

A Research on Linking a Regional Innovational System with a Recycling Economy

【作者】 姜东明

【导师】 曹洪军;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 区域创新和循环经济是近几年人们非常关注的热点问题。创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,党的十七大更是把“提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家”上升为国家战略。区域创新体系是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,完善而充满活力的区域创新体系将为建设创新型国家目标的实现夯实基础。改革开放30年来,我国经济取得了辉煌的成就,但不可忽视的问题是我国经济的高速增长主要是靠巨额的投资和大量能源的消耗来推动,这种粗放型的发展模式不但不具有可持续性,而且还产生了严重的生态环境问题。在这种情况下,以“资源——产品——再生资源”为特征的循环经济模式日益得到各方重视。如果区域创新体系与循环经济能够得到协调发展,那么经济发展和资源、环境之间的问题将从根本上得到解决。但事与愿违,传统的区域创新体系是一把“双刃剑”,在促进循环经济发展的同时,对循环经济的进一步发展也设置障碍。如传统区域创新体系中许多技术的原理和模式是建立在物理学、化学基础之上的,用这种依据化学、物理学等学科的有关原理来改变自然的外部面貌,难免损耗大量资源,打破原有的生态、社会和经济的平衡,再加上传统区域创新体系中优先考虑经济效益的思想等都对循环经济的深入发展设置了障碍。理论界也认识到了这个问题,但相关研究非常少,专门的系统研究基本没有。基于以上原因,如何协调循环经济和区域创新体系之间的矛盾,促进二者协调发展成为理论研究者和政策制定者亟待解决的重要问题。因此,本文提出基于循环经济的区域创新体系进行研究,希望能对此问题进行深入解释,完善循环经济和区域创新体系的基本理论,为相关部门制定决策提供借鉴。本文采用的研究方法是规范研究和实证研究相结合,描述性研究和解释性研究相结合,定性研究和定量研究相结合。本文从区域创新体系和循环经济存在的矛盾出发,提出对基于循环经济的区域创新体系问题进行研究;在文献综述和理论渊源分析的基础上,构建了本文的理论框架,运用博弈方法对相关参与主体进行博弈分析,并研究了一般情况下的基于循环经济的区域创新体系创建问题;构造了指标体系和评价模型,以青岛市为研究对象,对青岛市建设基于循环经济的区域创新体系进行定性和定量的评价;最后,指出青岛市创建基于循环经济的区域创新体系的构想和建议。本文的创新主要体现在:第一,结合循环经济对区域创新体系问题进行研究,在选题上体现一定的创新;第二,用博弈方法把循环经济和区域创新结合在一起的模型设计是本文的一个亮点;第三,尝试设计基于循环经济的区域创新指标体系和评价模型;第四,本文对青岛创建基于循环经济的区域创新体系提出的构想和对策也有一定的创新意义。通过本文的研究可以得出以下主要结论:第一,基于循环经济的区域创新体系单靠市场机制难以创建,必须需要借助政府和其他手段;政府建设基于循环经济的区域创新体系的动力主要来自于本身的服务社会职能和对长期利益的考虑。第二,青岛市基于循环经济的区域创新体系建设处于前期阶段。当前优势是,海洋科研基础雄厚,大企业集团创新特色明显;在政策环境和市场机制方面有一定优势;创新方面,企业群策应能力和应变的能力较强。存在的问题是,建设区域创新体系时较少考虑到循环经济问题;研究和开发能力、不断创新的能力、创新成果转化能力和企业群知识管理的能力较差。第三,青岛市创建基于循环经济的区域创新体系的目标是把青岛建设成为创新主体明确,创新机制健全,创新实力雄厚,创新环境优越,创新特色明显,具有强劲的创新集聚、辐射能力和生态循环能力的全国重要的区域创新体系;为此,需要树立新的创新观念,完善法律法规政策体系,培育创新主体,提高企业自主创新能力,实施技术创新的生态化工程等。

【Abstract】 Innovation sustains the progress of a nation.It is an inexhaustible motivational force for moving the country towards prosperity.This has been recognized by the Central Government and,consequently,during the 17th Party Congress it declared that the improvement and encouragement of independent innovation are the important basis for building an innovational nation which,in turn, serves as requisite for sustainable economic and social development.China has achieved rapid economic growth over the last three decades through significant investments in industrial and urban development which have been accorded high priority for achieving its developmental targets and objectives. However,rapid economic development and the low consideration given for the conservation of the nation’s resources have had detrimental impacts on the condition of its resources and on the overall environment.Such an approach to development is therefore not sustainable.On the other hand,the concept of a recycle economy,with its concept of resource-use-production-resource regeneration,has been given high regard by some as a better alternative and more sustainable in the long-run.However,the development of a combined regional innovational system(RIS) and recycle economy(RE),by considering the positive aspects of both systems,will certainly be a more sustainable system and therefore result in a more sustainable social and economic development with positive impacts on the environment.Although there are contradictions between these two concepts,it is worthwhile to study these two systems and determine how they may be reconciled in order to provide a basis for actual planning for government.This dissertation applies the following research methods:(ⅰ) criterion research and demonstration research;(ⅱ) description research and analytical research; and(ⅲ) qualitative research and quantitative research.The uniqueness of this dissertation lies in the following aspects:(ⅰ) combining the concepts of RIS and RE into one development system;(ⅱ) designing a RIS-RE model following a game theory model;(ⅲ) analyzing various different scenarios of different types of innovations and expanding the analysis to a RIS-RE model with the participation of government representatives;and(ⅳ) development of an index system of RIS on the basis of a RE.The dissertation develops a theoretical framework for a RIS-RE model based theoretical analysis of various development systems and review of relevant literature.The study develops an index system and a game theory model for RIS-RE which may serve as guide for policymakers and planners of Qingdao City who are responsible for developing the city following RIS on the basis of a recycle economy.The study has three main conclusions.First,RIS may be developed through market forces but RIS,on the basis of a recycle economy, requires government guidance and other mechanisms for it to flourish.The government has the capability to build RIS,on the basis of a recycle economy, with profit as its major driving force.Second,Qingdao’s RIS,on the basis of a recycle economy,is in its early stage.Its scientific research foundation is strong,the innovativeness of large corporation is dynamic,and the government’s support for RIS is outstanding.However,there are a few shortcomings.The corporations’ technology innovation capability is limited, the capacity of independent innovation is weak,the mechanism for encouraging innovation inadequate,the service system is inefficient,and there is lack of knowledge and appreciation of the concept of recycle economy in relation to building RIS.Third,the objectives of Qingdao for building RIS,on the basis of recycle economy,is as follows:the innovation principal part is clear,innovational mechanism is perfect,innovational strength is powerful, innovational environment is predominant,innovational character is obvious. There is strong innovation centralization,radiant capacity and zoology recycle capacity.Therefore,the city should develop towards RIS,on the basis of a recycle economy.It needs to develop new innovational ideas and initiate regulatory and policy improvements to foster and enhance corporations’ independent innovation capacity and strengthen their capability to implement ecologically-friendly and technologically innovative projects.

  • 【分类号】F124.3;F205;F224.32
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2066
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