

Research on Feather Pecking Development of Chicks under Different Environment

【作者】 张斯荷

【导师】 包军;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 啄羽是禽类啄击和拔出同伴的羽毛的一种非争斗性的异常行为。人们发现许多禽类动物身上都表现出这种行为。啄羽行为会逐渐发展成为啄羽癖,鸡群一旦出现啄癖就很快蔓延全群,严重时的患病率可达80%以上,死亡率约50%。目前对影响蛋鸡啄羽行为的营养不足、饲养管理不善、应激因素研究比较全面和充分,但是影响行为的环境因素研究较少。本研究从行为学角度出发,为掌握沙浴环境与贫瘠环境、不同的颜色、雏鸡间的互动性、不同时间的外界刺激对雏鸡行为的影响,本研究以雏鸡为试材,研究了早期环境印记敏感期和环境特征对印记效果的影响、不同时间的颜色刺激对雏鸡啄羽行为发育的影响、鸡群的互动性对啄羽行为发育的影响。三个试验分别选用了不同数目的海蓝白蛋雏鸡,常规饲养,自由采食,全价饲料,每个试验为期14周。试验一试验设计试验1采用2种饲养环境(沙浴环境和贫瘠环境)及3段早期经验期(0-2周龄、0-4周龄和0-6周龄)的试验设计。试验结果饲养在贫瘠环境中雏鸡的啄羽表现次数高于饲养在沙浴环境中的雏鸡,但是啄羽相关行为在沙浴环境下出现的次数较高;在沙浴环境中雏鸡还会有啄羽行为的发生,在一定程度上有所减少。在3周龄改变环境的行为变化趋势与更换后的环境中的行为变化趋势相似,饲养环境改变影响显著。在5周龄和7周龄更换环境的变化趋势与原饲养环境中行为的变化趋势相似,饲养环境改变影响不大。结论①沙浴环境相对于贫瘠环境,在一定的程度上可以减少啄羽行为的表达,但是不能完全抵消。②影响雏鸡啄羽行为的最佳早期环境印记的时间应该为生后的头4周。环境早期印记只能某种程度地修饰雏鸡以后的啄羽行为,但不能根本消除,环境条件对盯物、啄物行为不产生作用。试验二试验设计试验2采用2种饲养环境(沙浴环境和贫瘠环境)、4个开始外界刺激的时间点(0周龄、3周龄、5周龄和9周龄)及4种颜色(红色、黄色、绿色和蓝色)的试验设计。试验结果在绿色的刺激下,雏鸡的啄物行为表现得最多,啄羽行为表现最少;蓝色刺激下,雏鸡的啄羽行为、被啄行为、盯物行为的表现次数最多;在红色刺激下,雏鸡的啄羽行为和被啄行为都表现得最少,啄地行为表现最多;黄色刺激对雏鸡的啄羽和与啄羽相关行为的影响效果不显著。随着颜色刺激的时间(0周龄、3周龄、5周龄、9周龄)越晚,啄羽行为、被啄行为、啄地行为的表现次数就会越少,而啄物行为的表现次数就会越多。结论①绿色刺激和红色刺激均可以通过“转移”的原理减少雏鸡啄羽行为或被啄行为的发生次数,但不能消除啄羽行为的发生;蓝色刺激可以增加雏鸡啄羽行为的发生次数;黄色刺激对雏鸡啄羽行为的影响不显著。②雏鸡的的印记的敏感期的结束时间,应该是在3周龄至5周龄之间的某个时间。试验三试验设计试验3采用2种饲养环境(沙浴环境和贫瘠环境)及5种群体结构(1只雏鸡、3只雏鸡鸡、5只雏鸡鸡、7只雏鸡、9只雏鸡)的试验设计。试验结果随着群体中鸡数目的减少、雏鸡数目的增加,雏鸡的啄物行为、啄地行为、盯物行为表现的平均值会随之减少,而雏鸡的啄羽行为表现的平均值却会随之增加;雏鸡采食行为表现的平均值会随之增加。结论①群体中雏鸡个体增多,会使雏鸡之间的互动性增强,会增加啄羽行为的发生机会和次数。②群体中雏鸡数目在一定范围内的增多,可以增加雏鸡的采食行为的次数,但是不能确定采食量的变化。

【Abstract】 The feather-pecking is one kind of non-battle unusual behaviour that the birds strike and pluck companion’s feather.The investigation has showed that many birds have this kind of behaviour. Once the feather-pecking addiction appears,it will spread quickly in the entire group.The prevalence rate may reach above 80%and the mortality rate is approximately 50%sometimes.At present,many researches have been focused on the lack of malnutrition,the bad breeding condition,and stress,but the factor of behaviour that is effected by environment has beeen rarely known.From the point of view of behaviour,in order to investigate the effect of sandy condition and barren condition,different colors,the interactition between the chicks and the different time’s stimulations outside the chick’s fether-pecking behaviour,this research took the chicks as the experimental objects and investigation that the effect of the early conditional sensitive time and the condition imprinting characteristic,the effect of color stimulation at different times on the chicks’ feather-pecking behaviour and the effect of interaction in the group on the feather-pecking behaviour’s development.Different numerary Hailanbai chicks were selected in the three experiments and each experiment lasted 14 weeks.Experiments 1Experimental design The experimental design included two kinds of raising condition (sandy condition and barren condition) and three sensitive periods of early conditional experience (between 0 to 2 weeks,0 to 4 weeks and 0 to 6 weeks).Result The feather-pecking times of the chick that raised in the sandy condition is higher than those that raised in the barren condition,but feather-pecking correlative behaviour times were higher in sandy condition.The chick can also have the feather-pecking behaviour in sandy condition,but it’s reduced.When breeding condition was changed at the 3rd week,the behaviour change tendency is similar to the tendency in new condition,so the effect of changing breeding condition is remarkable.When breeding condition was changed at the 5th and 7th week,the behaviour change tendency is similar to the tendency in the original condition,so the effect of changing breeding condition is not remarkable.Conclusion(1) Sandy condition can reduce the feather-pecking behaviour relatively to the barren condition,but cannot change it completely.(2) The most effective imprinting time for feather-pecking behaviour of chicks was the first four weeks after being borned.The environmental conditions seemed not affect the behaviour of object-pecking and staring at object.The results also suggested that the early environmental experience could only modify feather-pecking at older age, but could not completely change it at all.Experiments 2Experimental design The experimental design included two kinds of raising condition (sandy condition and barren condition),four time points to begin color stimulation(0 week age,3 weeks age,5 weeks age,and 9 weeks age),and four colors(red,yellow,blue,and green).Result Under green stimulating,the chick’s object-pecking behaviour is the most,the feather-pecking is the least.Under blue stimulating,the chick’s feather-pecking,being pecked behaviour and stating at object behaviour are the most.Under red stimulating,the chick’s feather-pecking and being pecked behaviour are the least,the ground-pecking is the most;the yellow stimulating is not remarkable to the chick’s feather-pecking and the correlative behaviour. As the time(0 week age,3 weeks age,5 weeks age,9 weeks age) of color stimulating is later,the feather-pecking,being-pecked,ground-pecking behaviour are less,but the object-pecking behaviour is more.Conclusion(1) green and red stimulating can reduce the feather-pecking or being pecked behaviour by "the shift" principle,but can not eliminate the feather-pecking behaviour.The blue stimulating may increase the feather-pecking behaviour and the yellow stimulating doesn’t have obvious effect on feather-pecking behaviour.(2) The imprnting time of young chicken should end some time between 3 week age to 5 week age.Experiments 3Experimental design The experimental design included two kinds of raising condition (sandy condition and barren condition),and five kinds of communities structures(1 young chicken, 3 young chickens,5 young chickens,7 young chickens and 9 young chickens).Result In the community,with the decreasing number of the other object chicken and the increasing number of chick,the mean of object-pecking,ground-pecking,stating at object reduce, but the feather-pecking behaviour increases.In the experimental group,but the chick’s feeding behaviour increases.Conclusion(1) Increasing the number of young chicken,the chick’s interaction may enhance and the occurrence frequency of feather-pecking behaviour is more.(2) In the community, increasing the number of young chicken appropriately may increase the feeding behaviour,but can not determine the change of the foraging quantity.
