

Studies of Swarm Simulation Biology Optimization for Production Scheduling System of Open Pit Mine and Its Application

【作者】 杨仕教

【导师】 古德生; 丁德馨;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 露天矿山生产调度系统是一个多因素、多层次、动态变化的复杂非线性系统,具有递阶结构、不确定性、多目标、多约束、多资源相互协调等特点。调度的任务是根据产量、质量目标和资源约束,确定具体的开采方案、生产工艺、运输路径、运行时间、设备操作与管理控制等。因此,优化露天生产调度系统对于提高露天矿山的经济效益具有重要意义。本文引入现代扁平化管理理念,构建露天矿山生产调度系统运作模式,应用自适应模糊推理系统(ANFIS)、模糊规划与群集拟生态进化算法的融合技术解决不确定环境下露天矿山生产调度系统的建模与优化问题。主要研究内容如下:1)露天矿山生产调度系统建模与优化理论研究①露天矿山生产调度系统的模糊神经网络建模研究。露天矿山生产调度系统涉及的参数多(如生产计划系统、穿孔爆破系统),其系统模型难以用现成的函数关系式表达,采用经典的建模方法难以建立符合实际的系统模型。本文应用神经网络、自适应模糊推理系统(ANFIS)对复杂非线性系统建模进行了比较研究,研究结果表明ANFIS具有更好的拟合能力,尤其是基于模糊减法聚类的ANFIS能更好地实现复杂非线性系统的建模。②露天矿山生产调度系统的模糊建模研究。露天矿山生产调度系统模型存在着广泛的模糊性(如卡车运输系统中的运输距离、单位运输费用等),涉及到多模糊目标及多模糊约束的全模糊规划问题(TFP)的建模求解,需进行系统集成与算法改进。本文结合隶属度函数法及模糊决策准则,有效地实现了模糊系数的全模糊规划问题的转化。③露天矿山生产调度系统的群集拟生态全局优化研究。露天矿山生产调度系统的优化是一全局最优化问题。本文融合遗传算法(GA)、免疫算法(IA)、粒子群优化算法(PSO)等拟生态进化算法的优点,构造了群集拟生态进化算法(SSBEA),强化了全局优化算法性能,并以特殊多波峰检测函数为例,验证了该算法的优越性。然后,应用群集拟生态优化算法解决了ANFIS的优化求解问题,并以特殊多波峰检测函数及露天矿山生产能力ANFIS模型的优化求解为例,验证了ANFIS-SSBEA解决复杂系统的建模与优化问题的有效性。同时,应用群集拟生态进化算法解决了带模糊系数的多模糊目标及多模糊约束的全模糊规划问题(TFP)的集成模型的优化求解问题,从而解决了不同可能性水平下的模糊系统的最优满意度问题,并以露天矿山卡车运输系统为例,验证了TFP-SSBEA解决不确定系统的建模与优化问题的有效性。2)湖南韶峰集团露天矿山生产调度系统的群集拟生态优化研究①引入现代扁平化管理模式,为湖南韶峰水泥原料露天矿山构建了由上层的生产计划系统、下层的穿孔爆破系统和卡车运输系统、中间层的协调优化系统组成的生产调度系统。拓展了露天矿山生产调度系统的运作模式,促进了生产调度系统的优化管理、优化反馈和优化运行。②露天矿山生产计划系统的群集拟生态优化研究。应用ANFIS构建了与水泥原料矿山生产计划系统相关的水泥产品结构计划、矿山主生产计划模型,用群集拟生态进化算法对其进行了优化求解。然后,用全模糊规划构建矿山出矿计划模型,用群集拟生态进化算法进行优化求解,解决了在不同可能性水平下的矿山出矿计划系统最优满意度问题。③穿孔爆破系统的群集拟生态优化研究。在满足矿山生产计划要求的条件下,运用ANFIS建立了破碎矿石成本与不同台阶作业点的主要技术经济参数(孔径、超深(或孔深)、孔间距、排间距、炸药单耗、根底大块率、延米矿量、落矿量等)之间关系的穿孔爆破系统模型,应用群集拟生态优化算法对其进行了优化求解,实现了在满足不同市场需求条件下穿孔爆破系统的最优化。④卡车运输系统群集拟生态优化研究。根据矿山生产计划系统及卡车运输调度系统的特点,应用模糊约束、模糊目标的全模糊系数规划模型建立了卡车运输调度系统模型。并用群集拟生态进化算法对其进行了优化求解,从而得出了各个班次在不同可能性水平下的最优车辆数及最小运输成本。本文通过对多种拟生态算法进行融合,建立了群集拟生态进化算法;应用自适应模糊推理系统技术、全模糊规划理论建立了复杂露天矿山生产调度系统数学模型;应用群集拟生态进化算法对其进行了优化求解。将研究成果应用于湖南韶峰水泥原料矿山生产调度系统的优化,求得了该矿山生产调度系统的全局最优解,大幅度提高了该矿山的经济效益。

【Abstract】 The production scheduling system for open pit quarry is a complex system which includes many factors,multi-layers and dynamic variation, with some characteristics such as set-up structure,randomness, multi-target and mutual coorperation of many resources.Subject to production,quality and resources,the scheduling task is to determine the development and mining plan,production technique,transportation path, circulation time,equipment operation and management control etc. Therefore,the optimization of the production scheduling system for open pit quarry is of an important implication to enhancing open pit quarry economic benefit.The modern flat management mode was introduced,and management mode of the production scheduling system for open pit quarry was constructed.The modeling and optimizing problem of production scheduling system was solved by integrating Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS),Total Fuzzy Programming(TFP)and Swarm Simulation Biology Evolutionary Algorithms(SSBEA)under uncertain environment.1)Theoretical studies of modeling and optimizing for production scheduling system.①ANFIS modeling studies for complex open pit quarry production scheduling system.It is difficult to set up system model which conforms to the actual system model by classical modeling method,because complex quarry production scheduling system is related to multi parameters(such as production planing system,drilling and blasting system),and there is no created function formula for its system model. This paper carried out the comparative analysis of Nerual Network and ANFIS.It has proven that ANFIS has the better fitting ability,which can effectively carry out nonlinear system modeling of multi-parameter with ANFIS based on fuzzy subtract clustering especially. ②Fuzzy modeling research for complex open pit quarry production scheduling system.The open pit quarry production scheduling system has the expensive fuzziness(such as transportation distance,unit transportation expense of truck transportation system),which is related to modeling and solving the problem of total fuzzy programming based on multi fuzzy objectives and multi constraints.It is necessary to carry out system intergation and algorithm improved.This paper has effectively realized fuzzy modeling transformation of total fuzzy programming problem through combining degree of membership function method and fuzzy decision-making criterion.③Swarm simulation biology evolutionary optimization studies of open pit quarry production scheduling system.Optimization problem of open pit quarry production scheduling system is a global optimization problem.This paper constructed swarm simulation biology evolutionary algorithm(SSBEA).The merits of all algorithms are integrated such as genetic algorithm(GA),immune algorithm(IA),particle swarm optimization algorithm(PSO),which improve global optimization algorithm performance,and take the special multi-wave ridge testing function as the example,which confirmed this algorithm superiority. Then,ANFIS modelling and optimization problem has been solved by swarm simulation biology evolutionary algorithm(SSBEA),it took the special multi-wave ridge testing function and ANFIS model optimized solution of open pit quarry productivity as the example,which confirmed validity of ANFIS-SSBEA for solving the complex system modelling and optimization problem.Iri the meantime,optimization solution problem of integrated model was solved by simulation biology evolutionary algorithm(SSBEA)for total fuzzy programming problem(TFP)based on mutli fuzzy target and multi fuzzy constraint with fuzzy coefficient.Thus the optimal satisfaction degree problem of system under the different possible level was solved,and the truck transportation system of open pit quarry was taken an example,which confirmed validity of TFP-SSBEA for solving the uncertain system modelling and optimization problem.2)Swarm simulation biology optimization studies for open pit quarry production scheduling system of Hunan Shaofeng group①By introducing modern flat management mode,the quarry production scheduling system is constructed for raw material quarry for cement in Hunan Shaofeng Cement Group,namely productive plan system of upper layer,drilling and blasting system and truck transportation system of lower layer,coordinated optimization system of middle layer.This has developed administration operation mode of quarry production scheduling system.The system is beneficial to optimizing management,optimizing feedback and optimizing running of production scheduling system.②Swarm simulation ecology optimization studies of mine productive plan system.Firstly,Cement product construction plan and ore plan system models,which is related to cement raw material mine productive plan system,are constructed by ANFIS.The optimal cement product construction plan and the main quarry production plan are solved with Swarm ecology evolution algorithm.Then,the production ore plan of different platform is constructed by total fuzzy programming,its optimal satisfaction degree problem is solved by Swarm ecology evolution algorithm under different possible level.③Swarm simulation ecology optimization studies of drilling and blasting system.According to quarry production plan,Crushing quarry cost model was set up with ANFIS.The model is related to main technological and economical parameters of different mining platform such as diameter of drill hole,over depth of the hole,space between holes, space between rows,unit consume of dynamite,the proportion of bedrock-mass rate,mining quantity of unit meter,unit power of exploring shift,meters of unit shift,exploration quantities and unit consume of material etc.It can carry out optimization solution of drilling and blasting system applied in Swarm simulation biology evolutionary algorithms subject to meet market demand.④Swarm simulation ecology optimization studies of truck transportation system.According to characteristics of the truck transportation scheduling system of cement material quarry,truck transportation scheduling system model under fuzzy environment is set up with global fuzzy coefficient programming model based on fuzzy constraint and fuzzy target.It is iteratively solved for truck transportation scheduling system with Swarm simulation biology evolutionary algorithm.Therefore,it will acquire the optimal vehicle and optimal economic benefit in different possibility level of different shift.This project has constructed Swarm simulation ecology evolution optimization algorithm through integration technology of simulation ecology algorithm.The system modeling of complexity open pit quarry production scheduling system was set up by applying ANFIS and total fuzzy progrmming technology,its optimal solution is solved by Swarm simulation biology evolutionary algorithm.This achievement was applied in production scheduling system in the Hunan Shaofeng cement raw material quarry,and the global optimization problem of the quarry production scheduling system was solved successfully,and the economic efficiency in the quarry was greatly enhanced.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TD672
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】649