

【作者】 孙娟

【导师】 鲁洪生;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《诗经·大雅》是周代礼乐文化的重要组成部分,对后代的礼乐文明和古典诗学都产生过十分重要的影响。先儒和时贤们都认为,大雅31篇中,前18篇为正大雅,是西周初年周公制礼作乐和召公教化成王的作品。王道衰败、政教不行,于是变雅出现。本文在前贤研究的基础上,充分利用出土的金石文献和现代文艺理论思想,从雅乐的来源入手,全面探讨《大雅》礼乐的产生、形成、体制、思想,礼乐功能、形成规律和价值意义。并对正雅和变雅进行了比较。第一至第五章为提交答辩部分,主要包括以下几个方面的内容。第一章绪论,为概述部分。首先说明选题的理由、根据、意义和研究方法等。其次,在全面回顾《大雅》与礼乐关系研究的基础上,总结分析出学界对《大雅》礼乐研究的成绩和存在的主要问题。第二章考察《大雅》的由来与礼乐关系。三代以来,出于政治方面的原因,形成了功成作乐的传统;正大雅,也就是周公制作的仪式之礼和召公的教化礼乐由此产生。“雅”最早出现在《诗经》中,是指雅诗,就像在文王、武王在文武旁边加上王字一样,是周人“其命维新”的产物。雅从牙从隹,牙是挂编钟的架案上的图案,像牙,就是《诗经》中“崇牙树羽”的牙;也因此,雅的命名本身含有音乐的成分。隹初为凤鸟图案,是东夷文化的象征,在甲骨文中常常在王的名字上面,只有文化意义,因此,被语言学界认为是虚词。第三章考察《大雅》礼乐的形成。首先考察雅分大小和雅分正变的原因及其有关情况。其次,探讨《大雅》礼乐的形成。指出西周建立政权后,为了证明周人政权的合法性,天命在周,周虽旧邦,其命维新,威临天下,在洛邑告成,还政成王之前,周公制礼作乐,完成了正大雅仪式礼乐14篇。为了平息宗室的猜忌,配合周公东征,召公担任教导成王的任务,于是出现了《假乐》以下4篇教化礼乐作品,因此,正大雅计18篇。第四章考察《大雅》三什的确立和礼乐体制。考定至少在公元前600年左右,《大雅》的体制已经形成,在时间上比季札观乐又提前了25年左右,因此提出孔子没有删定过《诗经》,只是正乐。《大雅》三什的确立,有其丰富的礼乐涵义。第五章正大雅礼乐的分类研究。正大雅礼乐由仪式之礼和教化之礼组成,仪式之礼主要是宗祀和郊祀两个部分,周代宗文崇武,祭祀文王于明堂,以配上帝;郊祀后稷以配天。而教化之礼乐的作者是召公,为教导成王而作。在正大雅的礼乐中,充分利用了天命学说和礼乐功能,提出道德范畴,将历史神话化,也借助梦境与传说作为证据,因此其中饱含着政治智慧。如《棫朴》本为大姒的梦,在《大雅》中演化为其命维新的证据和“谶纬”。“棫”,在《诗经》中共出现过四次,都在“文王之什”中,是为了强化说明武翦商是天意、天命在周的思想观念。正大雅的礼乐思想主要表现为天人合一的审美理想、天下一统的政治思想、有德是辅的建国理念、制礼作乐的和谐思想、政教合一的教化思想等几个方面,后来成为儒家思想的基石。

【Abstract】 <ShiJing·DaYa> is one of critical components for Zhou Dynasty Courtesy & Entertainment Culture, it impacts deeply unborn culture and classical poetry. Ancestor and worthy persons think, in <Da Ya> 31st Chapter, former 18 Chapters are official DaYa, they are productions towards early XiZhou Dynasty Courtesy & Entertainment of Zhou Father and Zhao Father teaching King. Country is downfall, policy system not works, therefore revised Ya culture is emergent. Base on the research of worthy persons, my thesis fully use come out of land JinShi Literature and modern Literature theory ideology, from Da Ya source, extensively discuss Da Ya (Elegant & Entertainment) produce, form, system, antilogy, function, come into discipline and value. And compare official Da Ya with revised Da Ya, from Chapter 1 to 5 is submission answer part, mainly include follow parts.Chapter I introduction part: firstly explain the reason why I select this topic, foundation, significance and research method. Secondly, base on extensively review Da Ya and Ceremonial music’s relationship, point out academe’s performance for <Da Ya> Ceremonial music Study and Issue.Chapter II observe <Da Ya> origin and it’s relationship with Ceremonial music. During three generations, because of policy reason, form the tradition which is to entertainment after success. Official Da Ya, it is that Zhou Father produces Courtesy & Entertainment and Zhao Father civilizes Courtesy & Entertainment.“Ya”originally present to <ShiJing> which is only for ceremonial music production to develop a new word, just as add“Wang”beside“Wen Wang and Wu Wang”, it is“His Life Reform”outcome.“Ya”is the combination from“ya”and“zhui”,“ya”is the picture from Hanging Plait Bell Frame, looks like“ya”, it is the same“ya”in <ShiJing>“Cong ya Shu Yu”; Therefore, Ya’s naming cover music factor. Zhui originally is the Phoenix Bird Pattern, it is the symbol about East & West culture, in Pioneer Chinese Character, zhui often put above Wang, only means culture.Chapter III reviews <Da Ya> Ceremonial music‘s production. Firstly study Big & Small Ya and Zheng Da differentiation reason and related information. Secondly study Da Ya Ceremonial music’s form. I point out, after Xi Zhou establish government, in order to prove Zhou People gain government legally and it is the Heaven Direction, although Zhou is a former nation, but Zhou’s life reform, have capability to manage the whole country. After successfully win Luo Yi War, before become a new Kingdom, Zhou Father produce Ceremonial music, complete Zheng Da Ya 14 Chapters. In order to calm down imperial clan’s suspicious jealous, cooperate with Zhou Father Eastern Expansion, Zhao Father coaches the future new King, then become < Jia Le> and following 4 Chapters LiYue works, eventually Zheng Da Ya is totally 18 Chapters.Chapter IV reviews <Da Ya> San Shi establishment and Ceremonial music’s System. Verify that <Shi Jing>, and included <Da Ya> system has built up 500 years BC, they are ahead of Ji Zhai Guan Yue System 25 years, also check that Confucius did not cutout <ShiJing>, only edit Ceremonial music. <Da Ya> San Shi establishment, implicates Ceremonial music’s meaning.Chapter V is for Zheng Da Ya Li assortment research. Zheng Da Ya Li composes of Ceremonial Li and Civilized Li. Ceremonial Li includes Temple offer sacrifices and Suburb offer sacrifices. In Zhou Dynasty, memorize Wen Wang in Bright Hall to match up King; and Suburb offer sacrifices, use Millet to match up Heaven. The author of teaching’s Ceremonial music is Zhao Father, his purpose to coach some one to become a new King. In Zheng Da Ya’s Ceremonial music, fully use Fatality Theory and Ceremonial music’s Function, treat real history as mythology, also use dreamland and tale to be a proof, therefore there are many political wisdom. For example, <Yu Pu> is originally the dream, in <Da Ya> performs the proof for their reform country.“Yu”,appears 4 times in <Shi Jing>, all in“Wen Wan Zhi Shi”, to enhance this core spirit that Wu Wang dying out Shang is providence and Fatality’s mission is Zhou.Zheng Da Ya’s Theory of Li and music mainly represents the taste & ideal for Combination of Heaven & Human Being, as well as Unionize Country, use morals to support Country Establishment, both Courtesy and Joyful harmonious mentality, also represents combination of Policy and Education Theory.
