

The Development of American War Reparations Policy for German after Two World Wars

【作者】 苑爽

【导师】 郑寅达;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪人类社会曾经爆发了两次世界大战,德国在两次大战中都是主要的参与者、发动者,曾经给世界各国人民带来巨大伤害。因而,每次大战后战胜国如何处置德国就显得特别引人注目。在诸多战后德国问题中,战争赔偿是一个关键性的问题,因为它不仅关系到重建战后国际格局的稳定、恢复战后经济秩序、引导德国重新融入战后国际体系,还关系到美国战后的战略目标能否顺利实现,美国的国家利益能否得到有效保证等一系列问题。由于美国超强的经济实力、举足轻重的国际地位使得美国索赔政策对一战、二战后的德国、欧洲、乃至整个国际格局都产生了重大影响。然而到目前为止,国内外学术界尚未出现全面、系统的研究两次世界大战后美国如何处理德国战争赔偿问题的专著。因此,如何以档案资料为依据,全面、系统地梳理两次大战后美国赔偿政策、赔偿理念的发展脉络;分析影响美国赔偿政策的诸种国内因素;探究美国赔偿政策运行机制的特点及其演变规律等,就成为本论文试图回答的主要问题。本文除了绪论外,分为六个章节。每章主要内容包括。第一章:首先分析美国诸种国内因素,包括商业立国的思想、三权分立的政治体制、实用主义外交哲学对美国赔偿政策产生的影响。然后论述巴黎和会前,美国赔偿政策形成的过程。接着重点论述巴黎和会上,美国提出的赔偿政策、坚持的赔偿原则在英、法等协约国的压力下如何逐一地被挫败。最后分析美国赔偿政策失败的深层次原因。第二章:主要论述20年代共和党政府的赔偿政策。首先分析共和党政府奉行的经济政策和强硬、不妥协的战债政策对德国赔偿问题产生的影响,以及20年代美国赔偿政策确立的过程。阐述美国如何以鲁尔危机为契机公开介入了德国赔偿问题,并主持制订、实施了道威斯计划和杨格计划。阐述了两个赔偿计划的内容,实施的过程。大危机爆发后,美国决策者对德国赔偿问题的处理,以及德国赔偿问题的最终了结等。最后思考美国赔偿政策与20年代“经济外交”之间的关系。第三章:本章是承上启下的一章。首先阐述美国各界,包括美国民众、学术界、决策层对一战后赔偿政策失败的反思。重点分析美国决策层中以财政部为代表的严厉派和以陆军部为代表的温和派,对于一战后赔偿政策失败的不同反思,得出的赔偿经验和教训,以及这些经验和教训又如何影响了它们各自主张的赔偿政策,进而说明美国一战后赔偿政策和二战后赔偿政策一脉相承,前后相继的关系。第四章:阐述二战末期美国各个行政部门,包括国务院、陆军部、财政部各自提出的赔偿政策,分析各种赔偿政策的外交思想、欲达到的赔偿目的。论述各部门对赔偿决策权的争夺、及其对美国赔偿决策产生的影响。然后叙述美、英、苏三大国各自主张的赔偿政策,对历次国际会议上美国与盟国,特别是对美国与苏联之间围绕德国赔偿的争论焦点进行了逐一分析。第五章:本章是全文的重点内容。将详细论述二战结束后,美国赔偿政策的修改与执行情况。包括占领初期,占领军政府与国务院就赔偿问题产生的矛盾与冲突,并分析其原因。论述国务卿贝尔纳斯在斯图加特讲话的背景、及其影响。通过对美国“智力赔偿"计划进行个案分析,论述“智力赔偿"计划的内容,实施的过程,并评估美国通过“智力赔偿”计划获取的赔偿价值。然后阐述莫斯科会议期间的德国赔偿问题,论述马歇尔计划与德国赔偿问题的关系,说明马歇尔计划既避免了一战后的赔偿困境,又通过该计划将德国纳入了以美国为首的西方阵营,从而比较成功地解决了德国战争赔偿问题。最后,论述马歇尔计划之后的美国赔偿政策,说明美国对以色列向德国索赔问题的解决所发挥的重要影响。第六章:对全文进行总结与再思考。首先分析美国决策者通过纵向反思、横向对比,其赔偿理念不断深化与丰富的演变过程,总结美国赔偿理念的变化规律。分析美国赔偿政策运行机制,及其逐步完善过程,从而为美国赔偿政策的制订与实施提供了组织上、制度上的保障。思考美国“智力赔偿”计划探索出的新的支付、索赔方式有什么优点等。最后,分析影响战胜国处理德国赔偿问题成败的诸种因素。

【Abstract】 There had been two world wars broken out in the 20th century. German involved itself in both of them. It has brought about enormous losses to people of many countries. So, it has attracted great attention how the victorious nations deal with German after the wars. The war reparations has always been a key issue since it would affect the international structure’s steadiness, economic order’s restoration and guiding German to merge into the international system after the war. It also would affect if American’s strategic aims could be realized, and whether American’s interests could be safeguarded. Therefore, the USA separately made and carried out the war reparations policy for German after every War.American reparations policy has had great impact on German, Europe, and the whole world after two World Wars because of American’s powerful economy and its important international status. However, up to now, there are not any comprehensive and systematic monographs about "American war reparations policy for German" in the academic field. Therefore, describing the development of American reparations policy and reparations idea on the basis of archives comprehensively and systematically, finding out the influential elements of American reparations policy, studying the feature of American reparations policy’s mechanism have become the main objects of my dissertation.The dissertation is composed of six chapters except the preface.Chapter one firstly analyses various domestic influential elements which including the idea of mercantilism, the political system of separation of power, the pragmatism diplomacy philosophy. Then, it discusses the process of the formulation of American reparations policy before the Paris Peace Conference. It focuses on how American reparations policy and principle were defeated by Britain and France in the conference. At last, it analyses the profound causes of American reparations policy’s failure.Chapter two mainly interprets republican government’s reparations policy. Firstly, it analyses the effect of republican government’s economic policy and unyielding debt policy on the Germany reparations problem. It discusses the formulation of American reparations policy in the 1920s. Then, it discusses American’s intervention in Germany reparations issue because of the Ruhr Crisis, the formulation of the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan, and the contents of two plans. It also explores after the Great Depression, how American policymakers dealt with Germany reparations problem and how Germany reparations problem ended. Lastly, it studies the relations between American reparations policy and economic diplomacy in the 1920s.Chapter three is a bind. It describes the introspections of American people, the academic field, and policymakers for the failure of American reparations policy after the First World War. It analyses the different introspections, experiences and lessons about American reparations policy’s failure between the sterns and the moderates, which was respectively represented by the Finance Ministry and the War Ministry. And it also discusses how the experiences and lessons have affected their reparations policy. Therefore, it proves that the two reparations policies are closely linked and coming out from one strain.Chapter four discusses the reparations policy of various departments which including the Department of State, the War Ministry, the Finance Ministry. It analyses the ideas and goals of various reparations policy, how the various departments fighting for the authority of handling the reparations problem, and its influence on American reparations policy. Then, it respectively describes the reparations policies of the USA, Britain and the Soviet Union. It especially analyses the USA and Soviet Union’s major controversies over the Germany reparations issue.Chapter five is a major one of the whole dissertation. It mainly discusses the revising and the executing of American reparations policy after the Second World War. It analyses the conflicts and causes about Germany reparations between OMGUS and the Department of State. It explores the background and the influence of Byrnes’s Stuttgart Speech. Then it analyses the content of American "Intellectual Reparations" Plan, and the Plan’s value. Furthermore, it discusses Germany reparations problem in the Moscow Council of Foreign Ministers, the relationship between the Marshall Plan and Germany reparations. The Marshall Plan not only avoided the dilemma after the First World War, but also made Germany Merge into the western world. Therefore, the USA smoothly settled the Germany reparations problem. Finally, it discusses that the American Reparations policy after the Marshall Plan can successfully illustrate the important impact of the USA on the Israel claim against German.Chapter six sums up and reconsiders the dissertation. It discusses the deepening and the enriching of American reparations idea through introspecting and comparing. It summarizes the regularity of American reparations idea’s development. It analyses the functional mechanism of American reparations policy, and the mechanism’s revising process. The mechanism provides organizational and systematic premise for the American reparations policy. It studies the advantages of the American "Intellectual Reparations" Plan which has brought about a new reparations form. At Last, it analyses various influential elements on the result of Germany reparations.

  • 【分类号】D871.2;K153
  • 【被引频次】6
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