

Study on the Arrangement of Marine Industries in the Pan-Yellow Sea District

【作者】 都晓岩

【导师】 韩立民; 孙吉亭;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目前国外尚没有专门针对海洋产业布局问题的研究。相关研究主要集中在一般产业布局和港口区位问题在两个领域。其中,港口区位问题研究主要围绕以下三个课题展开:一是单一港口区位选址问题;二是单一港口空间结构演化问题;三是港口体系空间结构演化问题。影响海洋产业布局的因素主要有自然条件及自然资源因素、地理位置、社会政治因素、经济因素和技术因素等。海洋产业布局应遵守以下原则:陆海统筹,协调发展;遵守地域分工规律,发挥优势,突出重点;依靠科技进步,集约发展;坚持市场在资源配置中的基础地位;以市场需求为导向;遵守科学发展观,实现可持续发展;树立产业集群意识,促进产业集聚;坚持经济效益、社会效益和生态效益相统一。不同海洋产业具有不同的区位指向,海洋渔业为资源指向,海盐及盐化工业为气候指向,海洋船舶工业为资金和智力指向,海洋油气工业为资源指向,港口业为地理指向和自然条件指向,滨海旅游业为经济发展水平指向和资源指向。海洋产业的集聚与扩散是海洋产业布局演化的一般规律,城市化经济和本地化经济是推动海洋产业集聚与扩散的内在机制。海洋产业布局有四种模式:均质模式、专业化模式、层级模式和点轴模式。对波罗的海、地中海和墨西哥湾三个案例地区进行分析可获得以下启示:海洋产业布局需因地制宜;海洋产业布局具有海陆一体化倾向;海洋产业具有集聚倾向;专业化和集中化是现代港口体系空间结构演化的基本趋势,应以区域的、联系的、发展的观点思考一个区域的港口布局,船公司在当今货主、港口、船公司三者关系中占据主导地位,港口布局应更多考虑船公司的区位决策因子,并引导船公司的区位行为,以货主、港口、船公司三方整体利益的最大化为原则安排区域港口布局;海洋产业的合理布局需要国际合作。目前泛黄海地区海洋产业的总体布局宜采取“点状”布局模式。泛黄海地区沿海可划分为三级海洋综合经济区:一级海洋综合经济区4个,二级海洋经济区8个,三级经济区14个。今后泛黄海地区海洋捕捞业布局应进一步控制近海海洋捕捞强度;海水增养殖业布局可以按照“四带六区”的总体格局进行勾画。泛黄海地区船舶布局的基本思路是:大力打造环渤海湾和长江三角洲两大造船工业基地,同时立足地方造船工业发展基础,适度发展地方造船工业,逐步形成以两大造船集团为主体,以两大造船基地为依托,大型骨干船厂快速发展,中小型船舶企业加快发展,各类配套企业和相关机构协调发展的产业格局。泛黄海地区多数盐田和盐化工企业集中在辽东湾、莱州湾、长芦和两淮四个传统产盐区。今后泛黄海地区海盐业的布局应维持目前辽宁盐区、长芦盐区、山东盐区和两淮盐区四大盐区的总体布局,但可以根据各盐区的实际情况适当扩大山东盐区面积,稳定长芦和辽宁盐区面积,适当缩减两淮盐区面积。渤海是泛黄海地区油气工业最集中的地区,也是我国最主要的海洋油气产区。今后应将渤海建设成为我国综合性的石油工业基地。以曹妃甸港、天津港、大连港、营口港等大中型港口原油码头和原油库的建设为契机,打造辽宁、天津、河北沧州和唐山以及鲁北四个大型石油化工基地,加快对渤海天然气资源的开发利用,尽快形成与“西气东输”和“南气北输”交相呼应的局面。泛黄海地区初步形成了四大港口群,港口等级体系逐渐形成,但仍未摆脱支线港地位,港口吞吐能力不足,结构性矛盾突出,港口发展不平衡,港口体系功能不完善,今后该地区港口布局应遵照《全国沿海港口布局规划》。泛黄海地区滨海旅游业还处于点状格局形成阶段。今后应确立“以点状布局为主导、线状布局为辅助”的总体开发模式,重点发展上海、天津、青岛、大连4个中心城市;烟台、秦皇岛、锦州、葫芦岛和连云港5个次中心城市。为确保布局方案的实施,今后泛黄海地区应强化海陆经济一体化发展思维,加强海洋基础工作,制定产业布局政策干预和引导海洋产业布局,建立健全海洋综合管理体系,确立海域使用相关制度,加强海域使用管理。

【Abstract】 At present,there are still no foreign studies specifically on the marine industry layout Related researches are mainly concentrated in two areas,they are general industrial layout and ports layout. Among them, the studies on the location of ports are mainly based on the following three aspects: siting of a single port; spatial structure evolution of a single port; spatial structure evolution of port system.The factors affecting the marine industry layout mainly include natural resources and natural conditions, geographical location, social and political factors, economic factors and technical factors.Marine industrial layout should abide by the following principles: to develope land-sea coordinatedly; to comply with the geographical division of labor laws, to highlight key points at the basis of local advantage; to rely on scientific and technological progress; to insist in the foundation status of market in the allocation of resources; to comply with the scientific concept of development to achieve sustainable development; to establish industrial clusters awareness, and promote industrial allagtion, and to insist in the unity of economic, social and ecological benefits.Different marine industries have different location-orienation. Marine fishery industry is resource-oriennated, sea salt and salinity industry are climate-oriennated, ocean shipping industry is intellectuality-oriennated and funds-oriennated, marine oil and gas industry is resource-oriennated, the port industry is geography-oriennated and natural conditions-oriennated, Coastal tourism is the level of economic development -oriennated and resources-oriennated.Marine Industry Cluster is the proliferation of the evolution of the general layout of the marine industry, and urbanization economy and localization economy are inner mechanisms of the allagtion and diffusion of marine industry.There are four marine industrial distribution modes: homogeneous mode, professional mode, hierarchy mode and point-axis mode.Analysis On the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico three cases reveals the following enlightenments: the local marine industry layout should be arraged on the basis of local conditions; marine industrial layout has land and sea integration tendency; marine industries tend to be concentrated; specialization and concentration are the underlying trends of the spacial evolution of the structure of modern port system, and we should think about the layout of a regional port system from a regional, developmental, and linked viewpoint; shipping companies hold a dominant position in the current consignors- port-shipping company relationships, and the shipping companies’location decision factors should be more brought into the port layout decision; the shipping companies’location decision should be guided, and we should take the maximization of the benefits of the tripartite as the principle of arranging regional port layout; the rational distribution of marine industry needs international cooperation.Currently, the overall marine industry layout of the Pan-Yellow Sea region should take the point-axis layout mode. The Pan-Yellow Sea coastal region can be divided into three comprehensive marine economic zones, including 4 first-class comprehensive marine economic zones, 8 second-class comprehensive marine economic zones, and 14 third-class comprehensive economic zones.In the future, the offshore fishing intensity of the Pan-Yellow Sea region should be further controlled; and its seawater aquaculture industry layout can be outlined according to the "4 zones with 6 districts”pattern.The basic scheme of the Pan-Yellow Sea region shipbuilding industry layout of is: to build primarily two shipbuilding industrial base, they are the Yangtze River Delta shipbuilding base and the Bohai Bay cycle shipbuilding base, and at the same time to develope the local shipbuilding industry as a supplement, and as a result to form a pattern gradually that large-scale backbone shipyards develope rapidly, and small and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprises accelerate, and various enterprises and related agencies supporting develope coordinatedly.The majority of sea salt chemical enterprises of the Pan-Yellow Sea region concentrated in the Liaodong Bay, Laizhou Bay, and Changlu Lianghuai four traditional salt production areas. In the future,the salt industry of the Pan-Yellow Sea region should maintain the current overall layout of Liaoning salt production areas, Changlu salt production areas, Shandong salt production areas and Lianghuai salt production areas four salt production areas, but expand Shandong production areas appropriately, and sustain the stability of Liaoning and Changlu salt production areas, and appropriately reduce Lianghuai salt production area.Bohai Sea is the most concentrated area of the oil and gas industry in the Pan-Yellow Sea region, and is also China’s major oil-producing area. In the future, Bohai Sea should be built into a comprehensive oil industrial base of our country. Take the building of Caofeidian, Tianjin Port, Dalian, Yingkou Port, and some other large and medium-sized oil terminals as an opportunity to build Liaoning, Tianjin, Hebei Tangshan and Cangzhou, Lubei four major oil and chemical industry bases.Speed up the process of developing and utilizing Bohai Sea natural gas resources.The region’s port layout should follow "the nation’s coastal port layout planning".The tourism industry of the Pan-Yellow Sea region is still in the point pattern formation stage. In the future, its tourism industry layout should take the point layout mode as the main layout mode, and the linear layout mod as the supplenment one, and primarily develope Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian four central cities, and Yantai, Qinhuangdao, Jinzhou, Huludao and Lianyungang five sub-centres cities.To ensure the implementation of the layout programme, the Pan-Yellow Sea region should strengthen the land-sea integration awareness, strengthen marine foundation work, make up the industrial distribution policy to intervene and guide the marine industrial layout, and establish a sound comprehensive marine management system, establish the system relevant to the use of the waters, strengthen the management of maritime space utilization.
