

MAPC/EPC Tissue-engineered Venous Valves

【作者】 温昱

【导师】 张传森; 党瑞山;

【作者基本信息】 第二军医大学 , 人体解剖与组织胚胎学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 采用生物学及工程学原理构建组织工程化静脉瓣有望能治愈下肢慢性静脉功能不全,具有良好的临床应用前景。本文将受体Beagle犬骨髓来源的成体多能祖细胞(multipotent adult progenitor cells,MAPC)和内皮祖细胞(endothelial progenitor cells,EPC)作为种子细胞,采用同种异体脱细胞静脉瓣细胞外基质材料作为支架,利用多点注射、加压灌注的方法将MAPC种植到支架内部,然后应用血管自动旋转脉动系统,使EPC黏附于支架的内表面及瓣膜的窦腔两面,即得到“MAPC/EPC性组织工程化静脉瓣”;并对其形态结构、生物力学特性做了进一步研究。然后采用端端吻合术将构建的组织工程化静脉瓣吻接到受体犬颈外静脉,观察其体内过程。本文包括五部分内容:MAPC的分离、培养及鉴定;EPC的分离、培养及鉴定;同种异体脱细胞静脉瓣支架的制各;MAPC/EPC性组织工程化静脉瓣体外构建;组织工程化静脉瓣的在体研究。

【Abstract】 It is a promising method to construct tissue-engineered venous valves to treat chronic venous insufficiency. We developed a new, tissue-engineered venous valves. Advantages of such tissue-engineered venous valves could include reduced thrombogenicity and greater long-term durability. Using multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPC) and endothelial progenitor cells(EPC) derived from bone marrow as seeding cells, and decallularised allogeneic venous valves as the scaffolds. Seeded MAPC into the walls of scaffolds, and EPC onto the surface. We called the complex of cells/scaffold—"MAPC/EPC tissue-engineered venous valves", and observed the morphous and structures. Tissue-engineered venous valves were replanted into the acceptor dog’s external jugular vein with end-to-end anastomosis. The physiological dispositions of the tissue-engineered venous valves were observed. This paper included 5 sections: Characterization and differentiation of bone marrow-derived multipotent adult progenitor cells; characterization and differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells from canine bone marrow; fabrication of decellularized scaffold of venous valves; construction of tissue engineered venous valves with MAPC and EPC in vitro; investigation of tissue engineered venous valves in vivo.
