

A Research on Supply-Chain Management of Aquatic Product Based on Core Enterprise

【作者】 李季芳

【导师】 韩立民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来我国水产业获得了高速发展,成为农业中发展最快、效益最好的一个产业。但近几年,随着国外跨国公司进入我国水产业,以其雄厚资本、先进技术对我国水产业资源进行整合,使我国水产品企业被动承接跨国公司主导的水产品供应链的生产加工环节的任务,企业利润很低,导致我国原来在国际水产品市场上具有的一定数量和价格的比较优势成为跨国公司利用的区位优势。因此,扶植我国水产业龙头企业,构建基于核心企业的水产品供应链管理体系,是提升我国水产品企业竞争力,实现我国水产业资源优化配置的战略选择。本文以供应链及供应链管理理论为基础,结合经济学理论、国际贸易理论,市场营销学理论、管理学理论、物理学理论和博弈理论等有关理论,以定性分析和定量分析相结合,对我国水产品供应链管理的现状进行了系统分析,针对我国政府支持力度不够,水产品供应链物流信息化设施不足,明显缺乏拥有雄厚资本和先进技术的国内龙头企业对水产品产业链整体规划和科学的组织与管理,供应链优化环节有限,水产品企业各自为政、分工协作效率不高、资源配置不佳、产业的集聚优势不明显、竞争力不强等问题。借鉴美国、日本两国水产品供应链管理的经验,构建了比较适合我国国情的四种水产品供应链管理模式,即基于生产加工企业的水产品供应链管理模式、基于批发市场的水产品供应链管理模式、基于连锁超市的水产品供应链管理模式和基于第三方物流企业的水产品供应链管理模式,并分别与大连獐子岛渔业公司、高淳县水产品批发市场、山东家家悦连锁超市和上海新天天大众低温物流有限公司主导的供应链一一对应,进行了详细的实证分析,指出了由于核心企业的类型及所处供应链中的位置不同,其主导的供应链形成的条件和表现的特点也不同,为目前我国水产品企业实施供应链管理确定了发展的方向。提出了基于核心企业的水产品供应链有效运行的对策措施,一方面,政府要加大支持力度,为基于核心企业的水产品供应链的有效运行创造良好环境,特别是政府有关部门要积极扶持我国水产业中的龙头企业,打造品牌产品,培育和发展知名企业,使之成为供应链的核心企业;另一方面,供应链的核心企业要积极构建水产品供应链信息管理平台,建立“无缝”的物流系统,合理进行生产计划与控制、库存管理与控制,科学地设计和规划供应链配送网络,建立水产品供应链绩效评价体系,加强供应链节点企业间的诚信,实现水产品供应链节点企业之间的战略协同,解决我国水产品供应链的断链问题,实现准确、高效的物流运作,提高我国水产品供应链管理运作效率。本文通过对美国、日本供应链管理经验的深入分析,提出战略伙伴企业、核心企业和供应链运作的环境是构成基于核心企业的水产品供应链管理的理论构架。政府和水产品供应链节点企业在基于核心企业的水产品供应链管理中是相互联系、相互影响的有机整体。政府以及相关中介组织在引导水产品产业发展、营造产业环境、提供公共设施和服务等方面发挥重要作用。供应链节点企业发挥着资源配置的基础性作用,其中,核心企业承载供应链的组织者与协调者的功能,核心企业选择供应链战略伙伴企业,协调供应链网络中不同节点企业的行为,挖掘供应链潜力并实现集成优势,带动整个供应链的发展,而战略伙伴企业则围绕着核心企业来展开业务,充当核心企业的辅助工具。运用了物理学的圆周运动原理说明供应链管理的本质,创造性的提出基于核心企业的水产品供应链运行轨迹是战略伙伴企业围绕核心企业做圆周运动。并指出随着核心企业综合素质的提高,核心企业对战略伙伴企业的引力增大,整个供应链的运行效能增大,运行效率提高。反之,随着核心企业的综合素质降低,核心企业对战略伙伴企业的引力就会减小,当核心企业对战略伙伴企业提供的向心力不足使战略伙伴做圆周运动时,那么核心企业就失去对战略伙伴企业的控制能力,战略伙伴企业围绕核心企业做圆周运动系统逐步解体,此供应链就不复存在,战略伙伴企业会寻找新的供应链联盟。

【Abstract】 The aquatic industry develops very fast, and it has become the fasted developing and the most profitable sector of agriculture in China since the open-door policy was adopted. But with the entry of foreign investment that reconstructed Chinese aquatic resources with tremendous capital and advanced technology, Chinese aquatic enterprises passively undertook the low-profit manufacturing task in the supply chain that is dominated by foreign investment, which has turned the comparative advantage in quantity and price of Chinese enterprises into the location advantage of foreign investment. It is urgent to foster aquatic leaders and develop aquatic-product supply-chain system, which is the strategic choice to improve Chinese aquatic enterprises’competitiveness and to efficiently allocate aquatic resources.The paper systematically analyzes the current situation of aquatic-product supply-chain management by qualitative and quantitative approaches. And it finds that there are a variety of problems in it, such as deficient government support, low level of logistic informatization, a lack of capital and technology in overall planning and organization and management, the going-their-own-way patterns that lead to worse resource allocation and low competitiveness. Taking the America’s and Japan’s experience as references, it creates 4 kind of supply-chain models, which are respectively based on manufacturers, wholesalers, chain super marketers, and the third-part logistic enterprises. Based on this, taking Dalian Zhangzidao Fishery Company, Gaochun County’s Aquatic Product Wholesale Market, Shandong Jiajiayue supermarket, and Shanghai Xin Tiantian Low Temperature Logistic Company as examples, it finds that the conditions to build each supply chain and the features of each supply chain are different. It puts forward some measures to enhance the efficiency of the supply chain: on one hand, the government must actively foster leading companies so that they can become the core of the supply chain; on the other hand, the companies themselves must improve the supply-chain information management platform which will help bring about seamless logistic system, and they also need to scientifically plan and design the distribution centers, establish new evaluation systems of the supply chain, and strengthen the honesty or prudence in supply chain, so that eliminate the broken chain and improve the efficiency of the whole supply chain.The paper proposes a theoretical framework that the strategic partners, the core enterprise and the environment in which the supply chain operates are the essential parts to build aquatic-product supply chain. The government and the node enterprises, as an inseparable unit, are interactive: the government and other intermediaries play a vital role in directing the development of the aquatic sector, providing better industrial environment such as public construction and services, and the node enterprises are essential in allocating the resources. The core enterprise functions as an organizer and coordinator who selects the strategic partners for the supply chain and coordinate their behavior so that it can make the advantages of integration. The partners operate around the core enterprise, functioning as supplementary tools. To make it clear, the paper employs the Tenet of Circular Movement from Physics to explain the essence of the supply chain and proposes that the tracks of the operation of the supply chain based on core enterprise are circles that the partners move around the core enterprise. And it put forward that the quality of the core enterprise is proportional to the attraction to the partners and the whole efficiency. When the attraction is lower enough, the core enterprise will loss the controlling ability, the system will break down, and the partners will search for new supply-chain alliance.

  • 【分类号】F274;F326.4
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】2481
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