

A Study on the Predicaments of Rural Vocational Education in China

【作者】 张力跃

【导师】 于伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 二十世纪中后期以来,我国的中等职业教育招生数与在校生数持续下滑,办学陷入了困境。从整个职业教育来看,又以农村职业教育(主要指县域中等职业教育)的发展最为跌宕起伏,困境也最为深重,极具代表性。背后一个不容回避的矛盾是,一方面产业界亟需大量的技术人才,“十万元年薪聘不到一个高级钳工”,政府也连续几次召开全国职业教育工作会议,提出大力发展中等职业教育;另一方面,以农民子女为主的中等职业教育潜在生源反应低迷,与政府的积极倡导和产业界的紧迫需求形成强烈反差,耐人寻味。农村职业教育遭遇的困境在全国大范围存在,并且持续时间长,属于一种重大的教育现象。陆学艺先生说过:“50年来的实践告诉我们,一种经济——社会问题,一旦不是某一乡、某一县、某一省特有的,而是普遍化的,不是一年、两年,而是较长时间解决不了的,这就不是一般的工作问题,也不是某个领导的问题,”要破解农村职教的深层次症结,理论界亟需进行深入的探究,对上述问题进行深度解析,为农村职教遭遇的时代难题提供深刻诠释。一种重大教育现象的形成和演变,常常是“教育外的事情比教育内的事情更重要”,本研究主要从社会结构对农民为子女进行职业教育选择的规制视角出发,以农民微观的个人选择行为作为研究的起点,以宏观的农村社会流动和社会变迁为研究背景,以合理化来说明农民从改革初期热衷到九十年代后逐渐不愿意为子女选择职业教育这一目的性行动的动因。科尔曼曾经非常自信地指出,以方法论个体主义和微观层次为基础的理性选择完全可以用来解释宏观层次的社会现象。为此,本研究分析的重点是着力在微观层次上分析农民为子女进行职业教育选择过程中的根本考量。即究竟是什么原因促使当代中国农民如此大规模、长时间的疏离职业教育?其对子女的职业教育选择行为主要受何种因素的制约?在这种结构性的限制中,农民又是如何选择行动方式的?为什么在九十年代前农民那么踊跃地为子女选择职业教育?农村职业教育在转型期前后与农民的教育期待有着什么样的重合与落差?为解答这些问题,研究者通过对中国社会结构变迁与农村职业教育兴衰起伏的历史考察,以农民的理性选择为主线,用社会学的理论与方法来探究当代中国农民对子女进行职业教育选择的根本诉求,为当前农村职业教育的困境寻找一种有说服力的解释。本研究的逻辑结构是,以阶层结构的划分及流动揭示农民对接受教育实现向上流动的深层欲望,以职业结构及其在农村具备的声望探明农民希望的流动方向(应然),以劳动力市场特征及就业模式考察农村职业教育毕业生在实际的社会就业结构中的流动过程(实然),在流动欲望、流动愿望、流动过程的各个阶段中农村职业教育何为?在改革开放以来的变迁中如何发生了从能到不能的变化?最终通过对农村个人职业教育选择受社会结构深层规制的分析,阐明在当前的社会结构下,农民的选择是理性的,农村职业教育遭遇困境的深层原因是社会结构的变迁导致个体的利益诉求产生变化,从而与国家的宏观发展需求错位。而要破解困境,需要尊重受教育者的个人利益,增进个人职业教育选择的制度安排,增强农村职业教育发展的内驱力,追求社会理性和个人理性的协调同一。全文共分六个部分。导言从总体上交待本研究的缘起、思路及相关研究的概况,并且简要阐述了农村职业教育发展的困境背景和研究的意义。第一章根据选题的需要,提出了本研究的理论假设:第一,社会分层是客观存在的,社会结构规制着农民的行为选择;第二,农民具有理性,他们为子女进行职业教育选择的目的性行为是建立在有限理性的基础上,实现子女的阶层跃迁是其对子女接受教育的主要期待。基于理论假设进行了研究方法设计。第二章从分析我国社会分层结构的演变入手,揭示了农民由于置身劣势阶层,他们期望子女通过教育向上层流动,但农村职业教育的办学功能发生了由“地位教育”到“生存教育”的蜕化,选择农村职业教育与农民对子女向上流动的欲望有着很大差距。第三章以我国近年来职业结构日趋高级化为出发点,阐明较高的受教育程度成为获得中高层职业的主要条件,农民希望子女通过接受教育“逃离农民”、“尽量不做蓝领”,但农村职业教育受办学层次所限,所培养的学生在职业市场上难以与高等教育毕业生展开竞争,主要流向产业工人阶层,影响了农民子女选择的积极性。第四章着力分析和描述农村职业教育学生的实际流动状况。我国的毕业生就业体制已从国家统分统配转向市场配置下的双向选择和多元就业,农村职业教育学生大多在次级劳动力市场通过非正规就业谋取职业。加上农村职业学校的人才培养模式没有突出对学生实践能力的培养,学生难以受到市场青睐。由于不能实现稳定就业,农民对农村职业教育表现出较强的疏离。第五章对农村职业教育困境的根本原因进行了澄明,即国家发展农村职业教育的宏观需求与农民个体利益诉求错位,我们需要从减少失业解决就业的新视角正确认识农村职业教育的价值,尊重农民的选择。在归因的基础上提出发展农村职业教育的策略,其核心是要张扬受教育者的个人利益,在此前提下增进个人教育选择的制度安排,提高农村职业教育的办学质量,让农民真正感受到子女接受农村职业教育的利益所在,最终促进农村职业教育的长足发展。

【Abstract】 Since the late of last century, the enrollment and the student number of middle vocational education have declined, its development has stepped into an awkward predicament. Based on the whole vocational education, the development of rural vocational education (mainly the middle vocational education in county) is the toughest, and the predicament is the worst, but the rural vocational education is more representative. The inevitable hidden controversy is on the one hand the industry needs a great number of technical talents,“the yearly salary of 100.000 can not employ a senior fitter”, the government has already hosted several national meetings about vocational education, advise that develop middle vocational education strongly; on the other hand, the farmers’children as the mainly potential enrollment of middle vocational education are not in a great number, which formulate an obvious comparison referring to the emergent needs of industry and the proclaims of government.The predicaments of rural vocational education exist in many areas, and last for a long time, they belong to a kind of major educational phenomenon. The famous socialist named Lu Xueyi said“we can learn from the experience of last five decades that one kind of economy-social problem, once it does not happen in certain villages, or counties, but it has become general, and can not spend one or two years but even a long time to deal with, then, it is not the common problem of working, nor of certain leaders”. To find the essential cause of rural vocational education, the academic field needs to deeply implore, to further analyze problems above, and to provide the profound explanation concerning the predicaments which the rural vocational education confronted in times.The formation and evolvement of a major educational phenomenon are always“the matters that inside of education are more important than the outside”, my thesis based on the micro-perspective that the restriction of social structure which influences the farmers’choice towards the vocational education for their children, uses the individual choosing of farmers as the starting point of the study, meanwhile from the macro-perspective ,that is the rural social mobility and the social changes as the background of the thesis, also with the rationalization to explain the reason that why the farmers were willing to choose vocational education for their children at the beginning of Open-up Reform ,but in the late of 90s, they were not. Coleman used to confidently point out that, the rational choosing based on the mythological individualism and the micro-level can be used to explain the social phenomenon of macro-level. So, my study based on the micro-level to analyze the basic consideration of farmers who choose vocational education for the children, that is, the causes that make a great number of farmer estrange the rural education for so long time; the elements which restrain choosing activity of the vocational education for the children; how the farmers to choose the manner activity in such kind of structural restrain; the overlaps and gaps between the rural vocational education either before or after the transformation and the educational aspirations of farmers. To find out answers concerning the questions, researcher through historical investigating of the evolvement of rural vocational education and changes of social structure, and using the farmers reason as the main clue to explores the essential appeals of modern farmer’s choosing toward the vocational education for their children, and to seek a persuasive explanation to the predicament of modern rural vocational education.The logical structure is based on the mobility and classification of stratum structure to reveal the farmer’s deep desire of moving towards the upper stratum , according to the vocational structure and its rural fame to explore the moving direction, in accordance with the feature of labor market and the employment mode to inspect the moving process of employment structure in real society concerning the graduates of rural vocational education; what the rural vocational education can contribute to the moving desire, moving hope, and moving process in different period? How to change from can to cannot since the open-up reform? In last, by analyzing the rural individual choosing to vocational education is limited by the restriction of the social structure, in order to embody the farmers’choosing in accordance with the modern social structure is rational, the predicaments that the rural vocational education confronted are caused by the changes of social structure, which in result to dislocation between the needs of nation macro-development and the appeals of the individual interests, in order to solve them, we need to remove the unfair system of reasonable moving in social stratum, to further arrange the system of individual choosing about vocational education, to pursuit the coordination between the social reason and individual reason.There are totally six chapters in my thesis. The introduction generally embody the reason, thinking, and concerned study of the thesis, briefly describes the background of the predicaments of rural vocational education and the meaning of the thesis. The first chapter introduces the hypothesis of the research, according to the need of topic selecting: first, the social stratum objectively exists, the social structure restricts the choosing activity of farmers; second, the farmers are rational, the foundation of choosing vocational education for their children is the bounded rationality, their aspiration for the children is to realize the stratum jumping. In accordance with the hypothesis to arrange my study method. The second chapter analyzes the evolvement of the social stratification to inspect the inferior status of farmers, they hope their children to upper mobility by education, but the function of rural vocational education has changed from the“status education”to“surviving education”, there is a huge gap between the choosing of rural vocational education and the desire of upper social mobility of farmers’aspiration to their children. The third chapter starts from the high-level of the recent employment structure to elucidate the higher educated degree has become an important qualification to have superior vocation, the farmers hope their children not to be farmer or the blue collar by receiving education, but the rural vocational education is limited by the level of running school, so the graduation can not compete with the graduation from the high school in employment market, in result to mobilize to the industrial working stratum which affects the initiation of the farmers’choosing for the children. The forth chapter strongly analyzes and describes the actual mobility reality of graduation from rural vocational education. The employment system of graduation has changed from the national arrangement to bilateral choice and multiple choice under the market arrangement, the graduation of rural vocational education mostly employ in the inferior labor market by the informal manner of employment. The worst is the cultivating mode of rural vocational education does not emphasize the practical ability of students, so the graduation are not popular in employment market, because of not realizing the steady employment, the farmers estrange from the rural vocational education. The fifth chapter explains the predicament of rural vocational education, that is, the dislocation between the national needs in macro-level which to develop the rural vocational education and the individual farmer’s interests; we need to eliminate laid-off workers to correctly understand the value of rural vocational education, to respect the choice of farmers. According to these to find the policy of developing the rural vocational education, the key is emphasizing the educator’s individual interests,so to push forward the system arrangement of individual choice to education, to improve the quality of rural vocational education, so, the farmers can recognize the true interests of receiving the rural vocational education for children, in the end to promote the long term development of rural vocational education.
