

A Study on Transformation and Innovation of China’s Rural Cooperative Finance in New Era

【作者】 陈清

【导师】 严正;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 金融是现代经济的核心,我国“三农”的发展离不开农村金融的有力支持。农村合作金融与“三农”有着天然联系,过去、现在和将来都是我国农村金融的重要组成部分,有着生存发展的巨大空间和土壤。当前,随着建设社会主义新农村重大战略部署的加快推进,农村金融体系结构与运作机制存在严重缺陷的问题已成为制约这一重大战略任务顺利实现的突出因素,加快农村合作金融的转型与创新,以提供有效的金融支持和助推作用,是决策者、实践者和理论研究者面临的现实紧迫问题。本文以农村合作金融转型与创新为研究对象,着重探讨如何在农村合作金融的改革理论、发展模式、组织体系、体制机制、法律制度、政策保障等方面进行有效转型和创新,使农村合作金融真正成为我国农村金融的主力,更好地发挥支持和服务“三农”的主渠道作用,推动社会主义新农村建设,加快形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局。本研究坚持以马克思主义经济学的基本原理为指导,借鉴西方经济学的合理因素,运用现代金融学理论,采用科学的研究方法,认真探讨和界定了合作金融的基本内涵、重要特征和根本原则,论述了我国农村合作金融的发展历史、现状及存在问题,梳理总结了国外农村合作金融发展的模式路径与成功经验,结合目前我国农村经济社会发展现状及变化趋势,剖析了合作金融在农村金融供给与需求中的比较优势,以及合作金融在农村金融体系中实现农村经济主体融资需求的重要作用,阐述了“三农”发展与农村合作金融支持的内在逻辑与现实需要,提出了我国农村合作金融转型与创新的基本方向、根本原则、主要模式和重要路径,着重探讨了农村信用合作社的改革与发展、农村制度外合作金融组织的培育与创新、互助合作农业保险模式的构建与规范,农村合作金融发展环境的营造与优化,并相应提出总体的发展思路和具体的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Finance is the core of modern economy, the development of China’s "Sannong", that is, three problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers, is indispensable to the support of rural finance. There is a natural link between Rural Cooperative Finance and "Sannong". It was, is and will be an important part of China’s rural finance, with a great space and soil for survival and development. At present, with the accelerating of major strategic plans for building a new socialist countryside, the problem that there are serious shortcomings in rural financial system structure and operating mechanism has become a major factor restricting the smooth realization of the prominent strategic task. It has become a pressing issue the policy-makers, practitioners and researchers face to speed up the transformation and innovation of the Rural Cooperative Finance for providing effective financial support and promoting role.On the research of the transformation and innovation of China’s Rural Cooperative Finance, this paper mainly discusses how to make effective transformation and innovation on the reforming theory, the mode of development, organization structure, institutional mechanisms, structure of the law and policy guarantee of Rural Cooperative Finance, thus to get it become the main force of China’s rural finance, and play a better role as the main channel in supporting and serving "Sannong", pushing forward the building of a new socialist countryside and forming a new pattern of integration of the economic and social development in the urban and rural areas.This paper adheres to Marxist economics basic tenets as a guide. Referring to the reasonable factors of Western economics and with the use of modern financial theory and scientific research methods, it explores and defines seriously the basic aspects, important features and fundamental principles of cooperative finance. It also discusses the developing history, current situation and existing problems of China’s Rural Cooperative Finance. Basing on summing up the successful experience and developing mode of the Rural Cooperative Finance at abroad, and combined with the current situation and changing trend of the economic and social development in China’s rural areas and analyzing the trend of supply and demand changes of rural finance and the important role that cooperative finance plays in realizing the financing requirements of rural economic body in rural finance system, it discusses the development of "Sannong" and the inherent logic and practical needs in supporting China’s Rural Cooperative Finance. It advances the basic principles and mode selection of the transformation and innovation of China’s Rural Cooperative Finance. It also pushes forward the basic goals, fundamental principle, main mode and important ways for the transformation and innovation of China’s rural cooperative finance. In addition, it mainly discusses the following issues, that is, the reformation and development of rural credit cooperatives, cultivation and innovation of extra rural financial organization, construction and stipulation of the insurance mode of co-operative agriculture, strengthening and improvement of rural cooperative financial ecosystem. And it also proposes the overall development ideas and concrete measures.

  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1514