

A Study on the Annotation and Punctuation of Tso Chuan

【作者】 李卫军

【导师】 刘永翔;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 研究《左传》评点有利于评点学体系的构建,能丰富本土文学批评的理论宝库。同时,还可以扩大《左传》学的研究范围,更好的揭示《左传》在经学、史学、文学等方面的价值。可是,到目前为止,《左传》评点作品尚未引起研究者充分的重视,因此,本文拟以传世文献为基础,对《左传》评点作全面的研究。文章在结构上分为上、下编:上编是对《左传》评点的综合研究,共分五章。第一章把在南宋出现,到民国年间才退出历史舞台的《左传》评点,分为形成、发展、全盛、延续与余辉等几个时期,对其作史的描述,分析各时期的特点,并简要介绍较有特色的作品。在此基础上,又主要从科举的角度分析了其萌兴、繁荣以及衰落的原因。第二章分为两节:第一节对《左传》评点的形式要素及其功能加以解说,在评语方面主要分析了总评、眉批、旁批、夹批、旁批及尾批,而圈点符号因各家没有统一用法,所以只引介了几家有代表性的说法;第二节则从评点范围、评点者身份以及评点内容等方面对《左传》评点的分类情况作概括说明。第三章从经学角度探讨《左传》评点的内容与价值,主要以姜炳璋《读左补义》为例,分析评点者对《左传》解经方法及经义有哪些面向的发挥,以见用评点手法阐释经义,也有其可取之处。治清学史者普遍认为乾隆时期思想控制严密,《春秋》学者多讳谈义理,而炳璋此书致力于攘夷、复仇等大义的阐发,这或许有助于我们更好认识当时的学术氛围。第四章从史学角度探讨《左传》评点的内容与价值,以吕祖谦《东莱左氏博议》、《左氏传说》、《左氏传续说》三书为例,分析了其阅读《左传》的方法、目的以及所关注的内容,而尤其突出了其以读史“畜德”及观变的经世目的,这也是多数以史论《左传》者的共同取向。第五章从文学角度揭示《左传》评点的内容与价值,以文论《左传》者大多也会论说经义、评论史事,因其论述并不比专论经史者更为深入,所以此章不再论及,只对从文法角度阐明《左传》命意者略作介绍,而重点探讨评点者在分析《左传》文法基础上所得到的一些作文规律,以见其对我国古代文论的贡献。下编为“《左传》评点作品系年提要”,对现存的《左传》评点作品按年代先后,分别撰写提要,大致分为形成、发展、全盛和延续与余辉四期,对今存而未及见者,亦存其目,以备今后之补缺。本部分既是上编综合研究的文献基础,其本身也可作简明的《左传》评点史来读。

【Abstract】 The study of punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan not only is useful for the academic commentary system and native literature critical theory but also enlarges the research of Tso chuan to interpret the value of Tso chuan in classicism, historiography and literature. Up till now, however, researchers haven’t attached more importance to the works on the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan. Thus based on the existing documents, the thesis studies the related works from all respects. The thesis includes two books: volume one and volume two.Volume one involves the comprehensive study about the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan including 5 parts:Part One, according to formation, development, prosperity, lasting and fading period, we described the development course of the punctuation and annotation on Tso chuan, which came into being in Nansong Dynasty and faded away in Minguo period. At the same time , we introduced some works which have their own characteristic. Based on these, the part also analyzes the sprouting, prosperity and decline from the aspect of the Imperial Examination.Part Two includes two sections: Section one is about the factors and the functions of the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan, especially about some items of Zongping(an comprehensive criticism), Meipi(the criticism on header), Pangpi(the criticism besides the sentence and words), Jiapi(the criticism between sentences) and Weipi(the criticism after an article). In terms of the punctuation, the section briefly introduces several typical usages. Section two gives the general interpretation of the classification on the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan from the commentary field, the judge fellowship and the contents.Part Three studies the contents and the value of the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan in respect of classicism. Through the example of Jiang Bingzhang’s Du Zuo Bu Yi, the part analyzes the critics how to explain the Classicism, and what meanings they had found by using the methods of punctuation and annotation. By this we can find punctuation and annotation is an useful methods to explain the Classicisms. Most historians on Qing Dynasty thought that the Spring and Autumn researchers on Qian long period seldom reveal the meanings because of the cruel mentality control. Other while, Jiang Bingzhang’s Du Zuo Bu Yi expounds Resisting the barbarians and Revenge, which couldn’t happen according their opinion. This may help us understand the existing research situation properly. Similarly, Part Four is concerned with the contents and the value of the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan in respect of historiography, which built on Lv Zuqian’s Dong Lai Zuo Shi Bo Yi, Zuo Shi Zhuan Shuo and Zuo Shi Zhuan Xu Shuo. The essay interprets his reading methods, reading aims, in particular, his thought of reading history benefiting virtues, which is the general goal of reading Tso chuan for those who read Tso chuan from history angle.Also, Part Five is still about the contents and the value of the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan but in respect of literature. Literature critics on Tso chuan usually reveal the meanings from Classicism aspect and comment its historical facts. But they haven’t gone so far as some historians and Classicism-man have done, and we will not discuss it besides the brief introduction of the purports of Tso chuan who revealing it from literature way. The part pays much attention to some typical writing rules from the comments on Tso chuan to show its contribution toward Chinese ancient literature criticism.Volume Two aims at the summary of all existing works on the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan according to formation, development, prosperity, lasting and fading period. As far as some existing but rare publicizing works are concerned, the volume still introduces them for future use. The volume not only is the base of the comprehensive study but also functions as brief history of on the punctuation and annotation of Tso chuan.

【关键词】 左传评点经学史学文学
【Key words】 Tso ChuanPunctuation and AnnotationClassicismhistoriographyliterature
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】997