

Student Leadership Education in American Higher Education Institions

【作者】 房欲飞

【导师】 奚洁人;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 领导教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 1970年代以来,美国高校兴起了大学生领导教育,这对我国应对全球化时代的需要和促进领导人才的成长都颇具借鉴价值,国内领导教育学界对该研究领域的忽视也昭示了本研究的理论意义。基于这种认识,本文综合运用文献分析、归纳、比较等研究方法,对美国高校大学生领导教育的内涵、兴起的背景、历史演进、教育目的、课程结构、教育效果、理论基础、性质与特点等方面进行了剖析,并总结了其启示。具体而言,序章之后,文章的主体共分五个部分:第一章为概论,在明确概念内涵和研究范围的基础上,对美国高校大学生领导教育的基本情况进行介绍。美国高校之所以兴起大学生领导教育,是国内面临的领导危机及对有效领导者的呼唤、雇主对毕业生领导素质的日益强调及学生事务部门工作理念的创新等内外因素协同作用的结果,但这种教育不是凭空产生的,而是高校顺应时代和社会要求不断孕育的结果。殖民地时代的高校在培养领导人物的历史使命之下,已经在不自觉地培养狭义的领导者。虽然南北战争以后大学生领导力的培养被高校官方忽视,但自发的大学生领导教育从来没有停止过,迫使官方不得不严肃地对待这一现象,终于在1970年代末,在各专业协会的大力推动下,高校对大学生领导教育的承诺日益明晰,相关项目如雨后春笋纷纷涌现。这些教育计划广泛地分布在各种类型的院校,一般由学生事务部门主管,实践中的模式差别较大。第二章主要考察美国高校大学生领导教育的目标。资料表明,各高校对于大学生领导教育的目标尚无统一的表述和承诺,但深入分析其深层次使命,则可发现,培养新型的公民领导者是其基点。当时社会背景下的领导实践与理论取向及大学生的素质结构现状形成了影响这种目标人格取向的合力。对于这种新型公民领导者的素质结构要求,可以从知识、行为和价值观等三个维度进行把握。第三章主要考察美国高校大学生领导教育的基本途径,认为其可以分课程教学、课程辅助活动、社区服务、指导和领导工作等五个部分。其中,课程教学旨在向学员传授领导知识、技能和价值观,课程辅助活动旨在引导学员深入探讨相关主题和习得某种技能,社区服务是培养社区意识、公益情怀、社会责任感以及理论联系实际的桥梁,指导为学生提供个性化的领导力提升服务,领导工作则是学员“在游泳中学习游泳”的良好平台,但具体实践中的大学生领导教育计划未必都包含上述五个模块,而是根据各自的目标有所取舍和侧重。第四章对美国高校大学生领导教育进行了评析。当前美国高校的大学生领导教育较好地促进了项目参与者的领导素质发展,并对高校及周围的社区产生了积极影响。取得这些成绩的主要经验包括来自社会的支持和配合、高校在开展大学生领导教育方面的战略视野和获取资源的优势、微观层面的管理卓有成效等。但这并非意味着美国高校的大学生领导教育已经无懈可击,目力所及的资料表明,尚有三个问题对美国高校大学生领导教育的进一步发展形成挑战:资金来源欠稳定、理论基础研究相对薄弱、实践标准有待推广。美国高校的大学生领导教育有几个特点,主要包括具有跨学科性、与通识教育具有历史和逻辑关联、注重对社区的承诺、与专业教育有机结合、注重多文化意识的培养、关注弱势群体等等。而对于美国高校大学生领导教育的进一步发展动向,估计将有三个明显的趋势:项目数量日益增加;校际合作成为潮流;境外学习有望受到青睐。第五章对高校、领导教育和大学生领导教育的关系所作的历史考察表明,高校自诞生之日起,一直在有意无意地介入领导教育,且这种介入并未因独立领导教育机构的产生而式微。这说明,高校本身的结构或性质天然适合从事领导教育,而大学生领导教育的产生或许有着内在的逻辑必然性。因此,在进一步推进领导教育的过程中,任何忽视高校力量的行为都是不理性的。对于当前的领导教育来说,借重高校力量的举措之一就是开展大学生领导教育。这是符合领导人才成长规律的选择,是西方国家值得关注的动向。对于我国来说,更是具有提升全球化时代竞争力、推进民主政治进程、提升后备干部素质、促进高校和社区的互动、缓解大学生的就业难问题等方面的价值。尽管大学生领导教育具有如此重要的战略意义,当前我国高校中的相关实践却不令人乐观。基于此,笔者认为应该采取如下措施推进之:增强对大学生领导教育战略价值的认识;努力面向全体学生实施教育;加强作为新型领导者本质特征的价值观教育;通过整合现有资源加强课程开发;注重多元文化意识和全球视野教育等。

【Abstract】 Since the late of 1970s, with the advent of global age, the leadership crisis and the call for effective leaders, as well as the emphasis put on the graduates’ leadership attributes by employers in America compel higher education institutions reconsider its mission, which makes the development of students’ leadership an unavoidable concern. At the same time, the innovation of work principle in student affair department makes the leadership education beneficial to students’ development attractive undertaking. Under this background, the student leadership education is emerging in higher education institutions, which can be seen from more and more education programs. However, the student leadership education in American higher education institutions is not formulated in a vacuum, on the contrary, it results from higher education institutions’ continuous response to the times and society. In the colony times, under the mission of developing leaders, American higher education institutions had been producing the traditional leaders. After civil war, with the emergence of specialized education, the development of students’ leadership had once been neglected, however, the spontaneous student leadership education has never ceased to happen, which impels the official seriously deal with it. Finally, in the late of 1970s, facing with the call for ethic education from leadership crisis, promoted by professional associations, higher education institutions’ commitment to leadership is increasingly clear, with the leadership programs springing up like mushrooms. Generally, these programs are charged by student affairs department. Though the operation model is different, nearly all the programs have multi-structured staff, appropriate class scale, strict requirement and rich resources.The examination of available data shows that the goals of student leadership education in higher education institutions are not consistent with each other, but the development of new type citizen leaders lie in the core of their mission. The "new type leaders" have the global horizon, cross-culture awareness, social responsibility, change orientation and ethic consciousness when compared to traditional transaction leaders; the "citizen leaders" is different from those official leaders with formal power and duty, because they put their identity as citizen at first place, and leader as the second. However, at whatever levels they act, this kind of leaders own engagement consciousness, community complex and public welfare feelings. The reasons for American higher education institutions intend to develop new citizen leaders are as followings: first, globalization call for new leadership paradigm, which requires the new generation of leaders good at dealing with change and different cultures. Second, American public prefer to the "bottom up" leadership model, which makes the grass-root leaders win the good grace. Third, the college students in 1980s were apathetic toward to citizen responsibility, featured by individualism and declined ethics awareness, which demand the response to it from leadership education programs. Last, the theory of transformation leadership and service leadership, as well as the concern with leadership ethics since 1970s inevitably influence college student leadership education.Though the student leadership education program in American higher education institutions don’t have united attributes requirement for the new type leaders. However, the examination of available data shows that the expectations for this kind of leaders’ attributes fall into three dimensions: knowledge, action and affection. Among them, the knowledge requirement includes professional, leadership and extended knowledge. The action dimensions demand of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, decision-making ability and critic thinking ability. The affection dimensions demand of the willingness and values for leadership. In practice, the different leadership programs put emphasis on different attributes.In order to achieve the goal, the student leadership program adopt rich-instructed education means. Usually, they can be divided into five fields, including academic course, co-curricular activities, community service, mentoring and leadership job. Among them, academic course mean to teach leadership knowledge, skill and values. Co-curricular activities mean to guide students discuss related topics and acquire some skills. Community service can help to develop community awareness, public feelings, social responsibility and serve as bridge between theory and practice. Mentoring provide student with individual leadership education service. Leadership job give students the opportunity to practice leadership. However, not all the leadership education programs arrange the above five modules, but put emphasis on different means.The evaluation by Kellogg Foundation and HERI shows that the student leadership education in American higher education institutions well promotes the leadership development of participants, meantime, higher education institutions themselves and the neighborhood community benefit from it. The following experiences contribute to its success: the support from society; the strategic horizon and academic advantage of higher education institution; the excellent program management. However, it doesn’t mean that the student leadership education in American higher education institutions is perfect, there are three problems challenging their further development: the unstable fund source; the unsound theoretical base and the inconsistent practice. The author believes, as to the further development direction, there are three obvious trends: the increasing of program numbers; the population of cooperation between institutions and the emphasis on studying abroad.The deep probe of the nature of student leadership education in American higher education institutions shows that it is interdisciplinary. Its courses can be found in any discipline, the professional background of its staff and students is multiple. The complication of leadership activity and the comprehension of leadership research are responsible for it.The student leadership education programs in American higher education institutions have some practice in common due to the influence of some theories in leadership and educational psychology field. In the leadership field, there are the social change model of leadership development and the three factors in leader development. In the educational psychology field, there are constructivism and empirical learning theory.The student leadership education in American higher education institutions is featured by the followings: the historical and logical relations with liberal education; the commitment to community; the integral combination with professional education; the emphasis on multiple-culture awareness; the concerns for disadvantageous groups.The historical examination of the relationship among higher education institutions, leadership education and college student leadership education shows that higher education institutions has been involving with leadership education, consciously or not. Moreover, the involvement has never faded because of the appearance of independent leadership education institutions. The structure or nature of higher education institution is suitable to leadership education, and the college student leadership education maybe the logical result. So, during the process of promoting leadership education, the higher education institution deserves the attention.For the current leadership education, one of the measures to lend force from higher education institutions is to carry out student leadership education. This is the choice fit for the leader development rule and the trend deserving the attention. For our country, it also can enhance the competency power in global age, promote the democratic politics process, heighten the future leader quality, promote the interaction between university and community and make the graduate employment easier.With such important strategic meaning, the student leadership education in our higher education institutions is by no means optimism. The following advices can help to promote it: strengthen the strategic value of college student leadership education; carry out the education among all students at campus; pay attention to value education; develop curriculum by integrating current resources; put emphasis on multiple-culture awareness and global horizon.

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