

Study on the Landscape Ecological Security over the Plains in Ebinur Lake Basin in XinJiang

【作者】 李新琪

【导师】 金海龙;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以干旱区典型内陆湖泊——艾比湖流域的平原区为研究对象,依据现代地学、生态学、景观生态学及生态安全等相关理论,综合运用“3S”技术、野外调查与验证、定位-半定位监测、预案分析、地统计学分析、生态安全评价/预测模型等技术手段,从景观尺度就新疆艾比湖流域平原区的生态安全问题进行探讨,定量分析并预测其生态安全演变趋势及时空分布特征,针对性地提出研究区生态安全调控措施。本文对丰富干旱区景观生态学及生态安全的研究内容、指导艾比湖流域及类似干旱区内陆湖泊流域的生态环境保护与恢复、促进区域社会经济与生态系统的可持续发展具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。主要研究工作和结论如下:1.在对国内外生态安全研究进展进行综述的基础上,认为当前生态安全的研究已从理论探讨为主,发展为理论与方法相结合并用实例进行论证分析趋势,但总体上,生态安全研究尚处于初级探索阶段;生态安全评价是生态安全研究的基础和核心之一。景观生态安全评价是景观生态学及生态安全研究的一个热点和新的领域,有着极其广阔的理论与实践上的创新潜力。2.通过对干旱区湿地景观的概念、意义和特征的分析,认为景观的现代含义是指具有时空异质性镶嵌结构的复杂系统,干旱区的湖泊湿地是干旱区独特而又重要的景观生态类型之一,它是干旱区景观生态安全格局的重要结点和关键区域,其与干旱区山地-绿洲-荒漠(MODS)三大系统共同构成了干旱区内陆湖泊流域的山地-绿洲-荒漠-湖泊(MODLS)耦合生态系统。在此基础上,论文提出了基于湖泊流域的干旱区流域景观格局变化的特征。3.构建了基于遥感影像特征及“3S”技术的景观生态分类体系并对研究区进行了景观生态类型的划分,研究认为景观生态分类建立在尺度的基础之上,不同尺度上的分类单元在纵向上构成了自景观带至景观元的多等级景观生态分类系统;研究区的景观生态类型可划分为1个景观类(3个景观亚类),8个景观系,13个景观型,且该分类系统属于景观生态分类等级阶梯中的中尺度分类段。4.从植物群落层次和土壤层次系统分析了研究区及各类景观的生态属性,得出如下结论:①植被是景观生态系统重要组成要素和最显著的特征标志,研究区主要植被类型为荒漠、草原和草甸,共有33个植物群落,其中小蓬荒漠、梭梭荒漠、刚毛柽柳荒漠、白梭梭荒漠等各类荒漠的面积较大,其总面积合计约占研究区总面积的74.10%,芦苇草甸、含胡杨的芦苇草甸、含半灌木的芦苇草甸、矮嵩草草甸等面积也较大;②土壤是植物赖以生存的物质基础,也是所有其他景观要素的综合反映,研究区主要土壤类型共有26种,其中以石膏灰棕漠土所占比例最大,占研究区面积的19.03%;棕钙土、荒漠风沙土、草甸盐土、盐化草甸土、栗钙土和灌耕灰漠土的面积也较大。5.通过分析1990-2005年研究区景观格局和景观变化,包括景观多样性和均匀性、景观斑块形状、景观破碎化程度、景观结构变化和斑块类型的转化等,得出如下结论:1990-2005年间,研究区各景观格局指数在时空上均存在较大差异;各景观类型中以盐碱地、林地、草地和戈壁的转出率较高,而以农田、人居地的转入率较高,景观组分构成没有大的变化,戈壁依然是研究区景观的基质。景观格局变化对区域生态影响主要表现为:农田斑块数量和面积的增加,加大了区域水资源利用压力;林地、草地斑块面积减少,使得平原区绿洲遭受风沙危害的可能性增加;沙地、戈壁和盐碱地斑块面积减少,使绿洲区域的生态环境变化呈现不同特征;湿地斑块面积增加,则对减少艾比湖流域沙尘危害较为有利。6.通过构建的基于景观尺度的生态安全的评价模型和CA-Markov景观格局预测模型,并采用预案分析的方法对研究区进行景观生态安全的静态评价、动态评价和预测评价,得出如下结论:①研究区景观生态安全状况大致可以分为3个层次,一是以河流、湖泊及沼泽为主的湿地景观所在区域,其生态安全程度相对较高;二是以农田及人居聚落景观为主的人工绿洲区域,其生态安全程度处于相对中等状态;三是人工绿洲外围的各种荒漠景观所在区域,其生态安全程度相对较低。②1990-2005年间,研究区生态安全状况呈现“V”字型变化趋势,其中生态安全评价指数相对较低的区域的面积所占比例呈现先增加后减少、总体上趋于增加的状态;而生态安全指数相对较高的区域的面积所占比例呈现先减少后增加、总体上趋于减少的状态。③对研究区2020年景观格局模拟结果显示,B方案模拟结果的景观生态安全状况要明显好于A方案的模拟结果;与2005年相比,A方案模拟结果的生态安全评价指数较低区域的面积所占的比例变化不大,而评价指数较高的区域的面积所占比例却有所减少,研究区生态安全程度总体有所降低;B方案模拟结果的生态安全评价指数较低区域的面积所占的比例有所减少,而生态安全评价指数较高区域的面积所占的比例相应增加,研究区生态安全程度总体有所提高。7.结合景观生态学与生态功能区划的原理,利用“3S”技术,将研究区划分为3个景观生态功能区和7个景观生态功能亚区。最后在此基础上,从工程建设和环境管理两个方面提出了跨流域调水、干涸湖底盐漠治理及建立MODLS大系统综合平衡的景观生态保护战略等研究区生态安全的调控措施。

【Abstract】 This study concerned the ecological security assessment and prediction in arid inner lake basin. Guiding by the theories of modern geography, ecology, landscape ecology and ecological security, and using "3S" technical, scenarios analysis methods, ecological security assessment/prediction methods, this paper discusses the ecological security in Ebinur lake plain regions in the arid inner lands form landscape scales, and quantitative analysis and predicts the evolution tendency of ecological security and spatial characteristics in research area. The research enriches the study content of landscape ecology and ecological security, and is of important theoretical value and practical significances to guild the ecological construction, ecological environmental protection and restoration on Ebinur lake basin and the similar arid inner lake basins, and to promote the sustainable development of society, economy and ecological environment. The clew of the study is narrated as following.The first one is introduction. In this paper, we mainly introduce the study gist and significance, and then confirm the study area. Firstly, this paper pointed out that the Ebinur lake basin plain regions provided a significant, typical study object of arid inland lake basin in landscape pattern and ecological environmental changes, ecological security assessment and prediction, and so on. Secondly, this paper reviews the internal and domestic study about the ecological security, and considers that the current study on ecological security is generally at the primary stage, and the ecological security assessment is the foundation and the core of ecological security research fields. Based on the review, this paper put forward the study targets, main study contents, technical course and the academic measure of the research work.The second one is about the characteristics of landscape and wetlands in arid land, and the survey analysis of the research area. Firstly, this paper elaborates the concepts of landscape and wetland, and has analyzed the characteristics of arid land landscape and arid land wetland, and points out that the modern meaning of the landscape refers to a complicated system which has mosaic spatial heterogeneity structure. Arid land lake wetland is the one of the unique and very important landscape ecology types. Together with mountainous-oasis-desert systems(MODS) in arid land lake basin, the arid land lake wetland and the above three large scale systems constitute a coupling ecosystem: mountainous-oasis-desert-lake wetland(MODLS). This paper also proposed the landscape pattern evolvement disciplines of the arid land inner lake basin. Secondly, this paper has extensively analysis characteristics of the natural environment and social-economy of the research area and its main ecological environmental problems.The third one is to study the landscape ecological classification and the landscape ecological attributes, which is one of emphasis of this paper. First of all, this paper discuss the landscape ecological classification principles and methods based on remote sensing imaging features and "3S" technologies, and construct the landscape ecological classification system and has carried on the system to the research area. We consider that landscape classification is based on the scales. Near the global scales, the classification unit is the landscape zone, which is the most senior classification unit in the classification hierarchical systems. Landscape unit is the basic classification unit of the classification hierarchical systems. On the different classification scales, the different landscape units form landscape belt to landscape unit constitute a muti-hierarchical classification hierarchical systems. The landscape in the research area has been divided into 1 landscape categories, 3 landscape subcategories, 8 landscape classes and 13 landscape types. This classification system is regarded as the middle scale classification segments of landscape hierarchical classification system. Secondly, this paper analyze the each landscape’s attributes form plant communities and soil types, so as to identify origins and properties of each landscape types, which laid the foundation for the paper’s following study.The forth one is to analysis the landscape patterns and the indexes changes in research area, and the influence of these changes to ecological environment form the three different time interval. The results show that the landscape diversity and evenness indices, the patch shape indexes and the fragmentation indexes are not only have difference in the different regions, but also have difference in different times. Next, this paper analyses the change characteristics of the landscape pattern and the results show that, during 1990a to 2005a, the higher transfer-out rate of the various kinds of landscape types are the saline and alkaline land, the forest land, the lawn land and the Gobi desert land, and the higher transfer-in rate landscape types are the farmland, habitat land. But the results also show that the structure of landscape components does not have big change, and the Gobi desert land is still the landscape matrix of research area. At last, this paper analyzes the influences of these landscape pattern changes to ecological environment.The fifth one is to assessment and prediction of landscape ecological security in research area, which is the kernel part of this study. Firstly, this paper put forward indexes and formulas to measure the landscape ecological security degrees and analyze the landscape ecological security status of research area by static assessment and dynamic assessment. The results show that the conditions of ecological security can be divided into three layers. From 1990 to 2005 years, the proportions of regions with relatively lower indices is increased at first, then decreased, and present an increased trends overall. While, the proportions of regions with relatively high indices is decreased at first, then increased, and present a decreased trends overall. On the whole, the changes of ecological security conditions show a "V"-shaped trend. Secondly, combined with CA-Markov models and "3S"techinicals, this paper succeed simulated the landscape pattern of Ebinur lake basin plain areas in 2020a based on two different scenarios. Thirdly, we have analyzed the predicted results of landscape ecological security degree. It shows that in the A scenarios, the conditions of ecological security will be deteriorated in 2020a, the proposition of regions with high indices previously will be decreased, and which will be seriously constrained the development of society and economy. In the B scenarios, the proposition of regions with high indices previously will be increased, while the proposition of regions with lower indices previously will be decreased, and the ecological security conditions of research area will be improved.In the last, according to the analysis of static assessment, dynamic assessment and model forecast assessment of landscape ecological security situation of research area, and combine with the theories of landscape ecological function regionalization, the research area are been divided into three landscape ecological functional regions and seven sub-regions. From the project and management aspects, this paper put forward some measures, such as inter basin water transfer project, treatment project of salt desert in dry lake bottom and forming an integrated balanced landscape ecological protection strategy of MODLS ecological system, so as to make the regional economy and ecological environment sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】P901
  • 【被引频次】25
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