

Research of Contemporary China’s Unemployment Insurance Problems

【作者】 王静敏

【导师】 金喜在;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 失业是市场经济体制下普遍存在的一种经济现象。20世纪80年代以来,中国面对日益严峻的城市失业问题,适时建立了失业保险制度。但国情的复杂性、失业问题的严峻性以及现行失业保险制度自身所存在的缺陷,使其在实施过程中不可避免地暴露了许多亟待解决的问题。深入分析中国失业保险供求情况、中国失业保险发展和地区差异状况、中国失业保险与经济发展的关系、中国失业保险制度的运行效应等问题,对于制定相应的改革措施,完善中国的失业保险制度,对于中国特色社会主义市场经济的健康发展和社会和谐建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文拟对当代中国失业保险发展状况进行较为深入系统的研究。从阐述失业保险的基本理论入手,以定性分析和定量分析相结合的方式,对中国失业保险问题进行了纵向和横向的比较研究,对中国失业保险供求情况、中国失业保险与经济发展的关系方面以及中国失业保险制度的运行效应等问题进行了深入研究,并着眼于现在和未来时期的中国,在面对诸多方面的问题与挑战时,失业保险制度如何发挥其应有的分散失业风险和促进就业的作用,从而提出了完善中国失业保险制度的对策与建议。论文共分四个部分:第一部分引言。首先阐述了论文的研究背景和意义,其次介绍了国内外失业保险研究现状,然后阐述了本文内容结构和研究方法,最后指出了本文的创新点。第二部分理论研究。包括第一章和第二章。第一章对失业的概念和类型、失业保险的概念、功能和类型、失业保险制度的主要内容、失业保险的理论基础以及失业保险在全球的发展进行了概括性论述。在第二章中,一是对中国失业现状进行了较详细的分析,指出城镇失业人员越来越多、新增劳动年龄人口进入高峰期、大批农村剩余劳动力进城务工、高校毕业生面临就业结构性难题、就业弹性不断下降、失业与空位并存的现状;二是对中国失业问题的原因分别从总量性、结构性、体制性、观念性方面进行分析;三是指出失业对社会的影响,认为失业具有浪费劳动力资源、退化劳动力素质、加剧贫富分化、影响社会稳定;四是阐述了中国失业保险制度的建立和发展情况,并将其分成三个阶段:中国失业保险制度的初创、中国失业保险制度的发展、中国失业保险制度的改革与完善阶段;五是介绍了中国失业保险制度的主要内容;六是对中外失业保险制度进行比较与借鉴,首先进行内容的比较,然后分析了国外失业保险制度改革与发展趋势,最后阐述国外失业保险经验和启示。第三部分实证分析。包括第三章、第四章和第五章。第三章分别从失业保险制度供求和失业保险基金供求两方面进行分析。在第四章中,首先构建了中国失业保险统计指标体系,包括失业保险描述指标体系、评价指标体系和监测指标体系;然后运用多元统计综合分析建立因子模型对中国失业保险发展状况进行动态综合分析;最后利用多元统计综合分析建立因子模型对中国各地区失业保险发展差异状况进行综合分析。在第五章中,首先通过建立失业保险水平发展适度系数分析了中国失业保险水平与经济发展的适度性;然后对中国失业保险水平经济效应进行分析,分别对失业保险水平与国内生产总值、失业率建立数学模型进行分析;最后对失业保险对再就业影响进行理论分析,分别从失业保险对就业的影响、失业保险水平对失业者求职行为的影响、失业保险对再就业的积极作用进行了分析。第四部分问题与对策。包括第六章和第七章。第六章首先从制度的适应性、有效性、公平性三个方面对中国失业保险制度的运行效应进行评价。认为中国失业保险制度模式与时代发展相适应,制度功能与转型期形势相适应,制度保障与经济发展水平相适应,中国失业保险制度的建立完善了社会保险制度体系,维护了转型期的社会稳定,保障了失业人员的基本生活,但中国失业保险制度促进就业的功能不足,筹资方式对用人单位雇佣形成反激励,覆盖面过窄且难以扩大,地区和行业差异显著以及劳动者地位的不平等。其次分析了中国失业保险制度面临的挑战。认为中国失业保险面临“新失业群体”、就业方式多样化、统筹层次低、下岗向失业保险并轨、从业人员素质和规范层次低的挑战。第七章提出了进一步完善中国失业保险制度的对策和建议。认为应从以下六个方面加以改革和完善:一是调整制度目标;二是强化促进就业和再就业功能;三是逐步拓宽失业保险覆盖范围,建立多元化分类失业保险体系;四是创新失业保险筹资机制,提高社会统筹层次和基金的筹集力度,探索失业保险的费率制度创新,适当调整费率实现部分积累,实行差别费率体现社会公平,适时开征失业保险税;五是创新失业保险基金支付制度,建立隐性就业者的鉴别机制,建立贷款基金,建立有差别的支付制度;六是加强失业保险有效运行配套机制建设,特别是制度的法制化建设,加快立法进程。

【Abstract】 Unemployment is a kind of widespread economic phenomenon under market economic system. Since the 1980s, China is facing increasingly serious problem of urban unemployment, the timely establishment of the system of unemployment insurance. However, the complexity of the situation, the severity of the unemployment problem as well as the existing unemployment insurance system by the existence of their own shortcomings, it is inevitable in the course of implementing the exposed many issues requiring urgent solution. China’s unemployment insurance in-depth analysis of the supply and demand situation, the development of China’s unemployment insurance status and regional differences, China’s unemployment insurance and economic development, China’s unemployment insurance system effects of the operation of such issues, and formulate the appropriate reform measures, and improve China’s unemployment insurance system, socialism with Chinese characteristics to the healthy development of the market economy and building a harmonious society of great theoretical and practical significance.This paper intends to development of contemporary China’s unemployment insurance system a more in-depth study. On unemployment insurance from the start with the basic theory, qualitative and quantitative analysis of a combination of the issue of China’s unemployment insurance vertical and horizontal comparative study on the supply and demand of China’s unemployment insurance, the unemployment insurance and economic development of the relationship between the China’s unemployment insurance system, as well as the operation of an in-depth issues such as research, and focusing on the present and future periods in China, in the face of the many problems and challenges, the unemployment insurance system, how to give full play to its decentralized unemployment risk and the promotion of employment The role, which made the improvement of China’s unemployment insurance system responses and recommendations. Paper is divided into four parts:The first part is introduction. First of all research papers on the background and significance. Second on unemployment insurance on the status quo at home and abroad, and then elaborated on content structure and research methods. Finally the paper pointed out that the innovation.The second part is theoretical research. Including Chapters I and II. The first chapter of the concept and types of unemployment, and unemployment insurance concept, function and type, the unemployment insurance system and the main contents of the theoretical basis of unemployment insurance and unemployment insurance in the development of the global general exposition. In the second chapter, the first of China’s unemployed status more detailed analysis, pointed out that more and more urban unemployed, the new working-age population, the peak period, a large number of surplus rural labor force of migrant workers, college graduates facing structural employment problems, employment elasticity has been decreasing both unemployment and vacancy status quo; Second is the reason for China’s unemployment problem from the total, structural, institutional, and conceptual aspects of the analysis; Third, it is pointed out that the social impact of unemployment that unemployment is a waste of labor resources, degradation of quality of the labor force increased polarization of rich and poor, and affecting social stability; Fourth, it is briefly introduced China’s unemployment insurance system, the establishment and development of the situation, China’s unemployment insurance system, the establishment and development is divided into three stages: China’s unemployment insurance system start-up, China’s unemployment insurance system development, China’s reform of the unemployment insurance system and sound stage; The fifth is on China’s unemployment insurance system, the main content; Six of the unemployment insurance system in China compared with the reference, first of all, the content compared and analyzed abroad unemployment insurance system reform and development trend of the last unemployment insurance on foreign experience and inspiration.The third part is empirical analysis. Including Chapter III, IV and V of chapter. Chapter III from the unemployment insurance system and the unemployment insurance fund demand and supply both the supply and demand analysis. In chapter IV, the first constructed China’s unemployment insurance system of statistical indicators, including unemployment insurance system described indicators, monitoring and evaluation index system indicator system; Then use of multivariate statistical analysis of the establishment of China’s unemployment insurance model dynamic development of the comprehensive analysis; Finally, the establishment of multivariate statistical analysis of the model to China in the unemployment insurance comprehensive analysis differences in the situation of the state of development. In the fifth chapter, the first through the establishment of an appropriate level of unemployment insurance coefficient of China’s unemployment insurance and the level of economic development of moderation; And the level of China’s economic effects of unemployment insurance analysis, respectively, the level of unemployment insurance and gross domestic product, the unemployment rate a mathematical model for analysis; Finally, the unemployment insurance on the theory of re-employment impact analysis, from the unemployment insurance impact on employment, unemployment level of protection for the unemployed insurance job-seekers of the impact of unemployment insurance on re-employment may exist in a positive role for analysis.The fourth part is the problem and counter-measures. Including Chapter VI, and VII of the Charter. First, Chapter VI from the adaptability of the system, effectiveness, fairness of the three aspects of China’s unemployment insurance system to evaluate effects of the operation. That China’s unemployment insurance system and mode of development of the era, system functions and transition situation of adaptation, system security and the level of economic development, China’s unemployment insurance system has improved the social insurance system, and maintaining a stable society in transition to guarantee the basic livelihood of the unemployed, China’s unemployment insurance system, the function of promoting employment inadequate funding of the employing units formed anti-employment incentives, coverage is too narrow and difficult to expand, regional and industry significantly and the unequal status of workers. Second, China’s unemployment insurance system and the problems facing challenges. That China’s unemployment insurance system is still inadequate to low-level co-ordination unemployment insurance, unemployment insurance premium collection difficult, the existing enterprises employment rate, and other issues. At the same time, This was followed by analysis of China’s unemployment insurance system faces challenges. That China’s unemployment insurance in a "group of newly unemployed", employment forms, with low-level co-ordination .Merged into the unemployment insurance for laid-off employees and standardizing the quality of low-level challenges. Chapter VII is to further improve China’s unemployment insurance system responses and suggestions. The following six areas that should be reformed and improved: First, adjustment system goals; and the second is to strengthen the promotion of employment and re-employment functions; and the third is to gradually expand the coverage of unemployment insurance System, unemployment insurance establish a diversified classification model; Fourth, unemployment insurance innovative financing mechanisms. Raise the social level and co-ordinate efforts to gather funds; explore the unemployment insurance rate system innovation, appropriate adjustments to achieve the rate of accumulation of differential rates of social equity; timely introduction of the unemployment insurance tax; Fifth, it is innovation unemployment insurance fund system, the establishment of the identification of hidden employment mechanism, the establishment of a loan fund and establish a different payment system; Sixth, it is strengthen the unemployment insurance system supporting the effective functioning of the building, especially the building of the legal system to speed up the legislative process.
