

Exploring Construction of Reality of News Frame in Social Transformation

【作者】 吕岩梅

【导师】 杨伟光;

【作者基本信息】 中国传媒大学 , 广播电视新闻学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文运用当代社会建构和新闻框架的理论概念,描述了社会转型期新闻报道与真实建构的互动图景。希望通过这一描述表现观察转型社会中国新闻改革的一个理论角度:新闻框架与真实建构。本文把《焦点访谈》作为社会转型期新闻改革的一个典型场域,通过考察在社会转型的大背景下《焦点访谈》新闻框架内涵之变,探析新闻框架建构真实之变,探知那些被“形势”所推动、带有“不得已而为之”意涵的新闻实践的变化或突破对于既定新闻体制“自然而然”的“重构”和“重构”的意义,展示转型期新闻报道框架与真实建构的复杂互动过程;通过考察《焦点访谈》,观照社会转型期中国新闻传播实践的“变”局和中国新闻人的努力与创造。本文以建构主义为基础,分由组织、个人与文本三个向面讨论了《焦点访谈》新闻框架的内涵结构及其真实建构。《焦点访谈》之组织框架篇。分别从组织常规和编辑室控制框架两个向面考察了《焦点访谈》媒介组织“基模”对新闻框架与真实建构的认知和诠释,其中涉及“再造新闻常规”、“谁是把关人”等向面的考察。本文认为,《焦点访谈》在改革实践的场域,完成了对既定新闻常规的重构,建构了适于在改革的语境和市场经济的场域运行、更具包容性和内在张力的“现行常规”,在其中,“媒体独立意见空间”和“社会”公共平台露出端倪;《焦点访谈》的编辑室控制是由“全社会参与”的一种“集体行为”,“党国权力体系”中不同层级的决策者常常是《焦点访谈》最后的把关人。《焦点访谈》之个人框架篇。本文分别从社会认知和《焦点访谈》人个人认知两个向面分析了从业者个体认知“基模”对于《焦点访谈》新闻框架真实建构的影响。本文认为,“社会正义的化身”和“党和政府的代言人”是《焦点访谈》人两个重要的身份认同和个人认知框架。这样的框架偏向,让《焦点访谈》很难做成“客观”、“中立”、“信息平衡”和“公平利益”的报道,而是更多地呈现出由主流意识形态导控的一种真实建构。《焦点访谈》之文框架本篇。分别从故事脚本、公共言说平台和议程设置效应三个向面分析了《焦点访谈》文本的阐释基模及其真实建构。本文认为,《焦点访谈》的文本表现出这样三个叙事形态:罗织社会浮生故事、构筑社会言说平台和设置公共议题。通过考察得出结论:《焦点访谈》新闻框架及其真实建构是一个多种框架竞争的过程和多义阐释的结果。在这样一个过程中和结果之上,《焦点访谈》作为媒介组织,只是框架竞争者之一,其更多地扮演了在很多常规、非常规的制约中一个框架平衡、仲裁的操作者角色,而非最终的信息把关人。但是,就是在这种竞争、平衡和仲裁中,《焦点访谈》创建了自己的独立文化框架和独立意见空间,创造了独特的传播艺术和方略。这些独立文化框架和独立意见空间相对于“党-国权力体系”具有“社会”的意义,公民言论和新闻从业者的专业主义信仰在其中生长,那是一种民主的“培育器”。本文在最后将对新闻框架与真实建构的思考向度引向坚守信仰――追求真相和正义、构筑社会独立意见系统和把握互联网时代的发展新机遇。

【Abstract】 The paper applied the theories of modern constructionism and news framing to describing the mutual interaction of news report and construction of reality. With the description the author wished to find a fresh theoretical angle to observe the journalism reform during the transitional period in China, that is, news schema and construction of reality.The paper took“Focus”of CCTV (China Central Television) as a typical case study of journalism reform in the period of transition. The author explored the changes of connotations of news framing, the real changes of news framing during the transitional period in order to detect the changes of the news practices which are driven by“situations”and are“activities against one’s will”. In addition, the author broke through the reconstruction of the“direct result”of the given news system as well as the meaning of reconstruction. As a result, the author presented the complicated process of the mutual interaction of news framing and real construction in the period of transition. By investigating“Focus”, the author evaluated the“changing”situation of news media in China and the pursuing and creation of Chinese journalists in practice.Based on constructionism the paper analyzed the connotation of“Focus”news framing and its real construction from three aspects: organization, personnel and news texts. On the organizational level, news routines, newsroom control were investigated to explore the perception and annotation of news framing and real construction with the“schema”of media organizations of“Focus”involving“reconstructing news routine”,“who holds the pass”. According to the paper,“Focus”, serving as a practice in the reform, has reconstructed the existing news routines and has set up“current routines”which were more comprehensive and more tensile as well as applicable to language context in reform and market economy. It gave hints to the public platforms of“independent space of media opinion”and“society”. The newsroom control represented a kind of“collective action”participated by“the whole society”with all levels of decision makers in the“system of powers of the Party and the country”as the final men who hold the pass. On the personal level, a social cognitive interpretation and an individual cognitive interpretation were used to analyze how the individual cognition of the“schema”influenced the real construction of news frames of“Focus”. The author believed that“the embodiment of social justice”and“mouthpiece of the Party and the Government”were two important identifications as well as the individual cognitive interpretations of the reporters of“Focus”. Under the frame deflection, it was hard for“Focus”to convey reports of“objective”,“neutral”,“information in balance”and“equal benefit”, instead, it would often reveal the real construction guided by main streams of ideology.On the textual level, the paper analyzed the illustrating schema and the construction of reality of“Focus”news text with scripts, rhetoric and agenda. According to the paper, the news text of“Focus”exhibited three patterns of narration: framing up social emergences, building rhetoric platform and setting up public topics.Based upon the investigation, we came to a conclusion: the news framing and construction of reality of“Focus”was a process of competition of different frames and the result of various elucidations. Upon the process and the result,“Focus”as a media organization was only one of the frame competitors and often acted as a balance of frame and arbiter in the restrictions of conventionalities and unconventionalities. However, in the process of competition, balance and arbitrage“Focus”has established its independent cultural frame and space of opinion as well as the unique art of diffusing and measures. The independent cultural frame and space of opinion were“socially”significant relative to the“the Party and Country’s System of Power”. It was a“cultivating organ”of democracy where the professional belief of the free press and news practitioners was fostered.Finally the author oriented her reflection of news framing and construction of reality in the belief of pursuing truth and justice, setting up independent system of opinion as well as treasuring the emerging opportunities in the network era.

  • 【分类号】G210
  • 【被引频次】7
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