

An Empirical Study of the Impact of Psychological Contract on Knowledge Workers’ Turnover Intention in Star-Rated Hotels

【作者】 王玉梅

【导师】 阎洪;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,旅游饭店业随着旅游产业的迅猛发展在规模上迅速扩大,但同时凸显出经营与管理方面的诸多问题。现有资料表明,星级饭店知识型员工的严重流失是其中最为严峻的课题,研究饭店知识型员工的流失问题具有较重要的理论价值和紧迫的实践指导意义。从文献研究可知,基于中国背景的知识型员工流失的实证研究较少,而且大多是单变量的、静态的研究,并未考虑知识型员工的性质特征,因此有必要从更宽广的视角构建一个考虑了知识型员工工作偏好的、较系统的,而且逻辑相对一致的员工流失模型。本研究从饭店与知识型员工的关系出发,结合行业特征和知识型员工工作特点,引入心理契约理论,对现有研究模型进行整合、扩充和改进,同时考虑员工个体水平的心理契约和员工—组织双方的心理契约,构建两个模型,探索并求证模型中各变量之间的相关关系,并进行比较分析,以进一步完善知识型员工的离职意图理论。本研究在理论模型的构建思路上主要考虑了四点:(1)将心理契约作为工作满意、组织承诺的“前因”:(2)以饭店知识型员工的直属上级作为饭店的“代言人”:(3)根据知识型员工的特点确认工作满意和组织承诺之间的变量关系:(4)对比分析狭义和广义的心理契约对知识型员工流失的影响。因此,本研究事实上包括两项实证研究:研究1是从个体水平的心理契约(单边)的角度,研究2是从员工—组织双方心理契约(双边)的视角,分别整合工作满意和组织承诺等变量,构建知识型员工的离职意图模型。本研究量表采用国内外相关文献中的成熟量表,并在员工访谈以及小样本测试基础上形成。研究样本来自四川省三星级以上饭店(N1=265名,N2=257对)。数掘分析软件为SPSS 13.0及LISREL 8.54,主要包括描述性统计、信度分析、效度分析以及结构方程模型分析。从实证结果看,两个模型反映了大体相同的作用机理,狭义和广义心理契约都对知识型员工的离职意图有直接的显著影响,它们都是影响工作满意水平和组织承诺水平的自变量,并通过组织承诺、工作满意与组织承诺相互作用的关系间接影响员工离职意图,从而从员工个体水平和员工—组织水平的角度(而不仅仅是以往研究所说的员工单边的角度)证明了“心理契约是作为工作满意和组织承诺内在根源而存在”的观点。本研究的可能创新之处在于:(1)以心理契约为研究视角,将心理契约作为前置因素;(2)使用了目前研究中少见的“不对称”的心理契约违背测量方式,探讨了广义心理契约对知识型员工离职意图等变量的影响;(3)证明了“心理契约是作为工作满意和组织承诺内在根源而存在”的观点;(4)部分验证了Steers和Mowday(1981)员工流失模型;(5)进一步诠释了Turnley和Feldman(1999)关于“员工更易将来自于直接主管的承诺视为心理契约违背并更易产生消极的情绪体验”的观点;(6)从心理契约理论层面较领先地针对饭店行业进行了较全面的实证研究,相关量表建立在知识型员工工作特点的基础上,属于知识型员工离职的实证分析。本研究至少可在两方面指导星级饭店的管理实践。其一,从实证分析结果看,知识型员工心理契约中的工作支持责任(违背)对产生离职意图的重要性最强,因此,饭店必须高度重视知识型员工的工作支持问题,在管理上进行一种行为回归,着力营造良好的工作氛围,在满足知识型员工对工作支持的心理期望的基础之上,再达成双方关于未来发展的契约,才可能提高知识型员工对饭店的忠诚度。其二,从本研究所验证的“心理契约是作为工作满意度和组织承诺内在根源而存在”的结论来看,饭店与员工之间的相互作用会影响到契约内容的发展、调整与变化。因此,饭店管理者需以管理知识型员工的心理契约为策略理念,高度重视与知识型员工之间的沟通,通过有效沟通寻找双方满意的契合点,从而达到有效降低知识型员工的离职率的目的。在离职意图的影响因素方面还存在其他相关研究,比如从营销的视角将内部营销设定为前因变量,以探讨影响员工离职意图的决定性因素。另外,根据现有理论研究开发实用的管理流程,科学地设计出适合中国饭店业知识型员工心理契约的管理措施,应是未来心理契约的研究方向。

【Abstract】 In recent years, hotel industry has been developing very fast in scales with the development of tourism industry. Meanwhile, there exists great uncertainty in hotels’ operations and management. Related materials show that the turnover rate of knowledge workers in star-rated hotels is one of the most important problems. The research about the reason for knowledge workers’ turnover has profound academic values and urgent practical significance.According to the literature review, empirical research about knowledge workers’ turnover on the Chinese background is far behind, and most of them are of single variables or static research. Therefore, it’s necessary to systemically and logically construct appropriate analytical models from a boarder perspective, taking into account knowledge workers’ career features. This research, starting from the relationship between hotels and their knowledge workers, applies psychological contract theory, together with industry characteristics and knowledge workers ’ career features, into the integration, enlargement and improvement of the present research models. In addition, the research considers the psychological contracts on both employees’ individual level and employee-company level, constructing two models, which studies and proves the interrelationship among all variables of the models, compares and analyzes the results, aiming at complementing the theory on turnover intention of knowledge workers.This research focuses on four points in its model construction. Firstly, it regards the psychological contract as the antecedent of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Secondly, it regards knowledge workers’ immediate superiors as the representatives of hotels. Thirdly, it confirms knowledge workers’ career features when the relationships between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Fourthly, it comparably analyzes the influence of psychological contract on knowledge workers’ turnover intention. In fact, the research includes two empirical researches: aspect 1 - from employees’ perspective, and aspect 2 - from employees’ and organization’s perspective. Both aspects integrate job satisfaction and organizational commitment to construct knowledge workers’ turnover intention model.The research scales are based on related domestic and foreign mature scales, also are polished and adjusted according to open-ended interviews with employees’ and small sample pre-test. The research samples are collected from three-star and above hotels in Sichuan province. The data analysis software is SPSS 13.0 & LISREL 8.54, including descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis and structure equation model analysis.The result of this empirical study shows that, firstly, these two models show similar functions; secondly, the psychological contract conspicuously affects knowledge workers’ turnover intention in both narrow and broad senses, which indirectly takes effect through organizational commitment, and the relations between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Thus, this research proves that, from employees’ individual angle and on the employee-company level, "psychological contracts exist as the antecedent of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.The innovation of this research lies in points as follows. (1) It regards the psychological contract as the antecedent. (2) It applies the rare "incongruence" psychological contract violation measurement into its investigation on the influence of psychological contract on the turnover intention of knowledge workers and other variables in a broad sense. (3) It proves the view of "the psychological contract exists as the antecedent job satisfaction and organizational commitment. (4) It partly identifies the employee turnover model of Steers & Mowday (1981). (5) It further explains Turnley & Feldman’s view (1999) that "employees are more likely to take their immediate superiors’ commitment as the psychological contract violation and have negative emotions". (6) It makes a comprehensive empirical research on the hotel industry on the theoretical level of the psychological contract theory, which leads the present researches in this field and bases its relative diagrams on knowledge workers’ career features, which belongs to empirical studies on knowledge workers’ turnover intention.The instructional significance of this research lies in two ways.On one hand, the result shows that the working support violation of the psychological contract affects knowledge workers’ turnover intention the mostly. Therefore, it is better for hotels to focus more on the working support for knowledge workers, set their ties loose on their employee management, construct a harmonious working environment, meet their working support expectation, and then agree on the future development contract with employees, so as to enhance employees’ loyalty toward them.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F719;F224
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】2726
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