

Research on Optimization Model and Method for Economizing Energy Resources of Generation Industry in China

【作者】 陈广娟

【导师】 谭忠富;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 发电产业作为国家能源工业的重要组成部分,其节能降耗成效直接关系到我国政府在“十一五”规划纲要中制定的节能降耗目标能否实现。本文从电源结构、节能调度、发电权交易、发电侧分时电价、发电备用、发电企业直供电等不同的角度研究了我国发电产业的节能降耗问题。针对目前我国电源结构不合理的现状,从能源、经济、环境协调发展的角度研究了电源结构优化问题。分析了我国电力发展面临的能源、环境约束,详细阐述了电力与能源、经济、环境之间的关系;然后,综合考虑电力行业的节能减排任务及电价上涨对经济增长的影响,构建了基于能源、经济、环境协调发展的电源结构优化模型,并在不同的既定目标下进行了情景分析。以充分利用水资源为目的,研究了水火电协调优化调度和水电站经济运行问题。基于我国火电占绝对份额、水电次之的电源结构,综合考虑火力发电机组和水力发电机组的运行特点,以充分利用水资源、节约化石能源为目的,应用大系统分解协调理论,分别构建了水火电协调调度优化模型和水电站经济运行优化模型。以减少煤炭消耗为目标,研究了水电企业与火电企业之间的发电权交易问题。在分析了发电权交易模式的基础上,针对合约市场、日前市场和实时市场,基于水电企业和火电企业的报价函数,构建了水火发电权交易的定价优化模型,并给出了求解算法。以节能减排为导向,优化设计了发电侧峰谷分时电价、发电侧与售电侧联合峰谷分时电价。在峰谷分时电价方案的设计中,考虑了发电机组的上网电量及其在峰、平、谷时段的电量分配问题;根据各类机组在发电过程中所排放污染物带来的经济损失,为发电机组设置了环境价值参数。然后,以实施峰谷分时电价后平均发电能耗成本最低为目标函数,分别建立了发电侧峰谷分时电价的优化模型和发电侧与售电侧峰谷分时电价联合优化模型。以促进发电企业节能降耗为目的,研究了用户参与下的最优发电备用容量问题和发电企业直供电交易问题。综合考虑了发电机组的故障率、电力负荷需求的随机增长性和用户可中断负荷的备用功能,构建了基于用户可中断负荷的发电备用容量优化模型,并给出了求解算法;界定了参与发电企业直供电交易的交易主体,分析了拍卖机制下发电企业的报价行为和大用户的购电策略,构建了发电企业与大用户直供电交易优化模型,算例结果表明,发电企业直供电能够促使发电企业提高机组效率,降低发电能耗。

【Abstract】 Generation industry is one of the most important compositions in energy industry, the effect of energy-saving and consumption-reducing in generation industry play a key role on the achievement of energy-saving goal in national Eleventh Five Plan layout. The problems of energy-saving and consumption-reducing in generation industry were studied from different perspectives, such as composing of power supply, dispatch considering the energy-saving, generation rights trades, peak-valley time-of-use power price in generation-side, generation reserve capacity, direct-supplying electricity trade by generation enterprises.The problem of how to optimize the composing of power supply was studied from the view of harmony development among energy, economy and environment, aiming at the improper composing of power supply in China. The restriction of energy and environment that we faced in electric power industry development was analyzed, then the relation between power and energy, economy, environment were discussed in detail; after that an optimization model was proposed based on the harmony development among the energy, economy and environment, in which the energy-saving and consumption-reducing task of power industry were considered, as well as the effect of electricity price rising on economy. Finally the model was checked in different scenes under given targets.Aiming take full advantage of hydropower resources, the coordinated optimal dispatch of hydropower and thermal power units and hydropower station economic operation were studied. In china, thermal power units are predominant, hydropower units take second place. Considering the running features of hydropower and thermal power units, an optimal model of coordinated dispatch of hydropower and thermal power units and the other model for economizing hydropower station operation were proposed for taking full advantage of hydropower resources and saving fossil energy, applying the theory of large system decomposition-coordination.In order to reduce the wastage of coal effectively, the generation rights trades among hydropower enterprises and thermal power enterprises were studied. The trade mode of generation rights was analyzed. Optimization models of pricing hydro-thermal trade in contract market, day-ahead market and timely market were presented respectively based on the biding functions of hydropower enterprises and thermal power enterprises. Then the algorithm of the models was given.Guiding by energy conservation dispatch, the peak-valley time-of-use power price of generation side and the associated peak-valley time-of-use power price of generation side and sale side were designed. The problems of units’electricity quantity to grid and distribution in different periods were considered. And value parameters were given to units with the optimization model being set up according to economic loss made by environmental contamination of generator emission. The expressions of these parameters were settled. At last, optimization models for designing peak-valley time-of-use power price of generation side and the associated peak-valley time-of-use power price of generation side and sale side were presented. The models’objective is to minimize the average generation cost of consumed energy.Aim to promoting energy-saving and consumption-reducing of generation enterprises, the problems of optimal generation reserve capacity considering consumers’participation and direct-supplying electricity trade between generation enterprises and larger consumers were studied. A model based on interruptible load of consumers for optimizing generation reserve capacity was set up with considering reliability of units, randomly increasing of power demand and reserve function of interruptible load of consumers. Trade subjects of participating in direct-supplying electricity were marked. The biding action of generation enterprises and the purchasing strategy of larger consumer were analyzed on the base of auction mechanism. And applying auction theory, an optimal model of direct-supplying electricity trade between generation enterprises and larger consumers was put forward. At last, an example was provided, which indicated that direct-supplying electricity trade can promote generation enterprises to improve production efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

  • 【分类号】F426.61;F206;F224
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1663
  • 攻读期成果