

Research on Geography Textbook in View of the Culture

【作者】 孔云

【导师】 夏志芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 伴随地理课程改革的深化,对地理教科书的研究也成为当前地理教育界研究的一个热点。众多的研究者单维度地从实践层面、技术层面、分析层面对地理教科书进行了大量的研究。当我们需要进行更深层面的研究时,课程研究的文化转向给了我们新的启发。在此启迪下,本文采用“文化”这一新的研究视角对地理教科书进行研究。本文采用文化的视角,从三个层面上对地理教科书展开研究。一是对地理教科书进行文化的阐释;第二层面,用文化纵向演变的视角,即文化的时间维度,分析我国社会文化发展中地理教科书的变化与发展;第三层面,聚焦当代的文化视角,思考并探讨在当代文化多元视野中的地理教科书的编写理论。全文共五部分:第一章文化与当代地理教科书研究的视角转换。在阐述研究视角选择的缘由之后,梳理了国内外地理教科书研究的现状与教科书文化研究的基础,并对本文所涉及的重要概念“文化”与“地理教科书”的涵义进行了界定。由于文化的概念充满歧义且定义众多,本文把“文化”限定为是在人们的生存和发展历史中形成并通过人们的各种活动而表现和传承的行为方式、价值观念、语言符号、思维方式、审美观、知识系统等的整体。同时限定了本文的研究对象与分析文本。最后梳理分析了本文研究的理论基点:文化哲学与教育文化学。并在以上的基础上形成本文的研究思路。第二章地理教科书的文化阐释。在分析了文化与教科书的关系的基础上,用文化的视角还原教科书的文化本质与功能。在此基础之上,分析了中学地理教科书的文化特征,认为地理教科书具有多元性、地域性、时代性、相对稳定性、开放性等文化特征。正是由于地理教科书具有时代性的文化特征,因此在探讨地理教科书的文化内涵与文化构成时,本文仅对当代地理教科书(课程标准实验教科书·地理)进行了分析。本文认为用文化的视角看,当代地理教科书的文化内涵是其具有爱国主义情操、辨证的思维方式、求真的科学精神、可持续发展观、人地和谐观、健康的审美情趣等。而从不同的角度对文本进行分析后,可以看到当代地理教科书中包括科学文化、人文文化与技术文化;传统文化与现代文化(网络文化);地域文化;民族文化;性别文化等文化元素。第三章文化视野中的地理教科书百年发展。在分析了我国中小学地理教科书产生的社会文化背景,即中国文化的近代化后,追溯了从舆地志到地理教科书转变的经过及意义,并梳理了我国地理教科书百年发展的状况。认为我国地理教科书是在中西文化的冲突与融合,也即中国文化走向近代化这样的文化背景产生下的,随后百年的发展又是伴随者中国文化从近代化向现代化发展,中间经历了波折与冲突。由此基础上探讨了在文化变迁视野中的中国地理教科书发展变化,并仅从书面语言表达的转换、地理教科书指向的对象逐渐明确、传统地方志文化思维的长久影响、不同时期政治思想的影响、爱国主义内容的演变、人地关系思想的嬗变等六个方面进行论证阐释。第四章当代文化视野中的地理教科书编制理论。由于中国传统文化的自我更新代谢、外来文化的移入、现代科技和工业文明的飞速发展,当代文化有着鲜明的多元聚合的趋向。从而,地理教科书的编制理论也应有新的变化。因此,在对传统地理教科书进行文化批判的基础上,对当代文化视野中的地理教科书的目标进行了厘定。而后,对地理教科书的内容选择的制约因素与思想文化根源进行了分析,并从文化的角度提出了当代文化视野下地理教科书内容选择的原则:选择的内容要体现当代社会主流文化价值观与思维方式,选择的内容要体现基础性和相对稳定性,选择的内容要体现时代性,选择的内容要体现日常生活价值取向,选择的内容要体现适度开放性。最后,在分析了当代社会文化对地理教科书内容的组织与呈现影响之后,对地理教科书的内容组织方式及组织原则进行了探讨。同时对地理教科书内容的两种呈现方式:文字叙述与图像表达以及地理教科书的版式设计进行了文化学层面的思考。结语部分主要反思了我国地理教科书的百年发展并展望了文化视野中地理教科书的可能性的发展变化。一是对我国地理教科书百年发展的文化反思。认为地理教科书发展的本质就是选择文化。地理教科书的发展有两个作用力,中西文化的碰撞就给这一进程带来了纷繁复杂的诸多难题。因此,作为文化选择的体现物,地理教科书的变革就绝不仅仅是地理科学知识的编排问题,而是一场深层次的文化变革。二是对文化发展视野中的未来地理教科书发展的展望。主要对谁来决策地理教科书的内容及地理教科书的载体形态是否会发生进行了展望与设想。认为随着社会文化的发展,有可能地理教师来最终决定地理教科书的内容,也即有可能不再强制规定地理教科书内容选择的范围;电子时代的发展,地理教科书载体形态将有可能发生根本变化,不再是纸质形态,而是可以融文字、图片、影像、动画、声音、音乐等为一体的“电子地理教科书”。

【Abstract】 With the further movement of the geography curriculum reform, geography textbooks bas become a hot target for researchers,and there are plenty of researches at levels of practice,technology and analysis. Inspired by the cultural turn in curriculum study,my dissertation is focusing on geography textbooks within the cultural context——a completely new perspective.In the dissertation,three aspects are demonstrated:explaining the connotations of geography textbooks,analyzing the change and development of the textbooks in the time(or historical)dimension,and discussing the theories of geography textbooks designing and compiling under multicultural background.Chapter 1 The conversion of perspective on culture and geography textbooks in the contemporary time.In this chapter,the present research situation of geography textbooks home and abroad are narrated as well as the research basis of textbooks in the perspective of culture.Then some important concepts are defined,such as culture and geography,textbooks, with the definition of culture as the integration of behavior,value, lingual symbol,thinking mode,aesthetic and knowledge system that have formed in the human history,passed by and displayed through human activities.Finally,the theory basis is analyzed as cultural philosophy and culture of education,from which my research derives.Chapter 2 The explanation of the cultural connotation in geography textbooks.Analyzing the terms of the cultural essence and functions,it is believed in this chapter that the geography textbooks are characterized by many cultural attributes,such as regionalism,comparative stability, of time quality.Especially,the geography textbooks in the contemporary time contain rich cultural connotations,including patriotism, dialectical thinking,the spirit of seeking for truth,pursuit of sustainable development and earth-human harmony,health aesthetic,and they also draw various cultural elements from all kinds of aspects,like science,arts,traditions,Internet and so forth.Chapter 3 The development of geography textbooks in the past centuryAnalyzing the social-cultural background that the geography textbooks in China are born of and their development situation in the past century,it indicates in this chapter that our geography textbooks came into being in the process of modernization and went through conflicts in the following time.Then the change and development of geography textbooks are explored and interpreted under culture in six aspects,involving the conversion of language expression,the target for the textbooks,the influence by the cultural thinking mode of traditional bibliography,the discourse power in different political periods,the patriotism in existence and the change of earth-man theory.Chapter 4 The designing and compiling theory of geography textbooks in contemporary time.New changes should take place in the geography textbooks due to self-renewal of the traditional culture,import of foreign culture,rapid development of science and technology and the trend of culture melting.So in this chapter the goal of geography textbooks under culture is defined,and the constraints and the culture source are analyzed when selecting the textbook content,with several principles proposed that the content selection should be based on the mainstream culture value and thinking,and should be fundamental,comparatively stable,of time quality,life-oriented and moderately open.Finally,the organization approach and principle are discussed,then the language expression,image representation and format design are also probed from a view of culture.The conclusion reflection and prospect for the geography textbooks under culture.The chapter first demonstrates that the essence of geography textbooks development is the selection of culture,so to reform the geography textbooks is to reform the culture in them rather than only changing the knowledge system of them Besides,the chapter expects that it is possible that content of geography textbooks will be determined by geography teachers optionally other than compulsorily,and that the knowledge carrier of textbooks will transfer from paper to the integration of word,picture,video,animation,sound,called "electronic geography textbook".

  • 【分类号】G633.55
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