

Study on Economic Strategy for Ocean and Land Integration in Tianjin Binhai New Area

【作者】 王磊

【导师】 陈通;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放事业的进一步深化,天津滨海新区在近几年来取得了非常突出的经济成果,尤其是2006年5月国家将滨海新区确定为综合配套改革试验区后,滨海新区正在成为继广东深圳、上海浦东后中国经济增长的第三极。滨海新区依海而建,海洋经济的发展对其进一步开发开放起到非常关键的作用。但是,长期以来,新区的陆域经济战略与海洋经济战略都在独立研究发展,在战略体系上没有一个很好的衔接和协调。本研究就是希望通过海陆一体化、集成化的战略视角重新审视滨海新区的发展战略,并通过分析提出适合滨海新区发展的切实可行的战略意见。形成了新的集成化战略观。提出将滨海陆域经济和海洋经济集成为一个系统,体现战略整合的集成战略,从多视角和多层面,运用多种方法和手段,来对待各项战略创新资源要素,促进要素、功能及优势之间的相互匹配,改变各自为战的局面,逐步消除传统的海洋经济战略和滨海陆域经济战略存在着相互割裂和离散的弊端。用这种科学的战略来指导陆域经济和海洋经济活动,提升创新发展品位,从而谋求长远发展的活力和后劲。在海陆一体化经济发展战略分析过程中,引入二元经济理论,分析海洋经济与陆域经济当前发展过程中出现的二元经济化趋势,确定海洋经济与陆域经济符合二元经济理论的基本特征,应当从“二元经济一体化”的战略方向研究现有问题。因此,若要实现“二元经济一体化”的目标,以系统论观点考察海陆一体化经济是非常有效的方法。在以往的研究中,虽有提出以系统论作为海陆一体化经济研究理论的观点,但都没有从深入构造系统研究体系入手开展研究,本文以一条“大系统—子系统—子系统间产业、资源、资金等要素的势能差—能量流—产业价值链”的研究主线,构造海陆一体化经济的比较完整的系统理论体系。并将这个研究运用于新战略构想的提出。在战略研究过程中充分体现系统观点和产业链的关系,针对陆域经济与海洋经济之间的相互关系,充分整合,补充完善滨海新区总体规划中滨海新区“T”型发展格局,以海岸带为依托,提出向海扩展延伸、充分利用海域资源的“十”字型发展战略架构,以海陆统筹为基础论述实施“十”字型发展战略架构的合理性。同时,在滨海新区发展“十”型架构的基础上,将“环渤海”进行扩展,提出以滨海新区为中心、以渤海为纽带、以“三北”为腹地的“全渤海”概念。天津滨海新区作为国务院确定的综合配套改革试验区,不论从各方面都要体现“先行先试”的基本特征,尤其在总体战略和体制改革两方面更要突出这个特征,“海陆经济一体化”经济战略如果在天津滨海新区率先实施,正是滨海新区在总体战略“先行先试”方面的一大亮点,也将成为滨海新区发展区别深圳和浦东的重要特点。

【Abstract】 Through the reformation and opening of our country, Tianjin Binhai New Area has acquired outstanding economic accomplishment. Especially after it was confirmed the pilot zone for comprehensive supporting reforms by state council in May 2006, Tianjin Binhai New Area has become the most dynamic area in China after Shenzhen and Pudong. Tianjin Binhai New Area is established close with ocean, and the development of marine economy have very important impact to it’s development and opening-up. But for long time, the Economic strategies for ocean and for land of New Area have developed autonomously, and have not been connected well each other. This research hopes to recognize the economic strategy of Tianjin Binhai New Area though the thinking of ocean and land Integration, and table a workable strategy proposal of the development of Tianjin Binhai New Area.This study expounds to fabricate the strategies for ocean and for land to a system, to promote the matching of element from multi-layer and multi-side, function and advantage by many kinds of methodology. Though study, the defect that traditional ocean economic strategy and land economic strategy were divided will be eliminated gradually. We can promote the capability of innovation, and try for the energy of sustainable development of economy though the strategy for ocean and land Integration.This study applies dualistic economy theory to assay the developing tendency of marine economy and land economy. Our purpose is to achieve that the dualistic economy systems become monoacidic system. For this purpose, it is the availability way to apply systemic theory to research for economy of ocean and land Integration. The dissertation makes the integrated theory system for economy of ocean and lands integration though a researching clue of“large scale system---subsystem---potential energy disparity of industry, resource, funds between subsystems---energy flow--- industry value chain”, and applies this researching result to generation of new strategy.This dissertation reflects the relation between systematology and industry value chain theory, perfects the“T”developing structure in the total planning for Binhai New Area, relies on coast zone, proposes the“十”developing structure for full use of marine resource, and discuss the rationality of the strategy mode based on ocean and land integration. At the same time, on the base of the“十”developing structure, the dissertation expands“surround Bohai sea”concept, proposes“all Bohai sea”concept.As the pilot zone for comprehensive supporting reforms confirmed by state council, Tianjin Binhai New Area should reflect main characteristic of“first action and first trying”in every aspects, especially in total strategy and organization reformation. If it would take the lead in carrying out in Binhai New Area, strategy for ocean and land integration will become a shinning point of Binhai New Area development and opening-up, and become the important characteristic Binhai New Area different form Shenzhen and pudong.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期