

A Study on Teacher Professional Standards

【作者】 熊建辉

【导师】 周南照;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 教师专业标准是确立和提升教师专业地位的重要前提,是评价教师教学质量的必要依据;建立客观、科学的教师专业标准是教学成为一门专业的基本标志:教师专业标准还是建立教师教育标准体系的核心内容。有鉴于此,自20世纪80年代以来,教师专业标准研究与开发日益受到国际社会的关注,并成为世界教师教育改革与教师专业发展领域的一大热点。我国学术界真正关注教师专业标准问题始于2003年在华东师范大学召开的联合国教科文组织亚太地区“教师专业标准研制专家会议”,之后通过年度性的“国际教师教育论坛”这一高端国际教师教育创新平台的推动而日益引起政府、学界及广大一线教育管理者和实践者的关注。当前,构建我国科学的教师专业标准体系已经势在必行。论文以比较研究的方法,通过国际案例的视角,对教师专业标准进行比较研究,以期对我国的教师专业标准的开发与实施,并据此促进教师专业发展,真正提高学校教育质量提供借鉴。全文共分七章。第一章导言,交待研究的背景、意义和本研究的方法论。第二章分析教师专业标准的政策框架,旨在厘清教师专业标准的内涵、教师专业标准的划分维度以及可能的类型;在此基础上,分析了教师专业发展阶段与专业标准的构成要素、发展高质量教学与构建教学标准的基本要求。教师专业标准有通用和具体之分,因此,第三、四章对美、英、法、澳、新、越六国的通用教师专业标准案例进行探讨;第五章以科学学科为例,对美、澳、菲三国学科教师专业标准案例进行研究。要使科学的教师专业标准在实践中发挥应有的作用,还需要落到实践中加以贯彻与执行,因此,论文第六章基于美国和新西兰的实践案例,探讨教师专业标准实施的两大策略:建立基于标准的教师专业发展制度和基于标准的教师绩效管理制度。基于国际案例的分析与研究,论文第七章阐述了对我国教师专业标准构建的思考,在分析国际教师专业标准开发趋势以及对我国的启示基础上,论文尝试提出了构建我国教师专业标准的五点要求:第一,关注教师专业标准的国际性与本土性;第二,体现教师专业标准的阶段性和终身性;第三,兼顾教师专业标准的基础性与引领性;第四,研究制定教师及教育专业标准体系;第五,建立并完善基于标准的教师专业发展与绩效管理制度。

【Abstract】 Teacher professional standards are the premise for establishing and improving the professional status of teachers, and the essential evidence of evaluating their teaching quality; setting up the objective and scientific professional standards is the basal sign for teaching as a profession; it is also the core content to establish the standard system of teacher education. Therefore, Studying and developing teacher professional standards has been a highlight in international society since 1980s. While in China, the interest and concern on teacher professional standards arose from the Asia-Pacific Expert Meeting on Teacher Professional Standards held at East China Normal University in 2003 and through International Forum on Teacher Education, the largest annual international platform for teacher education innovation. It is imperative currently in China to initiate the international comparative study and joint development on teacher professional standards.This dissertation aims to discuss the teacher professional standards based on international cases through the method of comparative study and try to conclude its possible implications for the development of teacher professional standards in China, which holds the largest population on teaching force.The whole dissertation is divided into seven chapters as follows: The introduction chapter shows the context, importance and methodology of this research. The second one focuses on the policy framework of teacher professional standards, aiming to determine the intension of teacher professional standards, its dimensions and possible types as well as the basic requirements of developing high quality teacher professional standards. Teacher professional standards can be divided into generic and specified, through this dimension, Chapter Three, Four and Five discuss the generic teacher professional standards with six countries’ cases and the specified teacher professional standards with three countries’ cases, and analysis the cases’ backgrounds, contents and main features according to the method of comparative study. It is only the first step for us to develop the teacher professional standards; it is also important to implement the developed standards into practice, therefore Chapter Six discusses two possible implementation strategies, i.e. establishing standard-based teacher professional development system and teacher performance management systems. Based on the above international cases, Chapter Seven is the implications to construct the system of teacher professional standards in China from international cases’ study. It tries to draw up five suggestions on teacher professional standards constructing in China: developing the teacher professional standards with considering of the feature of international perspectives and local context; different career stages and life-long progress; the basic benchmark and future orientation; system designing of education professional standards based on research; implementing the teacher professional development system as well as performance management system based on teacher professional standards.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】54
  • 【下载频次】6007