

Research on Lv-ling Xue in Qin and Han Dynasties

【作者】 于凌

【导师】 王彦辉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 律令学是秦汉时期形成的一门以法律为主要研习对象的学问。秦汉律令学在学术上推动了法治思想与法律制度的健全与完善,在人才培养方面为秦汉社会造就了一大批谙熟法律知识、法律技能、法律思想的人才。秦汉律令学的研究具有历史与现实双重目的。一方面,从历史角度分析,对律令学的源流加以考辨可以清晰地认识秦汉时期法律及其学说的发展趋势,更为深入地考察这一时期法律文本及内容的流传,与此同时可以以点带面地深化秦汉史研究。另一方面,随着秦汉法律资料的出土,如何解读这些法律资料以及如何探讨秦汉时期人们对法律的认识以及实践都成为摆在学者面前的现实问题,而秦汉律令学的研究将有益于解决这些问题。本文的研究以史书记载与秦汉简牍为主要依据,结合先秦法家著作、秦汉诸子著作,汲取现代学术界的研究成果,力图构建一个律令学的研究体系。在研究中,本文本着唯物史观,采用二重证据法,同时将史学研究与现代政治学、法学理论相结合,扩展研究视角,以期对课题研究有所裨益。本文的研究主要把握两条线索,其一是律令学的源流,其二是秦汉律令学的传习内容、传承途径、明法选举以及“明习律令者”的家世、资历与政治形象等具体问题。本文共分为导言、正文和结语三大部分:导言。笔者分别对本文的选题意义、研究价值、研究目的与方法进行了系统地阐述,着重对本课题的学术研究进行了回顾,并且对文中主要的“律令学”概念进行了定义和说明。正文共分为七章。第一章是秦汉律令学的渊源与形成。其一,笔者依据先秦史料,分别梳理了商鞅变法前法的内容、形式及其发展、流传,从而提出春秋时期晋国的成文法是商君之法的主要来源。其二,笔者论述了商鞅变法与秦国律令的关系,提出商鞅既是秦汉法律的始作俑者,又是律令学的开山鼻祖。第二章是秦汉律令学的演进与流变。本章以时间顺序纵向考察了秦汉律令学的演进历程与流变情况。根据不同时期律令学的具体情况,笔者分别论述了律令学发展的整体形势,分析了律令学演进的具体表现。以此为基础,笔者认为秦汉律令学历经秦汉时期的发展演进,不仅并未衰落,而且为魏晋以至唐宋律学奠定了坚实的基础。第三章是律令学传习的内容。本章对律令学所传习的刑名思想、法律文本与律说、法律技能、法律道德以及法史知识进行了梳理,并且举例说明了秦汉时期人们传习这些内容的具体事例。第四章是律令学的传习途径。笔者参考了前人的研究成果,将秦汉律令学的传习途径分为“以吏为师”、私学传习以及经、律兼修,并且分别进行了阐释。第五章是秦汉时期的明法选任制度。就秦代的通法选任制度而言,笔者分别从秦孝公颁布的“招贤令”、《商君书·定分》篇中的“法官法吏制”以及考课制度三个层面进行了考证,从而得出结论:秦的通法选任对明习律令者入仕为官而言是非常有利的。关于汉代的明法选任制度,笔者分别考述了汉初的贤良选举,“丞相四科”中的“明晓法令”科、“秀才三科”中的“明律令”科,“岁举治狱平”,“文吏能笺奏”,以及考课制度中关于“颇知律令”的考课等内容。由此提出汉代的明法选举和明法考课制度为明习律令者入仕和升迁创造了有利的条件,并且随着法官设置的不断完善,明习律令者可以出任的官职也因此增多。第六章是“明习律令者”的家世、资历与政治形象。本章经过分析得出结论:其一,“明习律令者”的家世,上至君主帝王,下至吏民,是一个规模庞大的群体;其二,在秦汉政治发展的进程中,律令之学对官吏的仕途有着深刻的影响,但是律令学并不能满足官吏仕宦的各种需求;其三,“明习律令者”以入仕为官者居多,尤以改革家、法学家、文吏、思想家为典型的政治形象。第七章是律令学的特点、影响与局限。其中,律令学以“务为治”、普及性和功利性为突出的特点,对秦汉时期的学术、政治、社会产生了积极的影响。与此同时,由于律令学对政治的依赖性、对个人能力的提倡存在道德误区以及受文教政策的影响而导致地位变化,因此在发展演进的过程中出现了起伏和波动。结语对本文关于律令学的研究进行了总结,分别就选题的重要性、律令学与经学的关系以及律令学在中国古代法学史上的地位进行了阐发。

【Abstract】 Lv-ling Xue was an important branch of the legal knowledge in Qin and Han Dynasties which made a great contribution to the improvement of legal theory and legal system and trained a lot of officials who were good at the legal knowledge, skills and thought.This research on Lv-ling Xue has two significances. The historic one is to investigate the origin and development of Lv-ling Xue, to deepen the understanding about the contemporary trends in law and legal doctrine in Qin and Han Dynasties, and at the same time to make an in-depth study on history of Qin and Han Dynasties. The realistic one is that this research helps to solve the problem of how to analyze and understand the legal instruments which came out of the ground and the legal awareness and legal actions in Qin and Han Dynasties.This research is based on the historical records, unearthed relics, books of legalists in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period and other documents in Han Dynasty, and the research results by modern academic scholars. From this, this dissertation tries to construct a study system of Lv-ling Xue. This dissertation sticks to historical materialism, adopts the method of duplicate historic proofs and at the meanwhile combines the historic research with modern political and legal theories, which will be beneficial to the research.This dissertation focuses on the study of the origin and development of Lv-ling Xue and goes into details about teaching materials, teaching methods, electoral institution of Mingfa (which means showing good sense on the law), people’s family tree and official careers who studied laws and decrees, and so on.This dissertation is divided into three major parts, which are the introduction, the main text and conclusion.The introduction part interprets the importance, value, purpose and method of the research on Lv-ling Xue. It reviews the achievements of the academic research, and gives the definition of Lv-ling Xue.The first chapter is the study of Lv-ling Xue’s origin and formation. From the historical materials of the pre-Qin days, the author organizes the content, forms, development and circulation of the laws before Reforms of Shang Yang, and concludes that the written or statute law in the state of Jin was the main origin of Lord Shang’s Law. Next the author discusses the relationship between Reforms of Shang Yang and the laws and decrees of Qin Kingdom. According to this, the author holds that Shang Yang was the founder of the legal of Qin and Han Dynasties and the builder of Lv-ling Xue.The second chapter is the evolution and change of Lv-ling Xue, which is arranged in order of time and discusses the development of Lv-ling Xue. Next it concludes that Lv-ling Xue developed continuously in Qin and Han Dynasties, and formed the foundation for Lv Xue from the Wei and Jin Dynasty to Tang and Song Dynasties.The third chapter is teaching materials of Lv-ling Xue, which researches on the knowledge of Lv-ling Xue such as legal ideology, legislation, interpretation of the law, technique of law, moral character and history of law. This part also gives the specific and historic examples of how people learned and inherited the legal knowledge.The fourth part is the imparting methods of Lv-ling Xue, which the author divides into three types, one was to study from the officials, one was to learn from private friends or teachers, and another was to study from the Confucian classics and the decrees. This part elaborates on these three ways.The fifth chapter is electoral institution of Mingfa in Qin and Han Dynasties. By researching on three aspects, which were the royal edict promulgated by Qin Xiao Gong, legal official system in Book of Lord Shang, and the checkup system, the author draws a conclusion that learning law was very beneficial to the career of people who studied laws and decrees. Next it discusses the electoral institution of Mingfa in Han Dynasty and comes to a conclusion that with the improvement of the electoral institution and checkup system people with legal education could get more opportunities in career than others.The sixth chapter is people’s family tree and official careers who studied laws and decrees. Through analyzing them, the author makes conclusions as follows: firstly, the people who studied laws and decrees had various backgrounds, including emperors, officials and common people. Secondly, during the development of politics in Qin and Han Dynasties, the experience of learning laws and decrees should have a profound impact on the official career. However, Lv-ling Xue could not always satisfy the various needs of political officials. Thirdly, the majority of people who studied laws and decrees were those who entered the officialdom to begin their official career. Among them, the typical political images were reformers, jurisprudents, literal clerks and ideologues.The seventh chapter is the characteristic, influence and limits of Lv-ling Xue. Lv-ling Xue, with its outstanding features of practicability, popularization and utilitarianism, had a positive influence on the academics, politics and the society in Qin and Han Dynasties.Meanwhile, due to its dependence on politics, its moral misunderstanding of advocating personal ability as well as its influence by the cultural and educational policy, the position of Lv-ling Xue changed as time went by. It fluctuated in the course of development. The concluding part makes a summary to this dissertation. It explains respectively the importance to choose this subject, the relationships between Lv-ling Xue and study of Confucian classics and its position in ancient Chinese history of law.
