

Study on the Institutional Building of Deliberative Democracy among the Political Parties in China Today

【作者】 童庆平

【导师】 齐卫平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 制度是约束人们的行为规范。一个制度一般包括文化、规范、载体和机制四大基本要素。民主本身就是一种国家制度。它的基本内涵是人民的权力。在经过了三波民主化浪潮的冲击之后,民主政治已经在世界范围内获得了普遍的认可。现代民主政治的核心特征是政党政治。政党在本质上是特定阶级利益的集中代表者,是由各阶级的政治中坚分子为了夺取国家政权或巩固国家政治权力而组成的政治组织。作为国家制度的一个方面,政党制度也包括制度文化、实体规范、运行机构和运作机制四大要素。从宽泛的意义上讲,民主可以分为选举民主和协商民主两种基本形式。尽管从理论研究的角度来看,协商民主是1980年代以后才兴起的一种民主理论。但是,协商民主的理念和实践像民主本身一样古老。因此,民主内含着协商。协商民主既可以发生于公民社会领域,也可以发生于国家政治领域。在政党政治成为世界潮流的今天,尽管各国实行不同的政党制度,但不同政党之间的协商则日渐重要。当代中国的政党制度是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,这种政党制度本质上就是一种协商民主制度。中国政党协商民主制度是受到社会政治文化支持和国家法律确认的一种制度安排,在这种制度安排中,中共和各民主党派在坚持四项基本原则的前提下,在广泛考虑公共利益的基础上,为克服执政党的有限理想,在“重大方针”和“重要问题”上通过平等和自由的讨论达成基本的共识,从而赋予立法和决策以科学性和合法性,并推动决策的顺利执行。中国政党协商民主制度缘起于中国新民主主义革命特定的政治生态环境,正式确立于中华人民共和国成立之时。在新中国近60年的历史上,以党的十一届三中全会为界,可以把当代中国政党协商民主的制度建设分为两大历史时期:社会主义革命和建设时期以及改革开放新时期。社会主义革命和建设时期大致分为三个阶段:从1949年10月1日到1956年为顺利发展阶段;从1957年反右派斗争扩大化开始到文革爆发为曲折起伏阶段;十年文革是基本停滞阶段。改革开放以来,政党协商民主的制度建设大致以中共中央1989年意见的出台为界分为两个阶段:之前主要是通过政策恢复和发展政党协商民主;之后是多党合作和政治协商走上制度化轨道的时期。在规范的意义上,中国政党协商民主具有重要的价值。它有助于克服中共有限理性、实现科学决策;代表公民参与政治、维护社会稳定;强化国家政治监督、规约政治权力:整合社会各方力量、形成历史合力:增强政治合法性、强固中共执政地位。同时,在协商主体、协商客体、协商原则、协商场域和协商结果等基本要素方面也具有自身的规定性;其协商方式也不同于一般意义上的协商民主。因而,中国政党协商民主制度体现出自身的特征。在经验的层面上,中国政党协商民主的制度建设已经取得了很大的成就。但也有不少可以改进的地方。在制度文化建设方面,执政党和参政党对建设政党协商民主的文化体认还有待加强;在实体规范建设方面,政策性规范偏多,国家意志层面的实体规范过于宏观;在组织机构建设方面,人民政协和民主党派的组织机构都还有待完善:在运作机制建设方面,政党协商的程序和协商效果的评价机制都需要健全。中国政党协商民主有着比较悠久的历史和良好的传统,有着悠久的政治文化基础。在西方协商民主日渐兴起、尤其是在政党协商日渐显现的背景下,为了应对外在的挑战,我们必须进一步推进中国政党协商民主的制度建设。主要应该从培育制度文化、制定实体规范、健全运行机构和完善运作机制四个方面入手予以全面推进。

【Abstract】 Institutions are the code to bound people’s behavior. In general sense, an institution includes four basic elements: culture, norms, carrier and mechanism. Democracy itself is a kind of state institutions. The basic connotation of democracy is the people’s power. After three waves’ shock of democratization, democracy has won widespread recognition in the world. The core feature of modern democracy is the party politics. Political party, in essence, is the representative of particular class interests. It is a political organization composed of the political backbone of class, and its objective is to seize the state political power or to consolidate the state power. As an aspect of the national institutions, the political party institution also includes four elements, that is, political culture, substantive norms, operating agencies and the operation mechanism.From the broad sense, democracy can be divided into two basic forms. One is electoral democracy, the other is deliberative democracy. From the theoretical research point, although it is only a democratic theory rose after the 1980s, the concept and practice of deliberative democracy is as old as democracy itself. Therefore, democracy includes deliberation. Deliberative democracy can occur in the field of civil society and in the state’s political field. Party politics has become the world trend today. Although different political party institutions have been taken in different countries, deliberation among the different political parties is increasing important.Our political party institution is the System of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation Led by the CPC today. It is a kind of deliberative democracy institution in essence. The political parties’ deliberative democracy in China today (the CPPDD) is an institutional arrangement which is supported by the socio-political culture and is confirmed by state law. This institutional arrangement has a precondition of upholding the Four Cardinal Principles and a basis of taking into account the public interest extensively. In which institutional arrangements, to overcome the bounded rationality and to reach a basic consensus in the ’major principles’ and the ’important issues’, the ruling party and the democratic parties discuss equally and freely, which give legitimacy and scientific to legislative and decision-making and make them implement smoothly.This institution originated from the specific environment of the political ecology in the New Democratic Revolution, and formally established in the time of the founding of the PRC. In the last nearly 60 years, signing to the Third Plenum of the 11th Party Congress, the CPPDD parties can be divided into two historical periods: the period of socialist revolution and construction as well as the new era of reform and opening-up. The first period can roughly been divided into three stages: from October 1, 1949 to 1956 is the smooth development stage; from the beginning of Anti-Rightist expansion in 1957 to the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution is the tortuous and ups-and-downs stage; it is a stagnation stage during the Cultural Revolution. Since reform and opening-up, the political parties’ deliberative democracy construction can be divided into two stages: it is recovered and developed mainly by Views of the CPC Central Committee on Adhering to and Improving the CPC-led Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation System before 1989; after that it is institutionalized.In the standard sense, the CPPDD has its important value. It can help the CPC to overcome the bounded rationality and to get scientific decision-makings; can be on behalf of citizens to participate in politics and safeguard social stability; can enhance the state’s political oversight and to statute the political power; can integrate the social forces and format the history forces together; can increase political legitimacy and consolidate the CPC’s ruling status. At the same time, it has its own requirements in the deliberative participants, the deliberative object, the deliberative principle, the deliberative places and the deliberative results. Its form is also different from the general sense of the other kind of deliberative democracy. As a result, the CPPDD embodies its own characteristics.In the experience sense, the CPPDD construction has made great achievement. However, there are many areas can be improved. In cultural building, the value recognition has yet to be enhanced by the ruling party and the participating parties; in the substantive norms, the proportion of policy is too high and the state will regulates too macro; in the organizational building, the agencies of the CPPCC and the organizations of democratic parties have yet to be perfected; in the operation mechanism building, the procedures and the evaluation mechanism have yet to be improved.The CPPDD building has a relatively long history and a good tradition, and it also has a long political cultural foundation. Deliberative democracy is growing up, and especially political parties’ deliberation is increasing daily in the West. When we face such situation, in order to deal with external challenges, we must further promote the CPPDD building. Now we must comprehensively push it forward by fostering political culture, developing the substantive norm, improving the operation agencies and improving the operation mechanism.

【关键词】 当代中国政党协商民主制度
【Key words】 China todaypolitical partydeliberative democracyinstitutions