

Theory and Practice of Human Resource

【作者】 章震宇

【导师】 梁宁建;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 对大多数人来说,一生中有一个相当长的时间要在工作中渡过,获得职业生涯的成功对一个人的生活幸福感受至关重要。如果一个人有一份自己喜爱的工作,在一个适合自己的职业环境中,不仅可以赢得主观上的职业生涯成功,而且可以提升客观上的职业生涯成功的概率。这种结果无疑对社会资源的优化配置,对员工本人的幸福感,以及对整个社会都是一件令人振奋的事情。员工-组织匹配是帮助个人找到最适合自己的职业环境,帮助组织找到最适合的员工。本研究首先对员工-组织匹配理论文献进行回顾。虽然员工-组织匹配的理论已经存在许多年了,但是员工-组织匹配的经验研究直到1990年后受到重视,在我国其理论和实证研究则是刚刚起步。员工-组织匹配的研究主要是关注员工和组织的兼容性。员工-组织匹配可以分成增补匹配和补充匹配,增补匹配是指当某人的拥有特征与环境中其他个体具有类似的特征时发生的匹配;补充匹配是指当某人拥有的特征将环境补充完整或者增加了环境中缺失的东西时发生的匹配。本研究是以增补匹配为指导,以吸引-选择-磨合模型、强化理论和期望学说为理论基础。本研究采用以定量和定性,问卷法和个案研究相结合,对数据进行统计分析。以价值观匹配指数和性格匹配指数作为员工-组织匹配的指标。首先对高科技企业的154名员工进行研究,评估员工-组织匹配对工作满意度、组织承诺、工作倦怠感、离职意向的影响;再对外资、国营、民营背景的六个行业183名员工展开跨行业横向研究,评估员工-组织匹配对工作满意度、组织承诺、工作倦怠感、离职意向影响的普遍意义;最后针对26名员工进行基于个人-组匹配的职业生涯辅导,并开展追踪研究,评估员工-组织匹配对工作满意度、组织承诺、工作倦怠感、离职意向的长期影响。主要研究结论:(1)学历是影响员工-组织匹配的重要因素。(2)员工-组织匹配可以有效预测工作满意度、组织承诺。(3)员工-组织匹配指数对工作满意度、组织承诺的解释效力明显高于人口学变量。(4)员工-组织匹配通过工作满意度、组织承诺对离职意向产生间接影响。(5)跨行业研究结果支持员工-组织匹配可以有效预测工作满意度、工作倦怠感,员工-组织匹配指数解释效力明显高于人口学变量。(6)跨行业研究结果支持员工-组织匹配通过工作满意度、工作倦怠感对离职意向产生间接影响。(7)追踪研究结果支持基于员工-组织匹配的职业生涯辅导对工作满意度、组织承诺、工作倦怠感有长期的正面影响。

【Abstract】 A big portion of people have to spend most of their lives on working,so achieving career success is crucial to their happiness.Finding a satisfied and suitable job will not only facilitate a subjective career success,but also improve the probability of objective career success.This is an inspiring result for optimization of resource distribution,personal happiness and social harmony. Person-organization fit helps person to find a suitable career environment as well as help organization to find a suitable person.Firstly,we reviewed existing researches on person-organization fit.Although the theory has been existed for several decades,it was not until 1990s that people started to pay attention to the experiential research on it.In china,the study on this theory and experimental research just begins. Person-organization fit focuses on the compatibility of persons and organizations. Person-organization fit can be classified to supplementary fit and complementary fit. Supplementary fit,which happens when person’s characteristics are similar with that of other people in the environment.Complementary fit,which happens when person’s characteristics complement or add what the organization lack off.Idea of this paper is in the light of supplementary fit and based on attract-choose-adapt model,reinforcement theory and expectation theory.The paper used quantitative study and qualitative study,with the combination of questionnaire survey and case study.Values matching index and personality matching index were the measurement of person-organization fitness.Firstly,we tested the influence of person-organization fitness on job satisfaction,organizational commitment and job burnout and turnover intention among 154 employees from high-tech enterprises.Then we implemented cross-industrial research in order to find the general impact of person-organization fitness on job satisfaction,organizational commitment and job burnout and turnover intention among 183 employees from foreign,national and private owned companies.Finally,we coached 26 employees about their career life based on the person-organization fit and researched on the long-term influence of person-organization fit on job satisfaction,organizational commitment and job burnout and turnover intention through follow-up research.The main results are:(1)educational level is an important factor on person-organization fit. (2)person-organization fit can effectively predict job satisfaction,organizational commitment.(3) person-organization fit can explain more variance than demographic variables on job satisfaction, organizational commitment.(4)person-organization fit can indirect influence turnover through job satisfaction,organizational commitment.(5)cross-industrial research supports the prediction of person-organization fit on job satisfaction,organizational commitment,person-organization fit can explain more variance than demographic variables.(6)cross-industrial research supports person-organization fit can indirect influence turnover through job satisfaction,job burnout.(7)follow-up research supports the positive impact of person-organization fit based career life coaching on job satisfaction,organizational commitment and job burnout.

  • 【分类号】F240
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