

The Neural Basis of Regret in Decision-making

【作者】 陈满琪

【导师】 方平;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 后悔是与决策具有密切关联的情绪。后悔是由选择选项的结果与未选择选项的更好结果之间的反事实比较过程产生的。虽然后悔在行为研究上已日益深入,但是关于后悔的电生理学表现仍然了解甚少。对于后悔电生理学研究的欠缺表现在两个方面。首先,从后悔的加工时程来看,研究尚需探明在面对决策结果直到后悔情绪产生,个体的加工经历了哪些过程以及这些加工进程表现出何种特征,反事实思维在该过程中如何起作用。其次,从后悔情绪的唤醒程度来看,研究尚需探讨后悔的唤醒程度是否受到决策结果奖惩程度以及作为效应等因素的影响,这种影响具有何种电生理学的表现。研究采用运气轮博弈范式,通过四个系列实验试图在该范式的背景下对上述两方面做出探索与解释。通过记录与分析给予个体的反馈刺激所诱发的ERPs,以此了解后悔的电生理学表现,从而为决策过程中后悔的神经机制研究提供更多的证据。研究结果如下:(1)反馈刺激呈现后,在200~300ms决策错误比决策正确诱发了一个更为负走向的波,表现为典型的反馈负波;在300~400ms决策正确比决策错误诱发更大的P300;在更长的时程500~900ms决策正确比决策错误诱发更大的晚正成分,并且表现出明显的右半球优势效应;(2)反馈负波对决策正确与错误敏感,但对得失以及得失的强度大小不敏感;P300对反馈刺激的效价不敏感,但P300对决策结果中得失的方向和强度敏感;晚正成分对得失强度不敏感,但在晚正成分与决策正误、得失方面具有复杂的表现,三者之间表现出相互的交互作用,晚正成分对决策正误的敏感似乎受到了得失的调节,同样对得失的敏感也受到了决策正误的调节;(3)在小赌注的决策情况下,决策错误比决策正确诱发更大的反馈负波,决策正确比决策错误诱发更为正走向的P300,但晚正成分的波幅在决策正确与决策错误之间没有显著的差异;(4)考察反馈负波、P300和晚正成分与赌注大小的关系发现,大赌注的反馈负波波幅大于小赌注的反馈负波,这种差异仅存在于额区和额中央区;大赌注的P300波幅大于小赌注,这种差异仅存在于额区和额中央区;大赌注与小赌注的晚正成分波幅没有显著的差异;(5)拒绝——错误比接受——错误诱发更大的晚正成分,表现出明显的作为效应,接受——正确与拒绝——正确之间所诱发的晚正成分不具有显著的差异。通过上述研究结果表明:在运气轮博弈范式下,反馈负波主要反映了个体对反馈刺激所给予的决策正误等显著性信息加工的过程,并且其波幅表现出对奖励等级的部分敏感性;P300主要对反馈刺激中的结果奖励程度进行编码,奖励程度的不同使得刺激具有不同的动机和情绪强度;晚正成分主要反映了决策正误后诱发的情绪体验。由于反馈负波、P300以及晚正成分在诸多方面表现出非一致性,三者在反馈刺激的加工过程中似乎独立地起着不同的作用,从而可能存在着功能上的分离。这种分离与后悔加工的时程具有密切的关系,体现了个体在面对决策结果直到后悔情绪产生所经历的加工过程。

【Abstract】 Regret is an emotion associated with a decision that turns out badly. It is classically elicited by a comparison between the outcome of a choice (what is) and the better outcome of foregone rejected alternatives (what might have been). This comparison process is counterfactual thinking. Though regret has been deeply understood in behavior, its neural basis is still known little. It mainly embodies two aspects. On one hand, as far as regret’s process concerned, there are many questions to be solved. The first one is what course has experienced from facing decision making outcome to producing regret. The second one is what features those processes are. One the other hand, as far as regret arousal concerned, there are many questions to be solved. The first one is whether regret arousal is affected by the magnitude of rewards and punishment and action effect. The second one is whether those influence will response on electrophysiological index.In order to explore above-mentioned questions, research conducts four series experiments by using wheel-of-fortune. Four experiments probe into regret electrophysiological characteristic through recording and analyzing event-related brain potentials(ERPs) induced by the decision-making outcomes. These experiments showed that: (1) after 200~300ms providing the feedback stimuli, decision-making error induces more negative wave than correctness, which labeled as feedback-related negativity(FRN); Decision-making correct induces more positive P300 than error after 300~400ms of the feedback stimuli onset; Decision-making correct induces more positive late positive component (LPC) than error after 500~900ms of the feedback stimuli onset, and this phenomena show significant right hemispheric specialization. (2) FRN is only sensitive to decision-making correct or error and insensitive to gain-and-loss or its magnitude; P300 is insensitive to the valence of feedback stimuli, but sensitive to gain-and-loss and its magnitude; LPC is insensitive to the magnitude of gain-and-loss, but the relationship amongst LPC、decision-making correct and gain-and-loss is very complicate, because this three interact with each other. The sensitivity of LPC on decision-making correct or error is seemly modulated by gain-and-loss, in the same way the sensitivity of LPC on gain-and-loss is seemly modulated by decision-making correct or error. (3) As far as small gamble concerned, error induces more negative FRN than correct, and correct induces more positive P300 than error, but LPC has no significant differences between correct and error. (4) When discussing the relationship between gamble’s magnitude and FRN or P300 or LPC, researches find out that: Firstly, large gamble’s amplitude of FRN is higher than small gamble, which only consist in Fz and FCz; Secondly, large gamble’s amplitude of P300 is higher than small gamble, which only consist in Fz and FCz; Thirdly, the amplitude of LPC has no significant differences between large and small gamble. (5) Reject/error induces more positive LPC than accept/error, which is consistent with action effect There is no significant differences on the amplitude of LPC between accept/correct and reject/correct.The results above show that: (1) Under the paradigm of wheel-of-fortune, FRN mainly process the significant information provided by feedback stimuli, which indicate subject’s decision is correct or error. Moreover its amplitude is partly sensitive to grade of reward-and-punishment. (2) P300 mostly encodes magnitude of reward-and-punishment. Different reward-and-punishment affect the intensity of motivation and emotion. (3) LPC mainly reacts on emotional experience which is induced by correct and error. Due to those three show inconsistent on such aspects, researcher speculate that they have different functions during procession feedback stimuli. The functional dissociations is related to regret processing time, and indicates the time course facing decision making outcome to producing regret.

  • 【分类号】C934;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】992