

The Researching of Some Questions about Han-Hun Relationship by Bamboo and Wooden Slips That Unearthed in Northwest of China

【作者】 特日格乐

【导师】 齐木德道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 出土于中国西北地区的简牍中包含有丰富而珍贵的汉匈关系史资料,但是,多年来被学界所忽略。其实,简牍不仅能佐证史籍中的正确记载,更重要的是,它可以补充和纠正传世文献中的疏漏与谬误,内容弥足珍贵。笔者通过对已经公布之西北简牍中所见的汉匈关系史史料进行梳理、分类、辨析、统计、考证,并结合传世文献史料,从政治、经济、军事等方面对西汉中期至东汉中期的汉匈关系进行研究。全文共五部分。序言介绍了本文撰写所依据的简牍资料和传世文献史料、西北简牍和匈奴史的研究现状、本文所运用的研究方法以及本文的创新之处。在第一章中,笔者探讨了简牍所见河西地区的地理概况和历史脉络。由于优越的地理位置,河西地区自古以来就是兵家必争之地。从简牍中能看出汉代河西地区卓越的地理位置和怡人的自然环境。也正因如此,河西地区成为汉匈间争斗的一个焦点,简牍亦能揭示河西地区在汉匈间的易手过程和发展轨迹。在第二章中,笔者运用简牍资料取得了对汉匈关系若干历史悬案的突破。如:认清呼韩邪在灭郅支单于过程中的作用,从传世文献上看,呼韩邪并没有参与攻灭郅支单于的战役,然而出土简牍证明,他不仅参与了该事件,而且还发挥了重要作用:王莽在分封匈奴十五单于的过程中,率先是在京师分封了一位匈奴人为单于,对此史籍中找不到任何线索,简牍不仅证明此事,而且还提供了这位匈奴人的身份;王莽在其统治末期,在西域与匈奴进行了一场争夺势力范围的战役,史籍中寥寥数言记载了此事,敦煌出土的一部册书描述了此役的详细经过,十分精彩。在第三章中,笔者就汉朝针对匈奴的预警体系进行了研究。汉长城是一个集驻军系统、预警系统、邮传系统、后勤供应系统为一身的综合性防御体系。预警系统是汉边塞的瞭望、哨所体系,由于汉长城防御的是机动性、灵活性极强的匈奴骑兵,尽早发现其踪迹是减少损失的最佳方式,因此,在汉长城防御体系中预警系统的地位非常突出。而且,今见西北简牍多出土于汉长城预警系统遗址中,使对它的深入研究成为可能。在本文中笔者首先对预警系统的总体布局及规模进行考查,它是由郡太守、都尉、候官、候长、隧长等相互隶属的机构组成;其次,对预警系统的运作方式进行研究,匈奴人欲接近汉边塞,先遇到的是在塞外巡逻的斥候骑士的侦查;之后是修筑在边塞以外的塞外隧的候望;到达汉边塞后,天田使其行踪暴露无遗;由于有“精明的”烽火信号传递制度,暴露行踪的匈奴人的动向马上被传递到边郡决策者手中;之后,匈奴人会遇到根据烽火信号出师阻击的骑兵;然后就是一场恶仗;而且由于预警系统中配备了多种武器,即使骑兵未到,匈奴人也不能轻易攻破烽隧。在结束语中,笔者总结全文,简明扼要地阐述本文取得的突破、存在的不足、导致不足的原因以及对研究前景的展望。

【Abstract】 There are rich and the precious history materials about Han-Hun relationship in bamboo and wooden slips that unearthed last century in Chinese northwest.For many years,it has been neglected by the academia indeed.Actually,bamboo and wooden slips not only prove correct recordation,but also,it can supplement and correct oversight and the error of written in historical literature.So,the content is well worth preciously.Through the pectination,classification, discrimination,statistics,textual research the bamboo and wooden slips,the author researched the Han-Hun relationship in Western Han Dynasty metaphase to the Eastern Han Dynasty metaphase,from politic,economic,military aspects.Full text contains five parts.In preface,the author introduced the bamboo and wooden slips materials, literature historical materials,present research situation,research technique and innovation of this article.In the first chapter,the author discussed geography survey and the historical vein of Northwest that called He-Xi area.As a result of the superior geographical position,He Xi area has been an important zone since the ancient time.We can know the remarkable geographical position and the beauteous natural environment of He-xi area by bamboo and wooden slips.Because of so,the He-xi area had become a battle focal point of Han-Hun relationship.Bamboo and wooden slips can show us the process of changing hands between Han-Hun and the development path of He-xi area.In the second chapter,using the bamboo and wooden slips,author has obtained breakthrough of unsettled events in Han-Hun relationship history.For example: Clearly recognized effect of Hu Han re in event of Zhi Zhi extinguished.According to literature materials,Hu Han re has not joint this combat,but bamboo and wooden slips proved that he not only joint it and made a vital effect.In processes of nominating fifteen Chan yu in Wang mang period,he had nominated a Chan yu in the capital.There is no clue in historical records,bamboo and wooden slips has proved this matter,moreover,has also provided new information.Dominant last stage, Wang mang has launched campaign with Hun in western region.The bamboo and wooden slips unearthed in Dun-huang,described this campaign visually.The Great Wall is included garrison system,the early warning system,the postal system the logistics replenishment system.In the third chapter,author researched the early warning system of Han dynasty.The early warning system is the observation system of frontier fortress.Because of super maneuverable and flexible cavalry from Hun,the early warning system is extremely prominent in the Great Wall defensive system.In the article,the author discussed the overall layout and the scale of early warning system firstly.It was divided up Tai shou, Du wei,Hou guan,Hou zhang and Sui zhang.And then,the author researched the operation methods of early warning system.It included spying cavalry, out-frontier-fortress,patrol line,signal fire transferring and own recovery methods.In the concluding remark,the author summarized the full text,briefly elaborated the breakthrough,the existence insufficiency,reason of causing insufficient.At last,the author contemplates the prospect of this project.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期