
音由心生 乐者药也

The Healing Pover of Music from the Heart

【作者】 马前锋

【导师】 孔克勤;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 作为一种艺术形式,音乐不仅为个体提供了审美欣赏的对象,也通过自身的魅力影响着现实社会生活。合适的音乐能陶冶人的情操,丰富人的情感,完善个体人格。同时,音乐所包含的丰富内容也有着迥然不同的特点,不同类型的音乐对人产生的效用也不同。音乐是人类精神生活中的一个最重要的和最具魅力的领域,它伴随着人类的整个历史进程,渗透于社会生活的各个方面,产生、并且还在继续发挥着不容忽视的巨大作用。音乐是人心理活动的产物,音乐实现自己多方面社会功能的方式和途径主要是音响体验、情感感受、想象引导直觉等心理活动;音乐作为重要的社会文化现象之一,对健康能够发挥不可忽视作用,具有治疗效果。音乐疗法是集心理学、医学、生理学、哲学、音乐、艺术于一体的综合性的新兴学科,作为一门应用科学,逐渐被社会所接受,并日趋成熟。音乐治疗的作用已经受到心理学界的关注,目前国内也有研究成果,但在个性化方面甚少,而某些成果,也还不够深入。这种学术研究的滞后性,直接影响了对涉及音乐治疗等现象和方法的深入研究和运用。基于这种情况,本研究从心理学、健康学等角度,结合实验研究、调查统计分析以及相关个案,对个性化音乐治疗予以深入系统地探讨。本论文分为三个部分:第一部分为音乐治疗研究综述。讨论音乐治疗的概念、意义,考察国内外音乐治疗的发展历史,总结音乐治疗的新视角和方法并予运用前景展望。我国现代关于音乐心理和音乐治疗的研究始于20世纪80年代。大多为介绍国外音乐治疗的文章,有关音乐治疗和发展的本土化特色还需研究。我国早在春秋战国时期诸子百家的论著中就有关于音乐心理活动的描述和对某些音乐心理规律及的研究。从关注音乐与自然的联系到重视音乐与人心理、情感的密切联系,研究历时达二千多年;研究成果从古代文献的语录,发展到独立的篇章论述和专门的乐论著作,从理论分析到实践验证;研究领域都大多涉及到了现代音乐治疗学的命题,如音乐与人心理的关系、产生音乐心理现象的生理机制、音乐的心理效能、音乐的社会作用、音乐欣赏心理、音乐表演心理、音乐创作心理、音乐对塑造个体具有完备性格的作用、音乐养生及治疗思想等。中国有丰富的音乐治疗的思想。特别是五音疗法,反映了传统的“天人合一”思想。五音疗法整合了人与自然、社会的相互作用和影响;体现了对音乐与情绪及脏腑之间的互动关系;突现了音声与人格情志、脏气等的关系。五音疗法匹配了人体的不同脏腑,把五音、五行、五脏、人格配属用于音乐治疗实践。第二部分探讨了音乐的功能和音乐治疗的原理机制等,在分析相关文献的基础上、设计以个性化差异为主旨的音乐治疗模型。并且通过实验验证模型。本研究旨在从心理学和医学的角度,通过个性化音乐使用,测查被试的行为特征变化(学习、睡眠)、心理特征变化(性格、情绪)、生理特征变化(心率、皮温、皮导)三个方面,证实个性化音乐的效果和相关变化,从而对如何使用音乐治疗进行探讨。本研究将所有被试分为实验组和对照组,通过实验,测定实验组前后心率、皮肤电传导、皮温的变化,同时对实验组与对照组测试心理量表、压力调查表,进行统计分析,发现有些指标差异显著。压力舒解、有效睡眠时间延长,情绪特征也有变化。心率有起伏变化,皮肤温度降低,皮肤电传导水平升高。实验研究证实使用个性化音乐有好的效果,尤其是在压力应激效果上反应了身心状态的恢复。本研究考察了不同类型音乐对不同个体、病症的影响。得出如下结论:(1)不同类型的音乐对个体有不同的影响;(2)不同个体、相同问题也需要个性化音乐;(3)不同气质类型的个体,对音乐偏好不同;(4)相同个体在不同治疗阶段需要配制不同的个性化音乐。第三部分为个性化音乐治疗理论模型的实践运用。通过个性化音乐治疗在学习减压、改善睡眠、危机干预中的运用,验证了个性化音乐的有效性和实用性。论文最后讨论了需要继续研究的命题和音乐治疗的功能和意义。一方面,有助于建立音乐欣赏与健康层面上的动力关系,具有较强的现实指导意义。另一方面,可以引导和帮助音乐在社会中发挥更大的作用,为临床、教育、健康等领域服务,为社会的文明发展作出一定的努力。通过对个性化音乐治疗模型的建构、探索、分析实践运用,人可以借助一定的音乐认识人自身,进一步理解了人格差异的内涵,音乐差别的文化意义。

【Abstract】 As an artistic, music has not only provided the esthetic object, but affected the people in the real life through its own charm. The perfect music can influence person’s sentiment, enrich person’s emotion and perfect audience’s personality. At the same time, music also includes abundant contents. Music of different types has different characteristics and influence. Music is one of the most important and the most glamour field of spirit in human life. It exists in all ways of social life and has huge function that anyone can’t ignore.Music is a kind of production of human’s psychological activity, Music realizes its social functions not by conceptions, judgements, and inferences but by emotion, experience, sense, and intuition; it has the therapy treatment. Music therapy is newly integrative subject relate to psychology、iatrology、physiology、philosophy、music、art etc. Music therapy as an applied science is gradually accepted by society and improving to be mature. Music is one of the most important cultural scenes, Music therapy has been underestimated by psychological circle. But music therapy, which is thought less of value by elite, plays an important role in contemporary society, so we should study it comprehensively and systematically. The lagging of this kind of academic research, has influenced the further investigation this method & phenomenon of Music therapy directly.Exactly based on this kind of situation, this text attempts to combine relevant cases in terms of psychological、healthy、physiological、medicinal、cultural point of view, deepen the systematic ground discussion to Music therapy.The paper is divided into three parts. Part one is the Brief introduction on Music therapy. Mainly differentiate and analyze the definition and Music therapy’s significance , investigate developmental history of the Music therapy inside and outside, summarize the studies visual angle and explain the methods of the Music therapy.The research of the Chinese modern musical psychology and Music therapy beging from the 1980’s. Up until now, the focus of most of the researches has been to introduce the publications of the western music psychology. However, researches concerning localization characteristics are still weak, and the integrity and systems study of the results of musical psychology thought of Chinese ancient musical documents are also quite rare. In China, musical documents concerning description of mental activity and mental regulation appeared in as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. The thesis of those documents updates from the connection of music and nature to the one of music and people, which lasted for 2,000 years. The researches cover almost all the scopes the modern musical psychology is studying, such as the relation of music and public reason, creation the phsiology mechanism of musical mental state phenomenon, musical mental effect, musical social function, musical listening mental state, musical perform mental state, musical creations mental state, musical health and treatment, the function of music to mold the complete personality of individual etc.Chinese ancient culture has its profuse idea of Music therapy. Especially five-tone therapy reflect the theory of "Heaven and Man combine into an integral whole". Five - tone therapy integrate the interaction of the person and society, incarnate the relationship between music and emotion and the zang- organs, which is known as the theory of the five tones、five elements and five tang-organs. Five-tone therapy establishing the diagnostic method based on analogy from sound, emotion and zang-organs, and concering the personality style with different music. Part two, as the main body of theory study, Designed Individualiazed Music Therapy modal give priority to the individual difference, through experiment validate this modal also.This research tries to acquire some proofs according to the point of psychology and medicine, through the use of music, check the different diversification of behavior (learning、sleep),At the same time, it provides the realistic proof for the research at the aspect of psychology (character、emotion、) and physiology (BVP、SC、skin temperature).All the subjects are divided into two groups by voluntary. One is the study group and the other is the control group. The research group use the Individualiazed Music, The control group has no Individualiazed Music. We test the change of Bvp, sc, skin temperature, and the score difference of Characters of SCL90 Test before and after training, as well as the correlation of this score change. Both the two groups are, in the same period, The score is evaluated for the subjects in two groups. The results show some obvious changes, stress management and sleeping time function improved. From the view of physiology index observation, we find some changing items including: Bvp are changing, skin conductance levels ( sc) are rising, skin temperature are reducing . This research shows that the subjects have received good response after the Individualiazed Music’s use. The affection on sleep indicates that the Individualiazed Music ’s function occurred in the improving of mental status . This study investigated the effects of different types of music on persons. The conclusions of two experiments were as follows:(1) Different types of music had different effects for persons; (2) Different types of different music had different effects on different persons; (3) Different types of temperament has different music preference ; (4)Same subject need dissimilar music at different treatment phases. Part three is the practice of the Individualiazed Music Therapy Modal (IMTM) in the realm of "learning" "sleep meliorate""crisis prevention". The researches validate that different types of music have different effects on subjects with insomnia etc.At last The paper discussed the some propositions that need be study in the future and several significance of the IMT. On the one hand, is helpful in establishes one kind of dynamical relations between cultural esthetics and the body and mind’s health , has the strong reality guiding signification; On the other hand, may guide and helps the music play the major role in our society, makes a bigger contribution for our spiritual development of civilization construction. The academic significance of this paper lies in: Is helpful make people knows further the music’s essence. helpful to use the appropriate music promote the healthy development also .More importantly, through to the exploration、analysis and the practice of construct the model of Individualiazed Music Therapy, people can cognize themselves in virtue of its music, comprehend the personality difference even more. understand the cultural meaning of Music.

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