

Cold War and American International Balance of Payments Adjusting Policy (1945-1969)

【作者】 齐秀丽

【导师】 于群;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国际收支失衡问题是第二次世界大战后美国历届政府面临的严峻问题。国际收支反映一国在一定时期得自国外的全部收入和对外国的全部支出情况。冷战背景下,美国以经济、军事和技术援助等手段笼络盟国和第三世界国家以赢得对苏联冷战的胜利,这使美国政府海外开支庞大,结果美国的国际收支由战后初期的顺差转为逆差,黄金储备大量降低。美国倡导建立的战后货币体系——布雷顿森林体系使美国取得了中心货币国家地位,但也使美国失去了传统的应对国际收支问题的灵活性。由于各届政府都不愿为平衡国际收支而牺牲国内经济目标,更不愿因此问题而对美国的全球战略做重大调整,因此,美国在调节国际收支失衡时将希望寄托在以美国的政治、军事实力为筹码使盟国合作,让盟国承担更多的责任。然而,美国与盟国既有利益的总体一致性,又有个别问题上的严重分歧。国际收支问题是钳制美国霸权的“阿基里斯之踵”,是德国和法国等国对美国冷战战略进行制衡的杠杆。美国调节国际收支失衡的政策对美国对外战略和美国与盟国关系有着极为深远的影响。本文试图利用美国政府的解密文件并借鉴国内外学者的相关研究成果,追溯从杜鲁门政府到约翰逊政府时期美国调节国际收支失衡问题的政策,从而揭示美国国际收支问题对美国与盟国关系的影响,以及作为双向互动的结果,美国与盟国关系又是怎样影响美国的国际收支政策。冷战的世界环境下,国际收支问题已不仅仅是个经济学领域的国际金融问题,它更是理解美苏关系和美国与盟国关系的纽带。美苏冷战形势直接影响着美国的国际支出情况和美国的盟国对美国调节国际收支政策的态度。因此,国际收支问题是解读冷战背景下美国与盟国的微妙关系的切入点。本文以国际关系学、国际金融学和政治心理学等学科理论为指导,对浩繁的美国政府解密文件和大量的统计数据进行细致的分析与整理,试图解释和说明如下问题:第一,在冷战的国际环境下,美国的国际收支政策从一开始就成为东西方两大阵营之间和资本主义阵营内部政治、经济、军事等方面实力与利益竞争的产物,冷战进程也在一定程度上受到美国国际收支政策的影响;第二,美国决策者制订国际收支政策以美国对西欧的防务支持和美国的“金融威慑”为筹码,试图据此迫使西欧国家在国际金融合作方面做出让步。然而,冷战背景下,美国只能将以上筹码作为最后的手段。第三,虽然冷战如今已成为历史,但是冷战思维仍在某种程度上左右着美国决策层。美国若不放弃冷战思维,其经济将继续受到各种类似冷战时期的负担的困扰,美国的国际收支困境将不可能得到彻底解决。

【Abstract】 Imbalance of international balance of payments during post WWII period was one of the main problems the government of U.S. confronted. International balance of payments describes the whole picture of a country’s receipts from abroad and payments to the outside world. Under the Cold War background, America offered lots of economic, military and techological assistances to alliances and the under-developed countries in order to defeat the Soviet Union, which led to the inflation of overseas expenditures of the U.S. government and the balance of payments turned unfavorable to America. Gold reserve outflowed rapidly. The Bretton Woods System which was initiated by the U.S. made America the international currency country, however, it made America lost the traditional feasibility of imbalance adjustment. Therefore, America tried to make alliances assume more adjustment burden. Althouth there were unanimous interests between America and alliances, there were also diversity among alliances. So balance of payments problems were“the heel of Archilles”and it was also the beverage West Germany and Franch used to balance American Cold War strategy. American balance of payments adjusting policy had great influences on its worldwide strategy and its relationship with alliances.This dissertation employed a great deal of rare declassified documents by American government under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), and used some second-hand books for reference. The main purpose of this dissertation is to trace the changing of American international balance of payments adjusting policy from the Truman administration to the Johnson administration, to reveal what the Cold War had put on America’s policy-making, and as a result of interaction, to make know how American international balance of payments policy changed the process of the Cold War.Guided by theories of related subjects such as the international relations theory, the international finance theory, and the political psychology theory, and through careful researching the declassified documents, this dissertation tried to illustrate three viewpoints: firstly, under the background of the Cold War, American balance of payments adjustment policy became part of Cold War prestige race, military race and political race from the very beginning. As a result of interaction, the Cold War itself changed in some degree. Secondly, American international balance of payments adjusting policy was derived from a premise that American could count on its troop stationed in Western Europe as a chip and its financil position as deterrence. But that was the last thing America could do under Cold War. Thirdly, American balance of payments problem can’t be solved unless it abandons Cold War thinking.
