

【作者】 王媛

【导师】 赵敏俐;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《尚书》是我国最早的历史文献,也是我国文学史上一部具有母体性质的经典。由于长期以来,人们对《尚书》史书性质与经学意义的强调与关注,在一定程度上消解了它的文学价值。本文认为,《尚书》的文学性与其史书性质之间并不是矛盾对立的关系,而是相辅相成地构建了《尚书》的典型结构模式,而这正是《尚书》文学成就的集中体现。本文对《尚书》文学成就的研究,是以正确理解《尚书》泛文学特征为前提,在对其作为记言史书的本质属性与文学形式之间的关系进行重新思考的基础上,结合对《尚书》文本的细读而逐步展开的。本文的内容主要包括六个部分。绪论部分主要对现代《尚书》研究的总体状况与文学研究状况进行考察,总结《尚书》文学成就的特殊性,与其他先秦典籍一样,《尚书》也具有鲜明的泛文学特征。这一点决定了在探讨《尚书》文学成就时,必须突破狭隘的纯文学视角,在重新认识历史与文学的关系的基础上展开进一步的研究。第一章是对《尚书》文本生成过程的考察。主要包括《尚书》的传承与演变两方面内容。先秦时代是《尚书》由孕育到初生的一段时期。在此期间,《尚书》从最早的奴隶制王朝的历史档案和历史文献,经过不断地积累、汇聚和结集,在周代史官的整理下初步建立起了按王朝分类的基本格局。在流传过程中,它的内容多有散失。春秋战国之际,诸子百家都在客观上对古史资料的钩稽做出了努力,特别是儒家对《尚书》的整编和创制,奠定了后世《尚书》的总体结构框架。进入汉代,《尚书》逐渐完成了由历史典籍向经世大典的转变。在流传的过程中,《尚书》的篇目内容和数量递经变迁,总体来看,《今文尚书》二十八篇基本上代表了先秦《尚书》的形制与面貌。第二章《尚书》篇目编次的整体特征。本章第一节,立足文本着重分析了《今文尚书》篇目编次的编年体特征,即《书》篇之间的先后次序与其内容所涉之历史年代的先后基本一致。在第二节中,主要分析了《尚书》编年体式的特殊性。通过对《书》篇实际作成时间进行考察发现,其与《尚书》在整体结构上的编年次序并不一致,《尚书》的编年体形式实际上是春秋战国时代学者对《书》篇进行纂辑时赋予它的一种新的体例。第三章《尚书》文本结构的两种基本模式。本章第一节,主要分析了外在于《书》篇而存在的编年体形式。通过对《书》篇中时间要素的存在形式进行考察,可以看出《尚书》记言本质对其文本结构的内在规定性,《尚书》整体结构上体现出来的编年特征,并不能说明它就是一部严格的编年体著作,而只是在篇目编次中具有一定的编年体意味。第二节,主要分析了《尚书》以记言为主体内容诸篇的结构特征。通过对《书》篇中记叙部分基本形式的分析,确定其在构建《书》篇结构中的特殊作用,总结《尚书》记言的基本结构单元。在此基础上,对《书》篇的两种基本结构范式进行归纳与概括。第四章《尚书》中叙事文本的结构特征。《今文尚书》中还有四篇以记叙为主要内容的《书》篇,即《尧典》、《禹贡》、《金縢》和《顾命》。本章先在第一节对这四篇作品中记叙部分的结构分别进行具体分析,然后在第二节梳理和总结它们在记叙结构上的共同特征。主要包括记叙部分在《书》篇中的地位、《书》篇中记叙与记言部分的结构关系、记叙的人称以及记叙部分的语言特征等四个方面。第五章《尚书》记言部分的结构特征。这一章是对《书》篇中的记言部分进行专门分析。第一节着重分析《书》篇中记言与记叙部分的不同形式特征,说明二者是构建《书》篇双重结构的重要方面。第二节说明《书》篇双重结构的内部实际上包括两个基本层次,表层是史官记叙,内核是篇中记言,前者是《尚书》记言的基本形式,后者是《书》篇内容的表意核心,二者在内容、职能与语言形式等方面存在巨大差异,同时又相互协调相互统一,共同生成《尚书》文本的典型结构样式。第三节总结《书》篇中记言部分的结构类型,首先从讲话人数的角度,将言论划分为独白式与对话式;再从对白式言论中论述形式的差异,划分为化解式与建设式;从对话关系的角度,将对话式记言划分为问对式与普通式。此外,对以记叙为主要内容的《书》篇中记言部分的结构特征,也进行相应的分析。

【Abstract】 <Shangshu> is not only the oldest history literature, but also the classics which has matrilineal character in Chinese literature history. The emphasis and focus on history and classics character debased the literature value to some extend in a long time. The author thinks the relationship between the literature character and the history character is not contradictory, but supplement each other, which is the outstanding exhibition for literature success of <Shang shu>. This paper progresses on the bases of right comprehension and new consideration for the relationship between basic character and literature formation of <Shang shu>.This paper includes six chapters:The introduction mainly reviews the general condition and literature study condition of <Shang shu> in modern times. The conclusion finds <Shang shu> possesses the lively literature character, which determines the necessary of father study on <Shang shu> on the base of renew realization for the relationship between history and literature.The first chapter mainly studies the forming process, which include the spread and development of <Shang shu>. <Shang shu> processed from gestation to newborn in the earlier Qin dynasty. During the time, <Shang shu> accumulated constantly from the history archive and documents for slave dynasty to the basic arrangement classified by dynasty time in Zhou dynasty. Some of file of <Shang shu> has been loosed during the spread. The various schools of thought and their exponents arrange the history documents to their best, especially to the realignment and creation, which formed the general construction formation of <Shang shu>. <Shang shu> finished the change from the history documents to the grand classics gradually in Han dynasty. <jin wen Shang shu> teached by Mr. fusheng took the responsibility of inheriting civilization mission, and became one of the Chinese traditional culture. The competition and fight between ancient and modern Confucius Classics, the discussion between true or false of <Shang shu> accompanied the Confucius Classics study history continually. Though the subject matter and quantity of <Shang shu> changed times and again, the twenty-eight chapter of <Jin wen Shang shu> was considered the most actual and reliable by the academic circle gradually.The second chapter mainly discusses the general character of the order of arrangement of <Shang shu > contents. The first section discusses the annalistic style for order of arrangement. The second section discusses the special character of annalistic style mainly. This paper finds the annalistic order of <Shu> volume differs from the order of <Shang shu>. The annalistic formation of <Shang shu> was a new style created by scholars in Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. The third chapter discusses the two basic mode of <Shang shu> text formation.The first section canalized annalistic style external <Shu> volume. The annalistic character in general construction doesn’t prove <Shang shu> as a strict annalistic words, but expresses certain annalistic implication during the list order. The second section analyses construction character of other volumes. This paper ascertains the special effect of speech recording segment on constructing <Shu> volume and summarizes the basis structure unit of <Shang shu> narrative segment. Two basic construction modes has been concluded and summarized based on the analysis.The fourth chapter discussed the construction character of narrative text of <Shang shu>. There are four narrative volumes, including <Yao dian>, <Yu gong>, <jin teng> and <Gu ming>. The first section specifically analyses the construction of narrative segment for these four volumes. The second section arranges and summarizes the common character on narrative construction for these four volumes.The main contents include the position of narrative text in <Shu> volume, the construction relationship between narration and speech recording, narrative appellation and the language character of narrative segment. The fifth chapter discusses the construction character of speech recording in <Shang shu>. The first section mainly analyzes the different style character of speech recording and narration segment in <Shu> volume. Speech recording and narration form the important factors for the double construction when writing <Shu> volume. The second section explains the two basic levels in double construction: the surface levels is the narration by history official and the internal level is the speech recording. The former is the basis style of speech recording and the latter is the core of <Shu> volume text. Thought the contents and function and speech style differ widely, narration and speech recording coordinate and produce the classic construction style. The third section summarizes the construction type of speech recording segment in <Shu> volume. The speech has been divided into monologue and dialogue from the point of speech numbers first, and divided into reconciliation and reconstruction from the point of discussion formation, and divided question-answer style and ordinary style from the point of dialog relationship. This chapter also discusses the construction style of speech recording segment in <Shu> volume.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】564