

Study on Groundwater Hydraulic Connection in Different Aquifers under Mass Pumped Conditions in Typical Area North China Plain

【作者】 高业新

【导师】 石建省; 王贵玲;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 地质工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文选择华北平原东部为试验区,以国土资源部衡水地下水科学试验基地的五眼不同层位含水组的机井为研究对象,以抽水试验为主要工作手段,通过地层结构特征、不同含水组地下水位年动态、抽水试验期间的水位动态、抽水过程中的水化学—同位素—微量元素、地下水年龄以及抽水试验数值模拟等五个方面的研究,揭示了华北平原东部不同层位含水组地下水的互动关系,为地下水资源的合理开发利用和科学管理提供了科学依据。本文以系统论为指导,以水化学、微量元素和同位素信息为线索,综合运用水文地质学、水文地球化学、同位素水文学以及相关的数学理论,地下水动力学理论,采用综合分析、定性判断和定量分析相结合的方法开展工作。首先,在总结前人成果的基础上,全面了解试验区的区域地质背景、水文地质背景。详细分析了试验区不同含水组的空间物理结构特征,制定了详细的抽水试验方案,采用了先进的观测设备观测水位动态。同时,利用同位素和水化学信息的示踪功能和放射性测年技术,识别了不同层位含水组地下水的补、排特征,并利用数值模拟方法,查明了不同层位含水组地下水的互动关系。通过上述研究,得出如下认识:1.在大规模开采条件下,浅层地下水系统与深层下水系统仍然具有各自的动态特征。浅层地下水系统直接接受大气降水、农灌回归水的入渗补给,排泄方式为蒸发和向深层地下水的越流;氢氧同位素含量比深层地下水高:同位素年龄表明,浅层地下水参与现代水文循环积极。深层地下水补给来源与含水组的埋藏深度有关,第Ⅱ含水组主要来自于越流补给,其它含水组主要来自于侧向。2试验区深层不同层位地下水可划分为两个子系统。第Ⅱ、Ⅲ含水组为上部地下水子系统,第Ⅳ、Ⅴ含水组为下部地下水子系统。子系统内部具有相似的水文特征、水化学—同位素—微量元素信息,子系统之间区别明显。氚同位素表明,上部地下水子系统的地下水为现代水与古水的混合水,下部子系统的地下水为古水。3.浅层地下水通过越流的方式补给深层地下水。第Ⅱ含水组的开采量中有21.4%来自于浅层地下水的越流补给。深层地下水开采时主要消耗的储存量,但不同层位含水组地下水资源组成不同。第Ⅱ含水组开采量主要由存储量和浅层地下水的越流量组成;第Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ含水组开采量主要由储存量和侧向量组成,越流量只占了开采量很小的一部分。4.地下水系统具抽水效应。抽水效应是指在抽水初期,非抽水含水层水位随抽水含水层水位下降而下降的现象。这是由于地层压力变化引起,没有发生水量交换。大量试验数据表明,在大规模开采条件下,试验区5个含水组之间既有因水量交换而引起的水位变动(越流效应),也有因压力变化而引起的水位变动(抽水效应),且两个效应同时并存。5.针对上述分析结果,分析了地下水的更新性,提出了地下水合理开发利用对策:优先开采第Ⅲ含水组,适量开采第Ⅱ含水组、限制开采Ⅳ含水组。禁止开采第Ⅴ含水组。

【Abstract】 The purpose of present work is to revealed hydraulic connection among five different depth aquifers in test field of The ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C. in Hengshui in east North China Plain. The main work mean was pumping test. The present work studied stratum constructuction feafure, groundwater level dynamic during one year and pumping test pierod, geohydrochemistry, isotopes, trace elements, groundwater age and numerical simulation and gave the study result and provied scientific data for rational exploitation and utilization groundwater resources and scientific management.Taken the system theory as guide and the chemical, trace elements and isotopic component as information of hydraulic connection, the present work carried out the research by using hydrogeology, geohydrochemistry, isotope hydrology and relevant mathematics methods, groundwater dynamics theory. Firstly, based on understanding of the research achievements in research area, physical frame of groundwater system and constituted detailed pumping test project which observed water level dynamic by using advanced observation devices were analyzed. Secondly, groundwarer recharge and discharge character of different aquifers using chemistry, trace elements and isotopes in groundwater was identified. Finally, the hydraulic connection among different aquifers using numerical simulation was investigated and ascertained in the present work.The following results were obtained from present research.1. Undering large sclae exploitation conditions, they take on each hydrological dynamic character in shallow groundwater system and deep confined groundwater system. Pricipitation directly recharged shallow groundwater and oxy hydrogen isotope contents are higher than deep confind groundwater. The isotope age indicated that shallow groundwater actively participated in hydrological cycle present period. The recharge sorces are areaal groundwater flow and leaky flow from other aquifers in deep confined groundwater.2. Two subsystems were separated from deep confined groundwater system in research area. Up groundwater subsystem was named by the 2nd and 3rd aquifers, and down groundwater subsystem by the 4th and 5th aquifers. There are idiographic hydrogeochemical type and isotopical character in two subsystems. Groundwater was admixing water by present water and fossil water in up groundwater subsystem and fossil water in down groundwater subsystem based on Tritium isotope.3. Deep groundwater was recharged by shollow groundwater as leakage. 21.4% of exploitation quantity come from shollow groundwater by leakage in 2nd aquifer. Exploitation quantity was mainly storage in deep groundwater but the groundwater composition was diversitible in different aquifers. The exploitation quantity was made up storage and leakage in 2nd aquifer and storage and level influs in 3rd, 4th and 5th aquifers.4. There is pumped effect in groundwater system. Pumped effect was defined a kind of phenomenon when water level was fall in unpumped aquifer with fall in pumped aquifer. The fall in unpumped aquifer was brought by formation pressure change when pumping in pumped aquifer. Pumped effect was not water exchange. A lot of test data indicated that have leaky effcet as well as pumped effect among five aquifers in research area undering large sclae exploitation conditions. The two effects were simultaneously existence.5. Based on the analysis result, rational exploitation and utilization groundwater resources project were put forward in the present work. The 3rd aquifer was prefered to exploit, the 2nd aquifer was rationally exploit, the 4th aquifer was restrictically exploited and the 5th aquifer was forbad exploitation.
