

The Evaluation on Plant Resources of Xinjiang

【作者】 袁祯燕

【导师】 安尼瓦尔·阿木提;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 自然资源是人类社会发展的基础,植物资源作为一种可再生资源,对社会的贡献体现在经济价值和生态价值两方面。人类往往关注其经济价值而忽视生态价值。新疆幅员辽阔,特殊的自然条件造就了丰富而独特的植物资源。植物资源在新疆的发展建设和改善生态环境中都起到重要的作用。植物资源的数量和结构及生态系统服务功能价值对今后新疆的发展有很大的影响。本文针对新疆植物资源进行了如下的评价:新疆的森林资源面积和储量都低于全国平均水平,属于森林资源不丰富的地区。1988-2004年,森林林业用地和森林蓄积量总体呈现上升趋势。1988-2004年六类林业用地比例变化呈现“倒钟型”,1984-1988年无林地面积的比例为47.1%,有林地面积仅为30.78%。2004年有林地比例恢复到37.4%,无林地面积比例为11.45%。四次林业普查期间,林种面积比例为公益林的比例逐渐上升,公益林中防护林占90%左右。商品林从1984-1993年比例降低,到1994-1998年才略有上升,商品林中经济林比例逐渐增加,用材林比例逐渐减少。森林资源的有林地和疏林地的比例分析,新疆森林中疏林地面积占有很大比重,其中平原河谷天然林的疏林面积远大于有林地面积。从林龄组结构看,从1980年到1988年,天然林中的中壮林和成过熟林的面积比幼龄林多8倍以上,中壮林和成过熟林的蓄积量分别是幼龄林的25倍和40倍,这种比例失调,说明天然林后备资源短缺,人工林的比例较为理想。从森林生态系统所提供的生态服务价值看,森林生态系统所提供的间接价值占99%,而直接价值仅占1%。阔叶林生态系统具有很高的保持土壤、防风固沙和净化环境的价值,针叶林生态系统具有较高的拦截蓄水和净化水质的价值。新疆有辽阔的天然草地,因气候条件和地形地貌的影响,草地资源分布不均匀,南疆草地面积大于北疆。根据遥感数据获得的新疆植被分类图计算得出,从1988-2000年新疆草地面积一直在减少。不同覆盖度的草地面积的变化为:平原地区高覆盖度草地面积减少,中、低覆盖度草地面积变动幅度大,两者处于相互转化的关系中。山地草地的面积变动幅度不大,总体上低覆盖草地与中覆盖草地的面积逐渐减少。全疆草地生态系统变动幅度较大,1988-1998年总体呈现上升趋势,1999-2000年略有下降。1998年草地生态系统提供的生态系统服务价值最大为2.13×109万元。新疆有11种草地类型,不同草地类型的生产性能和生态服务功能有很大的区别,各类草地生态系统提供的服务价值排序为:低平地草甸〉温性荒漠〉山地草甸〉温性草原〉高寒草甸〉温性荒漠草原〉温性草原化荒漠〉温性草甸草原〉高寒草原〉沼泽〉高寒荒漠。新疆冷季草场缺乏,是制约畜牧业发展的原因之一。新疆的农业资源光热资源丰富满足农作物的生长,水资源、土壤肥力不足、农业机械化水平和农用电不足是新疆农业资源不足之处。2005年农田生态系统服务价值比1988年增加了36.21%,达到126.72×108元。新疆的野生植物资源丰富,分布广泛,质量上乘。现今对经济价值高的植物物种进行掠夺式的采挖,已造成植被破坏,植物资源频临灭绝,环境恶化。长此以往,很多野生植物会挖光殆尽,许多还未被利用的植物种类也会悄然消失。已经进行开发利用的植物种类,由于科研和生产结合不到位,使得新疆植物资源的一直作为原料和半成品的出口地区,植物资源增值不大,所以新疆的植物资源优势在国民经济中所占比例甚小。利用新疆1988-2006年的统计数据,对新疆生态足迹、资源利用效率、万元GDP生态足迹、能力发展系数进行了计算。新疆1988-2005年的人均生态足迹呈递增趋势,2005年比1988增加了212%,人均承载力呈下降趋势,2005年比1988年下降了36.6%。新疆的人均赤字和人均生态协调系数表明新疆处于不可持续发展状态。万元GDP生态足迹反映出新疆资源资源利用效率较低。新疆的生态足迹多样性基本处于一种稳定状态,发展能力系数反映出新疆发展能力呈现上升趋势。从新疆植物资源的评价和社会发展需求两方面分析得出新疆植物资源的利用存在的三个问题:(1)新疆目前的经济发展都是在以消耗植物资源为代价的,这种消耗不仅使具有可更新性的植物资源急剧减少,难以更新,同时植被破坏也给生态环境带来一定的负面影响。而从经济发展的速度来看,今后对植物资源的需求还在不断的增长,而日趋减少的植物资源似乎无法满足,将面临“巧妇难为无米之炊”的窘境。(2)新疆的植物资源利用过程中资源利用率低且浪费现象严重。一些具有潜在发展潜力的植物资源却没有得以重视加以利用,处于“养在深闺无人知”的境地。(3)新疆水资源缺乏的现状是植物资源发展的制约因子,对植物资源的开发利用要结合植物资源不同的情况有的放矢,针对水资源情况,合理配置植物资源,发挥最大效益。

【Abstract】 The territory of Xinjiang is broad, the special natural condition brings up abundant and special plant resources, and these plant resources have important function to development construction and improvement ecosystem environment of Xinjiang.The forest resources area and quantity of Xinjiang are all keep low in average level in the whole country; Xinjiang belongs to the region where the forest resources are not rich. The foresty area and amount of growing stock are total to present up-rend. From the analysis of six types of forestries, it showed that the proportion of no woodland area has reached to 47.1%, The woodland area is 30.78%. In 2004, the proportion of woodland recovered to 37.4% and no comparison is 11.45%. See from the wood kinds, public-spirited wood’s area of Xinjiang rises gradually and occupies very big proportion, the shelter forest which defends the breeze and solid sand is 90%. The area proportion of merchandise wood comparison lowers from 1984 to1993;It ascends during 1994-1998. Economic wood’s proportion increases gradually; the material wood’s proportion reduces gradually. Analysis the comparison of woodland and open forest land, the open forest land covers large area in naturel forest which grows in mountain or valley and artificial wood. The wood’s age structure comparison is out of tune, the mature forest and overmature forest’s area is eight times than young growth, the amount of growing stock is young growth respectivel twenty-five times and forty times.so the natural wood is lack.. It concluded that the indirectly worth is far larger than directly worthy the forest ecosystem system provide. The broad-leaved wood has very high value of keeping soil and defending the the breeze, soliding sand and decontaminatign environment, the coniferous forest has pride to intercept to retain water highly with decontamination fluid matter of value, it showed that each forest ecosystem value relates to the region where it is.There is broad natural lawn in Xinjiang; it is one of national important herding. Pasture offers production means and also has deep influence to the ecosystem environment. The lawn resources distributes asymmetry, lawn area of souther of Xinjiang is larger than the norther. The lawn area is decreasing during 1988-2000, but the production value of stockbreeding is increasing continuously at the same time. Explain from here, the growth of the stockbreeding of Xinjiang takes consuming the lawn resources as stake. The high coverge lawn in plain reduces the areas of middle and low coverge lawn change range greatly. In mountain, the areas of different coverge lawn change small. Xinjiang lawn ecosystem service change greatly, the value increases during 1988-1998, it decreases during 1999-2000. The highest value of Xinjiang lawn ecosystem service is 2.13×109yuan in 1998.There are 11 pasture types. The producibility and ecosystem service function of different lawn type have obvious differentiation. The service that each kind of lawn ecosystem system provides is worth row preface for: low mountain medow> temperate dessert> mountainous meadow> temperate grassland> paramos meadow> temperate dessertic grassland> temperate grasslandic dessert> temperate meadowic grassland> paramos grassland> marsh> paramos dessert.so the exploitation of lawn resources, combine each lawn type of the characteristics to carry on exploitation.There are enough light and temperature resources to satisfy the need for crop’s growth, but the water resource is lack and fertiliazation of earth is uneven, these restrict the crop’s production. The lower agricultural machinization is also a limit factor. The crop eco-system service value of 2005 is add 25% to 1988, li is 126.72×108yuan. The natural eco-system guards the crop ecosystem. We shoud protect the natural vegetation when we want to improve the production.The wilding resources of Xinjiang are abundant, distributing extensively, the quality is best. People dig the high valuable species crazily, it causes the vegetation broken, and the environment is depravity. Many wilding resources face extinct. Descend to go to thus, a lot of wildings will be dig almost exhausted, many plants species which haven’t been made use of will also disappear quietly. Because research and production could not combine well,exploited species just be the original materials or semi-manufactured goods, the resources don’t increase in value, so the plant resources of Xinjiang has very small comparison in the national economy. To sum it up, the wilding resources of Xinjiang has advantage to be developed in the depth, so we should converse the resources advantage to merchandise advantage when protecting the plant resources.According to ecological footprint, 1988-2005 years, the using of resource, 10000 dollars GDP, development coefficient ability, these data show that Xinjiang placed in unsustainable development currently and the using efficiency of resource is low. From 1988 to 1994, the per capita ecological footprint is smaller than the per capita bio-capacity, Xinjiang’s development is sustainable. Per capita ecological footprint is larger than per capita bio-capacity, it showed that Xinjiang‘s development is unsustainable. The 10000 dollars GDP ecological footprint shows that the using efficiency of resources is low. We can solve this by using different kinds land to improve the ecological economy.The plant growth depends on water,.according to the ecologicalfootprint of water resources of Xinjiang ,the per capita water ecological footprint change steadily ,but the per capita water ecological footprint changs great because of distribution uneven. There is large ecological deficit, so when the plant resources will be explored, they should be allocated reasonable according to water resources.There exits three problems from the analysis two sides between the plant resources and society needs: (1) Xinjiang current economy’s developing all is taking consuming plant resources as price. This kind of development mode makes renewable plant resources decreasing and hard to renewable; meantime the broken vegetation will bring the negative influence to ecosystem environment. But the plant resources reduced gradually apparently can’t satisfy the need of society; (2) there have wasting and low using efficiency phenomenon in using resource process of Xinjiang. These potential development plant resources don’t be known and take into exploitation; (3) the lack of water resource is the restrict factor to developing the plant resources. So according to de water resources, it is good way to install plant resources reasonable to exertive biggest performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期