

【作者】 刘天华

【导师】 陈新夏;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 自然、社会以及人自身的存在和发展是差异多样的,这种多样性差异是世界存在和发展的内在推动力,社会进步和人的自由全面发展也要通过历史发展实践中的差异不平衡、人的差异个性之间以及与类本质共性的矛盾运动来实现。当今世界经济全球化趋势日趋深入,和平、发展、合作成为不可逆转的时代潮流,在这种全球化价值趋同的时代背景下,一体与多元并存的历史时空为人类带来更多新的思考和选择。原先一成不变的坚定信念、价值观和生活方式有了变化和更多的可能,个人和社会都得到了更广阔的发展空间和自由。时代背景的变化促使人们之间不同价值观理念的相互理解,彼此认同,经济全球化导致的社会和个人发展的趋同性、同质化趋势正在不断加强。同时,也带来了新的冲突和对差异的更多关注。随着社会的发展,人类个体的主体意识也不断形成和强化,个体的生存能力越来越强,生存和发展方式的个体差异愈来愈大,发展维度越来越多元化,社会的个人化和个体主体的分化趋势也越来越强。人类个体生存发展的意义与价值遭遇到了新的危机和挑战,在长期的历史进程中形成的文化价值理念和生存发展理想受到了根本的冲击,促使人们把个体的生存与发展从一个现实的即成事实提升为必须加以研究探讨的时代课题,要求我们要不断促进个体自我的适时创新。本文从差异现象和价值视角来考察日益变化着的现实世界和人类生活,立足于当代中国社会主义市场经济条件下人类个体生存发展的经验现实,通过差异与共存的辨证思考去把握人类个体的生存与发展方式,以图超越理想和现实的冲突寻求人的个体生存发展的内在本质和价值取向。科学和社会愈是向前发展,对差异和共存、共生关系的考察愈是重要。我们既要看到个体生存发展趋势中社会群体为个体生存发展提供基本的保证,也要看到个体生存发展的差异多元化为社会群体和人类延续提供新的动力和可能空间。差异共存是社会和人类发展的现实状态,亦是一种价值原则和发展理念。我们面对的是一个多样性差异共存的统一社会,需要一个丰富多彩的自由空间以发展每一个人的自由个性。人们尊重、认同和包容的差别越多,就越能更好地相聚在一种互相理解的氛围之中。无论有何差异,坚持求同存异,对话合作,共生共荣、共同生存都是我们理智的价值抉择。而要想做到这一点,交往实践起着决定性的作用,从人的生活实践和个体的交往维度看,差异共存,共生和谐也是人类能够和平共处,构建和谐生活的基本原则。差异共存以容忍异质性和他者为前提,一方面要求互相关照、共同生存、一道发展,一方面强调差异多元、丰富多样的个体生存发展方式,要求建构面向每一个个体的开放性社会关系结构、培养具有主体性和异质多样性的个性人格,促使人类个体的共同发展。对于现实的具体的个人而言,差异共存强调突出个人的个性化的生存与发展方式和不同的价值抉择,同时又不排斥他者的生存与发展方式,合理接受社会认同的普遍价值观和同质化生存与发展方式。因为只有在统一共生、共存共荣的社会里,个人的生存发展才能获得真正意义上的自由解放,在差异基础上的共同生存和发展是构成个体实践的基本原则和人类自由的恒久动力。

【Abstract】 There are differences and diversities in the existence and development of nature, society and human being itself, which are the inherent impetus to the existence and development of the world. The social advancement and the all-round development of human being itself come true by the contradiction motion of the differential imbalance, the differential individualities of human being.Nowadays economic globalization trend of the world is deepening, and peace, development and cooperation become the irreversible trend. With the development of mankind society, and with the forming and strengthening of the individual subject consciousness, the individual differences existing in the developing consciousness is bigger and bigger,the particular survival ability is stronger and stronger,and there are more and more differential personalities between individuals. At the same time, economic globalization leads to assimilation among different nations and individuals.From the standpoint of the differential phenomena and value, beginning with the practical reality of the existence and development of human individual, and under the circumstance of the Chinese socialist market economy, the thesis explores the increasingly changing world and human life. By thinking dialectically, we try to seek inherent essence and value tropism of existence and development of human being in order to exceed the conflicts of ideality and realism. It is more important to probe the different and coexisting world with the science increasingly developing. Therefore, we must realize the social groups provide fundamental guarantee for individuals’survival and development,and also realize the individual diversities provide new dynamic and possible space for social groups and human perpetuation.Difference coexistence is the real state of society and human being’s development,and also one kind of value principle and developing idea. we are facing the unified society with diversity difference coexistence and need free space to develop free personalities of the individual.The more the people respect, accept, and forgive differences, the better they can coexist in an atmosphere of understanding each other. No matter what a different world we have, is it necessary for us to persist in compatible differences so as to seek the common ground, have dialogue and co-operation as well as survive together and mutual prosperity, which are our reasonable value choice.It is the social interaction that plays a decisive role. In the angle of people’s life practice and social interaction of the individual, difference coexistence is the basic principle that human being is able to coexist peacefully, and to construct the harmonious life base.As a premise, Difference coexistence takes up with the heterogeneity and other personality, people should look after each other, coexist and develop. Meanwhile, it should be emphasized to develop plural and various ways of individual survival, construct open social structure for the harmony of human relations, foster individuals to have subjectivity and heterogeneous diversity and promote all of them to develop together.To the concrete individuals,difference coexistence emphasizes that the existing and developing means of the individual personalities and different value choice. At the same time, other existing and developing ways are not exclusive. Common values and homogenized developing ways should be understood and accepted. Only in a unified co-existing and co-prosperous society, can an individual’s surviving and developing ability obtain the free liberation in its real meaning. Based on differences, coexistence and development is the fundamental principle to the individual’practice and the constant driving force of human beings’freedom.

  • 【分类号】B03
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】465