

Value of Restored Ecosystem Service in Karst Rocky Desertification Areas of Peak-Cluster Depression

【作者】 吴孔运

【导师】 蒋忠诚;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 地质工程, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 自从2001年3月《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》关于“推进黔桂滇岩溶地区石漠化综合治理”的条文通过以来,治理中国西南地区喀斯特石漠化、重建西南这种特殊而退化的岩溶生态系统已经上升为国家目标。但是,用什么样的最佳技术手段,通过什么样的优质工程措施来重建这种脆弱的生态系统?重建后的成本、效益究竟有多大,如何评价?所有这些都是喀斯特石漠化治理中需要解决的问题。本文企求以广西壮族自治区平果县果化示范区和马山县弄拉示范区为例,通过野外观测、示范工程等手段对果化示范区的生态重建技术、弄拉示范区次生林、经济林的生态重建机理进行了典型研究,并用生态经济学的方法对示范区生态重建服务价值进行了评价,研究结果如下:(1)果化示范区施行的生态重建技术主要有表层岩溶水开发技术、土地整理与土壤改良技术和植被恢复重建技术。通过对示范区高位表层岩溶带泉,采取“蓄—引”技术、对散流状或汇流状表层岩溶带地下水,采取“截—蓄—引”技术和对高洼地的地下河水,采取“提—蓄—引”技术,果化示范区共开发岩溶水资源2×10~4m~3/a,弄拉示范区共开发高位表层岩溶带水资源27317.2m~3/a。通过对土地沿等高线进行梯化整理增加了果化示范区有效耕地面积150hm~2,用农家有机肥、作物的桔秆和滤泥对果化示范区的土地进行改良,结果使土壤的有效N、有效K、有效P和有机质含量分别提高了90.19μg/g、47.92μg/g、14.28μg/g和0.21%。通过运用“先锋物种及土壤种子库引入技术,常绿落叶阔叶混交林人工诱导恢复技术以及林-灌-草搭配技术,果化示范区的植被覆盖度从10%增加到75%,植物种类也由25种增加到32种。(2)次生林对表层岩溶带水资源调蓄能力的研究表明:兰电堂表层岩溶带次生林的蒸腾量在一个年度内为21319m~3,分别占表层岩溶带总降雨量和入渗补给量的33%及42%,这说明植物群落演替到较高的层次后,植被的蒸腾量会变大。因此,在岩溶石山区水源生态林的恢复重建中,要选育蒸腾速率低或择伐蒸腾速率高的树种,使生态用水和经济用水都能保持最大化。(3)用美国基因公司产的LI-6400便携式光合仪和碳稳定同位素技术对弄拉次生林的观测结果表明,次生林中各种植物的水分利用效率是不同的,水分利用效率的大小依次为:黄杞>紫棱木>青冈栎>金银花>任豆树>箬竹>红背山麻杆>苦丁茶>菜豆树>云实>黄荆条>银合欢>香椿>裸花紫珠>马蹄竹>枇杷树。黄杞、紫棱木、青冈栎、金银花和任豆树的水分利用效率高,显示了良好的耐旱、抗旱特征,是石漠化地区植被恢复重建中应培育、引种的优良品种。在弄拉示范区引种的银合欢、香椿、裸花紫珠、马蹄竹和枇杷树的水分利用效率低,抗干旱胁迫的能力弱,进一步说明了在生态重建中培植乡土种的必要性。(4)在喀斯特石漠化地区,重建后的生态系统其服务价值是巨大的。通过成本—效益分析,果化示范区重建后的服务总价值为31473986元,扣除重建前的生态系统服务价值和重建期间实际投入的科研费用,其净价值为19586948元,净价值是实际投入费用的8.9倍。用市场价值法、机会成本法和影子工程法计算弄拉示范区年生态系统服务总价值为17466608元,其中保护土壤和教育示范、科研的价值最大,其值分别为2609910元和8600000元。显示了在石漠化治理初期,恢复重建后的生态系统在防止水土流失和教育、科学、推广示范上有巨大的作用。

【Abstract】 The provisions of "the integrated countermeasure of rocky desertification in karst areas of Guizhou,Guangxi and Yunnan" in《The Tenth Five-year Plan of National Economy and Society Development of the People’ s Republic of China》were passedin March.2001.It became a national goal that karst rocky desertification would be controlled and special and degenerative karst ecosystem would be rehabilitated in Southwestern China.However, how are fragile karst ecosystem rehabilitated with optimal technology and high quality engineering? How much are on earth cost and benefit of rehabilitated karst ecosystem? How are the cost and the benefit evaluated ? The above questions must be solved in the integrated countermeasure of karst rocky desertification.Representative researches were included ecology rehabilitation technology of Guohua demonstration zone and ecology rehabilitation mechanism of secondary and economic forest in Longla demonstration one by field observation and demonstration engineering and so on, as a case study of Guohua and Nongla demonstration zone,in Pingguo county and Mashan county,Guangxi.Then,The methods of ecological economic valuation were applied to the value assessment of rehabilitated karst ecosystem,results are as follows:(1) Practised ecology rehabilitation technology in Guohua mainly included techniques of soil improvement,exploitation of ep(?)karst water resources,choice-bred,introduction of karst vegetation.Karst water resources of Guohua were exploitated 2×10~4m~3/a,one of Longla 27317.2m~3/a,high epikarst spring with "storage—diversion" technique;dispersing flow or converging flow of epikarst underground water with "interception—storage—diversion", subterranean rivers of high elevation depression with "lifting—storage—diversion".Areas of cultivated land was increased 150hm~2 by cascaded land consolidation along terrain contour line of peak-cluster depressions.Available N,available K,available P and organic contents in the improved soil respectively went up 90.19μg/g、47.92μg/g、14.28μg/g和0.21%by methods and measures of return of straws into soil,using organic fertilizer and sulfidation process canesugar mill filtered mud.Vegetation density of Guohua went up 75%in 2007 from 10%in 2000,vegetation species also rose from 25 to 32,with introduction of soil seed bank and pioneer plants,techniques of artificially assisted restoration and the adapted compositions of arbors-shrubs-grasses.(2) Regulating capability of water resources in epikarst zones under secondary forest showed that total transpiration of secondary forest was 21319 m~3 in 1 year,with 33%of total precipitation and 42%of infiltration in Landiantang drainage area.These results farther proved that plant transpiration would increase,while plant communities raised a higher succession stage.Therefore,plant species of low transpiration rate should be cultivated or that of high transpiration rate cut down among rehabilitating water-source ecology forest in karst rock desertification areas.The ecological water requirements and the economic water requirements all are kept optimal.(3) Results of measured secondary forest in Nongla,with LI-6400 made in America and the stable carbon isotope technique,showed that water use efficiency(WUE) of all kinds of plant species were different.These plant species could be respectively arranged from high to low as WUE:Engelhardtia roxburghiana,Decaspermum esquirolii Cyclobalanopsis glauca,Lonicer maack,Zenia insignis,Indocalamus latifolius,Alchornea trewioides (Benth.),Foliumllicis Latifoliae,Radermachera sinica,Caesalpinia sepiaria Roxb., Vitex negund,Leucaena leucocephala,Toona sinensis,Callicarpa nudiflora,Bumbusa stenostachia,Eriobotrya japonica.WUE of Engelhardtia roxburghiana,Decaspermum esquirolii Cyclobalanopsis glauca,Lonicer maack,Zenia insignis were more higher,showed that they had eximious drought resistance and drought tolerance.Therefore,Engelhardtia roxburghiana,Decaspermum esquirolii Cyclobalanopsis glauca,Lonicer maack,Zenia insignis should be firstly breeded and introduced during rehabilitating karst ecosystem in rock desertification zones.However,WUE of introduced Leucaena leucocephala,Toona sinensis,Callicarpa nudiflora,Bumbusa stenostachia,Eriobotrya japonica,in Nongla were very low,and,they have fragile drought resistance.As a result,it was very indispensable that native species should be breeded and cultivated.(4) The ecological service value of restored and rehabilitated ecosystem was very high in karst rock desertification areas.Based on the methods of benefit-cost analysis,the total service value of rehabilitated ecosystem in Guohua was RMB31473986 yuan.Deducted from actual expenses during rehabilitation,total ecological economic net value was RMB19586948 yuan.Net value was 8.9 times as much as actual expenses.The total ecosystem service value of Nongla was RMB17466608 yuan yearly,with the market value approach, opportunity cost method,shadow project method and so on.Soil conservation value and example education by demonstration,scientific research value of them were more higher, with RMB2609910 yuan and RMB8600000 yuan respectively.The above results farther showed that restored and rehabilitated ecosystems could play an important role in controlling the soil and water loss,education,scientific research.
