

Management of Hypnotic Conflict

【作者】 单家银

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 催眠源远流长,古埃及、古希腊、古代中国均有催眠治病的记载。催眠应用广泛,它不仅被用于医学及心理咨询与心理治疗各领域,在诸如商务培训,市场调查,广告,教育,文体以及司法等领域均有应用。在心理学领域,近来也有学者利用催眠进行有关认知科学与脑科学的研究。催眠是一项专业性极强的技术,在催眠诱导或者催眠治疗面谈中常常会出现种种催眠冲突,包括严重催眠副作用。为了更有效地利用催眠,必须管理好催眠冲突。本篇论文主要研究催眠冲突管理,分为三个部分:第一部分为文献研究部分,通过系统回顾文献,阐述了催眠冲突的概念、提出催眠冲突的缘起、辨析催眠冲突与阻抗低及感受性的区别,并系统论述催眠冲突观念的发展史、催眠冲突的表现形式、影响催眠冲突的因素以及催眠的应用。重点阐述了催眠冲突管理的技术。第二部分为实证研究部分,共进行了三项实验研究:第一项研究为质性研究,通过观察被试对标准诱导(SHSS)的催眠反应,并在催眠结束后的面谈中,发现高感受性被试也出现催眠冲突。催眠冲突的发生的机制在一定的程度上类似于个体维持自我同一性;第二项研究以ERP(事件相关电位)的MMN成分为工具,研究催眠对大脑信息自动加工的影响。结果发现高感受性被试大脑右前部MMN水平高于低感受性被试,催眠能够抑制而不是增强高感受性被试的MMN振幅,结合催眠前后情境及前人的研究结果,探讨了MMN水平改变的机制,认为是正式催眠诱导前的一系列事件预先设定了被试的催眠反应模式。第三项研究以ERP的N400成分为工具,研究被试在催眠状态下对于语义歧义句的整合情况,研究发现,催眠可以显著缩短后脑部N400的潜伏期,降低歧义句引发的N400振幅。提示催眠有利于被试对物理特征信息的提取,同时又抑制了对歧义句的识别,可能与被试在语篇水平进行语义整合有关。第三部分为总讨论部分。结合实验发现,作者就催眠管理中的几个基本问题展开讨论,包括催眠的主体是谁?指导语应该清晰还是模糊?辩证分析了管理催眠冲突时系统论与还原论、状态论与过程论之关系问题。作者认为,应当以现象学的观点,以“认知失调理论”与自我理论来指导催眠冲突的管理。论文以“催眠冲突”为切入点探讨催眠,其创新之处在于:突破传统精神分析框架,首次在阻抗之外独立提出催眠冲突概念;首次以信息加工的方法探讨催眠冲突,以事件相关电位(ERP)指标研究催眠状态下大脑自动信息加工及语义歧义识别;围绕催眠冲突管理,辨析催眠理论中系统论与还原论,状态论与过程论的争论,并进行整合。

【Abstract】 It’s a long history for human being to use hypnosis. There are evidences in ancient Egypt, ancient Greek and ancient Chinese to use hypnosis for healing. Hypnosis can be used in variable condition, it can be used not only in vary medical, dental or psychological situation, but also can be used as a tool in fields such as business, training, investigation, education, sports and legal affairs. Scientist can also use it to investigate cognitive and brain science.Though it is widely used, hypnosis is a professional technique. It may arise hypnotic conflict while inappropriate use, even cause severe consequence, which include in hypnotic conflict. To use hypnosis more effectively, one must manage hypnotic conflict. Management of hypnotic conflict is an important way to solve the issue.This dissertation mainly aims at hypnotic conflict management. It consists of three parts.In the first part, a lot of literature were reviewed, and bring forward the definition of hypnotic conflict, its evolvement, its representation, factors that may affect hypnotic conflict. Distinguish between hypnotic conflict and low susceptibility, resistance had been discussed. Theories about hypnotic conflict also were investigated.In the second part, three experiments were introduced to investigate hypnotic conflict:The first one is a qualitative study. By observing hypnotic response of standard induce hypnosis and interview with the subject, author discovered that hypnotic conflict may take place with high hypnotic susceptibility subject.The second experiment completed with MMN of ERP as a tool. MMN can be used to measure brain auto-procession. Result shows that F4 amplitude of high susceptibility subject is higher than that of low susceptibility one. Hypnosis reduces amplitude of MMN.In the third experiment, N400 of ERP was used to determine whether hypnosis affects the subject identify semantic illusion, which would result a significant N400. Result shows that hypnosis reduces N400 latency as well amplitude. It indicates that subject process information different from normal situation. The author suggests that under hypnosis, subject may process information through self- exploration. Information that would not in favor of self-identity may be omitted.The third part is general discussion. Issues such as who is the subject in hypnosis clinic? Should the suggestion be exact? To work more effectively, should hypnotist hold systematology or reductionism? Hold state theory or procession theory? The author suggests that under hypnosis, subject may process information through self- exploration. Information not in favor of self-identity would be omitted.This dissertation focus on the "hyponastic conflict", it originally explores several fields in hypnosis study. For the first time, it breaks through traditional psychoanalysis frame, bring forward hypnotic conflict; It originally use method of information process to investigate hypnosis, and for the first time to study brain information auto-procession under hypnosis condition with MMN and N400 in China; Systematically analysis sytemology, reductionism, state and procession theories in hypnosis.

【关键词】 催眠催眠冲突事件相关电位MMNN400催眠冲突管理
【Key words】 HypnosisHypnotic Conflict ManagementMMNN400ERP
  • 【分类号】B842.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1036