

Study on Transforming the Agricultural Growth Pattern in China

【作者】 白雪瑞

【导师】 李昌宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 全球化背景下的国际竞争迫使中国提高农业竞争力,现代农业的多功能性要求中国农业产业结构优化升级,新农村建设的首要任务是发展现代农业。解决这些问题,归根结底就是要转变中国农业增长方式。长期以来,中国农业走的是一条粗放型增长道路。通过考察中国农业增长方式转变的历史轨迹可以发现,农业粗放型增长方式是特定集权条件下的信息结构与激励机制内生的结果。目前,中国已进入工业化中后期阶段,基本具备了农业增长方式从粗放型向集约型转变的条件,但是农业增长方式转变异常艰难。通过对成功实现农业增长方式转变的国家和地区的比较研究,并深入分析中国农业增长方式转变的现状,不难看出,中国农业增长方式转变缓慢主要是由于传统体制下形成的城乡二元结构、农业科学技术总体水平较低、涉农的经济体制改革滞后等因素的制约。当前,科学发展观的提出和新农村建设战略的实施,有力的推动着农业增长方式的转变进程。本文运用构建的农业增长方式转变的评价指标体系和评价方法,具体测算了1952—2005年中国农业增长方式转变的综合分值。根据测算结果判断,在1997年中国农业增长方式已经从典型粗放型阶段进入了粗放—集约过渡型阶段。在此基础上,预计2010年、2020年、2050年中国农业增长方式将由现在的粗放—集约过渡型阶段顺次进入低度集约型阶段、中低度集约型阶段、中高度集约型阶段。为实现中国农业增长方式转变的目标,本文从强化科技支撑和投资保障、加强制度创新和政府支持等方面提出了农业增长方式转变的对策措施。本文按照逻辑分析的层次,除绪论之外可分为四个部分:第一部分由第二章和第三章内容构成,概述了农业增长方式转变的基本理论和方法。第二章是农业增长方式转变的理论概述,主要分析了农业增长方式的内涵、类型,以及农业增长方式转变的概念和特征、时机和条件、路径选择的特点、影响因素,并介绍了研究农业增长方式转变的基础理论。第三章构建了农业增长方式转变的评价指标体系和评价方法,并具体测算了1952—2005年中国农业增长方式转变的综合分值,以测算结果为基础划分了中国农业增长方式转变的历史阶段。第二部分由第四章和第五章内容构成,运用农业增长方式转变的基本理论和方法分析了中外农业增长方式转变的实践。第四章在回顾中国农业增长方式转变各个历史阶段的特征和影响因素的基础上,分析了中国农业粗放型增长方式形成的原因和现阶段中国农业增长方式转变缓慢的制约因素。第五章通过对成功实现农业增长方式转变的国家和地区的国际比较研究,总结了对中国农业增长方式转变的重要启示,包括可以借鉴的经验和应该吸取的教训。第三部分由第六章内容构成,这是本文的核心部分。在前面几章研究的基础上,根据中国国情和农业增长方式转变的现状及发展趋势,本章提出了中国农业增长方式转变的“十一五”目标和远期目标,并详细论述了目标提出的依据。第四部分由第七、第八章构成,主要论述了为实现中国农业增长方式转变目标所应采取的对策措施。第七章论述农业增长方式转变的科技支撑和投资保障,在分析现代农业技术发展趋势基础上,着重论述中国农业技术研发的主攻方向,如何加快中国农业科技创新体系以及如何完善农业投资管理体制,优化投资的来源结构和方向等。第八章论述农业增长方式转变的制度创新和政府支持,在明确资源配置方式对农业增长方式转变的影响基础上,具体分析中国在农产品价格形成机制的市场化、生产要素市场、农业社会化服务体系等方面制度创新的方向和可能的途径,论述政府发展战略对农业增长方式转变的影响,深入思考开放条件下农业的国内支持等问题。本文的创新点:(1)本文把集约型农业增长方式划分为五个阶段类型,由低级到高级依次为粗放—集约过渡型、低度集约型、中低度集约型、中高度集约型、高度集约型,并且明确了各阶段类型的评判标准。(2)本文构建了农业增长方式转变评价指标体系和评价方法,保证了历史分析和目标选择的内在一致性。本文的农业增长方式转变评价指标体系是由三个子系统、九个类指标、十四个具体指标构成的多层次的评价指标体系,在评价方法中明确规定了具体指标权重的赋予方法、具体指标数值的标准化、综合分值的测算模型等。(3)本文提出了中国农业增长方式转变的“十一五”时期目标和远期目标,预计2010年、2020年、2050年中国农业增长方式将由现在的粗放—集约过渡型阶段顺次进入低度集约型阶段、中低度集约型阶段、中高度集约型阶段,并详细论述了目标提出的依据。

【Abstract】 The process of building modern agriculture is to reform traditional agriculture and to develop rural productivity continuously. And it is also the process of transforming the agricultural growth pattern and accelerating it towards good and fast development. For a long period, our agriculture was developed in an extensive growth form. Trough investigating the historical track of transforming the agricultural growth pattern in China largely roots in the traditional plan economic system, which was the result of centralization of power and invigorative mechanism. At present, China has entered the middle or later stage of industrialization, and has acquired the condition of transforming the extensive form of agriculture into the intensive form. Though the study of some countries and districts which have succeed in transforming the agricultural growth pattern and trough analyzing our transformation of agricultural growth pattern in the history and at present, it’s not difficult to see that china’s agricultural growth method transforms slowly mainly because of the rural-urban two-tier structure formed under the traditional system, the low total standard of agricultural science system reform etc.The introduction of scientific concept of development and the practice of construction of new countryside strategy powerfully push the transformation process of the agricultural growth pattern. This article has built the evaluating quota system of the transformation of agricultural growth pattern and has used it to calculate the comprehensive score of the transformation of agricultural growth pattern from 1952 to 2005. According to the judgment criteria of transformation type of agricultural growth pattern, our country has entered the transitional stage of extensive-intensive form from the typical extensive form of agriculture. It is anticipated that our country will get into a low degree of intensive form stage, medium low degree of intensive form stage in successive order in 2010, in 2020 and in 2050 from present extensive-intensive transitional stage. In order to realize the aim of the transformation of China’s agricultural growth pattern, the thesis proposed four measures: technology support, system innovation, investment guarantee and government support.According to the logical analysis, this article can be divided into four parts except the introduction. Part I, composed by the second and third chapters, is mainly on the basic theory and method of transformation of agricultural growth pattern. The second chapter talks about the theoretical summary of the transformation of agricultural growth pattern including the definition, the style and the effect elements. The third chapter mainly constructs the evaluating quota system and evaluation method of agricultural growth pattern transformation and calculates the comprehensive score of agricultural growth pattern from year1952 to 2005, which served a basic for dividing the historical stage of the transformation of China’s agricultural growth pattern.Part II is composed by the forth and the fifth chapters, which, mainly uses basic theories and methods of the agricultural growth pattern to analyzes the practice of Chinese and foreign agricultural growth pattern transformation. Chapter four has summarized the characteristics and influence factor of each historical stages of the pattern transformation of the agricultural growth pattern of our country, analyze the forming reason of our country agriculture extensive growth pattern and restricting factor of the slow transformation of our country’s agriculture growth pattern of the present stage. In Chapter five, through the international comparative study of the successful countries and regions in realizing agricultural growth, summarize the revelation for our country’s agricultural growth including the useful experiences and lessons.Part III is the content of Chapter six, combing China’s actual conditions, consulting strategic goal and the actual conditions of the foreign countries that succeed in achieving the agricultural growth pattern it puts forward " the eleventh five year plan " goal and long-term goal of China’s agricultural growth and describes the basis of the choosing goal in detail.Part IV is composed of Chapter seven and Chapter eight. It expounds the countermeasures we should take in order to realize our country’s goal of agricultural growth pattern transformation. Chapter seven talks about scientific and technological support and the invest guarantee of the agricultural growth pattern transformation, and explains the development trend of agricultural technology, and analyzes emphatically how to accelerate the agricultural system of scientific and technical innovation of our country, and makes a concrete analysis of how to strengthen agricultural investment, optimize source structure and direction of investment. In Chapter eight talks about the system innovation and the government supports of the agricultural growth pattern transformation. It makes a concrete analysis of the direction of system innovation and possible way of our country in fostering the main body of the market, forming mechanism of the price , the market of key element, socialized services of agriculture and etc, and explains the impact on agricultural growth pattern which is brought by the industrialized strategy and urbanized strategy that is implemented by the government and thinks thoroughly that strengthening of government’s support about the question of the agriculture of industrial back feeding.The creative points:(1)Divide the intensive agricultural growth pattern into five stage types, it is successively the extensive - intensive transition type, low-degree intensive type, medium-low degree intensive type, medium-high degree intensive type and high-degree intensive type and make sure the quantization standards of each stage type; (2)construct the evaluation quota system of the agricultural growth pattern transformation. This system, including three subsystems, 14 concrete indexes, has put forward the concrete appraisal method, examined the comprehensive score of China’s agricultural growth pattern transformation from the year 1952 to 2005. Based on that, it divides the historical stage of China’s agricultural growth pattern transformation; (3)By using the evaluation quota system, propose China’s quantization goal of agricultural growth pattern transformation in the year of 2010, 2020 and 2050.
