

Research on Ecological & Economic System of Region Mineral Resources Exploitation

【作者】 闫军印

【导师】 赵国杰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 资源、环境问题是困扰人类社会经济发展的两大难题,可持续发展思想的提出,使人们看到了希望的曙光。建立区域生态经济系统、规划工业生态园区、实施循环经济是实现社会经济与资源、环境协调发展的根本途径。本文从我国经济发展过程中所表现出来的资源紧张和环境污染的现实问题出发,以区域社会经济可持续发展为出发点,以资源开发、经济发展、环境保护的协调运行为目标,全面系统地分析了区域社会经济发展的矿产资源消费需求、区域矿产资源的储量特征和开发水平、区域生态环境承载能力、区外获取资源供给的可行性及地区资源安全等问题,构建了包含资源开发、经济发展和生态环境三个子系统的区域矿产资源开发生态经济复合系统,运用系统动力学的理论和方法,对区域矿产资源开发生态经济系统协调运行条件下的矿产资源合理开发规模进行了规划和设计,并建立了多层次场源要素的系统场控理论指导下的区域矿产资源开发生态经济系统协调运行管理机制体系。在此基础上,选择典型地区为对象,开展了具体的实证研究,为本地区资源开发生态经济系统的规划、地区矿产资源合理开发规模和水平的决策、地区系统运行管理机制的设计与监控等等,提供了现实可操作性的参考依据。在问题的研究和论文的写作过程中,力求从不同的角度和层次进行探索与创新。在系统的构成和表现行为上,提出了系统元、系统元之间相互关系质的规定性、系统元之间相互关系量的协调性的“三元”系统构成概念,系统特征尺度范围内的系统时间尺度、系统空间尺度和系统价值尺度特征,以及系统元之间相互关系量的协调性差异条件下系统运行表现行为的势态和效果问题;在矿产资源的可持续利用上,紧密结合矿产资源开发系统在其特征尺度范围内的运行特征及系统演变状态下的跃迁态势,提出了区域矿产资源开发的精益战略选择和临界战略选择,对区域矿产资源的可持续开发利用提出了新的认识;在区域生态经济系统的构建上,以矿产资源合理开发规模为切入点,建立区域矿产资源开发生态经济系统,并运用系统动力学的理论与方法,进行了现实系统不同开发方案的分析、模拟和优化;在系统运行管理机制的构筑上,借鉴了自然科学和社会科学的场论思想,提出了包含观念意识、制度、政策法规、组织机构的多层次系统场控思想,并构建了全面协调的系统运行管理机制体系,对系统对象运行行为和效果的控制提供了全新的方法和思路。

【Abstract】 The resources and environment are two crucial problems of human being social & economic development. When the theories have been produced of sustainable development, the human being has a hope. Establishing regional ecological & economic system, planning ecological & economic industrial bases, caring out the recycling economy are basic ways of harmonious development about social-economy, mineral resources and environment.Base on the problems of mineral resources and environment during the social & economic developing process, the demanding of regional sustainable development, the objective of the mineral resources exploiting, economic developing and environmental protecting harmony, the article analyses the mineral resources demanding of regional social & economic development, the elementary quantity and exploiting capacity of regional mineral resources, the supporting capacity of regional ecological environment, the feasibility and security of obtaining resources from other regions. It establishes a complex eco-economic system of regional resources exploiting, including regional resources exploiting, economic developing and ecological environment protecting. Utilizing the theories and methods of systemic dynamics, it plans and designs the reasonable resources exploiting scope of the regional system harmony running. And base on the systemic field controlling theories that includes more indexes, it also establishes a series management mechanism. Selecting the typical region, the practical analysis is carried out. And the references for planning the eco-economic system and determining the reasonable scope of regional resources exploiting, designing and controlling the systematic management are provided.During the researching and writing, author makes great efforts to innovate from many respects. On the systemic constitution and behaviors, it advances a new systemic conception, including systemic indexes, the quality features and quantity harmony among the indexes relationship. It advances the systemic characteristic time scale, the systemic space scale and the systemic value scale. And it also advances the system running states and effects beyond deferent quantity harmony among the indexes relationship;On the mineral resources sustainable exploitation, base on the running features of mineral resources exploiting system with the systemic characteristic scale and evolving situations of the system, the article provides the integration of full utilizing strategy and critical point strategy. It also provides a new idea of regional mineral resources exploitation;On the regional eco-economic system, base on the focus of reasonable scope of regional resources exploiting and the theories & methods of systemic dynamics, it establishes and simulates the practical complex eco-economic system;On the systemic management mechanism, base on the theories of natural science and social science, it provides a systemic field controlling theories with sense & consciousness, institutions, policy & laws, institutional framework. And it also establishes a systematical series of management mechanism. Author also provides a new methods and thoughts of the system management and control.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期