

Research on Agriculter Coopration Economic Insititutions and Its Operation Mechanism

【作者】 杨荫

【导师】 胡振鹏;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 党的十六届五中全会正式提出建设社会主义新农村,“十一五”发展规划确立了建设社会主义新农村的战略目标。而建设社会主义新农村就必须发展农业产业化,发展农业产业化就必须发展农业合作经济组织。所以,根据我国当前农村的改革和发展形势,思考、探索、规范和发展农村合作经济组织就成为我国农村工作的重点。农业合作经济组织是现代化农业发展的重要制度供给,在当前乃至今后的农业现代化过程中都将是举足轻重的。首先,农业合作经济组织是农业产业化的重要载体,它将分散的农民联合起来作为整体与龙头企业发展合作关系,降低了龙头企业与大量分散的农户合作时的签约成本、履约成本、监督成本、管理成本和经营风险,增加了合作的效率,增强了其带动作用;其次,农业合作经济组织提高了农民进入市场的组织化程度,解决了“小农户”和“大市场”之间的矛盾,在保持了农户独立经营的同时,又克服了单家独户在经营中的局限性,使加入合作组织的农户形成经济利益上的共同体。第三,农业合作经济组织将农民和市场连接起来,成为农民、企业和市场的纽带,将分散的农户组织起来生产经营,以达到规模经济,并对瞬息万变的市场做出灵敏的反应,积极应对市场的千变万化。第四,农业合作经济组织本身也是农业产业化的一种重要组织形式,它以现代企业的形式出现,带领农民参与组织生产、开拓市场、销售经营,成为农民自己的龙头企业,并以自身的发展壮大加快和推动了农业产业化的发展。农业合作经济组织不仅对外协调统一应对市场的变化,维护合作经济组织的整体利益,而且对于组织成员内部也发挥着协调各方利益、维护各成员之间经济利益和其他权益的作用。第五,政府可以通过农业合作经济组织向下贯彻落实党的路线、方针和政策;农民可以通过农业合作经济组织向上表达自己的要求、愿望和呼声,提高谈判地位和谈判能力,维护自己的利益。农民是社会的最大弱势群体,同时又是最大的弱势市场主体,这使得农民在社会和市场中均处于弱势地位,这种双重的弱势地位使得农民的市场谈判能力和社会谈判能力都很弱。农业合作经济组织的发展壮大可以增强和保障农民的谈判地位,增强和提高农民的谈判能力,农民的利益会得到保护,社会主义新农村建设也会早日实现。我国还处于初级发展阶段,农业虽然是国民经济的基础,目前开始进入工业反哺农业的新阶段,但农业目前仍相当落后,再加上农业本身的弱质产业性质,许多地方农民合作经济组织的发展条件还不够成熟,也因此带来了不少地方由于人为意志强行发展而造成很不规范的事实,这给其进一步的发展造成了严重的制约。只有建立了运行机制,农业合作经济组织才会产生自组织发展的原动力,才能逐渐发挥出应有的作用。正基于此,有关农业合作经济组织及其机制的研究就显得十分必要,本文通过理论与实践相结合对其进行深入研究必将具有较强的实践指导意义。本文的研究结构具体如下。第一章,导论。主要介绍文章的研究主题、选题依据、背景及国内外研究状况,此外,指出文章的难点与创新点;第二章,农业合作经济组织的理论分析。本章的主要目的是为本文的写作提供一定的理论支持,介绍现阶段关于农业合作经济组织的理论基础。就目前而言,主要包括以下几种理论支持:农业合作经济组织理论、产业组织理论、农业产业化经营理论、农户合作行为的微观经济分析、交易费用理论、农户行为理论、农民集体行动理论、农户家庭生产模型等。第三章,农业合作经济组织发展历程。中国的合作经济思想有两个来源:一是来自西方国家本源的合作制,二是来自前苏联体制的合作化,并曾在不同的时期、不同的环境下进行过实践,由于历史的原因发生过曲折、间断和扭曲。就我国农业合作经济组织的发展来看,主要经历了两个阶段:传统农业合作社和新型农业合作经济组织。由于市场竞争的日趋激烈、农民小生产与全国大市场的联结、农业科技成果的转化等亟待新的合作组织,新型农业合作经济组织逐渐取代了传统农业合作组织。同时也产生了新的农业合作经济组织形式,如,承包经营型、合同契约型、市场联结型、股份合作型等。本章介绍了如何选择农业合作经济组织形式的方式。第四章,国内外农业合作经济组织模式比较。当前,我国农业合作经济组织模式主要有“公司+农户”、“专业市场+农户”、“合作组织+农户”等,虽然较传统农业合作组织模式有较大进步,但仍存在较多问题,譬如,合作社内农民信心不足、农业合作经济组织缺乏各种管理和科技人才等。为进一步完善新型农业合作经济组织模式,本章介绍了国外所采取的农业合作经济组织模式,通过同我国新型农业合作经济组织模式的相比较,并分析其原因,寻找如何提高我国农业合作经济组织模式的有效途径。第五章,农业合作经济组织模式的选择。首先,从产权性质、产权结构的变迁与多样性两个角度,对农业合作经济组织模式进行剖析;其次,介绍农业合作模式的技术依据——禀赋约束与资产特征。从技术层面上获得了有关合作模式选择依据的研究性结论如下:经济资源(尤其是收入水平、生产信贷环境)充裕、人力资源优良、市场规模较大、农户进行合作的资产专用度较高时,农业合作经济组织倾向采用规范度高、结构紧密、统一实施管理与协调的实体性组织模式来运作经营;而地区的经济资源约束较强、人力素质偏低、市场发育迟缓、组织资产专用度较低时,开展农业专业合作的模式应采取灵活、规范度低、结构松散的、规模较小的组织类型;后者通过持续的发展和积累,在其经济能力和组织达到一定水平和规模时,存在向前者转化的组织行为动机。第六章,我国农业合作经济组织的运行机制。截至目前,农业合作经济组织的运行机制主要有龙头企业带动型、市场带动型、合作经济组织带动型等,本章分别对这三种运行机制进行了深入分析。此外,还介绍了我国农业合作经济组织经营内部系统的机制。第七章,江西茶产业的实证分析。近年来,随着江西茶产业经济结构的逐步调整,以名优茶开发为主导,内销市场逐步完善,外贸体制改革不断深入,江西茶产业经济状况有所好转,但从总体上讲仍然处于调整期,笔者通过实证分析对江西茶产业进行研究,分析了影响茶叶总产量的因素。其次,对江西茶产业的各种产业组织形式进行比较,提出了产业组织形式的创新方式和政策建议。第八章,结论与建议。农业产业化微观组织的生成、演进与创新是农业市场化进程的结果,并且依赖于市场制度的发育与完善。在此基础上,本章提出了发展我国农业合作经济组织的思路及政策建议,以促进其稳定、健康的发展。

【Abstract】 The Fifth Plenum of the 16th formally proposed Building Socialist New Village, "Eleventh Five Year" development plan established building Socialist New Village strategic objectives. While building Socialist New Village it is necessary to develop agricultural industrialization, develop agricultural industrialization it is necessary to develop agricultural cooperative economic organizations. Therefore, according to China’s current rural reform and development situation, to think, explore, norms and the development of rural cooperative economic organizations have become the focus of China’s rural work.Agricultural cooperative economic organizations is the important supply system of modern agriculture development, In the current and future agricultural modernization process will be decisive.First, the agricultural cooperative economic organizations is an important carrier of agricultural industrialization, It will unite scattered farmers as a whole and establish cooperative relations with leading enterprises, reduce the cooperation contract costs, compliance costs, monitoring costs, the cost of management and operating risks between leading enterprises and the large numbers of farmers, and enhance the cooperation efficiency, enhanced its leading role; Second, agricultural cooperative economic organizations improve the Organizational Degree that Peasants Enter the Market , Solve the Contradictions between Farmers and Big Market, While maintaining the independence of farmers operating at the same time, overcome the limitations of single-family households in the course of operation, so that make the farmer who jointed Cooperation Organization form Community of economic interests. Third, the agricultural cooperative economic organizations will link up farmers and the market, become the bond of farmers, businesses and market, farmers will be scattered organize production and management, so as to achieve economies of scale, make sensitive response to the rapidly changing market, react positively to the ever-changing market. Fourth, the agricultural cooperative economic organization itself is an important Organizational Form of Agricultural Industrialization, It appeared in the form of the modern enterprise, led the farmers to participate in production, market development, sales management, become their leading enterprises, and speed up their own development and growth and promote the industrialization of agriculture development. Agricultural cooperative economic organizations not only harmonize external market changes and maintaining the overall interests of cooperative economic organizations, but for members of the internal organization also play a role on coordinating interests of all parties, safeguarding the economic interests and other interests among the members. Fifth, the government can downward implementation of the party’s line, principles and policies through agricultural cooperative economic organizations; Farmers can upward to express their demands, aspirations and voice through agricultural cooperative economic organizations, improve bargaining position and negotiating capacity, protect their own interests. Peasantry are the Largest Vulnerable Group in the society, At the same time, are the Largest Vulnerable Market Participants, This makes farmers are all in a weak position in the society and the market, Such double vulnerable status makes farmers market bargaining power and social bargaining power are rather weak.The development of Agriculture Cooperative Economics Organization would not only strengthen and ensure the negotiation position of the farmers, but also enhance and improve the negotiation ability of the farmers. Besides, based on the protection of farmers’ profit, the new rural reconstruction would be implemented at an early date. China is still on the elementary development stage. Although agriculture is the basis of the national economy and entering the new phase of industry reverse-fostering agriculture, agriculture is still quite behindhand. Additionally, due to the weakness essential character of agricultural, developing conditions for agriculture cooperative economics organization have not enough enlightened in many places. All of these have brought the fact that peremptory development by man-made will caused some nonstandard cases. This severely restricts the advanced development of this process. Only based on the construction of operation mechanics, the Agriculture Cooperative Economics Organization would produce the motivation from the organization development and exert the inherent role gradually. Accordingly, it is quite necessary to research on Agriculture Cooperative Economics Organization and the operation mechanics. Delved into this thesis by combining theory and practice, this issue surely possesses advanced practical guidance significance. The research framework of this issue is as follows. Chapter One is introduction. It talked mainly about the research topic, gist and background on topic selecting and the review of researches at home and abroad. It also refers the nodes and innovative points. Chapter Two is Theoretical Analysis of Agriculture cooperative Economic Organization. This chapter provides theoretical support for this issue, that is, the introduction of theoretical basis of China’s present Agriculture cooperative Economic Organization. Presently theory support includes the following types: Agricultural Cooperative Economics, Industrial Economics, Agricultural Industrial Economics, Microeconomic Analysis of Farmer Cooperative Behavior, Exchange Fees, Farmer Behavior Theory, Farmer Collectivity Behavior Theory, Farmer Household Production Model and so on. Chapter Three introduces the development of agricultural cooperative organization. Two resources attribute to Chinese cooperative economics. One is the cooperation system of western countries; the other is the cooperation from Soviet Union. And these two resources have been gone through practice under different times and environments. Due to history effect, they underwent flection, discontinuity, and distortion. Judging from the development of our country’s agricultural cooperative economics, it has gone through two stages: traditional agricultural cooperatives and new-type agricultural cooperative economic organization. Due to the increasingly fierce market competition, and answering to the need of combination between farmer micro-production and national market and transformation of agricultural scientific achievements, a new cooperative organization-the new-type agricultural cooperative economic organization gradually replaced the traditional agricultural cooperatives. Meanwhile, new forms of agricultural cooperative economics emerge, such as, contract management, contract bond, market connection, joint stock cooperative system and so on. The thesis introduces how to choose the form of agricultural cooperative organization. Chapter Four briefly introduces the domestic and foreign agricultural cooperative economics models. At present, our country’s agricultural cooperative economics models mainly are:" company + farmer", "market + farmer", " cooperative organization + farmer "and so on. Though, compared with traditional agricultural cooperatives, great progress has been made, various problems still exist. For example, less confidence among the farmers in cooperatives, lack of various management and science and technology talents in agricultural cooperative economics and so on. To further perfect the new-type agricultural cooperative economic organization model, the thesis introduces the agricultural cooperative economic organization model adopted by foreign countries. By comparing with our new-type agricultural cooperative economic organization model and analyzing the reason, effective ways to improve our country’s agricultural cooperative economic organization model are to be found. Chapter Five introduces the choice of agricultural cooperative economic organization model. First, from the two perspectives of variance and variety of property right character and property right construction, analysis is carried out on agricultural cooperative economic organization model; then, it introduces the technical proofs of agricultural cooperative model-gift restriction and asset characteristics. The conclusions acquired on technology aspect related to cooperative model are as follows: when it obtains abundant economic resource (especially income level and production credit environment), good human resources, large market scale, and comparatively high farmer’s asset exclusive use on cooperatives, the organization inclines to adopt an organization model with high criterion, close-knit construction, and unified management and coordination; while with strong regional economic resource restriction, unfavorable human resources, slow market development, and low organization asset exclusive use, the way to launch farmer specified cooperative model should adopt organization model with flexibility, low criterion, lose structure, and small scale. And through sustaining development and accumulation, when its economic ability and organization reach a certain level and scale, the latter can acquire organization behavior motives to transform into the former. Chapter Six induces the management system of our country’s industrial economic organization. Up to now, the management systems of our country’s industrial economic organization mainly are: outstanding enterprises drive, market drive, cooperative economic organization drive and so on. The writer has made deep analysis on the above-mentioned management system respectively. Besides, the mechanism of interior system of our country’s cooperative economic organization is also introduced. Chapter Seven is the demonstration analysis of Jiangxi tea-leaf industry. Recent years, with the gradual adjustment of economic construction of Jiangxi’s tea-leaf industry, leading by famous high quality tea-leaf brands, domestic market is gradually perfected. Along with the continually penetration of foreign trade system, the economic situation of Jiangxi’s tea-leaf industry is better. But as a whole, it’s still under adjustment. The writer has made research on Jiangxi’s tea-leaf industry by demonstration analysis, and analyzed the factors influencing tea-leaf total output. Then, through comparison among various organization forms of Jiangxi’s tea-leaf industry, the writer puts forward the innovation method and policy suggestion about industry organization form. Chapter Eight is the conclusion and suggestion. The formation, evolution and innovation of agricultural industrial micro-organization are the result of agriculture marketing, and rely on the development and perfection of market system. On the basis of all the analysis, the writer put forward the thoughts, strategy and suggestion of developing our country’s agricultural cooperative economic organization, at the aim of promote its stable and healthy development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期