

Study on the Dynamics of the Influence of Globalization over Regional Economic Gaps and Apolicy Mechanism of Macro-Economic Regulation

【作者】 黄雪琴

【导师】 张小林;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 中国入世标志着中国经济增长进入了一个新阶段,经济增长要素的全球化和经济运行机制的市场化在促进中国经济高速增长的同时,也加速了中国经济增长的地区分异。江苏省作为中国改革开放的前沿,成为中国经济增长地区分异的一个缩影,地区差距更甚于全国。新世纪以来,虽然江苏省政府加大了调控力度,但依然无法延续90年代中后期江苏全省相对差距持续缩小的趋势,反而急剧扩大。显示全球化背景下,江苏省区域经济调控的思路和方法需要调整。本文在总结前人相关研究成果的基础上,以全球化影响生产要素流动的流量与流向进而影响各地区经济增长为主线,从经济地理学与经济学学科交叉融合的特定视角,按照从理论到实证、从问题到措施的思路,从理论上分析了全球化对区域经济差异的影响机理,实证分析了江苏省全球化进程与江苏省区域经济差异间的关系、全球化影响江苏省区域经济差异的内在机理、全球化背景下江苏省生产要素的空间流向及区域经济差异的变动趋势,在分析全球化背景下江苏省政府的调控空间和江苏省区域经济发展面临的三重任务后,提出了全球化背景下江苏省政府区域经济宏观调控的政策与措施。本文的主要结论是:1.全球化对区域经济差异的演变具有双重影响,当各地区处在或趋向于同一技术周期时,全球化对区域经济差异具有收敛效应,当各地区处在或趋向于不同的技术周期时,全球化对区域经济差异具有发散效应。因此促进要素流通尤其是技术的流动(技术成果和技术人员的流动)是缩小区域经济差异的关键。2.江苏省全球化进程的空间分异能解释60-70%左右的江苏省区域经济差异,全球化对江苏省区域经济差异有显著的影响。3.全球化对江苏省区域经济差异的影响是通过强化区域间生产要素及其配置效率的差距实现的。向落后地区提供援助是在弥补落后地区全球化滞后的成本。4.江苏省尚处于工业化中期,生产要素在全球化和市场机制的作用下将进一步向苏南及沿江地区集聚,将持续拉大与苏北地区的发展差距。由于经济运行机制的转变,曾经颇有成效的区域调控措施已显得力不从心,有必要进行调整。5.全球化背景下,江苏省(中国也是)区域经济调控既受到世贸组织规则的制约,又面临三重发展任务(既要缩小与发达国家和地区的差距,又要缩小国内差距,还要缩小省内差距)的压力,现阶段在对落后地区进行适度政策倾斜,促进要素流动尤其是技术流动,鼓励重点地区发展的同时,只能以基本公共服务均等化为目标,实施政府间财政转移支付。6.全球化背景下,区域经济协调发展实质上就是各地区都发挥了比较优势、挖掘了潜在优势、培育起了竞争优势,集聚和特色将是区域经济协调发展在产业组织方面的指导思想,培育各具特色的地方产业集群将是实现区域经济协调发展的重要途径。本文的研究成果不仅丰富了区域经济差异理论和实证研究的内容,而且对当前促进政府区域经济调控机制的转变也有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 China’s WTO entry indicated that Chinese economy entered a new era of growth. The globalization of economic factors and the marketization of Chinese economic mechanism not only accelerate china’s economic growth, but also prick up the spatial differentiation of Chinese economy. As one of the leading provinces of China’s Reform and Opening up, Jiangsu’s regional economic gaps are typical in China. Moreover, its regional economic gaps are wider than China’s average. Since the beginning of mis century, although the Jiangsu provincial government paid more attention to the economic regulations, it fails to continue the benign trend that the regional economic gaps in Jiangsu had been narrowing down during the middle and late 1990s. The regional economic gaps in Jiangsu has widened sharply. Therefore, the ways of thinking and methods of regulations over Jiangsu’s regional economy have to be adjusted in the era of globalization.This article first reviews the past research achievements, and then it gives priority to the research on the impact of globalization over both the flux of productive factors and its directions and thus the regional economic growth. Based on such positive study, it theoretically analyzes the double impacts of globalization over regional disparity and the relationship between the globalization course and the regional economic gaps in Jiangsu from a joint perspective of economic geography and economics. This article also shows the internal dynamics of the influence of globalization over Jiangsu’s regional economic gaps and the directions of the flux of productive factors in Jiangsu and the trend of the change of Jiangsu’s regional economic gaps. Moreover, following the way from issues to solutions, this article also analyzes the space of the regulation over economy by Jiangsu provincial government, the triple tasks of Jiangsu’s regional economic development and then puts forward a policy mechanism for Jiangu provincial government’s macro-economic regulation in the era of globalization.Main conclusions of this dissertation:1 .Globalization has double impacts over regional disparity. Globalization has convergence effects on regions in or tends to the same technological circle. Globalization has divergence effects on regions in or tends to the different technological circles.2.Globalization exerts much influence over Jiangsu’s regional economic disparity. The spatial differentiation of globalization in Jiangsu can account for60- 70% of the cases of Jiangsu’s regional economic gaps.3.Globalization influences Jiangsu’s regional economic disparity by widening the regional gaps of allocative efficiency of productive factors. It is reasonable to aid lag-behind regions considering the spatial differentiation of globalization.4. Jiangsu is at the metaphase of industrialization. Given the impact of globalization and market mechanism, the productive factors will further centralize in Southern Jiangsu and coastal areas so that the North-South economic gap will be widening. And worse, the once effective ways of methods of regulations over Jiangsu’s regional economy has become difficult to match our needs and should be adjusted.5.In this era of globalization, Jiangsu’s (and also China’s) economic regulations are not only restricted by the WTO rules, but also under the pressure of triple tasks of narrowing both the gap between developed countries and this region, and gaps within this region. The provincial government can seek the balance between economic efficiency and social justice only by indirect regulations through allocating limited public resources based on the principle of equalization of basic public services among regions.6.In the era of globalization, the regional economic coordination and development, per se, mean that every region makes full play of their comparative advantages, digs up their potential advantages, and foster their competitive advantage. Industrial centralization of with regional characteristics will be the guiding principle of the regional economic coordination and development. Moreover, the development of local industrial clusters with regional characteristics will be the key for regions to achieve their economic coordination and development.

  • 【分类号】F12711.111
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1141