

Education and Employment

【作者】 胡娇

【导师】 王逢贤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 就业问题是一个重要的民生问题。我国就业问题的产生主要来源于三个群体,即高校毕业生、下岗工人和农村富余劳动力。就业问题的解决是构建和谐社会的需要、是公民生活的实际需要,是国家发展的需要。随着生产力水平的提高和经济结构的转换,不论是哪个群体的人在就业之前,都是需要接受学校教育,以获得就业所需的最基本的素养,形成最基本的就业力。教育除了具有塑造人的精神品质的本体职能之外,还具备不断与社会经济结构发展需要的社会职能。当代的教育的社会职能不再是农业社会的社会防范职能,也不再是工业社会的社会调适职能,而是要适应现代社会的社会更新职能。在这种社会更新职能的要求下,一个“受过教育的人”应该能够适应社会的频变与剧变。本研究以教育的社会更新职能为前提,从责任的视角出发,利用委托—代理模型,探讨了我国普通教育在就业问题上的责任。本研究除导言和结语外共五章。第一章对教育对就业的责任问题进行了理论界说,并阐述了本文的分析框架以及探讨了就业与教育,同时也阐述了学校教育在这个问题上的有限性。第二章考察了义务教育阶段及普通高中教育阶段学校的就业教育功能的体现,阐述了尽管义务教育阶段和普通高中教育阶段的教育是公民必须接受的素质培养的教育,但是却存在着忽视或盲视就业教育的事实,并分析了这个问题产生的原因,介绍了一些国家和地区重视就业教育的个案,最后分析了委托—代理关系中各方主体的责任。第三章考察了高等教育阶段就业教育功能的体现。本章首先通过访问网站的形式就高校的就业指导教育进行了一个小的调查描述了高校就业指导工作的现状,讨论了高等教育过程是身份给与还是品质塑造的问题,分析了高校毕业生就业力不足的现状,介绍了其它国家和地区在此方面值得我们借鉴的实践经验,分析了委托—代理关系中各方主体的责任。本文以一章的篇幅讨论了就业问题中的歧视尤其是性别歧视的问题,描述了就业中存在的性别歧视的现象,分析性别歧视产生的原因,介绍了其它学科领域对就业中性别歧视的研究,分析了委托—代理关系中委托人、代理人的责任。第五章为本研究对普通教育实施就业教育的构想。首先阐述了未来时代的特点及其对就业者的要求,并建立了自己在普通教育中实施就业教育的构想阐述了委托—代理关系中各责任主体应尽之责。

【Abstract】 Employment issue is crucial of the people living. There are three kinds of group which can induce the employment issue: college graduation, laid-off workers and the rural surplus labors. The problem resolving is necessary to build the harmony society, to satisfy the needs of civil living and national development. As the improvement of productive force and the transition of economic structure, no matter which kind of group obtain jobs firstly, the people all need to educate, in order to obtain the basic qualification of employment, to form the basic employment force.Education also has the social function to satisfy the need of economic structure development, besides the main function of molding the spirit qualities. The social function of modern education is neither the social defense of agricultural society, nor the social adjustment of industrial society, but the new function which is suitable to adapt the modern society. The requirement of new social function is to let the educated person has the ability to adapt the social change. My essay takes the social refreshed function as the precondition, based on the responsibility, using a entrusted-deputy mode to explore the responsibility of general education towards the employment issue.There are total five chapters besides the introduction and conclusion. The first chapter includes the definite theory of employment’s responsibility issue, discussing the frames of essay, education and employment; meanwhile expounding the limitation of school education. The second chapter deals with the reflection of educational function towards the employment, including the periods of compulsory education and the general senior middle school; discusses although these two periods are the necessary education which the civil must receive to culture the quality, there are educational facts that ignore or blind the employment, so the causes are explored , and such kind of study cases are introduced, in the end the different aspects’responsibilities of entrusted-deputy are analyzed. The third one checks the reflection of high school’s educational function about the employment. Based on the logging some websites to research the employment instructs of high school to describe the reality of high school’s employment instructions, discussing the process of high school education is whether towards the status render or quality culturing, analyzing the reality of employment forces lacking among the graduations, introducing the practical experiences of other areas or countries which are worth referring , the different aspects’responsibilities of entrusted-deputy is further analyzed. The forth whole chapter discusses the employment discriminations, especially the sexual discrimination, describes its phenomenon, analyzes the reason, introduces the researches of other fields, and the responsibilities of trustee and deputy. The fifth chapter mainly bases the essay to build the ideal employment education in general education. Discussing the future time features and the requirements towards the employees, so that to form my own idea of employment education in common education, and the different aspects’responsibilities of entrusted-deputy mode.
