

The Study of Regional Tourism Co-operation in China

【作者】 何小东

【导师】 汪宇明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 中国区域旅游合作及大旅游的思想早在二十世纪八十年代末就已产生,并在二十多年的发展中取得了一定的成绩,但是就目前的区域旅游合作发展程度来看,现有的合作还主要是重形式、重研讨、重宣言、重宣传,许多观念还多停留在地区旅游行政管理层面上,仍缺乏具体的、可操作性强的政策、措施和手段。因此,为确保区域旅游合作的持续健康与和谐发展,有必要开展区域旅游合作的深度研究。本研究旨在对国内现有的区域旅游合作进行科学总结与反思,对影响区域旅游合作深入发展的制约因素进行深刻剖析,借鉴国内外区域旅游一体化发展的先进经验,建构具有较强可操作性的区域旅游合作深度发展的理论框架体系。论文分八章:第一章为绪论部分,交代本命题的提出背景和研究意义;对国内外研究进展与现状进行分析和总结:对国内区域旅游合作的研究阶段进行划分;并给出论文的研究方法和技术路线,以及本书的结构与创新。第二章对区域旅游互动合作发展的理论基础进行集中阐释。旅游是一个复杂的系统,食、住、行、游、购、娱六个环节涉及到不同的部门和行业,因而指导旅游合作发展的理论也来自很多不同的领域。在本文中主要涉及地理学(包括政区地理学、旅游地理学、经济地理学等学科)的相关理论、新制度经济学理论、博弈论等。第三章对区域旅游合作的相关主体及其在区域旅游合作中的地位与角色进行定位研究;对区域旅游互动合作的动力机制以及区域旅游合作的模式进行分析和总结。第四章对当前中国区域旅游合作态势进行分析,揭示中国当前区域旅游互动与合作的误区与障碍及其形成的原因。提出制度性障碍是当前中国区域旅游互动合作停滞不前的根本原因。借用新制度经济学中关于制度变迁的相关理论对如何克服制度性障碍进行研究。第五章指出地方政府作为质量是关乎区域旅游合作成败的关键。社会主义市场经济体制要求地方政府在区域旅游业的互动合作中,改变职能,规范行为,发挥政策主导作用,推进区域旅游合作。第六章集中对欧盟区域旅游一体化模式和以上海为龙头的长三角区域旅游一体化模式进行解析。中国现阶段区域旅游合作走向深度发展,必须充分吸取欧盟区域旅游一体化与长三角区域旅游合作中成功的经验,在合作机制与模式上进行创新。区域旅游合作的机制创新,首先要进行区域旅游合作制度创新,减少交易成本;并实现区域旅游合作的利益分享和协调机制创新。第七章对中部六省旅游崛起开展研究。首先对中部六省旅游产业竞争力的要素进行整合;进而对中部六省区域旅游合作现状进行诊断分析,指出中部六省旅游合作存在的非制度化、时效性与稳定性差等问题。提出中部六省区域旅游合作的新机制,即:①建立和完善相应的协调机制。协调机制必须建立在统一市场、统一政策的基础上;②必须充分发挥市场机制在促进中部地区区域旅游联动合作发展中的基础性功能;③必须协调和统一中部六省的区域旅游规划,统一的规划才是区域旅游协调发展的基础;④必须建立统一的市场营销机制,整合中部六省的旅游产品和线路,通过整体营销将中部的优秀旅游产品推向市场。第八章是论文的结论部分,集中阐明论文的理论贡献与存在的不足,对后续研究提出展望。本文努力尝试在以下几个方面有所创新:第一,科学地界定了区域旅游合作发展的阶段、水平和面临的挑战。明确提出国内区域旅游合作成果流于形式,缺乏可操作性;对其深层次原因进行了分析,指出制度创新是推动中国区域旅游合作走向深度发展的基本动力。第二,对区域旅游障碍进行了辨析。将区域旅游障碍划分为制度性障碍和非制度性障碍。制度性障碍具有(1)动态性,它随着国家宏观政策的变动而有所变化;(2)隐含性,它不会直接表露出来,总是通过地方政府的经济或行政手段表现出来;(3)可协调性,制度性障碍是可以通过双方或多方的沟通与妥协而调和等基本特征,继而,根据新制度经济学交易成本与制度变迁理论提出了克服区域旅游障碍的政策建议。第三,对区域旅游合作中的合作主体及其组成进行了分析,提出不同主体在区域旅游合作深度发展中的相关地位及其发挥作用的空间。特别是对政府在区域旅游合作深度发展的地位与角色及职能范围进行了深入研究。指出了地方政府行为规范的必要性及途径。第四,在全面考察欧盟旅游一体化发展和长三角区域旅游一体化发展的基础上,构建起一套具有普适性和可操作性的区域旅游合作深度发展的框架体系,并以中部地区为案例,探讨推进区域合作深度发展的实践机制。

【Abstract】 The idea of regional tourism co-operation in China has appeared since the early years of 1980s’,and some outstanding achievements have been made at that time. However,reviewing the co-operations that were putting into action in China,we may find that many of the co-operations are still emphasizing the form,the study,the pronouncement,and many idea are still on the level of regional tourism administration, lacking ideographical and maneuverable and practical measures and policies.So in order to insure the healthy and harmonious regional tourism cooperation development, we have to make a systematical and throughout research on the tactics of regional tourism development in China.This paper aimed at making a summary & review of the present regional tourism co-operation in China,and anal sizing the factors that affecting the further development of regional tourism co-operation.On that base,the author introduced the experience of EU integration tourism development,and put forward a framework on regional tourism co-operation.The paper has 8 chapters.Chapter 1 is about the presentation and design of the paper.Here,the author explained the background,the goals,the meanings,the researching methods and the structure of the paper.Chapter 2 explains the theories that the author might use in this paper.Chapter 3 analyzed the actioners in regional tourism co-operation,as well as the dynamical power and basic models in regional tourism development.Chapter 4 analyzed the current practices on regional tourism co-operation in China and its problems.Point out that systematical obstacles are the main reason for the stagnancy of regional tourism development in China.Then the author introduced the transaction expense theory and the systematical innovation theory to overcome the systematical obstacles.Chapter 5 talks about the local government activities.Local government is the key point for the success of regional tourism cooperation.In the socialism market economy,local government should transfer their function,criterion their action,and to be a limited government in the economical activities.Chapter 6 analyzed the tourism integration in the European Union and in the Yangtze triangle area.And,then put forward that regional tourism cooperation in China must carry out systematical innovation,if it wants go deeper and further.And to carry out systematical innovation,we firstly should innovate the interest sharing and coordinating mechanism,so as to reduce the transaction expense.On that base,the author brings forth a wholly new framework of regional tourism co-operation,which is acceptable as well as feasible.Chapter 7 analyzed the regional co-operation in central section of China.And then the author put forward that the development of the regional tourism co-operation in the central section of China must:①to establish the coordinating institute;②to let the market mechanism be the dominating element in the market;③to coordinate the regional tourism planning and item allocation in the central section of China;④to integrate the tourism products,and establish the marketing mechanism.Chapter 8 is the last chapter of this paper.The author here reviewed the whole paper and prospected for future works.The basic features and originalities of the paper could be seen in the following aspects:Firstly,the author defined the stages,development and challenges that regional tourism development in China is to meet.It concluded that the preseasons for the infeasibility of the current regional tourism co-operation in China are in lacking of theoretical guidance,difficult to carry out.And the author also point out that the only solution for this problem is the theory of institution change and the theory of transaction expanse;Secondly,the author clarified and discriminated the systematical obstacles in the current regional tourism co-operations.In the paper,the author classified the obstacles into two classes,one is systematical obstacle,and the other is non-systematical obstacle.The systematical obstacles are characterized by:(1)dynamical,the systematical obstacles are changing according to the national macro policies;(2) implicit,the systematical obstacles are implicit;(3)can be coordinated.And according to those characteristics,the systematical obstacles can be overcome,and the transaction expanse theory as well as the institutional change theory in the new institutional economics may offer theoretical guidance for it.Thirdly,the author also analyzed the composition of the principal parties in regional tourism cooperation.Different parties in regional tourism cooperation should act according to its position and its space.The author paid special attention to the study of the positions and the roles that local government takes in regional tourism cooperation. Fourthly,according to the experiences of European Union tourism integration and the experiences of regional tourism cooperation of the Yangtze River,the author set up a feasible framework of regional tourism cooperation.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】27
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