

The Studies for Dunhuang Fresco Character Style in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 黄骏

【导师】 刘健; 卢辅圣;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 中国画实践与理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国人物画的发展有它自己的传承,时值21世纪,我们一直在思考传统和当代的关系问题,也时时在思考传统的价值问题。本文将敦煌壁画作为立论依据,试图从唐代敦煌壁画人物画的经典图像着手,分析它在特定环境中的历史背景、图式风格、文化内涵、时代意义等,也探讨它之于当代中国人物画抑或美术史的重要意义。本文主要从四个时段(唐代以前、初唐、盛唐、中晚唐)论述唐代敦煌壁画人物画的风格特点,重点分析了盛唐的敦煌人物画经典。选择敦煌,是因为它是中国代表性壁画系统的重镇,也是引起世界关注的“敦煌学”诞生地。选择唐代,是因为那个时代与汉代一样,是中国历史上少有的盛世。盛唐敦煌壁画人物画为我们展示了不仅仅是那个时代人的精神面貌或经典艺术风格,它的意义就像我们经常憧憬遥远的古希腊文明或埃及文明一样。敦煌壁画早了欧洲“文艺复兴”近1000年,它的价值在唐代(强大的、雍容的、多元的、宽容的)历史情境中发挥到了极致。它的造型、它的色彩、它的姿态、它的法度、它的气质等,是任何一个朝代难以企及。它创造了经典,也影响了当代。本文采用的研究方法主要有实地考察、图像风格分析、文献史料引证等。

【Abstract】 The Chinese portrait’ s development has its inheritance, in 21st century, we continuously in ponder tradition and contemporary relational question, Also often in ponder the question of tradition’ s value. This article will take the argument basis of the Dunhuang fresco, Attempts to begin from the Dunhuang fresco of Tang Dynasty’ s portrait classical image, Analyzes it historical perspective which appears in the specific environment、Scheme style, cultural connotation, time significance and so on, Also discusses it and the Contemporary China portrait draws up or the history of art vital significance. This article mainly elaborates the Tang Dynasty Dunhuang fresco portrait style characteristic from four time intervals (Tang Dynasty earlier period, at the beginning of Tang, glorious age of Tang poetry, late Tang), Has with emphasis analyzed the glorious age of Tang poetry Dunhuang portrait classics. Chooses Dunhuang, because it is the Chinese representative mural system important town, Also is arouses the world interest the "Dunhuang studies" birthplace. Chooses the Tang Dynasty, Because that time are same and the Han Dynasty, is in the unusual prosperous times in Chinese history. In the Dunhuang fresco portrait had demonstrated for us is not merely that time mental outlook or the classical artistic style, Its significance looks like are same to look forward to frequently the remote ancient Greece civilization or the Egyptian civilization. Dunhuang fresco compared to Europe "Renaissance" early nearly for 1000years, Its value displayed the acme in Tang Dynasty (Formidable, graceful, multi-dimensional, tolerant) history situation. Its modelling, its color, its posture, its law, its makings and so on, Is any dynasty hopes to attain or equal with difficulty. It has created the classics, also has affected the present age. This article uses the research technique mainly has on-the-spot investigation, the image style analysis, the literature historical data adduction and so on.

【关键词】 唐代敦煌壁画人物画风格
【Key words】 Tang DynastyDunhuang frescostyle of Portrait
  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1753