then. The medium intellectual is the production to combine the intellectual with the media. They adapt the time and intervene the media positively. It widen their activity space and obtain more freedom. But the medium’s "the discourse hegemony " possibly embezzles the intellectuals’ precious critical spirit and the independent consciousness. Therefore, when they construct their identity ,the literary theory speakers should not repel the medium and should make a arrange and reconsideration to their identity , using medium express thoughts and serve for our society . Meanwhile, they should guard against that is controlled by the medium and don’t lose independent and rationality pondering and criticizing.The fifth chapter discuss the literary theory speakers’ culture identity crisis and the solution of the new era .Since the new time, the unified ideology discourse started to burst in the Chinese culture field, The culture main body composed by the mass culture, the elite culture and the mainstream culture. The three cultures although has its existence validity respectively, but is also facing identity crisis: The mass culture has quantity but lack the quality, the elite culture and the mainstream culture is quite defective in populace’s acceptance and approval. Along with the globalization’s tide spread the world, the conflict and the collision occur among the different culture , and the culture identity crisis highlighting. On the one hand, globalization and the modern information revolution’s fast development promote the culture identity’s homogenization, the US have the cultural hegemony because of its powerful national strength and implement "the cultural aggression" and "the culture colonizes" to other national- nationality’s culture. On the other hand, the globalization also promote the cultural multiplication and the tendency of the difference. The conflict and the fusion among the different cultures strengthen the cultural aboriginality and the national characteristic and has the paradox of the tendency between of the same and difference of the culture identity crisis. The culture identity crisis also initiated the literary theory speakers’ cultural identity crisis, and the prominent performance is the opinion of the literary theory’s "aphasia" in contemporary China and the popular of the post-colonialism theory. Today the speed of globalization day by day, every literary theory speaker all should face the question how to construct oneself culture identity. The literary theory speakers should dialog, communication and fusion between the Chinese culture and the Western culture, the traditional culture and the modern culture. They should construct their culture identity by the way of containing, opening, developing, criticizing, and prevent "the cultural politicization" and guest against defending stubbornly the cultural tradition purely.The conclusion part is a summary of the development direction of the literary theory in the new time that embark from the speakers’ identity. It thinks that opportunity and challenge coexisting of the development of the literary theory in the new time. It is hopeful that engage in the literary theory research. On the one hand, because of the transformation of development center of gravity in our society and the shift from the struggle to the democracy of the political life, the literary theory have already marginalized. The traditional identity of the legislator and the interprter encounter the serious challenge, the elite complex that separate itself from the populace also cause literary theory speakers fall into dire straits, the literary theory has separated itself from the the practice and copied the West literary theory for a long time. All of these cause the contemporary literary theory of China fall into dire straits. But on the other hand, the globalization and the modernization have provided a good opportunity for the literature and the cultural’s development of China. The great progress and the development also have provided a development space freely and broadly. In fact, it is a golden opportunity for the development of the literary theory of China. If the literary theory speakers can change the traditional dependence identity, weaken the elite complex, root China’s reality, embark from the reality, pond and advance unceasingly stand at the point of opening, containing, independencing and talking, they can enter into the social center by the way of standing in the edge standpoint and the literary theory be able to obtain the true power and the fountainhead of the development.The paper mainly use the three research means: the complex analysis, the key words analysis and the historical study. By the way of the complex analysis, the paper try to outline the different appearance of the literary theory speakers’ identity under the complex of the politics, the economy and the medium. By the way of the key words analysis, the paper make a explanation for the essential concepts such as the identity, the intellectual, the humanities intellectual, the medium authority, the cultural capital. By the way of the historical study, the paper not only explains the changes ’ historical rationality of the literary theory speakers’ identity in the new time under the concrete comtext , but also attempts to explain the opportunity and the challenge that the literary theory speakers confront under the concrete historal, try to give some suggestion for its development direction at the base of above explanation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期