

On the Cultural Psychology in Xu Xu’s Fictions

【作者】 佟金丹

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 徐訏是二十世纪中国文学史上一位个性独特的作家,他的小说创作尤为引人瞩目。徐訏在三四十年代的中国文坛就已声誉斐然,1950年定居香港后仍笔耕不辍,在近半个世纪的创作生涯中留下了总计五百多万字的小说作品。徐訏的小说创作以其独具浪漫情思的美学追求、浓厚的心理分析色彩和鲜明的宗教意识,获得了超拔于时代之上的文化品格。考察徐訏小说独具的文化意蕴和审美品格形成的原因,不得不从内外两个方面来分析,既与他作为文化个体所受的文化影响密切相关,也与他作为文学创作主体的个性气质有直接的关联。有鉴于此,本文引入“文化心理”的概念,旨在将文化心理学的理论视角运用于徐訏小说创作的文学研究,探讨徐訏个人的文化行为素养的形成和发展对其文学创作的制约和影响;探讨在历史文化语境和现实生活经历的共同作用下,徐訏在中西文化的碰撞中所作出的与众不同的个人选择,即徐訏作为“文明单位”中的个体成员处在中西文化激烈碰撞、冲突这一中国现代化转型的历史进程的文化语境中所产生的个体的心理反应,也即所形成的个体“文化行为素养”,以及在这种文化语境下所形成的徐訏个体的“文化心理”\“文化行为素养”对其小说创作的制约和影响。本文运用了文化心理批评、精神分析批评、女性主义批评等当代西方文学批评方法,透视分析徐訏小说创作的文化心理。本文将徐訏小说创作所呈现的审美趣味、运思方式、宗教意识纳入重点阐述的范畴,考察这些文化心理因素对其小说创作产生的影响及其表现。除绪论和结语外,本文共分四章。绪论部分简要梳理了近半个世纪以来学界徐訏研究取得的成果,论述了本论文的选题意义;并对“文化心理”的概念进行界定,引入“文化心理”的研究视角,将徐訏作为文化个体所受的外部文化影响与他作为文学创作主体的内在个性气质结合起来,概要论述了在外部文化语境与内在个性气质的共同作用下,徐訏的小说创作在审美追求、运思方式、宗教意识等方面呈现的文化心理特征。第一章论述了在历史文化语境和现实生活经历的共同作用下,徐訏在中西文化的碰撞中所作出的个人选择,以及在这种文化语境下所形成的徐訏个体的“文化心理”对其小说创作的制约和影响。作家接受文化影响的过程包含自觉和不自觉的多重因素,文化制约与心理反应是密切联系的整体。只有还原到作家所受影响的历史文化语境中去具体分析,才可能对作家进行文学创作的审美心理和精神基调有准确而深入的把握。任何一个作家都是文化的产物,徐訏自然也不例外。作为处于中国文化现代转型时期的知识分子,徐訏既深受中国传统文化的影响,有着浓厚的“传统文化情结”;又经历了西方现代文明的洗礼,具有鲜明的现代意识。中国古典文学文化传统的影响与徐訏本人理想主义的个性气质相结合,使他的小说创作承继了以中国古典小说的顶峰之作《红楼梦》为代表的超功利的纯文学审美观的影响,呈现出一种凌空蹈虚的唯美理想化色彩;西方非理性主义思潮影响下的“向内转”的文学创作倾向正契合了徐訏本人内省型的个性气质,满足了徐訏热衷于探索人类隐秘心灵世界的欲望,使徐訏的小说创作带有浓厚的心理分析色彩;东西方文化中包孕的宗教文化因素培养了徐訏的宗教情感,佛教通透空灵的智慧、基督教博爱牺牲的精神都渗透到了徐訏个人的思想中,使徐訏的小说创作流露出鲜明的宗教意识。第二章着重阐述了徐訏小说创作受中国古典文学传统影响而呈现出的超功利的审美追求:《红楼梦》情结。《红楼梦》作为中国古典文学的集大成者,已经渗入到中国的文化之中,成为中国传统文化的一部分,它对徐訏个人精神气质、审美文化心理的形成产生了重要影响。《红楼梦》所具有的凌空蹈虚的唯美理想化色彩、所追求的空灵迷惘的诗意境界,《红楼梦》对于宝黛之间超越凡俗的性灵之爱的高度艺术化的表现,对于一组寄寓了作家爱与美理想的纯真美好的女性群像的塑造,对于女子痴情生命样态的呈现,对于主人公在历经尘世爱欲纠葛之后或死亡或出家的悲剧宿命的描绘,这些都为徐訏所承继,并在其小说创作中得到明显的表现。第三章从西方现代文艺思潮对徐訏产生的影响入手,着重分析徐訏小说创作的心理分析色彩。二十世纪以来,以精神分析学和人本主义哲学为代表的西方现代非理性主义思潮开始尝试对人类隐秘的心灵世界作进一步的深入探寻,西方文艺思潮的这种“非理性转向”引发了一股“向内转”的文学创作潮流。徐訏受这种思潮的影响,他的小说创作也自觉地汇入到这股文学创作潮流中。非理性主义思潮对人的内在精神世界的重视正契合了徐訏热衷于探索人类隐秘心灵世界的内倾型个性气质。徐訏激赏柏格森的生命哲学和弗洛伊德的精神分析理论,他小说创作中对生命的关注、对人性以及人的隐秘复杂的内心世界的探寻直接得益于生命哲学和精神分析理论的启发和影响。如果说《红楼梦》情结体现出徐訏继承了中国古典文学超功利的艺术观以小说创作表达自己爱与美理想的审美追求,那么徐訏小说创作所呈现的心理分析色彩则是徐訏把弗洛伊德的精神分析理论融入自己的小说创作中,运用精神分析学这把金钥匙走进人类复杂隐秘的心灵世界,表现生命个体在本我爱欲与超我道德之间的冲突与挣扎,并探寻在满足人的本能爱欲与维护社会文明秩序的矛盾之间,人类实现爱与幸福的可能。第四章论述了徐舒小说创作的宗教意识。徐訏是一个具有宗教情感的作家,宗教对人类精神世界的终极关怀正契合了徐訏执着探寻生命意义的理想主义情怀。任何人对人类生存的终极意义的追问和思考最终都会皈依到宗教这一终极的精神向度上。对“五四”以来的中国知识分子产生重大影响的两大宗教文化一是东方的佛教文化,一是西方的基督教文化。虽然佛教和基督教因其分属不同的文化体系而呈现出对峙冲突的态势,但在终极关怀的精神向度上,佛教和基督教呈现出互通和融合的倾向。二者都认为尘世间的生存充满了苦难,并据此各自提出了超越世间生存苦难的救世理想。作为现代中国的新型知识分子,徐訏受佛教思想影响既深,对于代表西方文化传统的基督教教义也十分欣赏。徐訏既认同佛教空苦无常的人生感悟,也赞赏基督教博爱牺牲的精神,他的小说创作表现出一种兼容佛教和基督教的文化取向。结语从分析二十世纪中国文学现代化转型进程中文学的审美价值与功利价值这一基本的矛盾入手,论述了徐訏独具审美追求和独立品格的文学创作对于二十世纪中国文学史的重要意义。徐訏以自己丰富的创作实绩为二十世纪中国文学贡献了别具一格的超越于现实政治功利之上的审美体验型文本。在风云变幻的二十世纪,徐訏始终坚持自由主义的创作立场,摆正文学的功利性价值与审美价值的关系,不依附于任何党派和主义,把文学的审美性和自由独立的品格作为自己追求的目标,这正是他的小说具有超拔于时代之上的文化品格的最重要原因。

【Abstract】 Xu Xu was a writer with unique personality in the history of the 20th century Chinese literature, and his fictions were particularly outstanding. He was very famous in the 1930s and 1940s Chinese literature, and continued to write a lot of fictions since 1950 he settled in Hong Kong, and wrote a total of more than 5 million characters of novels in the writing career nearly half a century. Xu Xu’s fictions have its unique romantic pursuit of the aesthetic, and the strong psychoanalysis features and the distinctive religious consciousness, and obtain the cultural character of transcending the times. Inspecting the reasons why Xu Xu’s fictions have its unique aesthetic and cultural implication, we have to analyze the causes from two following aspects: one is the cultural influence he experienced as a individual, the other is his personality. In view of this, we introduce the concept of "cultural psychology" to apply the theory perspective of cultural psychology to the literary study on Xu Xu’s fictions, and to discuss the constraint and impact on Xu Xu’s literary creation made by his personal cultural behavior accomplishment, and to discuss how the historical and cultural context and real-life experience effect on Xu Xu’s personal choice in the collision of Chinese and Western cultures, and to discuss the individual psychological reaction of Xu Xu who is as an individual member how to restrict and impact his fictions, which comes into being in the historical and cultural context of the acute collision and conflict between Chinese and Western cultures and in the historical process of modernization transformation of Chinese culture. In this paper, we use the contemporary Western literary criticisms to analyse the cultural psychology in Xu Xu’s fictions: such as the cultural psychological criticism, the psychoanalysis criticism, and the feminist criticism. This thesis focuses on the aesthetic tastes, thinking, and religious consciousness in Xu Xu’s fictions and reviews its impact and performance in Xu Xu’s fictions made by the cultural psychological factors. In addition to the introduction and the conclusion, the dissertation is divided into four chapters.The introduction sums up the academic study on Xu Xu in nearly half a century, and discusses the significance of the article. It defines the concept of "cultural psychology" and introduces "cultural psychology" to discourse upon the cultural psychology feature including the aesthetic tastes, thinking and religious consciousness in Xu Xu’s fictions under the common action of the external cultural context and his intrinsic personality.Chapter one discusses Xu Xu’s personal choice in the collision of Chinese and Western cultures and the constraint and impact on Xu Xu’s fictions made by his individual "cultural psychology" under the common action of the historical and cultural context and his real-life experiences. The process in which the writers receive cultural impact includes the multiple factors consciously and unconsciously, and cultural constraint and psychological reaction are closely linked as a whole, and the spiritual world of the authors is rich and profound. Only if we restore to the historical and cultural environment that impacts on the writer to make specific analysis, we can grasp deeply the writers’ aesthetic psychology and spiritual tone, and we can make a reasonable interpretation and accurate evaluation to the overall cultural values of the writers’ literatures. Any writer is a product of culture, Xu Xu was no exception. Xu Xu was an intellectual during the modernization transition of Chinese culture period, not only he was impacted by the Chinese traditional culture and had a deep "Traditional Culture Complex", but also he experienced the baptism of modern Western civilization and had distinctive modern consciousness. With the impact of Chinese classical literary and cultural tradition and his idealism personality, he inherited the non-utilitarian concept of pure literary aesthetics which the pinnacle of the classical fictions, The Dream of the Red Chamber is on behalf of, and his fictions present an unrealistic color. The "inward turn" tendency of literature under the influence of Western non-rational trend of thought corresponds to Xu Xu’s introspective personality and meets Xu Xu’s desire to be keen about exploring the secretive inner world, and makes Xu Xu’s fictions with a strong psychoanalysis color. The religious and cultural factors contained in eastern and western cultures train Xu Xu’s religious sensation, and the Buddhist vacant wisdom and the Christian spirit of caritas and sacrifice have penetrated into the Xu Xu’s personal thinking, which makes Xu Xu’s fictions show distinct religious consciousness.Chapter two focuses on the non-utilitarian aesthetic pursuit in Xu Xu’s fictions which impacted by the Chinese traditional of classical literature: the Complex of The Dream of the Red Chamber. The Dream of the Red Chamber is the summit of Chinese classical literature, and it has infiltrated the Chinese culture and become a part of the Chinese traditional culture, and it makes important effect on the formation of Xu Xu’s personality and aesthetic cultural psychology. The unrealistic color and vacant poetic bourn, the artistic performance of the spiritual love surpassing commonplace between Bao and Dai, the shaping of a group of naive and beautiful female images which the writers endowed with their ideal of love and beauty, the spoony life-state of female, and the description of the tragical fate of leaving or death of the heroes after the entanglement of love in the earthly world in The Dream of the Red Chamber were all inherited by Xu Xu and were presented in his fictions.Chapter three focuses on analyzing the psychoanalysis color in Xu Xu’s fictions from the effect on Xu Xu of modern Western literary and artistic trend. Since the 20th century, modern Western non-rational thought which was represented by the psychoanalysis and Humanism philosophy began to explore deeply the covert inner world of human being, and elicited the "inward turn" tendency of literature. Xu Xu was affected by this thought, and he consciously made his fictions inflood into the literary trend. That the non-rational thought attaches importance to the inner spiritual world corresponds to Xu Xu’s introspective personality of being keen about exploring the inner world. Xu Xu enjoyed Bergson’s Philosophy of Life and Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory, he profited from the enlighten and influence of Philosophy of Life and Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory in many aspects, such as the attention to lives, the exploring to the humanity and the secretive inner world in his fictions. If the complex of The Dream of the Red Chamber in Xu Xu’s fictions embodies Xu Xu’s literary pursuit of inheriting the non-utilitarian concept of pure literary aesthetics in the Chinese classical literature to express his ideals of love and beauty, the psychoanalysis color in Xu Xu’s Fictions is that he brings Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory into his fictions and use psychoanalysis as the golden key to enter the secretive inner world, and to describe the conflict of the individual life between the instinct eros and morality, and to explore the possibility of love and happiness in the contradictions between meeting people’s instinctive desire and maintaining social order of civilization.Chapter four discusses the religious consciousness in Xu Xu’s fictions. Xu Xu is a writer with religious sentiment, the ultimate concern to the spiritual world of mankind of religion corresponds to Xu Xu’s idealism of the persistent pursuit for the meaning of life. Any one who thinks about the ultimate meaning of human existence will eventually be converted to the ultimate spiritual directions of religions. The Oriental Buddhist culture and the Western Christian culture are the two major religious culture which effect on the Chinese intellectuals since the "May 4th". Although there is a trend of conflict and confrontation between the Buddhism and the Christianity because they belong to different cultural systems, there is a trend of interoperability and amalgamation between the Buddhism and the Christianity in the spiritual dimensions of ultimate concern. The Buddhism and the Christianity both believe that the survival in the earthly world is full of suffering and accordingly put forward to their ideals to save the world and surpass the survival suffering. Xu Xu was a new type of intellectuals in modern china, and he was deeply affected by the Buddhism thinking, and he appreciated Christianity that is on behalf of the Western cultural traditions very much. Xu Xu not only agreed that the Buddhism regards vacancy, suffering and impermanence as the understanding to life, but also appreciated the Christian spirit of caritas and sacrifice. There is a compatible cultural tendency in his fictions. Conclusion discusses the significance of Xu Xu’s literature with unique aesthetic pursuit and independent character to the history of the 20th century Chinese literature, through analyzing the basic contradiction between the aesthetic value and utility value of literature in the process of the modernization transformation of the 20th century Chinese literature. Xu Xu provided the fictions with unique aesthetic experience and beyond the utilitarian to the 20th century Chinese literature with his rich achievements. In the 20th century of the changing times, Xu Xu always adhered to the literary position of liberalism, and disposed properly the relationship of utilitarian value and aesthetic value of the literature, and did not depend on any party, and pursued the aesthetic and independent character of literature. It is the most important reason why his fictions have the cultural character of transcending the times.

【关键词】 徐訏小说创作文化心理
【Key words】 Xu Xufictionscultural psychology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期