

Research on Technologies of Heat Control for Metal Mines

【作者】 胡汉华

【导师】 古德生;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着矿产资源的不断开发,我国的浅表矿床及开采技术条件相对简单的矿床储量不断消耗,迫使大多数矿山转入深部或复杂矿床的开采。深部矿床开采的技术难点主要集中在三个方面:即深部地压(岩爆)预测与控制技术、井下热害控制技术以及强化开采技术集成。井下热害控制技术在我国深井开采技术中占有很重要的地位。本论文的研究内容和得出主要结论如下:1.通过大量文献研究,发现制定高温矿井热害治理方案时,一般需要研究的内容包括:常规通风方案、通风网络优化、气候预测和热环境评价。如果热环境评价结果证明采用常规通风方法不能解决热害治理问题,则依矿井热害严重程度,顺序考虑加强通风、循环通风、个体防护、局部降温和集中制冷。在我国金属矿山中,目前热害最为严重的地点是掘进作业面。最为严重的时期是矿井开拓时期。2.矿井开拓时期的巷道掘进,是每一个深热矿井都会遇到的最困难的排热通风问题。通过对独头巷道排热通风规律的研究,从理论和实验上解决掘进作业面排热通风量的确定问题。理论上,独头巷道排热通风在制冷与加大风量通风之间存在最优方案。在大多数高温掘进工作面,最优排热通风量均小于排烟排尘风量。由于加大风量通风的同时加大了围岩与空气间的热湿交换。掘进工作面加大风量通风只能改善人体的散热条件,增加舒适度,对降低工作面的空气温度作用甚微。3.在矿山开拓期间,由于主通风系统尚未形成,通风降温无法实现热环境控制的目标,制冷降温又无必要。提出矿井轻便空调室技术可望解决这一难题。矿井轻便空调室技术是利用热帐的隔热作用,将井下工人与热环境隔离开来,再用先进的适于井下使用的空气冷却器向热帐内供冷,使热帐内环境质量达到《安全规程》规定的要求。4.矿井轻便空调室的关键技术是其专用空气冷却器。为此,本文通过理论和实验研究,研制了一种实用矿用空气冷却器。该空气冷却器巧妙地采用水轮机式风机,利用井下高压水的位能为空气冷却器提供通风动力。空气冷却器本身无需耗电,通风与空气冷却一体化,从而消除了电动风机本身发热所带来的人工热源。而且水轮机回收了高压水的大部分位能,消除了这部分位能向热能的转化。5.用个体防护技术来解决井下流动人员的高温防护问题,是一种适合我国国情的行之有效的高温矿山降温的新技术和新方法。它具有使用简单、方便。降温成本低的特点。6.高温矿井通风网络均是复杂的通风网络。加上深部高温的影响,使得深井矿山井下环境的管理变得异常复杂。本文应用VBA编程技术编制了高温矿井环境管理程序,有效地解决了复杂高温矿井通风网络数字化难题。7.矿井通风系统优化这一领域已有大量的研究成果,但作为高温矿井通风系统,由于其优化是以井下作业面环境舒适度为目标的,其优化方法从理论和应用上均与传统的通风系统优化方法大为不同。本文应用高温矿井热环境计算方法开发出了复杂高温矿井的热环境计算程序。用于预测整个矿井的热环境。这一程序已成功地应用于凡口铅锌矿的矿井通风网络分析和矿井排热通风优化分析。

【Abstract】 With the continuous exploitation of mineral resources in our country the deposits in the shallow strata and of the relative simple mining technology conditions are continuously being consumed so that many mines begin to exploit the mineral sources buried in the deep strata or with the complicate exploiting conditions. There are 3 difficult technologies about the deep deposit exploitation which are the forecasting and control technology of the high stress(rock burst), the control technology of heat harm in mine and the integration technology of the enforced mining. The control technology of heat harm in mine plays an important role in the deep mining in our country.The main research contents and conclusions of the thesis are as follows:1. It is found by studying a number of documents that when the harnessing schemes of the heat harm are laid down in the mine of high temperature, the factors to be considered usually conclude the normal ventilation method, the ventilation network optimization, the forecasting of the underground climate and the evaluation of the heat environment in mine. If the results of the heat environment evaluation show the problem about the heat harm harnessing could not be solved using the normal ventilation method, on the basic of the serious degree of the heat harm in mine these treatment methods should be considered for use in order which are the enforced ventilation, the recirculation ventilation, the personal protection, the local cooling and the central cooling method. As for the heat harm in metal mines in our country the heading face and the mining development period are now respectively the place and the period of the most serious harm.2. The ventilation problem of the roadway excavation during the mining development is the most difficult one of all the problems about the ventilation and the exhaust heat faced with by every deep heat mine. In the thesis a study was performed about the principles of the ventilation and the exhaust heat in the heading face and the problem how to count the heat-exhausted ventilation rate of the excavation workplace was solved by the theory analysis and testing. In theory the best scheme about the heat-exhausted ventilation in the heading face is between the cooling ventilation and the enforcement ventilation. In many excavation workplaces of the high temperature, the best heat-exhausted ventilation rate is smaller than the fume-exhausted or dust-exhausted ventilation rate. For the enforcement ventilation also enforces the heat humidity transfer between the gas and the surrounding rock mass, it could not effectively lower the temperature in the workplace and could only improve the heat transfer condition and the comfort level of the human body.3. During the mining development period the main ventilation system isn’t still built so that the goal of controlling the heat environment could not be gained by the temperature-lowering ventilation. Moreover at the period it is unnecessary to use the cooling method. So the mobile air conditioning room technology (MACRT) for mine use is invented to solve the difficult problem. It insulates the miner from the heat environment in the mine by the heat barrier which forms the air conditioning room cooled by a special air cooler which is suitable to use underground so that the mini environment in the room can be accorded with the safety regulations.4. The key technology of the mobile air conditioning room for the mine use is its special-purpose air cooler. So in the thesis a practical mine-used air cooler was developed by the theoretical and experimental study which used cleverly the hydraulic fan whose power was from the potential energy of the high pressure water in the mine. The air cooler did not consume the electrical power and integrated the ventilation process with the air cooling process so that the man-made heat translated from the electrical power of the electrical fan was eliminated. Furthermore, the hydraulic fan retrieved the most potential energy of the high pressure water to avoid its transfer into the heat energy.5. The personal protection technique to solve the problem of the high temperature protection for the moving workmen in mines is a new technology which is suitable for the mine situation in our country when used in the high temperature mine. The technology is simple, convenient and of low cost.6. The ventilation network is always a complex one in the high temperature mine which makes the environment management in the deep mine become very difficult in addition to the effect of the high temperature. VBA programming technique is proved to be effective when used to solve the difficult problem of digitalizing a ventilation network in the complex high temperature mines.7. There have been many research achievements in the field about the optimization of the mine ventilation system. But the general optimization method is different in theory and application from the optimization method of the ventilation system in the high temperature mines whose goal is to improve the environment comfort level of the workplace in mines. So by using the computing method about the heat environment in the deep high temperature mine a program for calculating the complex hot climate in the mine was developed to forecast the heat environment in the whole mine. The program was also successfully used to analyze the ventilation network and optimize the heat-exhausting scheme for Fankou lead-zinc mine. Its application is proved to be a good try in the research field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期